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Wills and Succession

Cruz, John D.

A. The personalities of the respective characters as regards…

Laughter In Paradise
1. Henry Russel sees death in a comedic way in that he wanted to have the
last laugh with his family. He takes death in a flippant and non serious
2. Denniston, Agnes, Simon, and Herbert Russel saw Henry’s death selfishly in
that their discretion was blinded because of some financial gain.

Daddy’s Dyin… Who’s Got the Will?

1. Buford Turnover is aware of his mortality. When a person dies, he leaves
everything behind him
2. Granma Wheelis knows that life is short. Time is limited to set one’s house
in order.
3. Lurlene, Sara Lea, Orvillle, and Evalita comes home to be with their father
in his final days. Death is the ultimate separation. It is their chance to say
goodbye to their patriarch. Since they have already lost their mother, this
family is no stranger to the tragedy of death.

Laughter In Paradise
1. For Henry Russel, relationship goes beyond death. His practical jokes
transcend death.
2. Denniston Russel values his relationship with his fiancé.
3. Agnes is more of an introvert and has little to do with interpersonal affairs.
4. Simon uses people to his advantage.
5. Herbert Russel is an easy going guy who is friends with everybody.

Daddy’s Dyin… Who’s Got the Will?

1. For Buford, relationships are of paramount importance. Love and
forgiveness in the family is more important than any earthly possession.
2. Lurene does not value her family much. She has not been with them for a
long time.
3. Sara Lee stayed home to be with their dad. This is a picture of a
dysfunctional home.
4. Orville shows little to no kindness to his wife. The fact that they sent their
son to a reform institution means that his family is also in a mess.
5. Evallita has been married six times. Divorce has become a normal thing in
the States.


Laughter In Paradise
1. Henry Russel sees the greed of his family as an opportunity to play a prank
on them. He knows that his earthly possessions may be left to his family.
2. Denniston, Agnes, Simon, and Herbert knows that L50,000 is a lot of money
and they are willing to go the extra mile and do whatever it takes to lay
hold of the money. Love for money usually clouds our judgment.

Daddy’s Dyin… Who’s Got the Will?

1. For Buford, he acknowledges his right to transfer ownership over his estate.
2. Granma Lois knows that her family must have their equitable share over
the inheritance.
3. Sara Lee was willing to distribute her share with Lurene and Orville.
4. Evallita knows her right as one who received her share. She refuses to share
with her siblings.


Laughter In Paradise
1. Henry realizes that he can leave an inheritance to his family. He pulled the
ultimate prank in dubiously leaving 50,000 for his family,
2. Denniston, Agnes, Simon, and Herbert was blinded in accepting the terms
and conditions of the will.

Daddy’s Dyin… Who’s Got the Will?

1. For Buford leaving an inheritance was a big deal. He left a will in accordance
with how his family treated him while he was still living.
2. Lurene thought that she has been left out since she has not been in touch
with her family for a long time.
3. Orville’s greed is an aspect that the film portrays. Greed always play a role
in family disputes.
4. Sara Lee’s willingness to share with her siblings is an indication of her kind

B. In what areas would succession law be applicable?

Laughter In Paradise
A proper knowledge of the laws on succession would determine the validity of the
terms and conditions imposed by Henry Russel. The imposition of such onerous
tasks in order to claim a share in the will is highly suspicious.
The laws on will and succession also finds application in cases where the decedent
has no children or any legal heirs. It will be interesting to find out what happens
when a person dies intestate and/or when he dies with a will naming the
legatees. The law also would be helpful in ascertaining the claims of a relative, in
this case, a cousin twice removed.

Daddy’s Dyin… Who’s Got the Will?

The laws on wills and succession finds application in an instance where the
decedent leaves a $1 to his children. I am looking forward to learning this
semester the validity of a will and whether or not the law can override the
express intent of the decedent.
The law would also find applicability in cases of disinheritance.
It is interesting to learn what happens when an inheritor willing waives a claim
over the inheritance.

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