Next To Me Them Across From They Him Between

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A. Put the words in the correct category.

chair kitchen restaurant bathroom bookcase hospital

rooms furniture places

kitchen chair hospital
bathroom bookcase restaurant

B. Circle the correct words.

1. Your cell phone is on the night / bed table.
2. Turn right at the traffic lamps / lights.
3. The food is in the refrigerator / shower.
4. Monica lives on the ground / elementary floor.
5. Go straight / down ahead on and turn left at the school.

Match the questions with the answers.
1. Need any help? a
2. What’s your address? a. Yes, please. Where’s the bathroom?
3. Where’s my camera? e b. It’s next to St. Peter’s Cathedral.
c. Yes, it’s very nice.
4. Where’s the police station? d. It’s 26 Bradford Road.
5. Is there a big yard? e. On the couch.
A. Complete with the correct form of there is/are.
1. A: are there two museums in your neighborhood?
B: No, there is . is only one museum.
2. A: is there a bathroom upstairs, too?
B: Yes, there is.
3. A: are there two presents for you on the table.
B: Thanks!

B. Circle the correct words.

1. The hospital is next to / between the cathedral.
2. Be quiet please, children. Listen to me / I.
3. The dog food is in / in front the cupboard.
4. Your parents have a lot of housework. Help her / them.
5. There’s a police station under / across from my house.
6. Mr. and Mrs. Albert live near our house. They / Them have three sons.
7. I know him / he. He lives on the fourth floor.
8. The restaurant is in / between the gym and the school.

C. Complete with a, an or the.

1. the balcony has a fantastic view.
2. Is there an Italian restaurant in your neighborhood?
3. Mandy always takes her dog for a walk in the park next to her
4. I have a new TV. It’s in the living room.

Listen to three dialogues and choose a or b.

1. What’s on the armchair?

a. the remote control b. a cell phone

2. What don’t they have?

a. a microwave b. a dishwasher

3. Where’s the bank?

a. next to the police station b. next to the hospital

Read the e-mail and write T for True or F for False.

To :
From :
Dear Anna,
Hello! I’m at my new apartment near the campus. It’s great! It’s big and the furniture is
very modern. There is a big living room and a small kitchen. In my bedroom, there is
a bed, a desk, a chair and a night table with a lamp on it. There is also a very stylish
red and orange rug on the floor in front of my bed. In the living room, there’s a couch,
a TV and a bookcase next to the window. The neighborhood is nice, too. Across from
my apartment, there is a large park. Well, I have lots of work to do now.
Take care,
1. Jenny likes her new apartment.
2. There is a stylish rug next to Jenny’s bed.
3. Jenny has a bookcase in her bedroom.
4. There is a small park across from Jenny’s apartment. F

Write a paragraph describing your living room or your bedroom.

in my bedroom we can find a bed, a closet and a laptop.

In front of the bed there is a table, on the left side of the bed the closet inside it
is the clothes and on top of the table a laptop with a chair on the side.
my room only has one window.

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