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On December 2019, a virus named coronavirus was founded in

Wuhan, China .It also known as COVID-19 .This virus disease is an

infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2).It was first identified in December 2019
in Wuhan China and has resulted in an on-going pandemic. When
people has been infected, it showing some symptoms which is fever,
cough, hard to breath, loss of smell and sometimes no symptoms at
all. The virus usually spread between people during close contact,
most often when someone sneezing, coughing and talking the
droplets will fall into ground or onto surface. Less commonly, people
may become infected by touching their face, rubbing their eyes, nose
and mouth. The ways to prevent is always wash our hand ,stay away
from other people at least 1 meter .When in public covering your
nose with mask and stay at home excepts to get medical or buying
basic needs. The World Health Organization has published several
testing protocol for the disease. The standard method testing is real-
time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. The test,
typically done on respiratory samples obtained by a nasopharyngeal
swab. The result, generally available within a few hours until two
days. The next protocol is blood test. Blood test required two blood
samples taken two weeks and the result will have little immediate

Meanwhile in Malaysia, on 18 March 2020 the federal government

of Malaysia has published a movement control order(MCO).The
order was commonly referred to in local and international media as a
“lockdown” or “partial lockdown”. While the movement control
order progress, general prohibited of mass movements and
gatherings across the country including religious , sport, social and
cultural activities.
For those who just returned from overseas, they would be
required to a health check and a 14 day quarantine .All industries, all
nurseries, all the school, university closed, excepts for infrastructure
service and supermarket still selling daily. Malaysia barred from
leaving the country and restrictions place on the entry of non-
Malaysian into the country. While in Sarawak we need to fill the
permit form from the police and also make sure we have the
validation before across to the other area.

During this movement control order, I had my own experienced.

On the first week of MCO, im not doing so much things. After that,
week by week it started to felt bored .I and my family thinking of an
activity, then I got an idea. In the evening after we finish our dinner,
we decided to play boarding game ,it is . It kind of challenging to play
with family. Next to the next week we play so many board game
Meanwhile, the teachers given the homework from social media. It
kind of hard doing the homework from internet. Sometimes the
internet was not good .On 1 July senior minister of education has
informed that school will be open on 15 July.

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