Socio 101: The Contemporary World Instructor: Neil Bryan N. Moninio

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University of Cebu

Banilad Campus
Socio 101: The Contemporary World
Instructor: Neil Bryan N. Moninio
Name: _____________________________________ Date:_________________
Schedule: __________________________________ Score: _______________
General Instruction: The examination is good for one (__) minutes only and is equivalent of 100 points. The
questionnaire consists of _ pages. Read each question very carefully. A point will be deducted every erasure which
includes superimposition and white ink marks. A point will also be deducted for every question without any
answer. An additional 5 points will be given to students without any erasures. CHEATING IS A GROUND FOR
EXPULSION. Please refrain from talking, peeking nor glancing your classmates’ test papers. If you are caught doing
such, it will be construed as cheating and will be dealt with necessary repercussions.
Part 1 – Modified True or False (1 point each)
Instruction: Write True if the statement if correct in the blank provided. If the statement is false or inaccurate, underline
the ambiguous word or phrase and write the correct answer in the blank provided.

_____________________ 1. The study of political, military, and other diplomatic engagements between two or more
countries is called local relations. These study look at trade deals between states.
______________________ 2. The phenomenon of interactions between states is called localization.
______________________ 3. The first of the key attributes of world politics provides that there are countries or states
that are dependent and govern themselves.
______________________ 4. The second of the key attributes of world politics provides that these countries interact with
each other through chocolates.
______________________ 5. The third of the key attributes of world politics provides that there are justice leagues, like
the United Nations (UN), that facilitate these interactions.
______________________ 6. The fourth of the attributes of a state provides that these international organizations also
take on lives of their own. The UN, for example, apart from being a meeting ground for presidents and other heads of
state, also has task-specific agencies like World Health Organizations (WHO) and International Labour Organization
_____________________ 7. When a newspaper reports that nationalists are resisting “expansion” it usually refers to the
integration of the national markets to a wider global market signified by the increased free trade.

_____________________ 8. When activists refer to the “globalization” movement of the 1990s, they mean resisting the
trade deals among countries facilitated and promoted by global organizations like the World Trade Organization.

_____________________ 9. Kamekameha refers to “both the creation of new social networks and the multiplication of
existing connections that cut across traditional political, economic, cultural, and geographic boundaries.”

_____________________ 10. Saiyantification refers to the expansion, stretching, and acceleration of these networks.

_____________________ 11. People begin to feel that the solar system has become a smaller place and distance has
collapsed from thousands of miles to just a mouse-click away.

_____________________ 12. If globalization represents the many processes that allow the expansion and intensification
of global connections, basketballism is a widespread belief among powerful people that the global integration of
economic markets is beneficial for everyone, since it spreads freedom and democracy across the world.

_____________________ 13. For anthropologist Arjun Appadurai, different kinds of globalization occur in multiple and
intersecting dimensions of integration that he calls “scapes”. Hence, Appadurai’s argument is simple: there are only one

_____________________ 14. In the context of Globalization of World Economics. IMF stands for “Imong Mama Fangit”.

_____________________ 15. In the context of Globalization of World Economics. WB stands for “Way Bu-ot”.

_____________________ 16. This subject is entitled “The Conquering World”.

_____________________ 17. The first attribute of a state is called black coffee, it exercises authority over a specific

_____________________ 18. The second attribute of a state is called brown sugar, where it governs.
_____________________ 19. The 3rd attribute of a state is called white cream, in which the state has a structure that
crafts various rules that people (society) follow.

_____________________ 20. The fourth and the most crucial, the state has tongkat ali over its territory. Tongkat ali
here refers to internal and external authority.

_____________________ 21. All states are nations.

_____________________ 22. All nations are states.

_____________________ 23. There are states with multiple nations. The nation of Scotland, for example, has its own
flag and national culture, but still belongs to a state called the United Arab of Emirates.

_____________________ 24-25. There are also single nations with multiple states. For example, the nation of Korea is
divided into Taiwan and Vietnam.

Part II

Part 2 - Multiple Choice Questions (1 point each)

Instruction: In circle the letter of the best answer among the choices.

1. A set of agreements signed in 1648 to end the Thirty Years’ War between the major continental powers of
a. Peace Treaty of Singapore
b. Treaty of Westphalia
c. The International Agreement of Peace among European Nation
d. European Union

2. It refers to a decline in economic growth and employment

a. Deceleration c. Acceleration
b. Stagnation d. United Nations

3. It refers to a sharp increase in prices

a. Deflation c. Inflation
b. Normalization d. Infatuation

4. A phenomenon called _______, in which a decline in economic growth and employment takes place alongside a
sharp increase in prices.
a. Designation c. Acceleration
b. Stagflation d. United Infatuation

5. The oldest known international trade route was _________ - a network of pathways in the ancient world that
spanned from China to what is now the Middle East and Europe.
a. Chinese Road c. Silk Road
b. Europe Road d. Rocky Road

6. The first time that Americas were directly connected to Asian trading routes can be trace back to 1571 with the
establishment of the ___________ that connected Manila in the Philippines and Acapulco in Mexico.
a. Manila Bay Port c. Acapulco Trading System
b. Galleon Trade d. ASEAN

7. The galleon trade was part of the ____________________. From the 16thcentury to the 18 th century, countries,
primarily in Europe, competed with one another to sell more goods as a means to boost their country’s income.
a. Age of Empires c. Age of Mercantilism
b. Ice Age d. Age of Ultron

8. To protect your local products from imported products who sold goods more cheaply, the government imposes
a. Higher Interest rates
b. High Tariffs
c. Jai Alai
d. High School

9. A more open trade system emerged in 1867 when, following the lead of the United Kingdom, the United States
and other European nations adopted the _______________ at an international monetary conference in Paris.
Broadly, its goal was to create a common system that would allow for more efficient trade and prevent the
isolationism of the mercantilist era.
a. One child Policy
b. Say no to Drugs Policy
c. No more Trade Policy
d. Gold standard

10. The Bretton Woods system was largely influenced by the ideas of British economist ______________.
a. John Edward Bretton
b. John Edward Keynes
c. John Maynard Bretton
d. John Maynard Keynes

11. The above-mentioned economist believed that

Statement no. 1 : economic crisis occur when a country does not have enough money,
Statement no. 2 : economic crisis occur when money is not being spent, and thereby, not moving.

a. Only statement no 1. Is true

b. Only statement no 2 is true
c. Both statements were true
d. Both statements were false

12. The active role of the governments in managing spending served as the anchor for what would be called a
system of ________________.
a. Global Neoliberalism c. Globalism
b. Global Keynesianism c. Global Autism

13. GATT stands for

a. General Agreement on Trading and Treating
b. General Agreement on Tariffs and Embargoes
c. General Agreement on Trade System
d. General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

14. The title of your book

a. The Globalization
b. The Globalizing World
c. The Contemporary World
d. The Globalizing Contemporary World

15. The Napoleonic Wars lasted from 1803-1815 with Napoleon and his armies marching all over much of Europe. In
every country they conquered, the French implemented the _______________ that forbade birth privileges,
encouraged freedom or religion, and promoted meritocracy in government service.
a. New Civil Code
b. Napoleonic Code
c. Revise Penal Code
d. European Constitution

16. The Westphalian system provided stability for the nations of Europe, until it faced its first major challenge by
_____________. _____________ believed in spreading the principles of the French Revolution – liberty, equality
and fraternity – to the rest of Europe and thus challenged the power of kings, nobility, and religion in Europe.
a. Emmanuel Adulasis Alingan
b. Lyndon Cabuguas
c. John Xyve Maglupay
d. Napoleon Bonaparte

17. The Concert of Europe was an alliance of “great powers” – the United Kingdom, Austria, Russia, and Prussia- that
sought to restore the world of monarchial, hereditary, and religious privileges of the time before the French
Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. More importantly, it was an alliance that sought to restore the
a. Concert of States
b. Sovereignty of states
c. Napoleonic Code
d. Roman Catholic church

18. The Metternich system is named after the Austrian diplomat, ________________, who was the system’s main
a. Hannah Joyce Marie Metternich
b. Ednel Bucog Metternich
c. Mark Conaco Metternich
d. Klemens von Metternich

19. The first major thinker of liberal internationalism was the late 18 th century German philosopher _____________.
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Immanuel Kant
c. Giuseppe Mazzini
d. Woodrow Wilson

20. He likened states in a global system to people living in a given territory. If people living together require a
government to prevent lawlessness, shouldn’t that same principle be applied to states? Without a form of world
government, he argued, the international system would be chaotic.
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Immanuel Kant
c. Giuseppe Mazzini
d. Woodrow Wilson

21. The British Philosopher _____________ coined the term international in 1780
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Immanuel Kant
c. Giuseppe Mazzini
d. Woodrow Wilson

22. He advocated the creation of “international law” that would govern the inter-state relations. He believed that
objective global legislators should aim to propose legislation that would create “the greatest happiness of all
nations taken together.”
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. Immanuel Kant
c. Giuseppe Mazzini
d. Woodrow Wilson

23. The first thinker to reconcile nationalism with liberal internationalism was the 19 th century Italian patriot
Giuseppe Mazzini. He was both an advocate of the unification of the various Italian-speaking mini-states and a
major critic of the Metternich system. He believed in a _________________ (without kings, queens, and
hereditary succession) and proposed a system of free nations that cooperated with each other to create an
international system.
a. Metternich government
b. Republican Government
c. Mickey mouse government
d. None of the above

24. Mazzini influenced the thinking of United States president Woodrow Wilson, who became one of the 20 th
century’s most prominent internationalist. This president saw nationalism as prerequisite for internationalism.
Because of his faith in nationalism, he forwarded the ____________________________- the belief that the
world’s nations had a right to a free, and sovereign government.
a. Principle of Self-organization
b. Principle of Self-determination
c. Principle of Self- identification
d. Principle of self- acquisition

25. At the end of World War I in 1918, he pushed to transform the League of Nations into a venue for conciliation
and arbitration to prevent another ____________.
a. War
b. Economic Crisis
c. Epidemic
d. Volcano Eruption

Part 3 – Essay ( 5 points each)

1. Give a working definition of Globalization specifically the best scholarly description of globalization provided by
Manfred Steger.

2. What is the difference between nation and state? Explain and give examples to illustrate your answer.

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