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Zz. Cattent Transformers Cunt roalis 15 always , Fun eid, ex: (99/5 ee 1200/6) cae} 1220 Qa # 7 , aS 7 ale Cw 1, loon. = relay (5), PR) Zt (J#e meter os), ek. 100/S S Curcerd catia Notes XL in prs a 3eS often neglected , as is) Re (cove tess), Se ————————= Ee ObSclete, (COLO ASA STANDARDS), oe AWST — perhrmonce of CT must be measured. (Net seen very offen). "one ert con be calculeded. (this type is most wsual). a : Mm ance A Seandayy current of 20x rected e—_—Cr— The corres pending burden Volta ge for this CT i> S0oN =? Burden : must be 850. Standard burden designections : Clos —> 1.0 (6e° 2B B-| Clos 6-2 2.0 (eo D - C400 6-4: Ao GED Pesos | C80Oo— > 6-8 86 GO ligl is win 210% of (Ei) en To be used on Hy, Hy, Hy H.V. Bushings. ol. DESERET GENERATION & TRANSMISSION Order C~ McGRAW-EDISON POWER SYSTEMS GROUP BTCT EXCITING CURRENT CURVES TYPE OE 1200 DWG. NO. A-422536 OCB TYPE - FREQUENCY 60 CYCLES MAXIMUM RATIO 1200/5 TOTAL SEC. TURNS 240 SEC. RES. .0027 OHMS/ TURN AT 75°C ASA accuRACY _10C800 SEC ‘SE TURNS | TAF [_100/s_ [20 X2-x3 | 600/5_| 120 ara | [00/5 J 160 1 %-%, [soos 180 —| 3 ae ‘DWG. NO. IX-422534-1C 0 1000 509) 200} 3-8 °*3 = 30VLI0A NOILVLIOX] I> SECONDARY EXCITING AMPERES ~ Ig 5 To be used on Hy, Hy, H3 H.V. Bushings. TION 6 TRANSHISSION Order C-06. NERA ner ure? (RCF) RATIO CORRECTION FACTOR TUL McGRAW-EDISON POWER SYSTEMS GROUP BTGT RATIO CORRECTION FAGTOR CURVES ASA STANDARD B- 8(8OHMS, 50 PERCENT PF LAG) SEC BURDEN TYPE OE€- 1200 DWG. NO, A-422534 OCB TYPE- FREQUENCY 60 CYCLES MAXIMUM RATIO — 1200/5 TOTAL SEC. TURNS 240 SEC. RES. .00270HMS/TURN aT 75°C ASA ACCURACY 10800 a SSS SSS SSS Sst KUNIS PERCENT RATED CURRENT DWG. WO. RCF-422534-8C [7 OOTTED LINE - SECONDARY COORDINATE "SOLID LINE PRIMARY COORDINATE 3 It is very important to determine CT ratio errer foc awWiccpcted Fath conditions, or Ben fie lead conditions. |Do Net use books Give}) Assumed method on pp. 413 “416! Ex: fc Ru = o6- g 6-8 (DLA { - |b een) Ty = 7S A e Ge: Teg must be determined evaks ay from excring Corcent Curves (see othached), Bree = B+ 0648 = 8,033 [87.6° Fterecling, Assume IQ=O Vs 7.5 Ent) = 60.24 (646° From (Carve, CONS T222\ em => Fy 775-217 54h CS4A, Vy= B40 =P TREISA PF Tg F75N3= GZA @ bm, y= 44BVS LAF I5a =? Ty 7 75-15 = GOA SbOA, Vy=48.D TF LA? Ze S254 = GIN Checks ye 15S (a 5)" 6.213 SCA 8.053 Shor Note: Assumphin thet ee has Same Gugle a3 ae (eads +> ervec. Continuing iteration, Vs = (6.213 [S@Y8.033/S66°) = 44.4 521° V => Tey = 1S [6521-9 = 1,5 (-0477° fe= 7508-15 Leen = 617 (58° _ A — (G1I7 (G8S°V 8.033 (S96) = 49.56 (6545°V => Te = 15 (6545-90: = 15 L244e°A Te = 25 L22-15 (44S = | GAG / 578° At this paint, Canvergence id obtained. Hain lint of aceacacy is Fs vs Ig Curve. Retio Ene = HET iGO > 2215-201 Arete Erle c = +5,738° —_ —> In this Xanple, effect uses eKaggevcis b., using BB Bunlen oth 100/S tap (fui roche 15 “\208/5). _ Homeserk Prees Ul) (Assume ideal CT & VD @ i ising handots foc 1200/5 MR CT, Shows that” coding, 15 erly (C400. when the 00/5 ratio is used, with BF bude, 6.5 Continuous thermal current rating factors bared on 20°C average ambient alr ‘temperature “Toe eral cue ing acta salle, 15,20, 30,40, 6.5 Shortaime curent ratings “The shortine teal caret ad shrine meal apie independ (6.6.1 Shortie mechanical curentating 1682 Shortsime thermal current rating £83 Shortie and condnuous current ratings of windowype or bushingtype current a 7 Secondary winding nduced voltages 67.1 Operation with secondary creut open secon tei ihe rina wi Figure ¢~Typea axctation curves fr mu | “hble11—Ratings and characteris of group 2 voltage tanstormers comet “able 12—Ratings and characteristics of group 3" eudoor voltage transormers Figure 6e—Typleal primary connections Table 12—ting and characteris of group "Indoor vokage trnstormers ‘ial iE 72 Standard burdens 73:2 Accuracy clasieation lor voltage transformers with wo secondary winh | {apped-secondary windings meter ‘Figure Type primary connections ° FOR INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS eee Std €57.13-1903, ‘Table 5—Instrument transformer symbols Primary and tertiary voltages Example: Voge transformers with one pri- mary winding and one secondary winding 14 400;120 V Ratio 120:1 Symbol ‘Voltage transformers T (Current transformers Ratio expression, only to show ralo between | Rao between primary and secondary amperes (colon) primary and secondary voltages or between Example: Current transformer with one pri ‘mary winding and one secondary winding Current ratio 105A (multiplication sign) ‘Voltage ratings or ratios of transformer with @ primary or secondary winding having two or ‘more coils for series or parallel connection Example: Voltage transformer wit primary winding in two cols for series or parallel con- ection fortwo ratings "2400 x 4800 V Ratio 20x 40:1 CCarrent ratings of transformer witha primary ‘or secondary winding having two or more cis fr series or parallel connection Example: Current transformer with (wo primary windings in two coils fo series or parallel connection for two ratios CCursent ratio 100% 200:5.4 7 (Not used) “Ampere ratings of separate secondary (double slant windings each having an independent core line) Example: Current transformer with wo ‘separate secondary windings and two cores Current ratio 100:505 A, = ‘Voltage ratings or ratios of separate secondary | Ampere ratings of separate primary windings (ampersand) | windings on one core ‘on one core (When all primary current ratings ‘Example: Voltage transformer for connection line-to-ground, with one primary winding and two secondary windings 14 400-120 & 72.V Ratio 120 & 200:1 are the same, the ransformer shall produce fated secondary current when each primary winding caries rated current and the primary currents are in phase. When all primary cur- rents are not the same, the transformer shall produce rated secondary current when the only Primary current is rated curent in only one primary winding ) a) Transformer with two oF mare primary windings designed o be used individually Example: Current wansformer with two pri- mary windings Current ratio 100 & 600:5. by Totalizing transformer with two or more primary windings that can be used simulta- neously and connected in different circuits Example: Toalizing current ansformer with three primary windings Current ratio S&SRSSA ©) Transformer for three-wire single-phase circuit with two separate primary windings Example: Current transformer for theee-Wire single-phase circuit ‘Current ratio 100 & 10:5. Table 6—standard accuracy clas for metering service and coresponding tints of ane | orm corcton factor [0.10.0 power actor (apgig) of metered ‘5. Limiting values of ROF and phase angle for standard accuracy classes

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