Alif Aiman Bin Raduwan

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Lessons Learnt During The Covid-19 Movement Control Order .

COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered strain of coronavirus, a type of virus
known to cause respiratory infections in humans. This new strain was unknown before December 2019,
when an outbreak of a pneumonia of unidentified cause emerged in Wuhan, China.The first case of
COVID-19 in Malaysia was detected on 24 January 2020.The WHO Country Office in Malaysia has been
working closely with the Ministry of Health to respond to this outbreak.The first announcement has
been told about the Movement Control Order by the prime minister of Malaysia,Tan Sri Muhyiddin
Yasin on 18 March 2020.Prohibition of movement and mass assembly nationwide, including all
religious, sports, social and cultural activities.

All religious activities in mosques suspended, including Friday prayers Malaysians barred from
leaving the country, and restrictions placed on the entry of non-Malaysians into the country. After
that,all industries closed except for infrastructure services and supermarkets, wet markets, grocery
stores and multi-functional stores selling daily necessities. Not only that,all nurseries, government and
private schools, including boarding schools, international schools, tahfiz centres, primary, secondary
and pre-university education institutions, public and private universities, and vocational training centres
closed.This is to reduce the spread of the epidemic.

I had a lot of experience during the transmission and announcement of this MCO was
announced.First of all, everyone is not allowed to go out except the head of the family.None other than,
to prevent the spread of this epidemic happening quickly and this is only for the safety and health of
everyone.Also, everyone should use face mask and bring hand sanitizers when in a public place.During
that time, I did not leave the house directly.I just sat at home and dreamed.In the first phase of MCO, I
only do my homework before the online class announcer will be held.The announcement was made by
the Ministry of Education Malaysia,Dr.Mohammad Radzi Mohammad Jidin.I was just stunned and
shocked because online classes were a bit difficult.This is because, teachers find it difficult to explain
things to students.In addition, students are also less responsive to teachers.This is just a waste of
time.Next, there are problems that occur when doing online classes.Among them, some students do
not have gadgets, the internet is very slow to download “PDPF” or pictures.But everything is fine for
me. I just do what the teacher tells me to do.When online classes started, school work piled up like a

When the MCO was announced on 18 March 2020,I feel sad too because there is no “Bazar
Ramadhan” for this year.In addition, all Muslims only break their fasting with their families at home.I know
this is enough, but we could not break our fast with friends and relatives.I also miss the food at the Bazar
Ramadan because there are so many delicious foods.That’s okay, because I have a mom who loves and
good at cooking.There is no cuisine that can match my mother or us.All Muslims also only fast in their own
homes because usually, some of us will walk or go out to catch the wind while waiting for the break
time.Near the end of the month of Ramadan, my family made preparations to celebrate Eid.Oh, before
that, MCO phase 2 was announced on 28 March 2020.I almost forgot about that.And, the long-awaited
time is “Hari Raya Aidilfitri”.But, that morning it was very quiet and only the call to prayer was heard.I
really feel very sad.All Muslims are not allowed to visit the grave and can only celebrate to friends houses
on the first day Eid.We celebrated the day as usual although a bit different.But, it was all enough for me
and it was fun.
Not only that, almost some employees lost their jobs when the MCO was announced.Many lose their
source of income.There is also the problem of marital divorce due to not being able to support their
families.In addition, traders are also not allowed to operate.The country's economy has also declined
sharply as all shopping malls have been ordered to close.Later, the tourist center, water park center and
leisure center are also closed.The country’s economy has plummeted since the MCO was
implemented.But, I am thankful that my parents still have jobs and still have income to support our
family.We also do our day as usual but it is quite different because we need to prioritize the health of our
family and the surrounding comcommunity.In addition, everyone should take care of social distance and
comply with the rules or "SOP" when going to public places.

Day by day, the rules began to loosen.Many people start leaving home for works, walks, shopping
and so on.All tourist centers, shopping and so on have reopened.The country's economy is also beginning
to recover.All employees can resume their work by following the rules.Each store must take the
temperature of each buyer when going inside.In addition, visitors also need to write the phone number
in a special book.This is because to make it easier for a company to dial visitors who visit their mall if one
of the visitors has symptoms of having the Covid-19 virus .Each mall also sets a distance of 1 meter.Our
daily lives are improving, many patients have been discharged from the hospital.Covid-19 cases are also
declining.Everyone is allowed to cross the state and is allowed to travel only within the country.The
announcement of the opening of the school was also announced in phases.All students are shaking at that
moment.And the time has come for schools to be opened for the whole state with green status.I also
made preparations to go to school.I complete my homework in a week and three days. I am ready to go
to school with a new life and new rules.

In conclusion, we must always maintain social distance and abide by the rules set by our country's
government.We must also always take care of the safety, hygiene and health of ourselves and everyone.In
addition, always use face mask and carry hand sanitizer when in public.All this has wisdom behind it and
this is also to teach people.I really hope, all creatures on this earth open their eyes and hearts to what
happened and the disaster that befell us all.And there is no need to offend anyone,just make preparations
for yourself for the future because we are on the verge of ending.Finally, may human beings on this earth
be blessed with guidance.

Name : Alif Aiman

Class : 2 Bestari

Date : 17.7.2020 ( Friday )

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