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Spouses Pingol vs CA and Heirs of Francisco 3) subdivision plan was prepared on the

Donato assumption that Francisco Donasco would

be able to comply with his obligation;
Spouses Pingol sold ½ of an undivided portion
4) when Francisco died, he had not fully paid
of a parcel of land in favor of Francisco
the total consideration agreed upon
Donato; executed a Deed of Absolute Sale
5) considering the breach by Francisco of his
executed and acknowledged before a notary
contractual obligation way back in 1976,
the sale was deemed to have been
Donato paid P2,000
cancelled and the continuous occupancy
In 1970, he started paying installments nut
of Francisco after 1976 and by his heirs
was able to pay only up to 1972
thereafter was by mere TOLERANCE of
July 1984, Francisco Donato died and left a
Vicente Pingol
balance of P10,161 on the contract price
The lot remained in the possession of
Donato’s heirs
Heirs of Donato
 no provision in the deed of sale for its
Heirs of Donasco cancellation in case of default of payment
of the monthly installments and invoked
Filed an action for specific performance
Art. 1592
and damages with prayer for a Writ of
 denied allegations in the counterclaim
Preliminary Injunction against the spouses
Pingol before the RTC
RTC decision- dismissal of Heirs’ complaint
Claimed that they offered to pay P10,161
plus the stipulated legal interest but Sps. deed of absolute sale in question – mere
Pingol rebuffed their offer and has been contract to sell
demanding for a bigger and no intention to part with the ownership
unreasonable amount, in complete unless full amount was paid
variance to what is lawfully due and payable contract deemed cancelled from the moment
Donato failed to pay the monthly installments
They stated that they had exerted earnest ownership did NOT PASS to Donasco
efforts to forge or reach an amicable and assuming they have a cause of action, more
peaceful settlement with the defendants for than 10 years had already passed from the
the payment of the property in question but time they could have lawfully demanded
to no avail performance

Alleged that Sps. Pingol were committing

acts of forcible entry and encroachment Court of Appeals – deed of sale in question
upon their land and asked that a writ of reveals the clear intention of Pingol to part with
preliminary injunction be issued to the ownership of the ½ portion of the land by
restrain the defendants from the acts way of an absolute sale
complained of.  failure to pay the full amount is not a
ground for the cancellation of the sale
 plaintiffs action is imprescriptible since it
is akin to an action to quiet title to
Sps. Pingol in their answer with Counterclaim: property in one’s possession
1) plaintiffs' cause of action had already
2) deed of sale embodied a conditional Ruling of the Court
contract of sale "as the consideration is to
be paid on installment basis within a Deed of absolute sale – clear intention
period of six years beginning January, evidenced by his failure to reserve his title
1970 thereto until the full payment of the
appellants to recognize the sale made by their
acts of the parties, contemporaneous and predecessors
subsequent to the contract, clearly show that
an absolute deed of sale was intended, by the  A vendee in an oral contract to convey land
parties and not a contract to sell who had made part payment thereof,
entered upon the land and had made
 vendor delivered actual and constructive valuable improvements thereon, is entitled
possession of the property to the vendee to bring suit to clear his title against the
 constructed a building thereon vendor who had refused to transfer the title to
 had the property surveyed him
 subdivided and a plan of the property was
Prescription thus cannot be invoked against the
 submitted to the Land Registration
Commission which approved it preparatory to private respondents for it is aphoristic that an action
to quiet title to property in one's possession is 
segregating the same and obtaining the
corresponding TCT in his name imprescriptible
 continuously possessed and occupied the RATIONALE of this rule
property as owner up to his death on July 13,
1984 and his heirs, after his death, continued Owner of a real property who is in possession
the occupancy and possession of the property thereof may wait until his possession is
up to the present INVADED or his TITLE ATTACKED before
taking steps to vindicate his right
vendor, since the sale, recognized the vendee as
the absolute owner of the property sold. A person claiming title to real property but
not in possession thereof, must act
ownership of the subject lot was transferred to the affirmatively and within the time provided
buyer upon the actual and constructive delivery by the statute.
Possession is a continuing right as is the
constructive delivery of the subject lot was made right to defend such possession has a
upon the execution of the deed of sale  continuing right to invoke a court of equity to
remove a cloud that is a continuing menace
actual delivery was effected when the private
to his title.
respondents took possession of and constructed a
Heirs liable to pay the legal rate of interest on
Although Vicente Pingol asserts that he had the unpaid balance of the purchase price from
declared to Francisco Donasco that he was the date of default or on Jan 6, 1976
cancelling the contract, he did not prove that his
demand for rescission was made either
judicially or by a notarial act.

Although the private respondents' complaint

before the trial court was denominated as one for
specific performance, it is in effect an action to
quiet title

 The real and ultimate basis of petitioners'

action is their ownership of one- half of the lot
coupled with their possession thereof, which
entitles them to a conveyance of the property

 action for conveyance is one to quiet

title, i.e., to remove the cloud upon the
appellee's ownership by the refusal of the

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