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Intelligence is sexy.

That's what they say. They, the people. Oh, but not the masses. No. They don't know how to
appreciate these words. For them, they are meaningless. Empty, like the void. These simple words fly
past them, like a paper plane thrown by a little boy. But for us, oh yes for us, they hold depth. So, so
much depth. What is sexy these days? Well, it depends on who you ask.
Would you care to take this journey with me, see where it might take us? Be a little brave, you
have nothing to lose. Nothing will harm you, I promise. For a few moments, take a tiny glimpse into
the magical world words hold in the palm of their hand. Open your mind and and let the faint sounds of
the following sentences guide you.
You see, it is said “beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”. And so true it is. For each of us,
beauty means something else. And often times, what is beautiful is not necessarily sexy, and vice-versa.
But when those two meet...oh sweet lord, have mercy on our soul.
People are emotional creatures. Countless poets and writers have captured this phenomena in
the folds of their pages, scattered among the spaces in between the words laid bare on an empty sheet.
But few have captured truly the sensual part of ones' mind. As natural as it is, it is more feared, for it is
a force to be reckoned with, never taken lightly. You may ask yourself: 'how powerful can it be?' I'll
show you just how excruciatingly beautiful it is, and how dangerous it can get.
People desire seduction, sensuality. They long to be seduced and allowed to explore the
forbidden fruits others offer. And for most people, this means physical seduction, where everything is
reduced to the simple touch of ones' fingertips. A night of passion ensures, and as a bonfire, it lights up
ones' body; and when morning comes, the flames are drowned by the sunlight. Everything ends there.
But for the select few, to whom my first sentence speaks volumes, a different kind of seduction
is in place. For them, a simple touch of a hand is not nearly enough to spike an interest, or to make their
body flare up. Oh no, they need something else, something more, something deeper, something more
interesting, something more meaningful. They need to connect on a different level, they need to be
intrigued by a beautiful mind, an interesting thought, a new perspective, a mysterious pull that they can
not ignore. For them, whispered words they longed for are the true aphrodisiac that ignites not a
fleeting bonfire, but a steady flame, lasting long after the sun rose.
Different feelings have a different vibe. Different states of mind steer the course of action
towards a slightly different outcome, because thoughts become words, words become actions, and
actions become patterns. The mind is indeed one powerful tool. We are also made of stardust, emotions,
but most importantly, energy. And we emit it constantly, for it's a tap we cannot turn off. And you see,
according to the laws of the universe, we attract what we emit. Whatever we send outwards, the
universe will accept it. And later, send it back. That same mysterious magnetic pull is the energy one
emits, and picked up only by those who resonate on a similar frequency. That slight variation in the
vibes emitted is the influence of ones' state of mind and emotional mood. For creatures made mostly of
flesh and bones, a sure lot of feelings have been packed into us. Those feelings often dictate our
actions, for they sometimes make decisions for us. (And not always in our favor.)
So, if ones' thoughts gravitate around sensuality, sexuality, then does it affect those around
him/her? It most certainly does. Maybe not in a huge way, but to some degree, yes. Because it rubs off
on the other party. Waves of sexual energy are constantly sent towards the surroundings, and inevitably
bounce off on people. But you need a certain level of sensibility to be able to actually feel it. And if you
think that would be enough, think again. For without the proper state of mind of the other party, it's
As hopeless as it sounds, even without causing an immediate reaction from other people, it is
not in vain. And this is where the true magnificence of the human mind lies, for it still picks up those
signals. Faint as they might be, and not important at first glance, they are still stored in the back drawer
of the mind, for later usage. Now the frequency of said vibe is known, it is recognizable, should it be
manifested again. And when it does, the mind is prone to tune in sooner and on a deeper level.
You might ask yourself if this falls under the category of manipulation. To a certain degree, and
depending on the motive of the emitter, it might. But I would rather file this under the 'influence'
category. Because the receiver only gets hints of a certain idea or desired action, but never a firm
command. Of course, it also depends on the intensity of the vibes, and the willingness of the receiver.
It's a delicate dance of meeting energies, and it all happens in silence, hidden from plain sight, and ever
so precious.
But if the vibe has been picked up and recognized by the mind, and if the state of mind allows
it, a spark is born. And that tiny spark, much weaker than the fire it might ignite, brings change in the
course of ones' path, and ultimately, actions. It allows for synchronization of the frequencies, unity of
the vibes and recognition of the other soul.
Senses are sharper, attention is focused, curiosity is at its peak, and the hungry mind leaps into
full throttle. It desires what the other has to offer. It wants to know. It needs to know. Words gain new
powers, sentences open doors to never-known-before worlds, nameless emotions get baptized for the
very first time, and that initial spark is now reflected in the eyes, in those very eyes that devour the soul
of other person. Passion and desire are born. Desire not for the flesh, but an insatiable hunger of the
mind for the untouchable.
Oh, it is stunningly beautiful. It truly is, how sensuality is manifested initially through words
and only later does it become the touch. How imagination runs wild fueled by those whispered sounds
that create a whole new universe, a unique one, a private one. Limited to him and her.
People want to be seduced. But the higher the level of intelligence, the higher the need for
mental seduction. Physical is not nearly enough to feel satisfied, it cannot measure to mental
stimulation and ecstasy provided by the sheer sexy of an intelligent mind of the opposite sex. And if
you ask me, there is nothing more pleasurable than connecting with the other party through mind first,
and body second.
The very thought of a shared idea, an understanding of ones' point of view, acceptance of
simply being and creation of a new combined world are stimulants so strong, so vigorous, so sweet, and
so intoxicating that the bodies surrender to the desires of the minds and execute what the central
command stations are long doing – souls become tangled. It is the sweetest drug for the mind, one it
cannot get enough of. It is oh so easy to get hooked, to constantly desire more and more.
This sweet blade it's in a category of its own when it comes to weapons. It combines beauty
with deadly poison. Be weary of the hidden dangers of such a powerful drug, presented as unicorn
sparkle. Once you fall in its grasp, there is no cure, no turning back, no help. Once you get the taste of
the incredible mix of sensual and intelligent, where words are presented as pearls, you can never turn
back to what was before. It will never be enough and the hunger will be unbearable. The universe you
once crafted delicately with magic and stardust, will crumble to your feet and crush your soul, deny
your very existence. The depth of the cut may vary, based on different factors. But its poison will leave
a mark, even if it's just a scratch.
Of course, a mind that can create something so extraordinary and exquisite knows better than to
inflict harm on the other. It would never desire something that causes pain, on any level. But the human
heart is not perfect, and it most certainly is not pure. When motives are hidden and deceit is in play,
seduction becomes a tool, and a weapon is forged. The poison has a sweet scent, it promises new
horizons, a ray of light to guide your senses, temptation of a new opportunity becomes unbearable, and
you risk it.
I believe men and women of all ages recognized the power held within the human mind,
especially when combined with external beauty. A dangerous combination, feared and respected
throughout history, coveted by most, obtained by few. Sometimes it led to destroyed lives, fortunes lost,
families torn apart, all because a game someone decided to play, and it did it recklessly.
So, my dear reader, always be mindful of the actions you take, the words you whisper, the
things you desire, for it is far too easy to fall on the other end of the spectrum, and instead of creating a
masterpiece, shape a disaster compiled of empty victims with crushed souls at your feet.

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