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SimCentral™ Simulation Platform

Getting Started Guide

Version 3.2
March 2019
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To analyze and report proper variable specification, SimCentral Simulation Platform makes use of
CSPARSE, a library of direct methods for sparse linear systems by Timothy Davis. CSPARSE is free
software and is distributed under the GNU Lesser General Public License
( as published by the Free Software Foundation.
The source code for CSPARSE is available at
SimCentral Simulation Platform uses KLU as its linear equation solver. KLU is an open-source solver
package with a focus on solving sparse linear systems of equations. Timothy A. Davis distributes KLU
as part of the SuiteSparse software ( under the GNU Lesser General
Public License and a University of Florida copyright.
Overview .......................................................................................................................... 5
Solution Steps ................................................................................................................. 6
Part 1 – Creating a New Simulation ............................................................................................... 6
Step 1: Open a Simulation ....................................................................................................... 6
Step 2: Select a Template........................................................................................................ 7
Step 3: Select Your Role.......................................................................................................... 7
Step 4: Select Units of Measure (UOM) ................................................................................... 8
Step 5: Choose a Model Library ............................................................................................... 8
Step 6: Lay Down Models on the Canvas ................................................................................. 8
Step 7: Add and Connect the Remaining Models ................................................................... 12
Step 8: Track Specification Changes ..................................................................................... 15
Step 9: Enter the Pipe Data ................................................................................................... 16
Step 10: Solve the Simulation ................................................................................................ 17
Step 11: Size the Pipes ......................................................................................................... 17
Step 12: Save the Current Solution State ............................................................................... 19
Part 2 – Calculating the Flow through each Heat Exchanger ........................................................ 20
Step 1: Change Mode to Fluid Flow ....................................................................................... 20
Step 2: Add Variable References ........................................................................................... 21
Step 3: Observe the Pipe Sizes ............................................................................................. 22
Step 4: Save the Current Solution State................................................................................. 22
Part 3 – Changing the Calculation Modes .................................................................................... 23
Step 1: Return to Process Mode ............................................................................................ 23
Step 2: Revert a Snapshot ..................................................................................................... 23
Step 3: Observe the Solution ................................................................................................. 24
SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Getting Started Guide

You will get started with SimCentral Simulation Platform by building the Cooling Water simulation shown
in Figure 1 by using the Cooling Water Library (CWLib) in Process Mode. Once built, you will:
• Take a Snapshot.
• Observe how SimCentral Simulation Platform’s Next Larger Pipe Size feature automatically sizes
pipes for a given cooling water flow when the simulation is switched to Fluid Flow Mode.
• Calculate the flow and process conditions in each Heat Exchanger for sized pipes by operating the
simulation in Fluid Flow Mode.
• Change the Calculation Mode back to Process Mode and observe the results.
This exercise will be completed in 3 Parts, each consisting of several numbered steps. All Pipe wall
thicknesses are Schedule 40 in this exercise, but other schedules are available in the Pipe.

Figure 1: Cooling Water Simulation

Learning Objectives:
• Describe the steps to build a SimCentral Simulation Platform simulation
• Locate the Fluid
• Enter data using the Mini Inspector
• Change Flow Specifications / Use Changed Specifications
• Leverage the Simulation Manager and Keyword View for quick data entry
• Take a Snapshot
• Describe Fluid Flow Mode
• Describe SimCentral Simulation Platform’s NextLargerNPS functionality
• Add a Variable Reference to the Canvas
• Calculate the flow through each Heat Exchanger
• Change Calculation Modes
• Revert a Snapshot

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Solution Steps
Part 1 – Creating a New Simulation

Step 1: Open a Simulation

• Open SimCentral Simulation Platform. The following User Interface appears.

Figure 2: SimCentral Simulation Platform’s User Interface

Customize the Theme

SimCentral Simulation Platform opens with Blue as the Theme. This can be changed and customized.
• Under the Start tab | Theme group, select Blue or your choice of Theme.

Figure 3: Customizing the Theme

The Blue Theme is used for all SimCentral Simulation Platform training exercise screen captures.

Note: For further information on how to customize SimCentral Simulation Platform, see the SimCentral
Simulation Platform Simulation Building Guide.

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Step 2: Select a Template

SimCentral Simulation Platform opens with several templates that allow you to select pre-defined Model
libraries, namely, Process, Steam, Flare, and Cooling Water.

Figure 4: Selecting a Template

1. Select the Cooling Water template.

On the left, in the Model Library pane, a simulation named Sim 1 appears with its associated
libraries, as well as a tab above the Canvas.
2. On the tab above the Canvas, rename Sim 1 to Cooling Water.

Note: If you have previously opened SimCentral Simulation Platform and created a simulation, your
simulation may not be named Sim 1. SimCentral Simulation Platform automatically increments the
Simulation Name upon creation of a new simulation. To rename your simulation, double-click the tab. Or,
right-click and select Rename Simulation.

Step 3: Select Your Role

SimCentral Simulation Platform uses a concept called “Roles” to present only the most pertinent
information based on the type of simulation you would like to create. The most commonly used Role is
Simulation Building. Model Writing is available for the more advanced user who would like to create their
own equipment Models or Libraries.
1. Under Start | Roles, select Simulation Building.
2. Under Edit/View | Data Entry, ensure that Required Badges is checked. This will guide data entry.
3. Optionally, you may check Colored Borders. The Figures in this exercise do not reflect this option.

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Step 4: Select Units of Measure (UOM)

A UOM Slate is a collection of Units of Measure settings for all Variable Types and is typically
representative of a specific country or industry.
• Under Start | UOM group, use the dropdown menu to select Repository, then select either SI or US

Figure 5: Choosing Your Units of Measure

Step 5: Choose a Model Library

The simulation you are building consists of Models contained in the Cooling Water Library (CWLib).

• To access these Models, in the Model Library, select the CWLib tab.

Figure 6: Locating Your Library

Note: When you use the Cooling Water template, most of the standard Model Libraries are hidden. Only
the CWLib and Fluids libraries are shown. References and Shapes libraries are always available.

Step 6: Lay Down Models on the Canvas

When you place a Model on the Canvas, it is square and solved. When you build a simulation, it is
important that as you add and connect Models, you ensure that the simulation remains square and
solved. This process is followed below.

Add a Cooling Water Supply

1. Under Model Library | CWLib, drag a Supply Model onto the Canvas as shown in Figure 7. Note
that SimCentral Simulation Platform automatically names the Supply as CWS1.

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Figure 7: Add a Cooling Water Supply to the Canvas

A red badge appears over the Model, indicating that some required input data need your
We will enter this data shortly.
2. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.

Select the Supply’s Fluid

SimCentral Simulation Platform FluidType

SimCentral Simulation Platform uses a FluidType to identify the Source or Supply’s
chemical composition. In other words, a FluidType represents a slate of components. A
typical simulation may have multiple fluids, such as Air, Steam, Crude Oil, and Gas.
FluidTypes in SimCentral Simulation Platform are customizable. New FluidTypes can be
defined in the simulation specific library; this new FluidType can then be dragged on top of a
Supply. Once on a Supply, the FluidType can also be edited.
To expedite the simulation building process, SimCentral Simulation Platform includes
templates with pre-defined FluidTypes.
Note: This eliminates the step of creating slates of components for common fluids.
Each Model has a data window known as a Mini Inspector. The FluidType can be confirmed
or selected using the Supply’s Mini Inspector.

To access FluidType:
• Hover over or double-click CWS1 to open the Supply’s Mini Inspector

• In this case, CWS1 has a default FluidType of Cooling Water. Confirm by hovering over CWS1 to
view the FluidType in the Mini Inspector.
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Add and Connect a Pump

• Under Model Library | CWLib, drag a Pump onto the Canvas.
Connect the Models.

Connecting Models
Connecting Models creates a stream depicted by a solid arrow. Note that SimCentral
Simulation Platform automatically names the stream.

To do this:
1. On the starting Model, hover over the Out end. A black dot appears.
2. Click and hold down the mouse, and drag the stream to the desired Model.
3. Hover over the In end. A white dot appears.
4. Release the mouse button.

Your Canvas should now look like Figure 8:

Figure 8: Connected Supply and Pump

Observe the Connection

When using the CWLib, stream connections default to Pipes.
1. Observe the connection; notice that PIP1001 was inserted in place of a stream.
2. Hover over PIP1001; observe that its Mini Inspector displays Pipe, not Stream, properties.
3. To show the Pipe:
a. Right-click PIP1001.
b. Select Connection Models | Show Model | CWLib.Pipe.
Your Canvas should now look like Figure 9:

Figure 9: Connected Supply and Pump with Pipe Model

4. To toggle off:
a. Right-click PIP1001.
b. Select Connection Models | Hide Model | CWLib.Pipe.

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Observe the Solution Status

It is good practice to observe the Solution Status after connecting Models.

1. Your Solution Status, should be as shown in Figure 10.

Notice that Spec and Solved are green.

Figure 10: Connected Supply and Pump Solution Status

Solution Status
You will find the Solution Status located on the Ribbon.
The Solution Status icons are called badges and indicate whether:
• Input: Data are required to be entered or validated
• Spec: The simulation is properly specified (i.e. “square”)
• Solved: The simulation is solved
Hover over each Solution Status badge to see additional information.
Note: When the simulation is properly specified, the Spec badge will appear as a green
square, hence the term “square.” If not, it will appear as a red rhombus.

Properly specified Not properly specified

Enter the Required Data

1. Using the Mini Inspector, enter the data for CWS1 and P1, shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Cooling Water Supply and Pump Configuration Data

Model Variable Description Value (US Refining) Value (SI)

CWS1 T Supply Temperature 86°F 30°C

P Supply Pressure 14.7 psia 101.325 kPa
P1 DP Pump Pressure rise 29 psi 200 kPa

2. Leave CWS1.W and PIP1001.L unconfirmed, as they will be changed later.

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Groups are collections of variables and parameters that allow you to organize and quickly
locate the variables and parameters that you are most interested in. When a model has
defined Groups, the Mini Inspector arranges the variables and parameters under
expandable and collapsible sections, one for each Group. If the model does not include any
defined Groups, you will see a flat list of variables and parameters in the Mini Inspector.

Without Groups With Groups

Model Writers can define and edit the Groups in each model and many of the models in the
standard model Libraries include a set of Groups by default.

Step 7: Add and Connect the Remaining Models

Add a Split
1. Under Model Library | CWLib, drag a Split Model onto the Canvas as shown in Figure 1.
2. Connect P1 to SP1, to create PIP1002.
Again, red badges appears over the Pipe and Split Models, indicating that some required input
data need your attention. We will enter this data shortly.
3. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.

Add a Heat Exchanger

1. Under Model Library | CWLib, drag an HX Model onto the Canvas as shown in Figure 1.
2. Connect SP1 to E1, to create PIP1003.
3. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.

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Change Flow Specifications and Enter Data

Some process data are more readily available than others. In this step, you will make specification
changes in order to enter process data that are more readily available.

Changing Model Specifications

Models in the Cooling Water Library are designed to be adequately specified to solve as
you place them on the Canvas and connect their input ports. Once you have built the entire
simulation, however, the default specifications may not be as you’d prefer.
For example, rather than having to enter manually calculated total flow and split fractions,
by changing specifications, you can enter a desired flow for each heat exchanger.
By making these specification changes, SimCentral Simulation Platform allows you to enter
more readily available process data.
To change specifications, open the Mini Inspector and ensure that the check box is checked
for all variables for which you would like to enter data (ie. specify), and unchecked for all
those you would like SimCentral Simulation Platform to calculate.

1. Add and remove specifications in pairs, as follows:

a. Using E1’s Mini Inspector, check W to add a specification on the mass flowrate. See Figure 11.
b. Using CWS1’s Mini Inspector, uncheck CWS1.W to remove the specification.

Figure 11: CWS1.W Unspecified, E1.W Specified in Mini Inspector

Note: It is good practice to add and remove specifications in pairs to ensure that the simulation is
always properly specified (square).

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2. Using the Mini Inspector, enter the data for E1, shown in Table 2.
Table 2: E1 Configuration Data

Model Variable Description Value (US Refining) Value (SI)

E1 W HX Mass Flow 220,462 lb/h 100,000 kg/h

DP HX Pressure difference 16 psi 110 kPa

3. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.
4. Leave PIP1003.L and all Pipes unconfirmed. Since the simulation includes several Pipes, we will use
the Simulation Manager and Keyword View to more quickly enter the Pipe data.

Note: The Model numbering is automatically incremented by default. To compare your results to the
results presented using these instructions, match your simulation to that shown in Figure 1. Ensure
the heat exchanger numbering matches.

Add a Mix
1. Under Model Library | CWLib, drag a Mix Model onto the Canvas as shown in Figure 1.
2. Connect E1 to MX1, to create PIP1004. Leave PIP1004.L unconfirmed.
3. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.

Add a Cooling Water Return

1. Under Model Library | CWLib, drag a Return Model onto the Canvas as shown in Figure 1.
2. Connect MX1 to CWR1, to create PIP1005. Leave PIP1005.L unconfirmed.
3. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.

Add a Heat Exchanger

1. Under Model Library | CWLib, drag an HX Model onto the Canvas as shown in Figure 1.
2. Connect SP1 to E2, to create PIP1006.
3. Connect E2 to MX1, to create PIP1007.
You may right-click MX1 and Flip | Vertical to improve the appearance.
4. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.

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Change Flow Specifications and Enter Data

Again, you will make specification changes in order to enter process data that are more readily available.
1. Specify (check) E2.W. Unspecify (uncheck), SP1.FSplit1.
2. Using the Mini Inspector, enter the data for E2, shown in Table 3.

Table 3: E2 Configuration Data

Model Variable Description Value (US Refining) Value (SI)

E2 W HX Mass flow 110,231 lb/h 50,000 kg/h

DP HX Pressure difference 14.5 psi 100 kPa

3. Observe the Solution Status; notice that Spec and Solved are green.
We will enter the Pipe data in Step 9.
4. In the meantime, use PIP1002’s Mini Inspector to observe that PIP1002.D is 5.24 in (133 mm).

Step 8: Track Specification Changes

SimCentral Simulation Platform facilitates the easy tracking of specification changes via its Changed
Specifications feature.
• Verify your specification changes:
a. Right-click the Cooling Water tab (or on the name of your simulation in the Simulation Manager).
b. Select Changed Specifications.

Figure 12: View the Changed Specifications for the Entire Simulation

Note: If you have changed the specification status of a variable, its specification checkbox has a
blue background.

c. Verify that your specification changes are as shown in Figure 13:

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Figure 13: Specification Changes for Cooling Water

Note: The data displayed in the Changed Specifications window can be sorted by any column header.

Step 9: Enter the Pipe Data

Note in Table 4, that the same data is to be entered for all 7 pipes. To facilitate data entry, let’s use the
Simulation Manager and Keyword View.
Table 4: Cooling Water Pipe Model Configuration Data

Model Variable Description Value (US Refining) Value (SI)

All pipes L Pipe straight length 32.8 ft 10 m

Vel Pipe Velocity 13 ft/s 4 m/s

Simulation Manager
Save time entering the Pipe data, using Simulation Manager.
1. In the Simulation Manager, under Cooling Water, expand Main.

Figure 14: Simulation Manager

2. Scroll to locate the Pipes, as shown in Figure 15.
3. Click on a Pipe to select it. Its properties will appear in the Keyword View.

Figure 15: Alphabetized Model List in the Simulation Manager

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Keyword View
1. In KeyWord View scroll to L and enter its value from Table 4.
2. Scroll to Vel and enter the velocity data.
3. Repeat this for all Pipes to clear the red input badges.

Figure 16: Entering Pipe Data

Step 10: Solve the Simulation

1. Observe the Solution Status; ensure all badges are green.

Figure 17: Solution Status

Note: Notice that there is no run button in SimCentral Simulation Platform. This is because SimCentral
Simulation Platform provides the option in Process and Fluid Flow Mode to automatically solve the
simulation as long as it is properly specified (i.e. square). You can find this functionality under the
Process and Fluid Flow tabs in the Solve group.
2. Using PIP1002’s Mini Inspector, verify that PIP1002.D is now 4.56 in (115 mm). SimCentral
Simulation Platform has automatically calculated this based on the Pipe and other data entered for
the simulation.

Step 11: Size the Pipes

Your Cooling Water simulation has now been solved in Process Mode with Pipe diameters calculated to
match process design conditions, as seen in Step 10 above.
Using PIP1002’s Mini Inspector, observe that the Size Parameter is set to NexLargerNPS.

Figure 18: Verifying Pipe Size

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Note: A Parameter is a static value of a Model that is not updated by the solver. Parameters can be
integers, real numbers, or enumerated values and are typically used to define constants, sizes, and
configurations. The difference between the standard Pipe diameter Parameter and the Pipe diameter
calculated from process conditions has been calculated as D_margin for each Pipe.

To save design time, SimCentral Simulation Platform defaults the Pipe size Parameter to
NextLargerNPS. In Process Mode, the Pipe diameter is calculated. The first time you
switch to Fluid Flow Mode, SimCentral Simulation Platform automatically changes and fixes
the Pipe size to the next larger standard Pipe size. The default is NextLargerNPS for North
American Nominal Pipe Sizes based on inches although NextLargerDN can be selected for
Diamètre Nominal based on millimeters. Also, as a designer, you may know or wish to
choose your Actual Pipe size.
To do this:
• Open the Mini Inspector, under Size, select your Pipe size from the list

When NexLargerNPS is selected, SimCentral Simulation Platform uses the D_margin variable to
automatically Size the Pipes when the Mode is changed from Process to Fluid Flow. We will observe
this in Part 2, Step 3.

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Step 12: Save the Current Solution State

There is no need to save the Simulation, since SimCentral Simulation Platform performs this
function automatically. All saved simulations can be found by clicking the SimCentral button.

Although simulations are saved automatically, it can be extremely useful to save your
solution state manually. This is done through Snapshots. Taking a Snapshot of your
solution allows you to return your simulation to this state later on.
To take a Snapshot:
• On the Process, Fluid Flow, or Dynamics tabs, under the Snapshots group, click
the camera icon on the left.

Figure 19: Saving the Current Solution State

• Notice that under Snapshots group the Revert icon displays the Snapshot Name.

Optionally, to change the Snapshot Name, open the Snapshot Manager:

• Under the Snapshots group, click the camera icon on the right.
• Enter a Name and Description.

Figure 20: Snapshot Manager

To return to this Snapshot:
• Open the Snapshot Manager.
• Select the Snapshot you would like to return to.
• Click Revert to return to this Snapshot, as shown in Figure 19.
• Notice that under the Snapshots group the Revert icon displays the Snapshot

1. Select the Process tab.

2. Take a Snapshot. Optionally, open the Snapshot Manager and enter a Name and Description.

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SimSci™ SimCentral™ Simulation Platform Getting Started Guide

Part 2 – Calculating the Flow through each Heat Exchanger

Till this point, you calculated the Pipe sizes for a given flow through the heat exchangers. Next we will
determine the actual flow through heat exchanges if the simulation was Pressure-driven instead of flow-
driven. To do this, you will need to switch to Fluid Flow Mode.

Process vs. Fluid Flow Mode

Process Mode performs flow-driven, steady state calculations to create and improve process
design. It is the Mode used for design, heat and material balances, and equipment sizing.
In this Mode, variables like feed (Source) flowrates and split fractions are typically
specified as you place each Model on the Canvas. Building your simulation in Process
Mode provides more feedback as you build the simulation and provides an initial solution
for Fluid Flow Mode.

Fluid Flow Mode is a pressure-driven, steady state simulation mode. It is the Mode used for
flow network analysis.
Flowrates are typically not specified; they are calculated based on specified boundary
pressures and pressure-flow relationships, like pump head curves and Pipe pressure drop

Changing modes results in a different set of specifications. Some variables automatically

become specified, while others become calculated.

When changing from Process to Fluid Flow, the Input icon (Fluid Flow tab | Solution Status
group) changes to a red badge. This change protects you from unexpected results by requiring
you to confirm the required specifications that changed with the Mode change.
For example, valve Cv’s become specified. You may want to enter the actual valve flow
coefficients (Cv) rather than the flow coefficients that SimCentral Simulation Platform
calculated in Process Mode.

Step 1: Change Mode to Fluid Flow

Now we will determine the actual flow through each heat exchanger. To do this, we will switch to Fluid
Flow Mode.
Note: SimCentral Simulation Platform was designed for simulation building in Process Mode. Models
may not solve or be properly specified if placed down in Fluid Flow Mode.

Switch to Fluid Flow Mode

1. On the Ribbon | Mode group | select Fluid Flow.
This changes the simulation from Process to Fluid Flow Mode. SimCentral Simulation Platform also
switches to the Fluid Flow menu tab when you change modes.

Figure 21: Fluid Flow Mode

The Mode change caused P1.Qref, P1.Headref, E1.Wref, E1.DPref, E2.Wref, E2.DPref and
CWR1.P to become specified.
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2. Confirm these values by selecting the values on their associated Mini Inspector, and press <Enter>.
The red badges will disappear.
3. Observe the Solution Status; ensure all badges are green.
Notice that the Supply flow and the mass flow rate for both Heat Exchangers are also now calculated
The flows are determined by the Pump’s flow-head curve, the hydraulic resistances of the flow network,
and the specified pressures in the Supply and the Return.
In Fluid Flow Mode, the stream pressures at the Mixers are equal, so the hydraulic resistances of the
parallel flow paths through the two Heat Exchangers determine the flow rate for each Heat Exchanger.
Note that in Fluid Flow Mode, the Pipe diameters are calculated to be consistent with the nominal
diameter and pipe schedule parameters. In Process Mode, the diameters were calculated based on
specified flow, velocity, and calculated fluid density.

Step 2: Add Variable References

It is often convenient to view variable values directly on the Canvas. This can be done using a Variable
Reference. In this section, you will add variable references for the flow rate, W, of both Heat Exchangers.

Variable Reference:
To quickly add a Variable Reference:
o From the Model’s Mini Inspector, locate the variable, and drag the variable onto the
Note that the position of this value can be easily moved by dragging it around the Canvas.
To reduce the space taken on the Canvas, display a Variable Reference without its variable
Name and/or without its Units of Measure:
• Right click on the Variable Reference.
• Select Show.
• Remove the check on either or both the Name or Units.

1. Add a Variable Reference onto the Canvas for:

o E1.W
o E2.W
In Fluid Flow Mode, these flows are now calculated and so are no longer at the values entered in
Tables 2 and 3.

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Your Cooling Water simulation should now look like Figure 22.

Figure 22: Variable References on Canvas

2. Note the current Variable values here:

E1.W ________________________ E2.W ______________________

Step 3: Observe the Pipe Sizes

1. Using PIP1002’s Mini Inspector, observe that PIP1002.Size is 6 in.
2. Using Table 5, verify the Sizes of all Pipes.
Table 5: Pipe Sizes
Model Size (in.) Model Size (in.) Model Size (in.) Model Size (in.)

PIP1001 6 PIP1003 4 PIP1005 6 PIP1006 3

PIP1002 6 PIP1004 4 PIP1007 3

Step 4: Save the Current Solution State

• Take a Snapshot. Optionally, open the Snapshot Manager and enter a Name and Description.

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Part 3 – Changing the Calculation Modes

Step 1: Return to Process Mode

SimCentral Simulation Platform lets you switch between calculation modes at any time. As a reminder,
Process Mode performs flow-driven steady state calculations, and Fluid Flow Mode performs pressure-
driven calculations. In this section you will switch back to Process Mode.
1. On the Ribbon | Mode group, select Process.

Figure 23: Process Mode

Note that as you change calculation modes, SimCentral Simulation Platform badges ( ) the specified
variable values that have changed as a result of the mode change, so that you can verify the values that
are now specified.
2. Observe that E1.W, E1.DP, E2.W, E1.DP, and P1.DP are once again specified, although they are
now specified at the values that were calculated in Fluid Flow Mode.
3. Using the Simulation Manager and Keyword View, confirm the currently specified variables, by
selecting and pressing <Enter>.

Step 2: Revert a Snapshot

Using Revert to Return to a Saved Solution State (Snapshot)

In Part 1 – Step 7, you saved a Snapshot in Process Mode. If you want to continue working
from that Snapshot in Process Mode (to continue from where that Snapshot was taken) and
if you are currently in Fluid Flow Mode, then you must:
• Switch to Process Mode.
• Select the saved Snapshot from Part 1, and click Revert.

The flowrates will revert to the values saved in that Snapshot.

Figure 24: Revert to a Saved Snapshot

• Revert to Snapshot Pro 1.

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Step 3: Observe the Solution

1. Note the current Heat Exchange flowrates here:

E1.W ________________________ E2.W ______________________

2. Observe that the Heat Exchanger values have reverted to those originally specified in Tables 2 and 3:
o E1.W = 220,462 lb/h (100,000 kg/h)
o E2.W = 110,231 lb/h ( 50,000 kg/h).

24 Version 3.2

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