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(2nd Year, 3rd Semester)
Television and Popular Culture in India

Full Marks : 30 Time : Two Hours

All questions carry equal marks.

Answer either in English or in Bengali.

Answer any two questions.

1. “This general trend, towards an increasing variability and

miscellaneity of public communications, is evidently part of
a whole social experience.” Discuss how Raymond
Williams’s notion of ‘Social Experience’ here can help us
understand certain aspects of relationship between televisual
form and the audiences of Indian television.

2. Why do you think the 1982 Asian Games is a major

threshold in the history of Indian television ?

3. Most of the popular Hindi television serials since 2000 claim

agency in modernization by renewing the tradition. Comment.

[Turn over]
5 / 65 - 40
[ 2 ]

4. To what extent do you think the popular appeal of Indian

news television lies in emulating the democratic rhetoric of
the executive, the legislative and the judicial institutions ?
Discuss with examples.


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