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Submitted under requirements of Semester II




Training can be introduced simply as a process of assisting a person for

enhancing his efficiency and effectiveness to a particular work area by
getting more knowledge and practices. Also training is important to
establish specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. For an
organization, training and development are important as well as
organizational growth, because the organizational growth and profit are
also dependent on the training. But the training is not a core of
organizational development. It is a function of the organizational

Training is different form education; particularly formal education. The

education is concerned mainly with enhancement of knowledge, but the
aims of training are increasing knowledge while changing attitudes and
competences in good manner. Basically the education is formulated
within the framework and to syllabus, but the training is not formed in to
the frame and as well as syllabus. It may differ from one employee to
another, one group to another, even the group in the same class. The
reason for that can be mentioned as difference of attitudes and skills from
one person to another. Even the situation is that, after good training
programme, all different type skilled one group of employees can get in
to similar capacity, similar skilled group.

In the field of Human Resources Management, Training and

Development is the field concern with organizational activities which are
aimed to bettering individual and group performances in organizational
settings. It has been known by many names in the field HRM, such as
employee development, human resources development, learning etc.
Training and Development is the framework for helping employees to
develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and abilities.
The focus of all aspects of Human Resource Development is on
developing the most superior workforce so that the organization and
individual employees can accomplish their work goals in service to

All employees want to be valuable and remain competitive in the labour

market at all times, because they make some demand for employees in
the labour market. This can only be achieved through employee training
and development. Hence employees have a chance to negotiate as well as
employer has a good opportunity to select most suitable person for his
vacancy. Employees will always want to develop career-enhancing skills,
which will always lead to employee motivation. There is no doubt that a
well trained and developed staff will be a valuable asset to the company
and thereby increasing the chances of his efficiency in discharging his

Trainings in an organization can be mainly of two types; Internal and

External training sessions. Internal training involves when training is
organized in-house by the human resources department or training
department using either a senior staff or any talented staff in the
particular department as a resource person.

On the other hand external training is normally arranged outside the firm
and is mostly organized by training institutes or consultants. Whichever
training, it is very important for all staff and helps in building career
positioning and preparing staff for greater challenges in developing
world. However the training is costly. Because of that, people who work
at firms do not receive external trainings most of times. Training
programmes in Sri Lanka. But nowadays, a new concept has come with
these trainings which are “Trainers through trainees”. While training
their employees in large quantities, many countries use that method in
present days to reduce their training costs. The theory of this is, sending
a little group or an individual for a training programme under a bonding
agreement or without a bond. When they come back to work, the
externally trained employees train the employees who have not
participated for above training programme by internal training

Employers of labour should enable employees to pursue training and

development in a direction that they choose and are interested in, not just
in company-assigned directions. Companies should support learning, in
general, and not just in support of knowledge needed for the employee's
current or next anticipated job. It should be noted that the key factor is
keeping the employee interested, attending, engaged, motivated and

For every employee to perform well, especially Supervisors and

Managers, there is a need for constant training and development. The
right employee training, development and education provides big payoffs
for the employer in increased productivity, knowledge, loyalty, and
contribution to general growth of the firm. In most cases external
trainings for instance provide participants with the avenue to meet new
set of people in the same field and network. The meeting will give them
the chance to compare issues and find out what is obtainable in each
other's environment.
It is not mentioned in any where that the employers, managers and
supervisors are not suitable for training programmes. They also must be
highly trained if they are expected to do their best for the organization.
Through that they will have best abilities and competencies to manage the
organization. Training employees not only creates a more positive
corporate culture, but also add a value to its key resources.
Raw human resources can make only limited contribution to the
organization to achieve its goals and objectives. Hence the demands for
the developed employees are continuously increasing. Thus the training is
a kind of investment.

It is a learning process that involves the acquisition of knowledge,

sharpening of skills, concepts, rules, or changing of attitudes and
behaviours to enhance the performance of employees.
Training is activity leading to skilled behaviour

§ It’s not what you want in life, but it knows how to reach it.
§ It’s not where you want to go, but it knows how to get there.
§ It’s not how high you want to rise, but it’s knowing how to take
§ May not be quite the
outcome you were aiming
for, but it will be an
§ It’s not what you dream of
doing, but it’s having the
knowledge to do it.
§ It’s not the goal you set, but
it’s what you need to achieve
Training and Development in IT/Software Development Industry

The Indian IT sector is growing at a very fast pace and is expected to earn
a revenue of US $87 billion by 2018. In 2016, it has earned revenue of
about US $ 40 billion with a growth rate of 30%. IT sector is expected to
generate 2.3 million jobs by 2022, according to NASSCOM (National
Association of Software and Service Companies)

With this rapid expansion of IT sector and coming up of major players

and new technologies like SAP, the need of human resource development
has increased.

According to the recent review by Harvard Business Review, there is a

direct link between training investment of the companies and the market
capitalization. Those companies with higher training investment had
higher market capitalization. It clearly indicates that the companies which
have successfully implemented training programs have been able to
deliver customer goals with effective results. It shows that good training
results in enhancement of individual performance, which in turn, helps
the organization in achieving its business goals. Training is a tool that can
help in gaining competitive advantage in terms of human resource.

With the growing investment by IT companies in the development of

their employees many companies have now started their own learning
centres. As an example, Sun has its own training department. Accenture
has Internet based tool by the name of “My Learning” that offers access
to its vast learning resources to its employees. Companies are investing in
both the technical training, which has always been an essential part in IT
industry, as well as in managerial skills development. Companies now
kept aside 3-5% of revenue for training programs. As an example, some
of the major players like Tata Alexi and Accenture are allocating 7% and
3% respectively of the company’s overall revenue.

The specific areas where training is given in IT/Software Development

sector are:

• Computer Manufacturing
• EDP/ E- Commerce
• Designing
• Maintenance Service
• Operating jobs, Computer operators, Data Entry
• System Developing /Programming /Software Engineering
• Networking
• Application programming
• Research and development in peripheral integration
• Product quality control and reliability testing
• Enterprise resource planning
• Database warehouse management
Essentials in IT Industry

To survive in long term there are some definite essential things such as,
• Good infrastructure
• Trained trainers
• Quality of content
• Certification of training course
• Effective Training evaluation
• Post training support, etc

Samsung is a South Korean multinational conglomerate headquartered

in Samsung Town, Seoul. It comprises numerous affiliated
businesses, most of them united under the Samsung brand, and is the
largest South Korean chaebol
At Samsung group and Samsung electronics, our products and approach
to business are held to only the highest standards so that we can more
effectively contribute to a better world.

The Samsung Philosophy

At Samsung, we follow a simple business philosophy: to devote our

talent and technology to creating superior products and services that
contribute to a better global society.

Every day, our people bring this philosophy to life. Our leaders search for
the brightest talent from around the world, and give them the resources
they need to be the best at what they do. The result is that all of our
products—from memory chips that help businesses store vital knowledge
to mobile phones that connect people across continents— have the power
to enrich lives. And that’s what making a better global society all is
Our Values

We believe that living by strong values is the key to good business. At

Samsung, a rigorous code of conduct and these core values are at the
heart of every decision we make.

Quite simply, a company is its people. At Samsung, we’re dedicated to
giving our people a wealth of opportunities to reach their full potential.

Everything we do at Samsung is driven by an unyielding passion for
excellence—and an unfaltering commitment to develop the best products
and services on the market.

In today’s fast-paced global economy, change is constant and innovation
is critical to a company’s survival. As we have done for 70 years, we set
our sights on the future, anticipating market needs and demands so we
can steer our company toward long-term success.

Operating in an ethical way is the foundation of our business. Everything
we do is guided by a moral compass that ensures fairness, respect for all
stakeholders and complete transparency.

A business cannot be successful unless it creates prosperity and

opportunity for others. Samsung is dedicated to being a socially and
environmentally responsible corporate citizen in every community where
we operate around the globe.


As stated in its new motto, Samsung Electronics' vision for the new
decade is, "Inspire the World, Create the Future."

This new vision reflects Samsung Electronics’ commitment to inspiring

its communities by leveraging Samsung's three key strengths: “New
Technology,” “Innovative Products,” and “Creative Solutions.” -- and to
promoting new value for Samsung's core networks -- Industry, Partners,
and Employees. Through these efforts, Samsung hopes to contribute to a
better world and a richer experience for all. As part of this vision,
Samsung has mapped out a specific plan of reaching $400 billion in
revenue and becoming one of the world’s top five brands by 2020. To
this end, Samsung has also established three strategic approaches in its
management: “Creativity,” “Partnership,” and “Talent.” Samsung is
excited about the future. As we build on our previous accomplishments,
we look forward to exploring new territories, including health, medicine,
and biotechnology. Samsung is committed to being a creative leader in
new markets and becoming a truly No. 1 business going forwar

Samsung in India

Samsung India is the hub for Samsung's South West Asia Regional
operations. The South West Asia Headquarters, under the leadership of
Mr. J S Shin, President and CEO, looks after the Samsung business in
Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives and Bhutan besides India.
Samsung India which commenced its operations in India in December
1995 enjoys a sales turnover of over US$ 1Bn in just a decade of
operations in the country.

Headquartered in New Delhi, Samsung India has widespread network of

sales offices all over the country. The Samsung manufacturing complex
housing manufacturing facilities for Colour Televisions, Mobile phones,
Refrigerators and Washing Machines is located at Noida, near Delhi.
Samsung 'Made in India' products like Colour Televisions, Mobile
phones and Refrigerators are being exported to Middle East, CIS and
SAARC countries from its Noida manufacturing complex. In November
2007, Samsung commenced the manufacture of Colour televisions and
LCD televisions at its state–of-the-art manufacturing facility at
Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu. The Company is also manufacturing fully
automatic front loading washing machines at its Sriperumbudur facility.

Importance of training and development

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT is a subsystem of an organization.

It ensures that randomness is reduced and learning or behavioural change
takes place in structured format.

Traditional Approach -Most of the organizations before never used to

believe in training. They were holding the traditional view that managers
are born and not made. There were also some views that training is a very
costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in
executive pinching. But now the scenario seems to be changing.

Modern approach- modern approach of training and development is that

Indian Organizations have realized the importance of corporate training.
Training is now considered as more of retention tool than a cost. The
training system in Indian Industry has been changed to create a smarter
workforce and yield the best results
• Optimum Utilization of Human Resources – Training and
Development helps in optimizing the utilization of human resource
that further helps the employee to achieve the organizational goals
as well as their individual goals.

• Development of Human Resources – Training and Development

helps to provide an opportunity and broad structure for the
development of human resources’ technical and behavioural skills
in an organization. It also helps the employees in attaining personal
• Development of skills of employees – Training and Development
helps in increasing the job knowledge and skills of employees at
each level. It helps to expand the horizons of human intellect and
an overall personality of the employees.

• Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the

productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to
achieve its long-term goal.
• Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the
sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It
helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.
• Organization Culture – Training and Development helps to
develop and improve the organizational health culture and
effectiveness. It helps in creating the learning culture within the
• Organization Climate – Training and Development helps building
the positive perception and feeling about the organization. The
employees get these feelings from leaders, subordinates, and peers.
• Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the
quality of work and work-life.
• Healthy work environment – Training and Development helps in
creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good
employee, relationship so that individual goals aligns with
organizational goal.
§ Health and Safety – Training and Development helps in
improving the health and safety of the organization thus preventing
§ Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the
morale of the work force.
§ Image – Training and Development helps in creating a better
corporate image.
§ Profitability – Training and Development leads to improved
profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.
§ Training and Development aids in organizational development i.e.
Organization gets more effective decision making and problem
solving. It helps in understanding and carrying out organisational
§ Training and Development helps in developing leadership skills,
motivation, loyalty, better attitudes, and other aspects that
successful workers and managers usually display.

Samsung’s invests heavily on employee training and development which

is core to the company’s success. The objective is to secure bright and
innovative team members to lead the digital era.

Samsung Electronics Australia has systematic training programs to

cultivate experts in the areas of sales and marketing. We develop our
people to become leaders at the forefront of technology and innovative

1. Position training

From new recruit to management training specific to each position is

delivered to our trained staffs with the skill set required to given position.

2. Engineering training

Included in engineering training are engineering basic course, advance

course, specialist seminar. Engineering basic course is design to teach
engineering skills by giving comprehensive and systematic understanding
on engineering including design procurement and construction project
management. Advance course offers in depth on the job education for the
required discipline. During specialist seminars findings from study
activities technology information and application technology by
discipline are introduce to communicate and share new technology.
3. Job training

Job training newly launch program to systematically develop job

capabilities is structured to nurture knowledge competencies and mid set
required for job. The training aimed at fostering job related skills and
expertise is composed of job basic course, job intensive course, job expert
4. Globalization training

With an aim to develop foreign language skills and promote smooth

communication at our overseas project the regular in hose program is
comprised of Samsung group language test prep course and practical
English conversation course with curriculum broke down based on the
score of speaking test. Furthermore courses to help you improve business
writing, meeting, presentation, communication, negotiation skills are
provided to help your career. Those who want to take advantage of 5 day
workweek and wish to study during weekend can continuously benefit
from the program. You can continuously take Samsung group collective
course to enhance business skills.
5. IT training

MS excel and PowerPoint course for professional office automation, e-

test preparation course for IT professional certification are upgraded for
your service. Including financial management education and legal matter
course, business general training allows you to acquire basic
understanding of engineering and general business while raising
efficiency in operation.
6. Core talent training

The training is to nurture core talent in the organization. Among the

program regional specialist course is designed to develop global
competitiveness while global biz. Leadership course to nurture people
ready from global challenge. The training further provides various
programs including SLP course to identify next generation business
leaders. Samsung MBA course to nurture strategic members who can lead
ever changing business environment of the new millennium, and evening
graduate course to horn business skills of Samsung engineering staff.
Purpose of Training and Development

Reasons for emphasizing the growth and development of personnel


• Creating a pool of readily available and adequate replacements for

personnel who may leave or move up in the organization.
• Enhancing the company's ability to adopt and use advances in
technology because of a sufficiently knowledgeable staff.
• Building a more efficient, effective and highly motivated team,
which enhances the company's competitive position and improves
employee morale.

• Ensuring adequate human resources for expansion into new


Research has shown specific benefits that a small business receives from
training and developing its workers, including:

• Increased productivity.
• Reduced employee turnover.
• Increased efficiency resulting in financial gains.
• Decreased need for supervision.

Employees frequently develop a greater sense of self-worth, dignity and

well-being as they become more valuable to the firm and to society.
Generally they will receive a greater share of the material gains that result
from their increased productivity. These factors give them a sense of
satisfaction through the achievement of personal and company goals.
Training Methods

There are two broad types of training available to small businesses: on-
the-job and off-the-job techniques. Individual circumstances and the
"who," "what" and "why" of your training program determine which
method to use.
On-the-job training is delivered to employees while they perform their
regular jobs. In this way, they do not lose time while they are learning.
After a plan is developed for what should be taught, employees should be
informed of the details. A timetable should be established with periodic
evaluations to inform employees about their progress. On-the-job
techniques include orientations, job instruction training, apprenticeships,
internships and assistantships, job rotation and coaching.

Off-the-job techniques include lectures, special study, films, television

conferences or discussions, case studies, role playing, simulation,
programmed instruction and laboratory training. Most of these techniques
can be used by small businesses although, some may be too costly.

Orientations are for new employees. The first several days on the job are
crucial in the success of new employees. This point is illustrated by the
fact that 60 percent of all employees who quit do so in the first ten days.
Orientation training should emphasize the following topics:

• The company's history and mission.

• The key members in the organization.
• The key members in the department, and how the department helps
fulfil the mission of the company.
• Personnel rules and regulations.
Some companies use verbal presentations while others have written
presentations. Many small businesses convey these topics in one-on-one
orientations. No matter what method is used, it is important that the
newcomer understand his or her new place of employment.

Lectures present training material verbally and are used when the goal is
to present a great deal of material to many people. It is more cost
effective to lecture to a group than to train people individually. Lecturing
is one-way communication and as such may not be the most effective
way to train. Also, it is hard to ensure that the entire audience understands
a topic on the same level; by targeting the average attendee you may
undertrained some and lose others. Despite these drawbacks, lecturing is
the most cost-effective way of reaching large audiences.

Role playing and simulation are training techniques that attempt to

bring realistic decision making situations to the trainee. Likely problems
and alternative solutions are presented for discussion. The adage there is
no better trainer than experience is exemplified with this type of training.
Experienced employees can describe real world experiences, and can help
in and learn from developing the solutions to these simulations. This
method is cost effective and is used in marketing and management

Audiovisual methods such as television, videotapes and films are the

most effective means of providing real world conditions and situations in
a short time. One advantage is that the presentation is the same no matter
how many times it's played. This is not true with lectures, which can
change as the speaker is changed or can be influenced by outside
constraints. The major flaw with the audiovisual method is that it does
not allow for questions and interactions with the speaker, nor does it
allow for changes in the presentation for different audiences.

Job rotation involves moving an employee through a series of jobs so he

or she can get a good feel for the tasks that are associated with different
jobs. It is usually used in training for supervisory positions. The
employee learns a little about everything. This is a good strategy for
small businesses because of the many jobs an employee may be asked to

Apprenticeships develop employees who can do many different tasks.

They usually involve several related groups of skills that allow the
apprentice to practice a particular trade, and they take place over a long
period of time in which the apprentice works for, and with, the senior
skilled worker. Apprenticeships are especially appropriate for jobs
requiring production skills.

Internships and assistantships are usually a combination of classroom

and on-the-job training. They are often used to train prospective
managers or marketing personnel.

Programmed learning, computer-aided instruction and interactive video

all have one thing in common: they allow the trainee to learn at his or her
own pace. Also, they allow material already learned to be bypassed in
favour of material with which a trainee is having difficulty. After the
introductory period, the instructor need not be present, and the trainee can
learn as his or her time allows. These methods sound good, but may be
beyond the resources of some small businesses.

Laboratory training is conducted for groups by skilled trainers. It

usually is conducted at a neutral site and is used by upper- and middle
management trainees to develop a spirit of teamwork and an increased
ability to deal with management and peers. It can be costly and usually is
offered by larger small businesses.

Evaluation of Training

Training should be evaluated several times during the process. Determine

these milestones when you develop the training. Employees should be
evaluated by comparing their newly acquired skills with the skills defined
by the goals of the training program. Any discrepancies should be noted
and adjustments made to the training program to enable it to meet
specified goals. Many training programs fall short of their expectations
simply because the administrator failed to evaluate its progress until it
was too late. Timely evaluation will prevent the training from straying
from its goals.
Training Cycle

Stage 1 - Identification of training needs

This initial stage of the training cycle addresses finding out if there is, or
identifying, training need. If a need is identified, it is at this stage that
who needs trained (target audience), in what and how you will know the
training has had the intended impact success criteria of the training
should be identified. This stage will help those who identify training
needs to consider why the training is required and its expected outcome
and impact.
How you will measure if the training has met the original need i.e.
brought about intended change in behaviour, performance.

Stage 2 - Design of training solutions

This stage covers planning, design and development of magistrate
training. It aims to ensure that a systematic and consistent approach is
adopted for all training solutions. Training solutions cover face to face
training and open and flexible learning including e-learning.

Stage 3 - Delivery of training solutions

This stage of the training cycle ensures that the delivery of the training is
effective and provides opportunities for the learners to learn. This will
involve choosing the most appropriate format for meeting training needs,
and taking advantage of different training methods.

Stage 4 - Application of training in the court environment

This stage of the training cycle is concerned with ensuring that all
learning outcomes are applied and reinforced in practice within the court
environment. This stage will help those who monitor the development of
individual learners and review their progress.
Stage 5 - Evaluation of training solutions
This stage of the training cycle deals with the collection, analysis and
presentation of information to establish the improvement in performance
that results from this.This stage will help those who evaluate learning
programmes, or who respond to developments in learning, or plan and
introduce improvements in learning interventions.

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