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CA- Easement she was thereafter barred by Anastacia from

passing through her property.
When the easement may be established on any of
several tenements surrounding the dominant After a few years, Yolanda purchased another lot

estate, the one where the way is shortest and will from the Quimens (a brother), located directly

cause the least damage should be chosen. behind the property of her parents who provided

However, as elsewhere stated, if these two (2) her a pathway gratis et amore between their house,

circumstances do not concur in a single tenement, extending about 19m from the lot of Yolanda

the way which will cause the least damage should behind the sari-sari store of one brother, and

be used, even if it will not be the shortest. Anastacia’s perimeter fence.

In 1987, Yolanda filed an action with the proper

court praying for a right of way through Anastacia’s
Anastacia Quimen, together with her 3 brothers and property. The proposed right of way was at the
sister, inherited a piece of property in Bulacan. extreme right of Anastacia’s property facing the
They agreed to subdivide the property equally public highway, starting from the back of the sari-
among themselves. The shares of Anastacia and 3 sari store and extending inward by 1m to her
other siblings were next to the municipal road. property and turning left for about 5m to avoid the
Anastacia’s was at the extreme left of the road store in order to reach the municipal road. The way
while the lots on the right were sold by her brothers was unobstructed except for an avocado tree
to Catalina Santos. A portion of the lots behind standing in the middle.
Anastacia’s were sold by her (as her brother’s
adminstratix) brother to Yolanda. The trial court dismissed the complaint for lack of
cause of action, explaining that the right of way
Yolanda was hesitant to buy the back property at through the brother’s property was a straight path
first because it d no access to the public road. and to allow a detour by cutting through Anastacia’s
Anastacia prevailed upon her by assuring her that property would no longer make the path straight.
she would give her a right of way on her adjoining They held that it was more practical to extend the
property (which was in front) for p200 per square existing pathway to the public road by removing
meter. that portion of the store blocking the path as that
was the shortest route to the public road and the
least prejudicial to the parties concerned than
Yolonda constructed a house on the lot she bought
passing through Anastacia’s property.
using as her passageway to the public highway a
portion of anastacia’s property. But when yolanda
finally offered to pay for the use of the pathway CA reversed and held that Yolanda was entitled to
anastacia refused to accept the payment. In fact a right of way on Anastacia’s property. The court,
however, did not award damages to her and held
that Anastacia was not in bad faith when she 1) A right of way in particular is a privilege
resisted the claim. constituted by covenant or granted by law to a
person or class of persons to pass over another’s
property when his tenement is surrounded by
Anastacia went to the SC alleging that her lot
realties belonging to others without an adequate
should be considered as a servient estate despite
outlet to the public highway. The owner of the
the fact that it does not abut or adjoin the property
dominant estate can demand a right of way through
of private respondent. She denies ever promising
the servient estate provided he indemnifies the
Yolonda a right of way.
owner thereof for the beneficial use of his property.

Anastacia also argues that when Yolanda

The conditions for a valid grant of an easement of
purchased the second lot, the easement of right of
right of way are:
way she provided was ipso jure extinguished as a
(a) the dominant estate is surrounded by other
result of the merger of ownership of the dominant
immovables without an adequate outlet to a public
and the servient estates in one person so that there
was no longer any compelling reason to provide
(b) the dominant estate is willing to pay the proper
private respondent with a right of way as there are
other surrounding lots suitable for the purpose.
(c) the isolation was not due to the acts of the
dominant estate; and,
She also strongly maintains that the proposed right (d) the right of way being claimed is at a point least
of way is not the shortest access to the public road prejudicial to the servient estate.
because of the detour and that, moreover, she is
likely to suffer the most damage as she derives a
These elements were clearly present. The evidence
net income of P600.00 per year from the sale of the
clearly shows that the property of private
fruits of her avocado tree, and considering that an
respondent is hemmed in by the estates of other
avocado has an average life span of seventy (70)
persons including that of petitioner; that she offered
years, she expects a substantial earning from it.
to pay P200.00 per square meter for her right of
way as agreed between her and petitioner; that she
ISSUE: did not cause the isolation of her property; that the
right of way is the least prejudicial to the servient
1) Whether or not there was a valid grant of an
estate. These facts are confirmed in the ocular
inspection report of the clerk of court, more so that
2) Whether or not the right of way proposed by
the trial court itself declared that “[t]he said
Yolonda is the least onerous/least prejudicial to the
properties of Antonio Quimen which were
purchased by plaintiff Yolanda Quimen Oliveros
were totally isolated from the public highway and

HELD: YES to both there appears an imperative need for an easement

of right of way to the public highway.
and/or damage as compared to the suggested
2) Article 650 of the NCC explicitly states that “the passage through the property of Yolanda’ s father
easement of right of way shall be established at the which would mean destroying the sari-sari store
point least prejudicial to the servient estate and, made of strong materials.
insofar as consistent with this rule, where the
distance from the dominant estate to a public
Absent any showing that these findings and
highway may be the shortest.”
conclusion are devoid of factual support in the
records, or are so glaringly erroneous, the SC
The criterion of least prejudice to the servient accepts and adopts them. As between a right of
estate must prevail over the criterion of shortest way that would demolish a store of strong materials
distance although this is a matter of judicial to provide egress to a public highway, and another
appreciation. When the easement may be right of way which although longer will only require
established on any of several tenements an avocado tree to be cut down, the second
surrounding the dominant estate, the one where the alternative should be preferred.
way is shortest and will cause the least damage

should be chosen. However, as elsewhere stated, if
these two (2) circumstances do not concur in a
single tenement, the way which will cause the least
damage should be used, even if it will not be the

TC’s findings:
> Yolanda’s property was situated at the back of
her father’s property and held that there existed an
available space of about 19m long which could
conveniently serve as a right of way between the
boundary line and the house of Yolanda’ s father
> The vacant space ended at the left back of the
store which was made of strong materials
> Which explained why Yolanda requested a detour
to the lot of Anastacia and cut an opening of one
(1) meter wide and five (5) meters long to serve as
her right of way to the public highway.

CA’s finding:
> The proposed right of way of Yolanda, which is
1m wide and 5m long at the extreme right of
Anastacia’s property will cause the least prejudice

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