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University of Cebu

Banilad Campus
Socio 102: Gender and Society
Instructor: Neil Bryan N. Moninio
Name: _____________________________________ Date:_________________
Schedule: __________________________________ Score: _______________
General Instruction: The examination is good for one (1) hour only and is equivalent of 100 points. The questionnaire
consists of 8 pages. Read each question very carefully. A point will be deducted every erasure which includes
superimposition and white ink marks. A point will also be deducted for every question without any answer. An
additional 5 points will be given to students without any erasures. CHEATING IS A GROUND FOR EXPULSION.
Please refrain from talking, peeking nor glancing your classmates’ test papers. If you are caught doing such, it will be
construed as cheating and will be dealt with necessary repercussions.
Part 1 – Multiple Choice Questions (100 points)
Instruction: Read carefully and encircle the letter for your best answer to each question.
1. The biological aspect of sex; maleness or femaleness
a. Sexuality c. Sex
b. Gender d. Sex chromosomes
2. The social interpretation of sex; masculinity, femininity, etc.
a. Sexuality c. Sex
b. Gender d. Sex chromosomes
3. The totality of our own experience of our sex and gender
a. Sexuality c. Sex
b. Gender d. Sex chromosomes
4. Sex chromosomes – chromosomal markers that distinguish females (XX) from male (XY) species
a. Sexuality c. Sex
b. Gender d. Sex chromosomes
5. Individuals with composite genitals (possessing some characteristics of both male and female genitals)
a. Entersex c. Intersex
b. Entersexuality d. Intersexuality
6. The term generally pertains to your identity depending on your sexual anatomy and physiology- the parts of your
body that are relevant to reproduction and the function of these parts.
a. Biological Sexuality c. Spiritual Sexuality
b. Emotional Sexuality d. Social Sexuality
7. Sex is typically determined by examining your __________.
a. Blood type c. feelings
b. hormones d. genitals
8. The process or the ability to create offspring.
a. conception c. intervention
b. reproduction d. stratification
9. If at birth, a child is observed to have penis and testicles, then the child is categorized as __________.
a. Male c. masculine
b. Intersex d. man
10. There are specific chromosomes referred to as _____________, which marks a person’s biological sex.
a. Sex chromosomes c. Intersex chromosomes
b. Gender chromosomes d. Intersexuality chromosomes
11. If a child is observed to have a vagina, then the child is categorized as ____________.
a. female c. feminine
b. Intersex d. woman
12. There are cases when the baby’s genitals appear to be conglomerate of male and female organs such that it may
be difficult to classify the baby’s sex without further examination. In the past, this condition is referred to as
a. harmephroditism c. hermaphroditism
b. harmaphroditism d. hermephroditism
13. In modern times, the term ____________ is used to refer the abovementioned phenomenon.
a. Entersex c. Intersex
b. Entersexuality d. Intersexuality
14. ___________ - protein structures which contain your genetic materials – are also used to determine sex.
a. hormones c. DNA
b. chromosomes d. blood type
15. An individual with a set of XY sex chromosomes is said to be a ____________.
a. Male c. masculine
b. Intersex d. man
16. An Individual with a set of XX sex chromosomes is said to be a _____________.
a. female c. feminine
b. Intersex d. woman
17. The chemicals in our body that are responsible for sustaining bodily process – are also used as markers.
a. hormones c. DNA
b. chromosomes d. blood type
18. Human males tend to have higher levels of _________, which is associated to sex drive and aggressions.
a. estrogen c. testosterone
b. progesterone d. seminal fluid
19. Human females tend to have higher levels of ________, which are associated to lactation, menstruation and other
female reproductive functions.
a. Estrogen c. estrogen and progesterone
b. Progesterone d. vaginal fluid
20. This phenomenon of determining the normality of a behavior based on whether it conforms or not to the
expectations relative to one’s biological sex is referred to as _________________.
a. homonormativity c. biological normativity
b. heteronormativity d. Physical normativity
21. Our sense of who we are: Do we see and experience ourselves as man, a woman, or neither. This refers to our
a. Sexual identity c. sex identity
b. Gender identity d. personal identity
22. There are cases wherein a person’s biological sex does not align with one’s gender identity. People with this
experience are referred to as ________________.
a. bisexual c. intersex
b. queer d. transgender
23. A male who does not feel comfortable identifying as a man is called _________________.
a. Transgender man c. transgender
b. Transgender woman d. gay
24. A female who is not comfortable identifying as a woman is called ________________.
a. Transgender man c. transgender
b. Transgender woman d. lesbian
25. Another aspect of our gender pertains to our emotional and sexual attraction to a person. This aspect refers to our
a. Sexual orientation c. gender orientation
b. Sex orientation d. sexuality
26. People who are attracted to the opposite sex are called ___________ or straight.
a. Homosexual c. Bisexual
b. Heterosexual d. Transgender
27. People who are attracted to people of the same sex are called _______________.
a. Homosexual c. Bisexual
b. Heterosexual d. Transgender
28. _________________ is when we discover our emotional and sexual attraction towards other people.
a. Fetus c. Adolescence
b. Toddler stage d. Adult stage
29. Social system where men primarily holds power in the political and private spheres.
a. Patriarchy c. Patheriarchy
b. Pateriarchy d. Fatheriarchy
30. Continuing series of social movements that aim to challenge the patriarchal society that creates these oppressive
political structures, beliefs, and practices against woman.
a. Woman empowerment c. Who run the world, GIRLS!
b. Feminism d. Woman revolution
31. Archeological artifacts reveal that in the distant past, during the dawn of civilizations, human societies have high
regard for _________________.
a. Man c. Gay
b. Woman d. Lesbian
32. The concept of the ____________ or the sacredness of the woman due to her ability to conceive children, has
prevailed, and thus, woman are treated equally with men.
a. Divine Virgin c. Divine Feminine
b. Divine Mother d. Divine Conception
33. A _____________ society means, men and woman have equitable power and roles.
a. Equalitarian c. Equitilitarian
b. Egalitarian d. Vegetarian
34. ____________ refers to fatherhood or role of the father in conception.
a. Peternity c. Paterinity
b. Patrenity d. Paternity
35. During the _______________, when societies began to establish communities and tame rear cattle and stocks,
have also changed how societies have viewed woman and men therefrom.
a. Poultry Era c. Agriculture Era
b. Cattle Era d. Jurassic Era
36. _______________ refers to world of public works.
a. Factory sphere c. reproductive sphere
b. Government sphere d. productive sphere
37. ______________ refers to world of the home and related tasks such as suckling the young, child rearing, and
home management.
a. Family sphere c. reproductive sphere
b. Home manage sphere d. productive sphere
38. Patriarchy is from the Greek word ______________ which means “the rule of the father”.
a. Patriarches c. Patriarces
b. Patriarkhes d. Patriarkes
39. A __________ society often follows a patriarchal society, this means only men can inherit property and the
family name. Woman were left with no inheritance and are expected to marry a man who can support her
a. Patriarchal c. Feminist
b. Patrilineal d. Modern
40. Patriarchy is viewed by most sociologist as a social _____________ and not as a biological phenomenon.

a. phenomenon c. construct
b. concept d. contract
41. Friedrich Engels, argues that patriarchy came about when people started having private property instead of a
a. Public property c. No property
b. Communal living d. simple living
42. Which among the following does not belong to the group of Greek philosophers
a. Socrates c. Plato
b. Aristotle d. Hippocrates
43. Herodotus, a Greek historian, observed the Egyptian civilization citing that Egyptian woman enjoyed higher
social status that Greek woman because they can _________________ and engage in trade and politics.
a. vote their Pharaoh c. choose where to be buried
b. choose whom to marry d. inherit property
44. Confucianism has stringent written rules that dictate how woman should conduct themselves. The written
documents titled “three obedience’s and four virtues” and “precepts of woman” states that woman should obey
their __________, ___________, _____________.
a. Father, grandfather, great grandfather c. Father, Mother, Children
b. Father, husband, son d. Father, Grandfather, husband
45. ______________ in ancient patriarchal societies were very strict, heavily enforced, and often violent. Imagine not
being able to go to school just because you are a woman.
a. Law and Rules c. Punishment
b. Gendered biases d. Men
46. Prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination based on sex.
a. Sexuality c. Sexual Orientation
b. Sexism d. Sex Stratification
47. Men earn more than woman.
a. Men preference c. Gender pay gap
b. Hegemonic masculinity d. Woman empowerment
48. During the 19th and early 20th century, ______________ feminism spread across the western countries.
a. First-wave feminism c. Third-wave feminism
b. Second-wave feminism d. Fourth-wave feminism
49. Woman demanded for their right to vote or participate in elections and to be able to legally own property.
a. First-wave feminism c. Third-wave feminism
b. Second-wave feminism d. Fourth-wave feminism
50. In France, Simone de Beauvoir wrote the book titled “_______________” in 1949. It outlined how patriarchal
society disadvantaged woman by slowly raising her into submission and hindering their productivity and
happiness by relegating them to housecleaning.
a. Woman in Patriarchal Society c. The Disadvantaged Woman
b. The Second Sex d. The Housecleaner
51. Which among the following does not belong to the group of feminists
a. Betty Friedan c. Germain Greer
b. Kate Millet d. Merriam Defensor Santiago
52. This wave unfolded in the context of the anti-war and civil rights movements and the growing self-consciousness
variety of minority groups around the world.
a. First-wave feminism c. Third-wave feminism
b. Second-wave feminism d. Fourth-wave feminism
53. Is the right of woman to vote in elections.
a. Woman Election c. Woman Empowerment
b. Woman Suffrage d. Woman Politics
54. You can help in making the world a better place for woman by learning to respect and recognizing that woman
deserve the _____________ rights as men.
a. inferior c. superior
b. Same d. non-existent
55. A field of study concerned about how reproductive roles are interpreted and negotiated in the society through
a. Woman Empowerment Studies c. Social Studies
b. Gender Studies d. Socio-Biology
56. The process of investigating social realities.
a. Social Study c. Scene of the Crime Operative (S.O.C.O)
b. Social Research d. Social Realities Experiment
57. The orientation in understanding social realities. This can be qualitative (interpretative), qualitative (deductive), or
a. Research kind c. Research Approach
b. Research types d. Research path
58. These are considerations in conducting research to make sure the well-being of the participants is ensured, and
that the outcome of the study is sound without undue harm to people involved.
a. Ethics in Research c. Safety Measures in Research
b. Rules and regulation in research d. No-harm Principle in Research
59. An area of knowledge, is about looking into, analyzing, and examining society so that we notice power relations
in the seemingly “simple things”.
a. Simple things Studies c. Social Studies
b. Gender Studies d. Research
60. It emerged from the need to analyze how gender, sex, and sexuality impact our lives, especially how it creates
a. Gender inequality c. Gender study
b. Gender pay gap d. Gender role
61. Are “sets of culturally defined behaviors such as masculinity and femininity”.
a. Gender inequality c. Gender study
b. Gender pay gap d. Gender role
62. A systematic approach in identifying problems, making hypothesis and assumptions, gathering data, and making
a. Research method c. Research Principles
b. Research process d. Research steps
63. _____________ approach focuses on the meaning created and interpretations made by people about their own
personal or vicarious (observed) experiences.
a. Quantitative c. Research
b. Qualitative d. Gender study
64. ____________ approach focuses more on characterizing a population (total number of individuals in a group) or a
sample (a sub-group within the population.
a. Quantitative c. Research
b. Qualitative d. Gender study
65. Researchers should not reveal any information provided by the participants, much so, their identify to anyone who
are not concerned with the study. All data gathered from surveys should also be placed in secure location.
a. Informed Consent c. Non-maleficence and beneficence
b. Distributive Justice d. Confidentiality and anonymity
66. Researchers should make sure that the participants in the study are aware of the purpose and processes of the
study they are participating in. They should ensure that only those participants who agree (in writing) will be
included, and that they should not force any participants join.
a. Informed Consent c. Non-maleficence and beneficence
b. Distributive Justice d. Confidentiality and anonymity
67. Any study should not disadvantage a particular group, especially the marginalized and the oppressed.
a. Informed Consent c. Non-maleficence and beneficence
b. Distributive Justice d. Confidentiality and anonymity
68. A study should do no harm to anyone. Especially in researches involving humans, a study should be beneficial for
it to be worth implementing.
a. Informed Consent c. Non-maleficence and beneficence
b. Distributive Justice d. Confidentiality and anonymity
69. The process of producing off springs.
a. Artificial Insemination c. Reproduction
b. DNA Cloning d. Child Labor
70. The external sex organs.
a. Genitals c. Mons Veneris
b. Foreskin d. External Hard Drive (HDD)
71. Sex characteristics that are present at birth.
a. Sex Drive c. Infant’s sex characteristic
b. Primary sex characteristic d. Child Labor characteristics
72. Sex characteristics that are present during puberty.
a. Sex Drive Maturity c. Puberty’s sex characteristic
b. Secondary sex characteristic d. Teenage sex characteristics
73. Collapsible canal extending from vaginal opening back and upward into body to cervix and uterus. During
arousal, it is engorged with blood. This aids its expansion and triggers the release of lubricants from vaginal
a. Fallopian tubes c. vagina
b. Urethral opening d. vestibule
74. Small end of uterus to which vaginal leads. It is the opening in cervix leading to interior of uterus.
a. cervix c. urethra
b. uterus d. fallopian tubes
75. carry egg cells from ovaries to uterus, this is where fertilization occurs.
a. cervix c. urethra
b. uterus d. fallopian tubes
76. Womb, organ within pelvic zone where fetus is carried
a. cervix c. urethra
b. uterus d. fallopian tubes
77. All the external genital structures taken together
a. Mons veneris c. urethra
b. uterus d. fallopian tubes
78. pads of fatty tissue between public bone and skin
a. Mons veneris c. urethra
b. uterus d. fallopian tubes
79. inner lips surrounding the vestibule where sweat and oil glands extensive blood vessels, and nerve endings are
a. Labia majora c. labia superiora
b. Labia minora d. labia principalia
80. Outer lips surrounding all the other structures.
a. Labia majora c. labia superiora
b. Labia minora d. labia principalia
81. Penis is composed of the following except
a. glans c. testicles
b. shaft d. root
82. sac that encloses the two compartments housing the testes.
a. corona c. perineum
b. scrotum d. urethral opening
83. rim of glans where it arises from shaft
a. corona c. perineum
b. scrotum d. urethral opening
84. area of skin separating the genitalia from the anus, distance is greater in males than females.
a. corona c. perineum
b. scrotum d. urethral opening
85. found on head of penis this is the end of tube connected to bladder and used for urination. It is also tube to which
internal structures deliver semen by which male ejaculates
a. corona c. perineum
b. scrotum d. urethral opening
86. travels from testicle toward urethra carrying sperm
a. vas deferens c. ejaculatory ducts
b. seminal vesicles d. urethra
87. two glands that produce alkaline fluid rick in fructose sugar, comprising some 70% of semen volume.
a. vas deferens c. ejaculatory ducts
b. seminal vesicles d. urethra
88. connect vas deferens to urethra
a. vas deferens c. ejaculatory ducts
b. seminal vesicles d. urethra
89. tube within penis that carries sperm and semen the rest of the way to the opening of the penis.
a. vas deferens c. ejaculatory ducts
b. seminal vesicles d. urethra
90. The removal of the penis from the vagina before ejaculation
a. Male condom c. withdrawal
b. Intrauterine Device (IUD) d. Sterilization
91. It is when woman predicts the day of ovulation by keeping a calendar of the length or each menstrual cycle.
a. Prediction method c. Sterilization
b. Calendar method d. Withdrawal
92. It is a rubber sheath that fits over the penis
a. Female condom c. foreskin
b. Male condom d. penis rubber cement
93. It’s a permanent type of contraceptive which includes vasectomy for males and tubal ligation for females
a. Male condom c. withdrawal
b. Intrauterine Device (IUD) d. Sterilization
94. Is a small, often T-shaped birth control device that is inserted into a woman’s uterus to prevent pregnancy.
a. Male condom c. withdrawal
b. Intrauterine Device (IUD) d. Sterilization
95. Contains synthetic oestrogen which alters the natural ovulation cycle of a woman.
a. Birth Control Pills c. Birth Control Injection
b. Intrauterine Device (IUD) d. Implantable Hormone Device
96. When a woman is under 20, the pelvic area is still growing and may not be large enough to allow the baby easily
pass through birth canal which can result in what is called a/an ______________.
a. Child labor c. obstructed labor
b. Convulsion d. Sterilization
97. An operation in which a cut is made in the abdomen and the baby is removed directly from the uterus.
a. Sesarian Section c. caesarean section
b. Cesarian section d. ceasarean section
98. Your subject is __________________.
a. Socio 101: Gender and Society c. Socio 103: Gender and Society
b. Socio 102: Gender and Society d. Socio 1: Gender and Society
99. Author of your prescribed book
a. Atty. Eric Paul Peralta et. Al. c. Dr. Justin Congson, Dr. Dionesse Yaon & Atty. Luracris
b. Atty. Ramiel Jr. Pamonag et. Al. d. Dr. Julius Caesar, Dr. Kisha Mae Borces & Dr.Chesel
100. The title of your prescribed book is ____________________.
a. Gender and Society: A Research Approach
b. Gender and Society: A Human Holistic Approach
c. Gender and Society: A Human Ecological Approach
d. Gender and Society: A Human Biomedical Approach

Bonus Question: Essay (5 points)

Explain why your enrolled subject Fil 101 turns out to be Socio 102: Gender and Society.
“Grades don’t measure intelligence but it represents your hard work and daily sacrifices.”

-nothing follows-

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