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EX/FS/PG/3.1/2016 MASTER OF ARTS EXAMINATION, 2016 2nd Year, 3rd Semester FILM STUDIES Film Theory 2 Time: Two Hours Full Marks: 30 Answer any two questions Answer either in English or in Bengali All questions carry equal marks 1. Do you think that studies of cinematic authorship till Peter Wollen’s intervention in Signs and Meanings in Cinema (1969) ran counter to the Barthesian polemic of ‘the death of the author"? Give reasons for your answer. 2. The analysis of John Ford’s Young Mr. Lincoln by the editors of Cahiers du Cinema presents a radically new method of making meaning of a text, ~ Elaborate. 3. Elaborate on Jean-Louis Baudry’s notion of ‘work’ and ‘inscription’ in cinema, How can these concepts be connected to the ‘transcendental subject’ that the latter half of the essay on Cinematographic Apparatus theorizes? 4. Can one relate the notion of the ‘voyeuristic spectator’ elaborated by Christian Metz to that of the ‘transcendental subject’ theorized by Jean-Louis Baudry? Give reasons for your answer.

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