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Art. 760.

Every DONATION INTER VIVOS, made and would render the ownership of the thing
by a person having NO children or descendants, donated unstable.
legitimate or legitimated by subsequent marriage,
or illegitimate, may be revoked or reduced as Protection of PRESUMPTIVE Legitime
provided in the next article, by the happening of any While Art. 760 seeks to protect the PRESUMPTIVE
of these events: or expected LEGITIME, Art. 771 seeks to protect
(1) If the donor, after the donation, should have the ACTUAL LEGITIME.
legitimate or legitimated or illegitimate children,
even though they be posthumous; BIRTH
Art. 762. Upon the revocation or reduction of the
(2) If the child of the donor, whom the latter donation by the birth, appearance or adoption of a
believed to be dead when he made the child, the property affected shall be returned or its
donation, should turn out to be living; value if the donee has sold the same.
If the property is mortgaged, the donor may
(3) If the donor subsequently adopt a MINOR child. redeem the mortgage, by paying the amount
(644a) ADOPTION guaranteed, with a right to recover the same from
the donee.

Value of the Hereditary Estate When the property cannot be returned, it shall be
estimated at what it was worth at the time of the
The value of the estate (hereditary) is: The value at donation. (645a)
the birth, appearance (or reappearance) , or
adoption PLUS the value of the donation (at the (1) What the Donee Must Do if the Donation is
time donation was made). Reduced

Value of Estate = Value at B-A-R + Value at a. If the property is still with him, return the
Donation property.

[NOTE: The value of the donation must be added b. If the property has been SOLD, give the
otherwise absurdities may arise: moreover, had not value (usually the price of the sale) to the
the donation been made, its value would still be donor.
part of the estate; finally, the law does not say that c. If the property has been MORTGAGED, the
the whole estate will be that remaining at the time donor may pay off the debt, but he can
of birth, appearance or adoption, it merely says that recover reimbursement from donee.
said value must be taken into account. (See Art.
761).]. d. If the property cannot be returned (as
when it has been LOST or TOTALLY
Rule When Donation Can Be Covered by the DESTROYED), return its value (value not
Free Disposal at time of loss but at perfection of donation).
In so far as the FREE DISPOSAL is concerned, the  Since the DONEE becomes the owner
donation will remain valid up to that extent. In from the time the donation was
other words, if the entire donation can be covered perfected, it is only logical that he bears
by the free disposal; it should remain untouched. the loss (res perit domino) and the risk
Suppose a donation given under Art. 760 is of deterioration or depreciation.
coverable by the FREE PORTION as of the time
of birth, appearance, or adoption of the child,
BUT cannot be covered any more by the free Art. 763. The action for revocation or reduction on
portion at the time of donor’s death, may the the grounds set forth in Article 760 shall prescribe
donation still be reduced or revoked? after four years from the birth of the first child, or
from his legitimation, recognition or adoption, or
ANS.: Although some authors are of the opinion from the judicial declaration of filiation, or from the
that the answer is in the affirmative because of time information was received regarding the
Art. 771, still it is believed that the answer should existence of the child believed dead.
be negative otherwise the provision on prescription
(of 4 years) in Art. 763 will be rendered nugatory, This action cannot be renounced, and is
transmitted, upon the death of the donor, to his
legitimate and illegitimate children and The action cannot be renounced, and is transmitted
descendants. (if donor dies within 4 years) on his death to his
legitimate and illegitimate children and descendants
Prescription of Action for Revocation or (not ascendants or surviving spouse).
Art. 764. The donation shall be revoked at the
a. If the donation was made when there was no instance of the donor, when the donee FAILS TO
child, it is the birth of the first child that COMPLY with any of the conditions which the
counts, and not the birth of subsequent former imposed upon the latter.
children. If therefore, 3 years after the birth of
the first child, a second is born, the period left is In this case, the property donated shall be returned
only one more year. We should NOT begin to the donor, the alienations made by the donee
counting four years all over again. and the mortgages imposed thereon by him being
void, with the limitations established, with regard to
b. “First child” refers to first legitimate child. third persons, by the Mortgage Law and the Land
c. Mere birth of a NATURAL child is not a Registration Laws.
ground; it is the RECOGNITION (voluntary or This action shall prescribe after four years from
by judicial compulsion) that is the ground for the noncompliance with the condition, may be
reduction. Therefore, the period of 4 years transmitted to the heirs of the donor, and may be
should start from the time of such recognition or exercised against the donee's heirs. (647a)

Failure to Comply With Conditions

Rule in the Case of Legitimated Children
“Conditions” must be understood to mean the
In the case of legitimated children, the period must charges or burdens imposed (like teaching the
be counted from the time of legitimation (that is, donor’s child for one semester, or working at least 8
from the time recognition is made by both parents). hours a day in a certain factory). (3 Castan 107). It
[NOTE: It is true that ordinarily, under Art. 180 of can also refer to “RESOLUTORY CONDITIONS.’’
the Family Code, legitimation becomes effective (Example: I am donating my land to you now but
from the child’s birth, but it is evident that under you should not get married for 2 years.)
Art. 763, what is meant by “LEGITIMATION” is not But, it cannot refer to SUSPENSIVE
the effectivity of the legal status (from birth) but the CONDITIONS (like, I will donate my land to you if
act that completes the process of legitimation you pass the coming bar examinations) because
(either the recognition or the subsequent valid here, if the condition is NOT FULFILLED, the
marriage). donation NEVER becomes effective, and
If a donation was made when there was no child, therefore, there will be nothing to revoke.
but later on, a legitimate child is born, in other (Indeed, Art. 764 is a clear case not only of
words, when there is a concurrence of causes or revocation but also RESOLUTION, because under
grounds, Manresa is of the opinion that Art. 1191, non-compliance of conditions can be
prescription runs from the earliest cause. (5 considered a resolutory condition.).
Manresa 169).
Necessity of Court Action
Although Art. 764 provides that the donation shall
Effect if Reason Disappears be revoked “at the instance of the donor’’ when the
If the cause or ground disappears, as when for donee fails to comply with any of the conditions
instance, the legitimate child dies before the action which the former imposed on the latter, the
to reduce is judicially commenced, what happens to Supreme Court held in the case of Ongsiako, et al.
the donation? It is believed that the donation v. Ongsiako, et al. (L-7510, Mar. 30, 1957) (as well
should remain valid. (See 3 Navarro Amandi 59). as in previous cases), that the donor may NOT
REVOKE a donation by his own UNILATERAL
Prescriptive Period ACT, even if the donee should have broken any of
the conditions imposed by the donation. A court
Four years.
action is essential, if the donee refuses to
Non-Waiver and Transmissibility return the property voluntarily.
Ongsiako, et al. v. Ongsiako, et al. L-7510, Mar. 30,
Period for Fulfillment of Conditions
FACTS: The mother of the parties executed a deed
of donation inter vivos in their favor in 1929, subject Within what period must the conditions be
to the condition that each of the donees shall pay performed?
her a yearly pension of P1,000 as long as she lived. ANS.:
However, the defendant failed to pay the annual
pension in 1930, and in 1941, the donor executed a. If there is a period given, said period is
another deed revoking the donation in favor of the controlling, unless extended by the donor.
defendant, and adjudicated the property previously
b. If there is no period, the Courts must fix a
donated to the defendant, to the plaintiff. This was
reasonable term. (See Barretto v. City of
duly accepted by the plaintiff, but was not
Manila, 7 Phil. 416).
registered. Neither was the defendant notified of
the revocation. The donor dies in 1950, without
having fi led any action for the revocation, total or
partial, of the donation. In 1951, the plaintiff fi led Barretto v. City of Manila
an action seeking to get the land previously 7 Phil. 416
donated to the defendant alleging the revocation by
the donor of the same, for breach by defendant of FACTS: Barretto donated his land fronting the
its condition. Malacañang Palace with the condition that no
structures would be erected upon the land and on
HELD: The deed of revocation made unilaterally by the further condition that its only purpose would be
the donor did not render the donation ineffective, it to beautify the vicinity in the formation of a great
having been done without the intervention of the public plaza. Later, the donee (the City of Manila)
defendant-donee or of the court. Since the action used it as a public street. Barretto then sued to
for revocation was fi led only in 1951, while the fi rst recover the land for failure to comply with his
breach of the condition to pay the yearly pension to conditions.
the donor was incurred in 1930, the same is barred
by prescription. Therefore, the defendant-donee HELD: When the donee accepted the donation, it is
continues to be the owner. understood that it also agreed to comply with all the
conditions stated in the deed.
Compliance With All Conditions
The law says “with any of the conditions.” This
implies that ALL the conditions or charges Effect on Property Donated
imposed must be complied with unless they be
immoral, illegal or physically impossible, in which a. If still with the donee, he must return the same
case, they must be disregarded. (Art. 727). to the donor.

Garrido v. CA 56 SCAD 318 (1994) b. If sold, donated, or mortgaged, the alienation or

encumbrance will be considered void, unless
When the donee fails to comply with any of the the grantee be an innocent third party (did not
conditions imposed by the donor, it is the donor know of the non-fulfillment) who has recorded
who has the right to impugn the validity of the or registered his own right. (See the Spanish
transaction affecting the donated property. Mortgage, Art. 38, and the Land Registration
Law, Act 496).
Central Philippine University v. CA 63 SCAD 72
(1995) Prescriptive Period
A modal donation is one in which the donor 4 years from the non-compliance of the condition.
imposes a prestation upon the donee. (Art. 764, last par.; Nagrampa, et al. v. Nagrampa,
L-15434, Oct. 31, 1960).
Transmissibility of the Right to Revoke
The heirs (whether compulsory or voluntary) are The word “condition’’ in Art. 764 of the Civil Code
expressly granted the right to revoke if the donor does not refer to uncertain events on which the
is already dead, that the prescriptive period has birth or extinguishment of a juridical relation
not yet lapsed. If there be two or more heirs, what depends, but is used in the vulgar sense of
should be done if they cannot agree whether to obligations or charges imposed by the donor on the
revoke or not? donee.
ANS.: Art. 765. The donation may also be revoked at the
instance of the donor, by reason of INGRATITUDE
(a) If the property donated is DIVISIBLE, each heir in the following cases:
can of course ask for the revocation of his own
aliquot share. (1) If the donee should commit some offense
against the person, the honor or the property of the
(b) If the object is essentially INDIVISIBLE, each donor, or of his wife or children under his parental
may ask for the cash value of his share. authority;
(2) If the donee imputes to the donor any criminal
What the Phrase ‘Donee’s Heirs’ Includes offense, or any act involving moral turpitude, even
though he should prove it, unless the crime or the
The phrase “donee’s heirs” also includes the act has been committed against the donee himself,
donee’s assigns. his wife or children under his authority;
(Acunin v. Asis, [CA] 46 O.G. 4980). (3) If he unduly refuses him support when the
donee is legally or morally bound to give support to
the donor. (648a)
When Court Action is Not Essential
Note that the non-fulfillment of the condition does
Reason for the Law on Grounds of Ingratitude
not automatically revoke the donation. Court action
is essential for revocation, unless the donee One who has been the object of generosity must
willingly surrenders the property or its value. It is not turn ungrateful. Gratitude here is a moral as
the party prejudiced who should bring the suit. well as a legal duty.
(Oracion v. Juanillo, 46 O.G. 5421). (See also
Ongsiako, et al. v. Ongsiako, et al., L-7510, Mar. Acts of Ingratitude Covered
30, 1957). The acts of ingratitude in Art. 766 are:
(a) Purely PERSONAL (hence the act must have
Revocation at the Instance of the Donor’s Heirs been committed by the DONEE, and not by his
wife or relatives).
May revocation be done at the instance of the
donor’s heirs? (Guzman v. Ibea, decided June 26, 1941, held that
if the donee’s wife attacks the donor, the donation
ANS.: It is submitted (and the law expressly says) is not revocable on the ground of ingratitude.)
that the answer is “yes’’ because one right of a
creditor is to exercise the rights that could have (MOREOVER, as a general rule, it is only the donor
been exercised by the debtor (unless the right is who can, in the proper case, bring an action to
purely a personal one, and it is evident that his right revoke on ground of ingratitude.)
granted in Art. 764 is not a purely personal right, (b) EXCLUSIVE (hence, those not enumerated are
unlike that where the ground is ingratitude). (Acunin deemed excluded)
v. Asis, 46 O.G. 4980).
Action to Revoke May Be Waived
Paragraph 1:
The action to revoke is waivable by the donor or
his successors-in-interest. (This is because of the “If the donee should commit some offense against
absence of a prohibition.) the PERSON (not merely the life), the HONOR, or
the PROPERTY of the donor, or of his wife, or
What the Word ‘Condition’ Does Not Refer To children under his parental authority’’:
Central Philippine University v. CA 63 SCAD 72
(a) “Offense’’ includes both crimes and non- Moreover, there will really be no more donation
crimes; no criminal conviction is required, and that can be revoked.
proof of the offense, by mere preponderance of
evidence, in the suit for revocation would be d. Even if the donor still has relatives who can
sufficient. adequately support him, it would seem from the
wording and the intent of the article that once
(b) “Under parental authority’’ refers to those the donor calls upon him for support, the donee
children not yet emancipated by reaching the age must give the support he is able to. Otherwise,
of majority, or marriage, or by parental concession, there would indeed be ingratitude.
or by the appointment of a general guardian. (Art.
327). Hence, if the donee commits a crime against
a 25-year-old child of the donor, the cause for Revocation of Donation ‘Propter Nuptias’
revocation of the donation on the ground of
ingratitude does not exist. One ground for revoking a donation propter nuptias
is ingratitude as defined by Art. 765. And a more
Paragraph 2: specific ground to revoke such a donation given
“If the donee imputes to (accuses or becomes a between the would-be spouses, is the commission
witness against) the donor any CRIMINAL later on of a ground that would cause legal
offense, or any ACT involving MORAL separation. (See Art. 107)
TURPITUDE, even though he should prove it,
unless the crime or the act has been committed
against the donee himself, his wife, or children Art. 766. Although the donation is revoked on
under his authority.” account of ingratitude, nevertheless, the alienations
and mortgages effected BEFORE the notation of
Example of the General Rule: the complaint for revocation in the Registry of
The donee accused the donor of murdering X, a Property shall subsist.
stranger. The donee can prove his charge. May the Later ones shall be void. (649)
donor ask for the revocation of the donation on the
ground of ingratitude?
ANS.: Yes. Effect on Alienations and Mortgages If the
Donation is Revoked Because of Ingratitude
(b) Example of the Exception: If in the above
example, X is the minor child of the donee, will the (a) A donated to B a parcel of land on Sep. 8, 2003.
revocation prosper? On Dec. 27, 2003, B sold the land to X. On Jan. 2,
2004, B tried to kill A, but failed. On Jan. 18, 2004,
ANS.: No, because the crime was committed A sued for the revocation of the donation. The suit
against a child under the donee’s authority. was recorded. Will the action prosper?
(c) “Authority” should be understood to refer to ANS.: Yes, the action will prosper because this is a
parental authority. clear case of ingratitude, but since the sale was
Paragraph 3: made long before the annotation of the complaint
for revocation in the Registry of Property, the sale
“If he unduly refuses him support when the in favor of X is valid. Therefore, all that A can
donee is legally or morally bound to give support to recover from B would be the value of the property.
the donor.’’ (The value should be computed as of the date the
donation was made). (See Art. 766). (See also Art.
a. Note that the law says “LEGALLY OR 767).
(b) If in the problem given, the sale was made after
b. The refusal to support must be “undue” or the annotation of the complaint for revocation, how
unjustified (Hence, if there is a just reason for would this effect your answer?
refusal, there can be no revocation.)
ANS.: The suit for revocation will also prosper, and
c. It is understood that the support given this time, the donor can get the property from the
periodically should not exceed the value of the buyer X, because under the facts given, it is clear
thing donated. The moment this amount is that the sale is null and void, and X cannot be
reached, the duty to support also ends.
termed a purchaser in good faith. (Art. 766, 2nd owner, he is supposed to bear the loss or
par.). deterioration (res perit domino)
(c) Suppose the sale is made after the suit for
revocation was brought, but before the complaint
was annotated in the Registry of Property, would Art. 768. When the donation is revoked for any of
the sale be valid or void? the causes stated in Article 760, or by reason of
ingratitude, or when it is reduced because it is
ANS.: Although the law says apparently that the sale inofficious, the donee shall not return the fruits
is valid since it was made before annotation, a distinction except from the filing of the complaint.
must be made. If notwithstanding its non-annotation, the
buyer knew (thru other means) of the existence of the If the revocation is based upon noncompliance with
pending action, he should be considered a purchaser in any of the conditions imposed in the donation, the
bad faith, and therefore the sale should not be considered donee shall return not only the property but also the
valid. It has been held that “actual knowledge” is equivalent fruits thereof which he may have received after
to registration or annotation. having failed to fulfill the condition. (651)
The Returning of Fruits
Art. 767. In the case referred to in the first What fruits must be returned when the donation is
paragraph of the preceding article, the donor shall revoked?
have a right to demand from the donee the value
of property alienated which he cannot recover from ANS.: It depends:
third persons, or the sum for which the same has
been mortgaged. (a) The fruits accruing from the time the action is
filed must be returned if the ground is
The value of said property shall be fixed as of the
time of the donation. (650) 1. B-A-R (Art. 760); OR

Rule When Third Persons Have the Property, or 2. Inofficiousness of the donation because the
When It Has Been Mortgaged legitime has been impaired (Art. 771); OR

The article applies when: 3. Ingratitude. (Art. 765).

a. recovery cannot be had from third persons (b) The fruits received after failure to fulfill the
because they are innocent; condition (or conditions) must be returned if the
ground is NON-COMPLIANCE with any of the
b. or when the property has been mortgaged. conditions imposed. (Art. 764).
Meaning of ‘Time’ Rule in Case of Money
“Time of the donation’’ refers to the “perfection’’ of If the property donated was MONEY, fruits thereof
the donation. shall be the legal rate of interest (unless the
contrary has been agreed upon). (Art. 2209).
Rule When Donee is Insolvent Poverty in this regard shall NOT be an excuse.
Suppose the third party is innocent, and the donee
is insolvent, what are the rights of the donor?
Art. 769. The action granted to the donor by reason
ANS.: He will have the same rights as those of ingratitude cannot be renounced in advance.
possessed by a creditor over an insolvent debtor. This action prescribes within one year, to be
He can, for example, exercise all actions of the counted from the time the donor had knowledge of
donee-debtor with reference to the recovery (if any) the fact and it was possible for him to bring the
of other kinds of property (except those rights action. (652)
inherent in the person of the debtor); or he can wait
until the debtor gets money or property in the No Renunciation in Advance of the Action to
future. (See Art. 1177). Revoke Because of Ingratitude
Effect of Loss or Deterioration The right to revoke because of ingratitude
cannot be renounced in advance (that is, prior to or
If the property has been lost or has deteriorated at the time of the perfection of the donation).
thru any cause including a fortuitous event, the However, if the act of ingratitude has already been
donee should respond with damages, because as committed, the right to revoke may be
RENOUNCED for this would be merely an act of heirs may begin the action if the donor died without
forgiveness. having known of the act of ingratitude. (5 Manresa
Form of Renunciation when Proper
When it can be done in a proper case, renunciation
may be done expressly or impliedly since the law (a) A donated to B a house. But B later accused A
requires no formality under this article. However, of a crime. A could have revoked the donation, but
when express renunciation is made, it is believed although six months had already elapsed since the
that this must comply with formalities of accusation, A had still not brought the action to
donations. Hence, if the property donated was revoke. A then died. Can C, the heir of A,
land, the renunciation of PAST ingratitude, should, successfully bring the action two months after A’s
it is believed, be in the form of public instrument. death?
(See Art. 1270). However, one who renounces
must: ANS.: No more. The donor here could have brought
the action had he wanted to but he did not. A alone
(a) be aware of the act causing the ingratitude; is supposed to judge the acts of the donee, and as
in the case above, it is clear that he has because of
(b) have capacity to dispose of his property at the generosity, renounced the action. This is so even if
time the waiver is made. the donor died before the expiration of one year
(3) Prescriptive Period from knowledge. This is indeed a case of
PRESUMED PARDON. (5 Manresa 183).
The action to revoke because of ingratitude
prescribes within one year. The period must be (b) A donated property to B, who later committed a
counted from the time crime against A. A then instituted criminal
proceedings against B. In the criminal proceedings,
a. the donor knew of the fact or cause of the civil action to revoke the donation was not
ingratitude; included (of course). B was convicted, but before A
could bring the action for revocation, he (A) died.
b. provided that it was possible for him to bring
May A’s heirs still bring the action? Why?
the action.
ANS.: Yes, because from the facts given, it is
(Therefore, if immediately after knowledge of the
evident that A had no intention at all to pardon B.
fact, he becomes unconscious for six months, the
(See 3 Navarro Amandi 74).
period of six months should NOT be counted.)
Heirs of Donee Are Not Original Defendants
Under this article, the donee’s heirs cannot be
Art. 770. This action shall NOT be transmitted to
made original defendants, though they may later on
the heirs of the donor, if the latter did not
be substituted.
institute the same, although he could have done
so, and even if he should die before the
expiration of one year.
Art. 771. Donations which in accordance with
Neither can this action be brought against the heir the provisions of Article 752, are INOFFICIOUS,
of the donee, unless upon the latter's death the bearing in mind the Estimated Net Value of the
complaint has been filed. (653) donor's property at the time of his death, shall
be reduced with regard to the excess; but this
Generally, No Transmissibility of Right
reduction shall not prevent the donations from
The action as a rule cannot be transmitted taking effect during the life of the donor, nor
because the right is PURELY PERSONAL to the shall it bar the donee from appropriating the
donor. If however, he has already instituted the fruits.
action, but dies before its termination, his heirs
For the reduction of donations the provisions of this
are allowed to continue the suit.
Chapter and of Articles 911 and 912 of this Code
If, upon the other hand, the donor is killed by the shall govern. (654)
donee, it follows that the donor never had a chance
Rules Re Inofficious Donations
to revoke, in this case the heir may institute the
action within the proper prescriptive period, of a. Note that the value of the estate is that which
course. (5 Manresa 183). In the same manner, the it had, not at the time of donation, but at the
time of the donor’s death. (The property left Art. 772. Only those who at the time of the
minus debts and charges plus the value of the donor's death have a right to the legitime and
donation equals the net hereditary estate. their heirs and successors in interest may ask
for the reduction or inofficious donations.
Property left – Debts & Charges + donation
= Net Hereditary Estate Those referred to in the preceding paragraph
cannot renounce their right during the lifetime of the
b. Inofficious donations may not only be donor, either by express declaration, or by
reduced; they may be completely cancelled consenting to the donation.
(when, for example, the donor had no free
portion left, because of the presence of certain The donees, devisees and legatees, who are not
compulsory heirs). Example: If the compulsory entitled to the legitime and the creditors of the
heirs are the surviving spouse (she gets 1/4 of deceased can neither ask for the reduction nor
the estate), one legitimate child (1/2), and one avail themselves thereof. (655a)
illegitimate child (1/4), it is evident that
everything constitutes the legitime, leaving Persons Who Can Ask for the Reduction of
nothing at the free disposal of the donor. Here, Inofficious Donation
all donations inter vivos should be totally This Article refers to the people who can ask for the
reduced, unless of course the compulsory heirs reduction of an inofficious donation. Note that the
concerned refuse to institute the action. donor himself has no right to ask for the reduction.
c. Since the inofficiousness of the donation This is because it is only at his death when the
cannot be determined till after the donor’s officiousness or the inofficiousness of the
death, it follows that in the meantime, the donation can be determined.
donation is valid and ownership is Note that only the following may ask for the
transmitted to the donee during the donor’s reduction on the ground of inofficiousness:
(a) the compulsory heirs of the donor (whether
Some Implications From the Transfer of Ownership children, other descendants, ascendants or
Because of this transfer of ownership, it follows surviving spouse)
(b) the heirs and successors-in-interest of the
a. The donee gets the fruits while the donor is abovementioned compulsory heirs.
still alive (by the principle of accession
b. The donee can take advantage of natural or The following cannot ask for the reduction:
artificial incorporations or attachments (by
a. voluntary heirs of the donor (such as friends,
the principle of accession continua).
brothers, etc.)
c. The donee bears the loss in case of
b. devisees (recipients of gifts of real property in a
destruction or deterioration.
Preference of Donations
c. legatees (recipients of gifts of personal
Donations (inter vivos) are preferred over devises property in a will)
and legacies (dispositions mortis causa). (Par. 1,
d. creditors of the deceased (The Register of
Art. 911).
Deeds is not allowed to raise the question as to
Rule in Case of Real Estate whether or not a donation is inofficious. (TS
Apr. 17, 1907).
If real estate has been donated, and it is
inconvenient to divide it (in case a reduction is to be Non-Waiver
made), then it will go to the DONEE if the
If a son of a donor consents to the donation to the
reduction is less than 60%, otherwise it goes to the
stranger or expressly tells his father that he waives
compulsory heirs; but in either case there must be
the right to ever bring suit to reduce the inofficious
a reimbursing of each other. (Art. 912).
donation, he may still do so after the father’s death.
(Art. 772, second paragraph).
Prescriptive Period
The action to reduce (or revoke, in the proper case) It is understood that if the donations were perfected
must be brought within 5 years from the time of the at the same time, the reduction must be
donor’s death. (See Art. 1149). proportionate.
Collation Exception: When preference is expressly stated
in the deed of donation itself.
If the donee happens to be a compulsory heir, he
must collate (bring back the value) the property GROUNDS FOR REVOCATION
donated, for its value is considered already an
advance of his legitime or inheritance. (Art. 1061). a. Fulfillment of RESOLUTORY CONDITIONS
The donee’s share of the estate (if also compulsory or charges. (Art. 764).
heir) shall be reduced by an amount equal to that b. Ingratitude. (Art. 765).
already received by him; and his co-heirs shall
receive an equivalent, as much as possible, in
property of the same nature, class, and quality. GROUNDS FOR REDUCTION
(Art. 1073).
(In some cases, TOTAL REDUCTION or
Adoption of a Person of Major Age ABSORPTION making them appear to be cases of
Whereas adoption of a person of major age is not a
ground under Art. 760, it may serve as a ground a. B.A.R. (birth, adoption, reappearance). (Art.
under Arts. 771 and 772 in case the donation 760).
impairs his legitime.
b. Inofficiousness. (Art. 771).
c. If insufficient property is left for support of
Catibog, et al. v. Razon, et al. donor and his relatives. (Art. 750)

(CA) 50 O.G. 5433 d. If made in fraud of creditors (creditors at the

time of the donation). (Art. 1387).
If the creditors of the deceased believe that
certain donations made by the deceased while still (4) Void, Ineffective, or Unperfected Donations:
alive are inofficious, their remedy is not to go (Bar)
against the donees (for under Art. 772, they have
a. Those not perfected in accordance with the
no such right) but to go against the estate of the
forms and solemnities of law (particularly when
there is no proper acceptance). (Example:
donations of land if not made in a public
instrument). (Art. 794).
Art. 773. If, there being two or more donations,
the disposable portion is not sufficient to cover b. Those made with property outside the
all of them, those of the MORE RECENT DATE commerce of man.
shall be suppressed or reduced with regard to
c. Those made with future property (Art. 751)
the excess. (656)
except those provided for in marriage
Preference Given to Earlier Donations settlements. (Art. 84, Family Code).

Preference is given to earlier donations (fi rst come d. Those made to persons specially disqualified:
first served). Therefore, if it is essential to reduce,
i. by reason of public policy. (Art. 739).
the subsequent ones must first be reduced.
ii. by reason of unworthiness. (Art. 740).
Exception to Rule: Wedding gifts of jewelry, iii. by reason of possible undue influence. (Art.
clothing and outfit by parents and ascendants in 87, Family Code).
favor of descendants shall not be reduced (even if
(Example — donations between spouses exceptin
they be more recent), provided they do not exceed
certain instances).
one tenth (1/10) of the free portion. (See Art. 1070).
Dumanon v. Butuan City Rural Bank
Rule If Donations Were Perfected At the Same
Time 119 SCRA 193
An action to annul a donation prescribes in 4 years
from the date of discovery of the fraud. The
discovery of the fraud must be counted at the latest
from the time the deed is registered, because
registration is a notice to the entire world. Even if it
is proved that the registration of the deed of
donation had been made in bad faith, the action to
annul said registration prescribes in 4 years.— oOo

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