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MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011


newsnow.mu Issue No. 417

GWORLD OPINION – Pages 10-11 Liverpool

GFOREIGNERS FLEE – Page 13 snatch

GNewcastleʼs Andy Carroll.

LONDON: Liverpool had a British transfer record offer
accepted by Newcastle United for striker Andy Carroll,
the Premier League club said last night.
The 35 million pounds deal also appeared to open the
way for Fernando Torres to move to Chelsea for a report-

ed 50 million pounds as the transfer deadline approached
(3am Mauritian time).
Newcastle, who had turned down two offers for the 22-
year-old yesterday, caved in when Carroll handed in a
transfer request which they “reluctantly” accepted.
Reports put the fee at 35 million pounds ($56.14 mil-
lion), plus add-ons, which would make him comfortably
the most expensive signing by a British club, eclipsing the
fee Manchester City paid Real Madrid for Robinho and
Manchester United paid Tottenham Hotspur for Dimitar

Carroll’s move to Liverpool, who have also signed
Uruguay’s Luis Suarez from Ajax as new manager Torres
to complete his switch to Chelsea.
The powerful Carroll, born in the Newcastle heartland
of Gateshead, made his first-team debut in 2006 and has
developed into one of the Premier League’s most feared
frontmen, netting 11 times in the league this season.
Although Dalglish insisted yesterday that Liverpool,
who rejected Chelsea’s first offer of 35 million pounds,
were ready to ignore all bids, it is claimed the improved
offer could persuade the club’s American owners to

change their minds.
“With regards to Fernando, it’s the same as what the
club statement was two or three days ago,” Dalglish said.
“We will stick to that and we won’t be adding to that.
“Our supporters deserve to be told but I think our sup-
porters deserve to be told definitive news rather than spec-
ulative stuff.”


MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 2

Stay away curbs
from Egypt in place
By Nitesh Boodhoo

Water supply restrictions remain.

That was the message from the Ministerial
Committee chaired by the Deputy Prime
Minister and Minister of Public Utilities and
Energy, Dr Rashid Beebeejaun, which met yes-
Even though many areas of the country have
been hit by major downpours over the past few
days, water levels in most reservoirs have only
very slightly gone up leaving water level at
reservoirs still below average.
And it’s no change for most of the regions
which have recently been getting water only
once a day.
The Communications Manager of the Central
Water Authority (CWA), Mr Bhishek Narain,
told NEWSNOW yesterday that the downpours
have had only a very slight impact on the critical
water situation.
“It’s encouraging. The underground water
reserves of the country have also benefitted from
the downpours. But we are still at below-average
which has compelled the committee to maintain
water curbs.” M
He explained that these measures will keep the
country on the “safe side”.
“We will need to have heavy downpours for
two weeks for our water reserves to be full. Let’s
pray that the rains come and that they last,” he
GA woman passes an Egyptian soldier while carrying a placard that reads “Mubarak, leave, According to latest figures released by the
God help us” during a protest in Cairo yesterday.


CWA, the water level at the Mare aux Vacoas
reservoir as at yesterday (Monday) was 37.5%,
Piton du Millieu was at 43.1%, Nicoliere was at
77.9% and the Midlands Dam was at 39.2%.

Clifford Vellien Mr Rabin Sawmy, First Secretary at the Ministry of

Foreign Affairs, told NEWSNOW that so far his office
has not received any unfavourable reports on the
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Regional Mauritians who are currently in Egypt.
Integration and International Trade has warned He also said that though international communica-
Mauritians not to fly to Egypt as thousands of tion with Egypt is very difficult, the ministry is being
protesters are still occupying the streets calling informed about the situation there, particularly on the
for President Hosni Mubarak to resign. security of Mauritians. About the number of
“The ministry strongly advises Mauritians not to Mauritians who are in Egypt, he said that some 15 to
undertake any travel to Egypt until the situation 20 locals are there, adding that it’s difficult to know the
improves,” stated a communiqué issued yesterday. exact figures as some Mauritians are in the country for
It also said that the Mauritian mission in Egypt “has business, others are there to attend meetings or confer-
informed that all Mauritians are safe”. ences.
The communiqué urged Mauritians who are current- Mr Ah-Yao Lam, chief of protocol at the Ministry of
ly in Egypt to exercise extreme caution and avoid Foreign Affairs, said that Mauritius is seeking the
being in crowded areas. They are also advised to give assistance of France to repatriate the Mauritians from
their whereabouts to the Embassy of Mauritius in Egypt if it is necessary. He too warned Mauritians in
Egypt in case the situation deteriorates further. Egypt to be “extremely cautious”.


Any worried relatives in Mauritius can con- Mr T. Reetoo - Acting First Secretary: 250-
tact the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the fol- 0753 (mobile), 405-2611 (office)
lowing numbers: Mr S. Gaffar – Second Secretary: 405-2557
Mr R. Sawmy - First Secretary: 942-1719 (office)
(mobile), 405-2606/07 (office)

MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 3

Michaela murder
By Nitesh Boodhoo By Nitesh Boodhoo away from the room and minutes later, I saw
Treebhoowoon and supervisor Moonea leaving the
Mrs Poonum Sookhun, the lawyer for suspect Dassen Narayanen, The Major Crime Investigation Team (MCIT) is room. They were sweating.
sent a communiqué yesterday stating that three newspapers “have nearing the end of the investigation into the murder “I asked them what happened and Treebhoowoon
reported quite clearly that my client has apparently been suffering of Michaela Harte-McAreavey, whose body was told me that he had slight trouble with one of the
from hallucinations, in particular having experienced the return of found in Room 1025 at the Legends Hotel on wheels of his trolley.” Police revealed that it was
the spectre of the murder victim, late Mrs Michaela McAreavey January 10. the conversation between the three men, which was
born Harte”. This is untrue, The MCIT is still waiting for the DNA report recorded on CCTV, which gave them a vital lead in
the lawyer said. from the Forensic Science Laboratory to
She claimed that one of the submit the entire report on the killing to the
newspapers has also made a Director of Public Prosecutions.
direct link of such occurrence All five suspects – Sandip Mooneea,
to the well known masterpiece floor supervisor, Avinash Treebhoowoon
of William Shakespeare, and Raj Theekoye, room attendants,
Macbeth. Dassen Narayanen and Seenarain Mungoo,
“I have grave concern as to security officers – will appear at the
the implication of my client District Court of Mapou tomorrow.
into a guilt trip for murder The final crime reconstruction concern-
made by the three newspapers ing the murder took place on Saturday at
(to which) I referred,” she the Legends Hotel, where the prime murder
said. suspect, Sandip Mooneea, who has denied
“I have no choice but to the allegations, showed investigators his
raise awareness about the location at the time of the killing.
need for the media and press Mooneea told police that it was only
to report matters responsibly after he learned that there was a problem
and accurately,” she added. that he rushed to room 1025.
She clarified that after she GSuspect Dassen Security officer Naranayen, who is sus-
pected to have switched the electronic
had various and thorough con- Narayanen. swipe card of Room 1025 to hand it over to
ferences with her client, she
learned that no such occurrence has happened. the main suspect also took part a recon-
“The MCIT has not mentioned about my client hallucinating nor struction on Saturday.
has the medical doctors of the hospital observed any such halluci- Narayanen showed to investigators the
nations. Put simply, my client has not been suffering from any kind path he took and where he handed over the
of hallucination whatsoever.” key card of the room to Sandip Mooneea.
She explained that Dassen Narayanen was taken to hospital for While Mooneea continues to deny the
a “rather minor” respiratory problem which, according to her, is charges, the second murder suspect,
nasal or asthma-related and otherwise any stress suffered was Avinash Treebhoowoon, who is also provi-
nothing other than a normal consequence of him being held in sionally charged with murder, explained
detention. during his reconstruction how Mooneea
“The point I make is a simple and clear one: Whilst the media strangled the victim while he pinned her to
and press exercise the right to freedom of expression, I also draw the floor by holding her legs.
your attention that such freedom should not be exercised in a way Raj Theekoy, charged with conspiracy to
that will encroach upon fair reporting. commit murder, told investigators his exact loca- the murder investigation.
“More importantly, my client has a constitutional right to a fair tions on the day Michaela Harte-McAreavey was However, the last security officer to be arrested,
trial before a court of law. It is therefore improper for the three killed during what police believe was a robbery Sandeep Mungoo, may be bailed this week after a
newspapers I referred to imply a guilt trip of Shakespearian pro- gone wrong. statement by Dassen Narayanen exonerated him.
portion upon my client pending a murder investigation let alone a According to his statement, the door of room Narayanen had claimed that he initially incriminat-
formal charge related to murder at this early stage,” she said. 1025 was closed and the work trolley of Avinash ed Mungoo because he was not on good terms with
Treebhoowoon was in front of the door. “I went him.

Minister hits back in Ameer row

By Nitesh Boodhoo and therefore he should refrain from mak- any comments,” said Mr Mohamed.
ing comments,” Mr Mohamed said. “We can only advise the person who
Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and “If Tengur is criticising trade unionists, needs to enter a statement at the CMC,
Employment Shakeel Mohamed has hit Mrs Ameer and my ministry, he must sure- which was what we did. We can only go
back at a trade unionist in the continuing ly have a political agenda behind this.” according to the laws.
row over sacked MBC employee Rehana He explained that the Ministry of Labour, “We need to understand that the role of
Ameer. Industrial Relations and Employment does the CMC is at this stage to negotiate for
The President of the Government Hindi not have the authority to refer an industrial reinstatement of Mrs Ameer, which is
Teachers’ Union (GHTU), Mr Suttyhudeo dispute to the Commission of Mediation something that cannot be forced on the
Tengur, criticised the minister and trade and Conciliation (CMC). employer. Tengur does not even know about
unionists for giving false hope to Mrs “However, Mr Tengur is claiming that we the functions of the CMC. He needs to keep
Ameer. referred the case of Mrs Ameer to the CMC quiet,” the minister said.
Mr Mohamed told NEWSNOW yester- which shows he does not even know about “I will always give advice to Mrs Ameer
day that Mr Tengur “does not even know the procedures. according to the existing laws. By claiming
about the employment laws”. “Tengur is directly attacking the laws and that I am giving false hopes to Mrs Ameer
“A little knowledge is dangerous. Tengur institutions of the country; he needs to shows his (Tengur’s) ignorance.”
has very little knowledge about the situation know his subject thoroughly before making GShakeel Mohamed.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 4

Fuel increase Bible

hits price causes row
By Sheena Ramdonee

of air tickets
Minister of Education and Human Resources
Dr Vasant Bunwaree has revealed that an
enquiry has been launched into a charge that
Bible Studies are obligatory in colleges run by


the Bureau d’Education Catholique (BEC).
The issue was raised by Mr Ajit Gopal, pres-
ident of a socio-cultural group, Kranti.
Mr Gopal made a statement to the police
claiming that College du St Esprit is imposing
Bible Studies on students of different religious
Air Mauritius is increasing the The decision to increase seating mark of its growth in Asia. faiths. Mr Gopal says this is nothing less than
fuel surcharge for tickets issued capacity is in line with the government André Viljoen, the airline’s Acting trying to urge these students to convert to
goal to attract more tourists from CEO, stated: “Air Mauritius’ capacity
on or after February 1, to Euros emerging economies. The announce- deployed in our next financial year
another religion.
15 per sector. Mr. Jacques Malie, rector of the St Esprit
ment was made following a joint meet- reaches the highest ever for the airline College, told NEWSNOW that Bible Studies is
The national carrier justified the rise ing held with the Mauritius Tourism and we are delighted to be providing
because of the “sustained escalation in a subject taught in many colleges for the past
Promotion Authority (MTPA). A meet- more seats on our existing services five years.
the price of fuel”. ing was also held with the travel part- (and new service to Shanghai) to our
According to a communiqué, the last “It is ridiculous to say that we are trying to
ners in Mauritius. valued customers. convert people to other religions. Bible Studies
fuel surcharge was in July 2008. “It has For the first time ever, Air Mauritius “We hope that the tourism and travel
been reduced twice since then,” says is taught twice a week and it is nothing but an
will be offering 1,850,000 seats on its partners will be pleased with the addi- initiation to ancient civilisations, history and
the same communiqué. network worldwide – a 6.3% increase tional opportunities for growth world-
Air Mauritius, which last week geography.
over last year. wide and in particular in the emerging “If parents show some kind of apprehension
announced its capacity plan for April Capitalising on the growth opportu- economies – a strategy we have adopt-
2011 to March 2012 in which a “record then we explain it to them. Parents have signed
nities in the emerging economies and ed and which is aligned with govern- a form before their children joined college
number” of 1,850,000 seats is with a view to diversifying its market ment’s objectives to rebalance the
deployed, says it will continue “to informing them of the subjects to be taught
base, the airline also announced direct growth of the tourism industry and from Form I to Form III. This socio-cultural
monitor the price of fuel and keep sur- services to Shanghai in China with build in more resilience.”
charges under constant review”. group (Kranti) is blowing things out of propor-
effect from July this year as the hall- tion,” says Mr. Malie.

Mr Malie also added that Bible Studies is an
elective subject taught from Form I to Form
III. This means that students are free to decide
if they want to do it or not. But according to the
regulations of the ministry, there are no elec-
tive subjects in Form I to III; students are sup-
Europe: Over 23,000 additional seats or +5% posed to do all the subjects decided by the
Paris: 13,700 additional seats or +5% school.
Joint flights operated by Air France leaving Mauritius at Responding to a question from NEWSNOW,
night, hence improving the tourism product. Also, depar- Minister Bunwaree said that no college is
ture from Paris in the evening, providing twice as many allowed to impose such a subject on its stu-
connecting flights from France and the rest of Europe. dents.
London: 13,000 additional seats or +9% “Nowhere in our education system is it men-
India: 11,300 additional seats or +5% tioned that colleges are allowed to impose
Far East: 17,000 additional seats or +11% these subjects. They did not receive any
Australia: 8,600 additional seats or +15% instructions to do so from the ministry. It has to
Africa (South Africa, Kenya and Madagascar): 13,500 be the choice of the parents and the students. If
additional seats or +4% the parents agree to their children studying
Reunion: 17,500 additional seats or +4% Bible then there is no problem but if they are
Rodrigues: 14,000 additional seats or +12% against it and the college is imposing on them,
then necessary actions will be taken.”

Kidnap suspect in hospital

By Nitesh Boodhoo ly found two handguns in the possession charges because of a lack of evidence.
of Diop and his father. They were both Three accomplices named in the murder
Kidnapping suspect Diop Bhoyroo, who arrested and investigators found out that case were also released.
was in detention at La Bastille Prison, was they did not have a firearm licence. During During the previous hearing of the pre-
admitted to hospital yesterday. The cause the search, a certain amount of ammuni- liminary enquiry into the murder of Judex
of his admission has not been revealed. tion was also discovered. Bhoyroo in the same court, Chief Police
Bhoyroo is being closely watched by On September 29, 2006, police discov- Medical Officer, Dr Sudesh Kumar
guards from the Groupement ered Christophe Antoinette, a taxi driver, Gungadin, stated that the bones secured by
d’Intervention de la Police Mauricienne trapped in a hole in the farm of Jose investigators as evidence were not those of
(GIPM). Bhoyroo. The taxi driver was guarded by a humans but animals.
Diop Bhoyroo and his twin, Yannick, Rottweiler which investigators believed Furthermore, the report of the Forensic
are both accused of sequestration. Diop belonged to the “twins”. Science Laboratory (FSL) confirmed that
Bhoyroo and his father, Jose , were also Mr Antoine, in his statement to the the bones recovered on the farm in La
charged with illegal possession of MCIT, explained that he was “put in the Ferme of Jose Bhoyroo were animal
firearms. hole” by the Bhoyroo brothers. bones.
Jose Bhoyroo was granted bail during a A month ago, Yannick and Diop were Amidst confusion and a probable
previous hearing. The alleged offence of released by the District Court of Black administrative mistake, the Bhoyroo
possession of firearms occurred on River after a common charge of murder brothers left the court but later surrendered
October 12, 2006. was dropped. They were previously themselves voluntarily at the Rose Hill
The Major Crime Investigation Team accused of having killed their younger Police Station. They have been in custody
(MCIT) conducted a search in the farm of cousin, Judex Bhoyroo, 16, but Magistrate since then.
Jose Bhoyroo in La Ferme. They alleged- Adeelah Hamuth cleared them of all GDiop Bhoyroo
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 5

Hawkers on move
Rakshita Ramessur ities and will pay an annual licence fee of Rs2,000 apart Social Integration and Economic Empowerment.
from the monthly rental, which is Rs1,000 per stall. “Solutions must be found. Everyone must give a help-
Operations at Pont de Paris will start on February 5. ing hand to give Port Louis its true value,” he said.
The distribution of stalls to relocate the hawkers “Once the hawkers from Desforges Street have been “We must raise awareness among residents and visitors
of Desforges Street to Pont de Paris will be made relocated to Pont de Paris, we will not tolerate any other about the importance of keeping their environment clean.
by drawing lots in the Municipal Town Hall on hawkers there. There will be strict penalties for those Everyone wants to live in a clean region and we are will-
February 4. breaking the rules,” warned the lord mayor. ing to give them the facilities.
The information was revealed to NEWSNOW yester- Food hawkers “I am aware of the hard work and this will take some
time, but I want to say that the work has already begun,”
day Lord Mayor of Port Louis Dr Mahmad Khodabaccus.
The much-delayed Rs26 million Pont de Paris project is Mr Faizal Ghoorbin, spokesperson for the food hawk- he said.
the site for the relocation of hawkers from Desforges ers, told NEWSNOW he was happy to hear the site is A clean-up campaign was launched last Sunday at
Street in the capital which has been declared a non-hawk- ready. “Let’s hope for the best. We do not want to wait for Camp Yoloff which witnessed the participation of the cit-
er zone. much longer. As it is, several food hawkers are not work- izens of several regions.
Work on electricity, parking facilities and infrastructure ing these days. A proper food court will help us to offer a “We intend to keep contact with all the volunteers and
are now finally completed at the site. better service to our clients.” go into all suburbs of Port Louis. I want to fight against
Speaking to NEWSNOW, Dr Khodabaccus confirmed Dr Khodabaccus said he intends to implement firmly all aspects of unhealthiness. In two weeks time we will
that Pont de Paris will house 70 stalls for food and 60 the plans he announced when he was appointed. These start the same operation at Pointe-aux-Sables and cover
stalls for non-foodstuffs. include the eradication of poverty in the capital which, he the whole of Port Louis.”
The hawkers will be officially registered by the author- says, will be done in collaboration with the Ministry of

Police chief
with Dragnet
Commissioner of Police Dhun
Iswar Rampersad, is very satis-
fied with the positive outcome
of Operation Dragnet over last
Police arrested 226 people, of
whom 201 had arrest warrants
issued against them.
The remaining arrests were
for road traffic offences, busi-
nesses which have been operat-
ed at illegal hours, illegal
traders, hawkers and taxis
Sixteen drivers were arrested
and tested positive for alcohol.
The police commissioner, who
directly supervised the Dragnet
operation, said that the force
will organise such operations
more frequently.
Among the several aims of the
operation was to simulate better

Voter registration is on coordination among the different

divisions of the force.
The operation was carried out
by the regular police, the
The registration of voters in Mauritius and be used if the municipal elections are held According to the electoral officer, the pro-
Rodrigues by the Electoral Commissioner’s after August 16, 2011. visional registers will be ready by March 31 Emergency Response Service,
Office (ECO) started on January 28 and is Registration is compulsory and continuous and will be made available for consultation Special Mobile Force (SMF)
due to end on February 11. and is executed in three phases. to members of the public for two weeks from and the National Coast Guard.
The electoral officials estimate that by the Officials from the ECO register voters in April 1 in various registration centres Police arrested the highest
end of this annual door-to-door exercise they annual door-to-door visits. Thereafter a com- (schools, village halls, community/social number of people in the Eastern
would have listed up to 900,000 people. Last prehensive network of centres is open where welfare centres, etc) after office hours on region (60), 29 arrests were
year, the number of voters registered in voters can check and may correct any mis- weekdays and Saturdays. made in the Central region and
Mauritius and Rodrigues was 875,799. takes from the previous phase. All objections regarding entries in the elec- 24 in Port Louis North.
New voters recorded on this year’s list In the final phase the register of voters is tors’ lists can be made to the registration offi- The operation also organised
must have already reached their 18th birthday published. cer. roadblocks and 6,790 vehicles
in the past year. Those who turn 18 by August “This annual house-to-house enquiry is “Objection sittings are held on or before were checked and 1,397 drivers
15 will also be considered. usually done in January. Our officers visit June 15 each year, after giving appropriate contravened for traffic offences.
A team of officers will also visit colleges every household after office hours on week- notice to the persons whose names are object- Police also fined several driv-
where many students of the Higher School days and during weekends, in order to regis- ed to. It is only then that the registers of elec- ers for speeding, with 43 drivers
Certificate (HSC) would have turned 18. ter electors,” explains the senior electoral tors are finalised after taking into account the contravened in the West, 34
“We can register many new voters through officer. lists of eligible voters abroad, deceased and drivers in the South, 27 in the
this procedure. Normally the management of Every member of the household eligible to emigrated persons obtained from the relevant East, 18 for the North, 16 in
the college cooperate fully with us,” explains vote must complete a return as prescribed by authorities,” he said. Port Louis and six in Rodrigues.
a senior electoral officer. law, while newly-qualified electors have to The registers are published and come into Six other drivers were also
This newly-compiled electoral register will fill in a declaration of qualification. force on August 16 each year. booked for noise pollution.

MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 6

OECD claims
tax treaty
The Organisation for Economic Cooperation made by companies based in Mauritius.
and Development (OECD), the agency at the In addition, the low tax rate for foreign companies,
up to a maximum of 3%, is said to be another attraction.
forefront of the global crackdown on tax In any case, capital gains tax is exempted due to the
havens, believes that India’s Double Tax provisions of the DTAA between India and Mauritius.
Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with Mauritius Though Indian tax authorities have been negotiating
had “gaps that needed to be filled”. amendments to the treaty for insertion of a limitation of
A study of information exchange and transparency of benefit clause, said the Times of India report, “the

More support
tax and investment rules in Mauritius – sometimes crit- absence of political will” has stalled the process and
icised as a source for routing of “black money” into meant that the loopholes remain unplugged.
India – “could be a headache for the government which An OECD study, released last Friday, said there were
other loopholes.
GDr Amita Pathak

planned for
is already under attack for not doing its bit to check
secretion of ill-gotten wealth,” notes an OECD report. For instance, the treaty allowed for disclosure of
The report, carried in the online edition of the Times information to the persons in respect to whom informa-
of India, claimed Mauritius had “lax norms” that pro- tion or documents had been sought. It also showed that

vided room for routing of funds from one country to even in cases where guidelines to track investors and
another. details of their wealth were available, the Mauritian
Indian authorities have in the past feared that re-rout- authorities have not been able to make full use of the

ing of funds was taking place through Mauritius –
Indian tax officials suspect that Indian nationals were For instance, the DTCs with India allowed for auto-
sending black money overseas and then getting it back matic exchange of tax information on a routine basis
into the country via Mauritius. but Mauritius has not exchanged information over the
Mauritius has always maintained that tightening of last three years, the study claims.
rules has made it tough for investors to undertake such “Also, Mauritius does not seem to have done its bit in
transactions. informing countries such as India with whom it has tax
The so-called “lack of transparency” is often cited as treaties about an amendment to its domestic laws that
the reason for global investors based in the US and now allows for sharing information on non-residents
Europe opting to route investment into India through and offshore companies that do not pay tax in Authorities have set up Advocacy Committees at the
Mauritius. India accounts for over half the investment Mauritius,” concludes the report. municipal/district/village council levels in 153 regions of
the country in a bid to implement in Mauritius the Global
Fund Project on HIV/AIDS.
The committees, an initiative of the Ministry of Gender
Equality, Child Development and Family Welfare in col-

Michel to return award By Clifford Vellien
laboration with the National Women’s Council, are
designed to encourage and support people living with
HIV/AIDS and work in their favour “so that the commu-

to slaves
nity understands and respects them”.
Mr Sylvio Michel, leader of political party Les Verts-Fraternels, told The aim is also to make the population aware of the pre-
NEWSNOW yesterday that he is planning to return his distinct order vention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and to fight stigmati-
of merit medal to the president of the republic. sation and discrimination.
He said that next week his party will hold a committee to decide Members of the committees include headmasters, rec-
“when I will give back the medal” to the authorities. tors, religious leaders, private business leaders, council-
The 176th anniversary of the aboli-
In 2008, Mr Michel was awarded by the distinct order of merit lors, youth leaders, women’s and men’s groups and asso-
tion of slavery will be commemo-
Grand Officer of the Order of The Star ciations (fishermen’s associations, leaders of women and
rated today at the International
and Key of the Indian Ocean (GOSK) youth wings of faith-based groups), and representatives of
Slave Route Monument, Le Morne.
for distinguished service in the social trade unions.
A centrepiece of the event will be
and political fields. Launching the committees, Minister of Gender Equality,
the unveiling of a magnificent stone
Mr Michel says he has been motivat- Child Development and Family Welfare Mrs Sheila
monument at the the foot of Le
ed by the fact that the Le Morne Bappoo stressed they will become the new essential tool
Morne mountain, in front of the
Heritage Trust Fund is not respecting a for Mauritius in the prevention and information campaign
public beach.
management plan which recommends on HIV/AIDS.
It has been carved by
the development of the Morne region. She also underlined the necessity to eliminate the prob-
Rajivanayan Pandey, Dean of the
The Morne is a UNESCO World lem of stigmatisation and called for a change of mindset.
Faculty Arts and Crafts College of
Heritage site. The government is among the first on the African conti-
Fine Arts and in charge of the
According to Mr Michel, if the nent to have offered free treatment to people suffering
sculpture department at the
authorities do not carry out work there, from HIV/AIDS, observed the minister.
University of Lucknow in India.
According to statistics, around 4,600 HIV cases have
UNESCO can in the future delist the
site from its list. been detected since the start of the epidemic in Mauritius.
He deplores that the commemora- Dr Amita Pathack, National Aids Coordinator from the
The sculptor has carved two
tion of the abolition of slavery in National Aids Secretariat of the Prime Minister’s Office,
slaves on a rock inspired by the
Mauritius is celebrated “without said that while it is true that in Mauritius the epidemic is
theme of freedom.
respect to the ancestors who had suf- GSylvio Michael Through his creativity, the artist
concentrated among drug users and people with “risky
fered a lot”. behaviours”, HIV is very much present at every level of
portrays a fascinating picture that
“Instead of making a ceremonial celebration, they are having a pic- the society and in each part of the country.
depicts a page of Mauritian history.
nic on the beaches of Le Morne with a lot of drinks and food,” he said. The secretariat will make available about Rs8.4 million
This initiative was made possible
He added that the authorities did not approve the Verts-Fraternels over the next five years to support the ministry’s initiatives
through a joint collaboration
request to hold its ceremony on January 30 and 31 on the beaches at in the fight against HIV/AIDS.
between the Ministry of Arts and
Le Morne. Instead, permission was granted for January 30 only, from Since May 2010, the National Women’s Council has
Culture and Le Morne Heritage
10am to 1pm. been implementing the Global Fund Project on HIV/AIDS
Trust Fund.
He also said that the authorities have “kept away Les Verts- with emphasis on prevention, treatment and stigma reduc-
During his visit to Mauritius, Mr
Fraternels” from the official ceremony to be held today to mark the tion.
Pandey met local artists and gave a
176 anniversary of the abolition of slavery. “If they do not recognise The objective of the Project is to decentralise the imple-
talk on sculpture at the Ministry of
our contribution and our party, then the distinct order medal represents mentation of HIV/AIDS activities and create better under-
Arts and Culture.
nothing,” he said. standing and acceptance by involving the population in
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 7

Claude Narain
knows the
inside out,
having spent a
lengthy career
in the industry.
though, he is
making sure
that Mauritius
has a constant
stream of able
and professional
staff to drive the
tourism industry
on to greater

Shaping the future

leaders of an industry
By Clifford Vellien began its mission of training those who will ensure the or employees already in the tourism sector.
progress and development of the industry in the years “The entrance door leads you to apprenticeship and
to come. when you get out of the exit door, it’s with a Diploma
The tourism industry in Mauritius continues to Its conception and location at Constance, a village on in Hospitality Management,” said Mr Narain.
grow – despite the occasional economic blips the East coast, favours a calm and serene environment, Foreign student are among the trainees of the CHTC,
caused by events beyond the island’s control, which helps foster active learning. which has partnership agreements on the exchange of
such as the crisis in the Eurozone. The centre’s primary goal is to deliver quality train- students and training in hotels with the Seychelles
And this year Mauritius is hoping to Tourism Academy and France-based
reach a major milestone by welcoming a FODENO.
record high of one million tourist arrivals. The CHTC has been awarded official
To safeguard the “dream destination”, registration as a private post-secondary
the focus should be on education and train- educational institution by the Tertiary
ing in the tourism sector. The Constance Education Commission.
Academy, also known as the Constance “During these 13 years, the Constance
Hospitality Training Centre (CHTC) Ltd, Academy has been developed as a nation-
has been providing tourism-related cours- al and regional training centre. Our vision
es to more than 5,000 students. is to inspire our people to become high
Its General Manager, Mr Claude Narain, performers,” said Mr Narain.
a founder member of the centre, had a In its early days, the CHTC provided
lengthy career in the hospitality sector. in-house training, that is courses offered
Before the CHTC was launched, he was only to hotels in the Constance Group,
the General Manager of Belle Mare Plage but later opened its doors to trainees of
Hotel, a five-star holiday resort with golf other hotels and also to members of the
facilities. It’s part of the Constance Hotels public, particularly those living in the dis-
Experience (CHE). trict of Flacq.
With the expansion of the group and the The CHTC then gradually provided
setting up of other holiday resorts in Mauritius and GMauritian hotels are world renowned, but apprenticeship training in collaboration
with the Hotel School of Mauritius (HSM) and the
Seychelles, Mr Narain decided to set up the training
centre as “we have to provide a better service to the vis-
to remain so they need a steady supply of Mauritius Institute of Training and Development
itors, and excellent training brings excellent quality in professional, committed staff. (MITD).
our jobs”. “We have established a career guidance plan for our
CHE has seven hotels in the Indian Ocean region – ing, coaching, counselling and support with a “delicate employees, starting from the bottom to attain the top in
Le Prince Maurice and Belle Mare Place (Mauritius); touch of passion and humility” to all its partners. a gradual methodology of training comprising six lev-
Halaveli Resort and Moofushi Resort (Maldives); Its pyramidal concept, starting from roots-based els,” Mr Narain said.
Lemuria Resort and Ephelia Resort (Seychelles) and courses Level 1 such as Adult Literary and IC3 (basic Professional, dynamic graduates of this and other
Tsarabanjina (Madagascar). computer studies) to Level 6 providing a Diploma in training establishments should ensure that Mauritius
So on June 1, 1998, the hospitality training centre Hospitality Management, is still attracting jobseekers keeps its place in the elite of destinations.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 8

Good Morning Readers! so I could join her. I removed some of the pebbles on the
outside only to discover they were lying on a cemented
I hope the past week has been as adventurous for you as floor. Next, I tried creating canals that got some of the
it has been for me. From the moment I signed off my last
column (on January 24), it has been raining in NDC with
few intermissions. And as much as I love rain, I don’t
recall ever being so scared of it – perhaps it’s the fact that
I’m on an island in the middle of the Indian Ocean that
Tj ON water away from the entrance to the Green Room.
I also assisted the old lady who was desperately sweep-
ing as hard as she could to get the water away from the
cemented ground into the absorbing mud. She asked me
to use bricks to create a barrier outside the Green Room
makes the hair on my neck rise! entrance as she fortified it with a metallic plate. I added
Back to last Monday, it started raining heavily around
10am; the earlier part of the morning had been cloudy,
breezy and slightly damp. Since I moved here, I’ve not
paid as much attention to rain simply because it is all too
TUESDAY gravel and sand to the barrier and was relieved to see
some of the water inside receding slowly. My better half
frantically did what she could inside.
Outside, at the main entrance, we had to line up about
frequent on this side of the island. So, I spent a few hours a dozen bricks to keep the water from flowing inwards as
reading and checking out what my friends are doing on cars passed. It took about an hour of hard labour to ensure
Facebook. that my home was safe. Once the danger had subsided, I
Then around midday, I decided it was time to go to the went out to assess the situation and saw some of my
gym and looking outside my window, I noticed a huge neighbours also frantically trying to keep the water out.
pool of rainwater accumulating just outside my place. The It was a sight that I won’t forget any time soon. The rag-
downpours were heavy and threatening to become more ing water pouring into a dozen or so outlets; yet the
perilous with thunder roaring across the dark, overcast depression outside looked like a deep lake. In the panic
skies. I contemplated how difficult it might be to find a and excitement, I had forgotten to cover the upper half of
bus or wait at the bus stop. my body and realised my shorts were soaking wet and I
I decided to take my car. Almost as soon as I backed out needed to get out of them to avoid catching a cold.
of the garage, I realised that it was almost impossible to In a plot next door that neighbours use for planting veg-
see ahead. The ping-pong-ball-sized drops were hailing etables, there must have been at least six to eight inches
down like never before – at this point in time, I wasn’t of standing water that had nowhere to go. I could only
even driving. Yet, I ventured forward slowly, hoping that imagine the plight of my neighbours.
visibility might improve as I moved away from home. The rest of the evening went by sharing our experience
The level of water just outside home was about ankle- with friends and family, listening to the news, and people
high. The depression in the road trapped the water. The calling us to inquire how we were. Someone told us that
drains, roads and sugarcane field all around couldn’t soak NDC had had the highest recorded rainfall anywhere on
up the pressure of water pouring down from the sky and the island and that the next 24 hours could be critical. I
from at least three other directions on land. spent most of the night making sure our barriers were not
Those who take this road regularly will know that it’s breached.
not at all straight or level. The dozens of troughs from Eau The next morning was bright and sunny and only late in
Bouille to St. Pierre were all flooded by this time. Driving
at 40kmph was next to impossible – the downpour turned tjhussain@gmail.com the evening did it start raining again – but nothing serious,
thankfully! I find it funny how Mother Nature, with
the windshield opaque – and so I slowed to below 30 and ridiculous predictability, repeatedly manages to negate
proceeded cautiously in second gear. the predictions of meteorologists.
I couldn’t see the rivers running Every time they say it will rain, it
across roads from one sugarcane field
to the next covering many of the low-
lying parts of the road at Ripailles,
Beau Bois and L’Avenir. It was only
when I drove into one and saw the
water flying off the sides or forcing
its way into my car that I realised I
I survive The doesn’t, and vice versa!
One of the more romantic effects
of this weather phenomenon has
been the mist. Driving home late
twice last week – once from Eau
Bouille and the other time from St.
Pierre – it seemed our little village
had a problem.
The rainwater entered my exhaust
and parts of the engine and I got the
feeling that the car might soon choke.
So I turned around about a kilometre
from St. Pierre and dropped the idea
Great Flood had been cloaked by a fog. The air
was clear before Eau Bouille on
this side and before Ripailles on
the other side.
As soon as you entered this juris-
diction, it was eerily similar to a
momentarily of going to the gym. I
remembered some of the water-filled
potholes this time around and man-
aged to keep the water from entering
the engine, driving mostly in first
gear now.
Then, an hour or so later when the
of NDC... Wes Craven blockbuster; the mist
seemed to be alive, crawling with
intent along the ground and easily
evident from inches away.
Visibility in this region during the
evenings has recently been dismal
to say the least. The only other
rain looked like it might be dying out place where I’ve witnessed a simi-
I went to the bus stop and had to wait lar scene once before was around
about 30 minutes before I got a cab. Curepipe.
The cabbie and I discussed how diffi- In fact, last Saturday evening,
cult it was to drive on the day. From there was an event at the communi-
inside the gym, I kept an eye on the ty centre here and I went for a few
heavens and the rain kept bucketing minutes to see the mindless vio-
with varying intensity almost non- lence, kicking and punching that is
stop. known as karate here. There wasn’t
Then, for about 15 minutes, it even a pinch of self-defence dis-
stopped just as I was about to step played by any of the contestants.
out. I went to the hairdresser’s and However, I notice the mist coming
talked about what a relief it was that into the hall through the open win-
the rain had stopped. We had spoken dows.
too soon. We were jinxed. It started It brought back memories of the
pouring again; so hard that it actually 2005 Rupert Wainwright movie
hurt my face and head when I stepped “The Fog”. I highly recommend
out. this chill-thrill if you can make it
Twenty minutes later, I managed to around here, especially if you’re
find a home-bound bus and perched driving in from St. Pierre because
next to a neighbour. We laughed and once you leave NDC and head into
enjoyed the heavy rain, looking out with a mug of hot tea. Minutes later, amid the deafening Salazie and Eau Bouille, there are
the glass at people wading through ankle-deep water on noise of the raindrops, I heard the cries of our neighbour no street lights for miles. The road twists and turns
the concealed pavements. Some residential areas already – the old woman said something like, “The house is viciously in many places with nothing but sugarcane
looked like inundated disaster zones. drowning!” fields on both sides. Talk about making your skin crawl!
Construction work at the Verdun-Terre Rouge road has I rushed to the window where she was and noticed If you’re driving around during the daytime and are
been halted since that day and there’s no sign of it restart- water seeping into the room I call the Green Room. It’s a lucky enough, you may still experience the fog that makes
ing any time soon. In fact, the excavated track turned into large, workshop-like space that I use as my office and TV this place incredibly mystifying. Unfortunately, I may
a deep river of raging, red water and I fancied that instead lounge. I have a desktop computer and my TV here in soon be moving out of here. Destination unknown!
of cars, we might now have to buy boats. My neighbour addition to other electronics. It took me a minute to assess Since last Sunday, the rains have stopped bombarding
told me I would have a lot of work to do once I got home. the situation before I unplugged the electronics and start- us during the day but the night usually brings all the
People who have been living in NDC long enough ed moving them on to higher ground. sound effects and lights. Did I mention the little snails
know that the house I live in is built downstream and has The old woman stayed outside trying to divert the water have grown twice, perhaps even thrice in size during the
been flooded many times in the past. I prayed that would to the other side of the house where we have some sandy past few days?
not happen. Upon reaching home, I showered and relaxed ground. She called out to her grandson to give me a hoe Until next week friends, stay safe and happy!
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 9

We reveal and
activate your


MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011
OpinionNow Page 10

Extracts of views and commentary from around the Global Village

United in impotence
Malign confusion reigns in the Egyptian capital as end. New columns of tanks said the same. But any an orderly transition – or a transition as orderly as it can
power ebbs from the regime of Hosni Mubarak to the aggressive use of force threatened to complicate the be at this late stage.
streets but could find nowhere of legitimacy or perma- most obviously benign resolution. Egypt, and the region If the President cedes power and the military can
nency to settle. as a whole, were precariously poised between a tenta- retain popular trust, there is the outline of at least a tem-
The personnel changes announced by a desperate tively positive denouement and chaos. porary solution. An interim administration with the
President on Saturday – the head of intelligence to
become Vice-President and the former head of the Air
Cometh the hour prominent involvement of the armed forces would be
hard for Egypt’s Western allies to stomach, but – with a
Force to become Prime Minister – paved the way, along As in Tunisia, one hallmark of the protests has been short, fixed term, a promise of rapid reforms and an
with the existing state of emergency, for the imposition the absence of any leader; the focus is hostility to Mr early date for free elections – it could be the least bad of
of martial law. Mr Mubarak’s televised meeting with the Mubarak's continued rule. Yesterday, there was a sense many scenarios. Mr ElBaradei’s imprimatur, or direct
generals sent the same message. If the army and the that “cometh the hour, cometh the man”, as Mohammad involvement, could make the difference.
President were united, however, they were united in ElBaradei, Nobel prizewinner and former head of the The immediate test for any interim regime would be
impotence. International Atomic Energy Agency, moved to step into whether it could win the confidence of the protesters
With the people in control of Cairo’s Tahrir Square, the breach, addressing crowds in Tahrir Square. For thronging the streets and those people sheltering in their
some suburbs and parts of other cities reportedly under much of the outside world, Mr ElBaradei looks very like homes too frightened to go out. For Egypt’s friends in
vigilante rule, and supplies of basic food and fuel threat- an ideal one-man interim solution; the more pertinent, the world, the test would be whether they would be able
ening to run short, the stand-off of the past week had to and harder, question is whether he can wield authority to hold any new regime to its undertakings.
be coming, in some way, to a head. among his compatriots. If Mr Mubarak’s moves in recent days are designed
Low-flying military aircraft, clearly calculated to At best, Mr Mubarak’s designation of a Vice-President not to ease a transition, but to reinforce his hold on
intimidate, suggested that the relative bonhomie and his public show of solidarity with the military were power, it is hard to see how popular anger can be held
between military and civilians might be coming to an designed not to preserve his 30-year rule, but to ensure back.

GA protester carries
a soldier on his
shoulders as they
Profound change
chant anti-government in the Arab world
slogans in Cairo.
is unfolding
Hosni Mubarak has run out of road, writes the GUARDIAN newspa-
per. This is obvious to all: to the police who have fled the streets, to
senior members resigning from the ruling party, and to the millions of
Egyptians who have taken over its cities. But not to the president him-
On Saturday he appointed a successor – as if he still had the moral
authority to do so. The demonstrators did not budge. Anti-government
slogans were sprayed on the side of tanks, with the tacit approval of
the conscripts manning them. The curfew kept on being ignored, and
on Sunday a new name was added to the passenger list of the plane
that the crowds hope will fly the regime to Saudi Arabia. It was that
of the president’s latest appointee.
He is General Omar Suleiman, the intelligence chief who saved his
president in an assassination attempt, and has since been involved in
all Egypt’s power-brokering, in Israel and elsewhere. He once negoti-
ated a truce between Fatah and Hamas, but has since helped to keep
Gaza’s siege intact and the Palestinians divided.
The self-appointed nemesis of Hamas’s political relative, the
Muslim Brotherhood in his own country, he is the sort of Arab strong-
man whom Israel feels (and the US used to feel) instinctively at home
with. A doer, whose deeds are as effective as they are hidden. The

The transition...
Defying a curfew and violent repression, the peo- Egypt’s population of 80 million is far and away
same reasons make him anathema to the nationalist revolution taking
place on the streets. How things develop depends very much on the
role that the army is seen to play in the next few critical days.
Military presence
ple of Egypt are refusing to back down until the biggest in North Africa and West Asia, and the Citizens woke up on Sunday to find al-Jazeera’s broadcasts via an
President Hosni Mubarak goes. They regard the country is the guardian of the Suez Canal. Egyptian satellite halted, and a heavy military presence on the streets.
concession he has made, the dismissal of his own Tunisia’s brave people, who recently ended Zine It is the one remaining sign of the state and the regime is clearly play-
Cabinet, as a contemptible joke, writes THE El Abidine Ben Ali’s 23-year rule, may well have ing the security card, one of the last it has to play. Its message is crude
HINDU. inspired Egyptians. Another factor has been the – but could still be effective. It is saying that the only alternative to
Hundreds of thousands have occupied central influential role played by Al Jazeera – the standout Mubarak is chaos. And yet the fact that some of the looting is being
areas of Cairo and other major cities, and their voice of aggressive, independent journalism in the organised by plain-clothed policemen is not lost on citizens. Many
ranks have swelled even as the tear gas has spread Arab world – in channelling popular discontent have formed vigilante groups to protect their property.
and the beatings have intensified. The ruling through the region. A battle is being waged for the army’s hearts and minds.
National Democratic Party’s building has been
burned down; the state TV building and the Muslim Brotherhood Demonstrators want it to guarantee constitutional change, and to over-
see the creation of a national unity government and then fresh and fair
Foreign Ministry have been attacked. After an absurd attempt to blame the Ikhwanul elections. But for that to happen, Mubarak and his henchmen must go.
More than 1,000 people were arrested in the first Muslimeen or Muslim Brotherhood, the Mubarak There were no signs of the popular protest dimming on Sunday,
three days and a similar number have been injured regime turned to violence, with the police and which was supposed to be a day of work. In Tunisia, a government of
in Cairo alone, with figures not yet known for semi-official thug militias using tear gas and rub- national unity has become a revolving door, as the remaining stalwarts
Alexandria and other cities. Newspapers report ber-coated steel bullets against protesters. Tanks of the ousted Ben Ali regime are whistled off stage, one by one. About
over 100 deaths so far, but the protests show no have also been deployed. the only one left is the prime minister himself. A similar clear-out
diminution despite the closure of access to the Cables released by WikiLeaks show that the could soon be underway in Egypt if this revolution succeeds.
Internet and mobile phone networks. United States has had no illusions about the Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Israel was watching
The mass rage has many causes, from long-term régime. Washington and its allies now stand thor- events closely, as well he might. The US, in full retreat from the posi-
structural unemployment through rising and oughly exposed for using aid of over $2 billion a tion it expressed only a week ago, told Mubarak that shuffling the
apparently uncontrollable food prices to rampant year and silence over internal repression to turn deck would not be enough, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on
corruption and the brutality of the notorious secu- Cairo into a crucial agent of their regional policy, Sunday uttered two words that are particularly ominous for him –
rity agencies. Yet unlike the 1977 bread riots, particularly in suppressing demands for justice for “orderly transition”.
which forced Anwar Sadat to restore a grain and the Palestinians. However this drama plays out, something quite profound is chang-
fuel subsidy, the present and still largely leaderless The Egyptian people’s uprising is showing the ing in the Arab world. So often written off, or thought to have been
protests are directed against the entire political world that this highly prized western ally is utter- subsumed by Islamism, pan-Arabism is finding voice once again in
structure in a country of great importance to the ly devoid of legitimacy. That message will echo the shape of this secular protest against dictatorship.
region and the rest of the world. through every other dictatorship in the region.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 11

Now hear this...

Clock is ticking
for Mubarak
Is Hosni Mubarak’s time up after 30
years as Egypt’s undisputed and interna-
tionally legitimised leader?
After a week of Egypt’s enraged and
predominantly young people battling his
security forces in the streets of Cairo and
other cities, he is a shadow of his former
Pharaonic self.
He has for the first time had to name a
vice-president from the military, relin-
quishing any dream he may have had of
naming his banker son Gamal as succes-
sor, and appointed a new government
headed by a former airforce chief, a job
he once held himself. three decades of autocratic rule replaced They said whether Mubarak stays or of the Egyptian people,” Clinton told Fox
Egyptians in revolt on the streets of by a military line-up featuring his closest goes ahead of the presidential vote set for News Sunday.
Cairo, in defiance of curfews, martial law cronies. September this year will be dictated by Egyptians from across the political
and the army, are not impressed. They “We don’t want Mubarak and his the army, which could insist that he does spectrum say nothing less than an over-
insist Mubarak must go. But there is little cronies. He just shuffled the deck. This not stand. haul of the power structure will stave off
idea of what may follow, or whether won’t bring change,” said Saad Khalifa. “I think Mubarak is going but he is not another crisis.
Mubarak’s belated promises of reform “He and his children have milked the going tomorrow,” said Middle East com- As in Tunisia, Egypt’s exploding
will translate into the real change country and its wealth. He doesn’t want mentator Rami Khouri. “This is definite- young population, most of them under-
Egyptians clearly yearn for. to leave. All these changes he made are ly a signal that he (Mubarak) personally employed and frustrated by oppression at
Is Hosni Mubarak staying or leaving? sedatives.” and his entire system have been signifi- the hands of a corrupt and rapacious elite,
Is there going to be change or not? Is a Egypt’s sprawling armed forces – the cantly challenged. demand a complete clear-out of the old
new era of freedom and democracy on its world’s 10th biggest at more than “The appointments he made are not guard, not just a reshuffle of the govern-
way or is it more of the same for 468,000-strong, which have received very encouraging. They do not bode well. ing class.
Egyptians? $1.3 billion a year in U.S. military aid The signs are clear that this system has Any serious change will also have to
Analysts, ordinary Egyptians and since Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel in been challenged in a very dramatic way,” set in motion plans to eradicate Egypt’s
opposition leaders say that if the popular 1979 – have been at the heart of poverty where 40% live on $2 a day, open
upheaval demanding Mubarak quit after power since army officers the political arena to the opposition and
three decades of commanding an ossified staged the 1952 overthrow of
As in Tunisia, Egypt’s exploding
end an emergency law that allows police
system is not adequate warning enough to the monarchy. to round up activists, torture and try them
make the regime introduce urgent
young population, most of them
Mubarak, who once appeared in military courts without charge.
change, what will be?
underemployed and frustrated
to have surmounted that legacy, “Change is inevitable,” said Khouri.
Chaos reigns has now had to fall back on the “On every level Egypt is a bankrupt
by oppression at the hands of a
army as his last line of defence, corrupt and rapacious elite, country. This is the result of the misman-
In a week of stunning protests that have putting military men into the agement of the economy, their mediocre
shaken Mubarak’s rule and alarmed Arab
demand a complete clear-out
top government posts and policies, abuse of power and mistreat-
rulers, more than 100 people have been removing a facade of civilian ment of their own people.”
of the old guard, not just a
killed and chaos has reigned in Egypt’s rule that went up in flames with
reshuffle of the governing class Analysts say Egypt’s political future
streets, Mubarak has offered a tantalising the torching of his ruling cannot exclude the Muslim Brotherhood,
glimpse he may step down and 80 million National Democratic Party the country’s most influential and organ-
long-suffering Egyptians are caught offices. Khouri added. ised Islamist opposition, who discretely
between their yearning for freedom and But many analysts saw Mubarak’s Despite the show of force by Mubarak joined protests driven by Web-savvy,
their fear of chaos. nomination of a successor, after refusing and his military, the picture on the streets more educated, middle class Egyptians.
Mubarak is nonetheless showing every to do so for 30 years, as a diminution of is unnerving. Protesters, albeit fewer in The Brotherhood, from long experi-
sign of clinging to power at any cost. On his powers. They said Mubarak no longer number than last week, continue their ence of confrontation with the authori-
Sunday he sent warplanes swarming in has the discretionary power he enjoyed defiance. Another inhibiting factor are the ties, is wary of commitment to protests. If
intimidatory waves over Cairo and troops for long, sparking speculation that he angry mobs spreading fear in the capital, it overreaches, it risks a harsher crack-
and tanks into city streets in a show of could be being pushed towards a mili- looting, ransacking and vandalising prop- down under pressure from Western gov-
force to scare off Egyptian protesters, and tary-approved handover of power. erty. ernments worried about an Islamist
terrify the population into fearing any “The army is in a tight spot and they In a clear expression of concern, U.S. takeover.
change of regime. are deciding what to do about the presi- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the The Brotherhood, like other Islamist
Protesters shouting “freedom, democ- dent,” said Faysal Itani of Exclusive United States wanted to see “orderly tran- groups in many Arab countries, has cold
racy, change”, sensed something ominous Analysis. sition” through free and fair elections in feet about governing. Its strategy focuses
about Mubarak’s appointment of his “The army may see Mubarak as a lia- its key ally and the Arab world’s most on a political reform agenda shared by
intelligence chief as his vice-president, bility but they won’t want to see him flee populous nation. other groups – free and fair elections, rule
and likely successor, and a former air with his tail between his legs like Ben “We ... don’t want to see some takeover of law, a new constitution.
force chief as his new prime minister. Ali. I think they would like to see him go that would lead not to democracy but to But that is what Egyptians as a whole
The crowds pouring into the streets but in an orderly fashion.” oppression and the end of the aspirations now appear to be demanding.
clearly have no desire to see Mubarak’s
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011
InternationalNow Page 12


to calm

GA man carries a picture of
By Marwa Awad & Dina Zayed Egyptian President Hosni
CAIRO Mubarak portraying him as
This new cabinet is too Hitler during a protest in
Cairo yesterday.
little, too late. I think
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak over-
hauled his government yesterday to try to
defuse a popular uprising against his 30- Mubarak will probably be
gone well before 30 days
But it appeared the moves would do little to turn back the groundswell
year rule, but angry protesters rejected the against the 82-year-old ruler. “This new cabinet is too little, too late. I
is up.
changes and said he must surrender power. think Mubarak will probably be gone well before 30 days is up,” Zaineb
On the seventh consecutive day of unrest in the Al-Assam, a Middle East expert at London-based Exclusive Analysis,
Arab world’s most populous nation, tens of thou- told Reuters. “There are some figures in the cabinet who are deeply
sands of protesters rallied in Cairo’s Tahrir Square unpopular. An example is General Wagdy. That’s going to add to the
chanting “Get out... We want you out” and singing About 140 people were killed in clashes with protests. Mubarak will be seen by the army as a liability.”
Egypt’s national anthem. security forces in scenes that overturned Egypt’s Dave Hartwell, Middle East analyst at IHS Jane’s, said the govern-
Troops backed by tanks and armoured personnel standing as a stable country promising emerging ment changes ruled out the possibility that Mubarak’s son Gamal –
carriers made no effort to disperse the crowd even market and attractive tourist destination. until last week widely viewed as his likely successor – would take
two hours after a curfew started although helicop- Mubarak, a close US ally and a stalwart in over. “The speculation is these changes are being forced on Mubarak
ters flew overhead. “This is all nonsense,” said Western policy towards the Middle East, respond- by the army and the conclusion is the army is now wielding influence
protester Omar el-Demerdash, 24, a research ed by offering economic reform to address public behind the scenes.”
executive, adding: “The demand is clear: We want anger over hardships. Yesterday, he named
Mubarak and his men to get out. Anything other General Mahmoud Wagdy, previously head of CALL FOR MASS RALLIES
than that is just not enough.” Cairo criminal investigations department, as the
new Interior minister. Wagdy’s predecessor was Protesters called for mass rallies today saying one million people
ARMY BACKING reviled by many Egyptians because of the repres- could take to the streets to mark a week since the uprising broke out.
sive tactics used by the police force to quash the Although the movement started with no clear leaders or organisa-
Egypt’s powerful army now appears to hold the opposition and criticism of the President. tion, the Opposition is taking steps to organise.
key to Mubarak’s fate. Although the Generals Mubarak, clinging to power as his legitimacy The Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist group, said it was seeking to
have held back from crushing the revolt, they have vaporises, on Saturday named his intelligence form a broad political committee with Mohamed ElBaradei to talk to
not withdrawn support for him. chief Omar Suleiman, a former military man, as the army. ElBaradei, a Nobel peace laureate and former head of the
The uprising, unprecedented in scale and inten- vice-President, a post vacant for 30 years. It was a UN nuclear agency, has urged Mubarak to go and has lent his interna-
sity in this once tightly-controlled country, erupt- move seen by some as a prelude to a transition in tional stature to a movement that has lacked a leader.
ed last week when frustration over repression, cor- power. He also appointed former air force com- The Brotherhood, which has wide support among poor Egyptians,
ruption, poverty and the lack of democracy under mander Ahmed Shafiq as Prime Minister after has until now kept in the background of an uprising spearheaded by
Mubarak boiled over. sacking the entire cabinet. the young urban poor and students, fearing a harsh crackdown.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 13

EU agrees to
freeze assets
of Tunisia’s
ousted leader
BRUSSELS: European Union
foreign ministers agreed yester-
day to freeze the assets of
Tunisia’s former President Zine-
al Abidine Ben Ali and his wife,
an EU official said.
The sanctions could be extend-
ed in future to other people con-
sidered to have misappropriated
state funds, the official said.
Ben Ali and his family built up
interests in many Tunisian compa-
nies and industries during his two
decades in power, including
hotels, banks, tuna exports, con-
struction, newspapers and phar-
maceuticals. He was driven out by
a popular revolt on January 14 and
sought refuge in Saudi Arabia.
EU ministers meeting in GOusted President of
Brussels were also expected to Tunisia Zine al-Abedine
look at ways to offer better trade Ben Ali.
terms to Tunisia to help strength-
en the country’s economy.
Since Ben Ali’s overthrow, the intends to freeze any deposited
EU has been trying to create a there. France has announced
new relationship with a country measures to block any suspicious
with which it developed strong movements of Tunisian money.
trade and political ties during Catherine Ashton, the EU’s
Ben Ali’s 23 years in power. foreign affairs chief, spoke to
France, Tunisia’s former colo- Tunisia’s Foreign minister by
nial ruler, Italy and Spain have telephone on Friday and invited
all had good relations with Ben him to come to Brussels this
Ali and his government in recent week to discuss how the EU
years while at the same time urg- could help the country as it tries
ing democratic reforms. to restore stability.
It was not yet clear where the The EU plans to send a team of
Ben Ali family’s assets were held experts to Tunisia in the coming
although Switzerland has said it weeks to help plan new elections.

Pakistan could
see Tunisia-style
unrest: Red Cross
Governments evacuate citizens
NEW DELHI: Food insecurity caused by devastating floods in
Pakistan could eventually lead to social unrest similar to that seen in
Tunisia, the head of the international Red Cross federation warned
BEIJING/FRANKFURT: Governments, airlines their destinations. Increasing disasters and conflicts across the world and shrinking aid
and tour operators worked together yesterday to Two Chinese airlines, Air China and Hainan from traditional Western donors meant emerging economies like
fly their nationals out of Egypt, where protesters Air, said they would each send a chartered flight India, China and Brazil should play a greater role in humanitarian
pressed their campaign to topple President to Cairo to bring home Chinese citizens. There relief, Tadateru Konoe said. Pakistan is still reeling from floods six
Hosni Mubarak. were at least 500 Chinese nationals stuck at months ago that have left 11 million people homeless and devastated
The US embassy in Cairo said it began evac- Cairo’s international airport, a Chinese consular hundreds of thousands of hectares of crops in the traditional food-bas-
uating US nationals who wish to leave to loca- official in Cairo told Reuters by telephone. ket regions of Sindh and Punjab.
tions in Europe. US assistant secretary of state Witnesses reported scenes of chaos at Cairo Konoe, president of the International Federation of Red Cross and
for Consular Affairs Janice Jacobs said 2,400 Airport on Sunday with many people, including Red Crescent Societies, said some agricultural areas were still sub-
US citizens had asked for help to leave Egypt. Egyptians, scrambling to get on a decreasing merged, and resulting price rises and growing food insecurity could be
Up to 52,000 Americans are registered with the number of scheduled flights. “Access to the air- destabilising. “If the crops may be lost for successive years, that may
embassy in Cairo. port was very difficult. On a 20 kilometre route develop into some sort of social unrest and political turmoil. That is
An embassy spokesman was quoted as saying we had to pass through 19 checkpoints, 10 by what the President was very much worried about,” Konoe told Reuters
by Egyptian state media that a total of eight the army and the others by citizens,” a Greek referring to Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari.
planes were scheduled to leave yesterday evac- man arriving in Athens at around 1300 GMT “I don’t how long they can stand this type of situation... but it may
uating 1,000 passengers. told state broadcaster NET TV. be utilised by political opponents to criticise the government; so a
European airlines, including Lufthansa, Some European and Asian companies started minor thing may become a big thing like the situation in Tunisia,” he
Austrian Airlines and Air Berlin, said they were evacuating staff. Automakers Daimler, BMW said in an interview.
sending larger aircraft than usual to Egypt to and Nissan said they had shut down operations at Pakistan is saddled with a long list of troubles, including a Taliban
meet demand and had agreed additional flights plants in the country while Volkswagen said it insurgency, rampant poverty, corruption and power cuts. Inflation is
with foreign ministries. had halted deliveries. Oil company Royal Dutch fast becoming one of the most potentially explosive problem. The
Officials in Turkey and Cyprus said they were Shell planned to evacuate about 60 families of its floods have fuelled increases in the price of food such as vegetables,
making contingency plans to receive tourists international staff from Egypt as a safety meas- making it harder for ordinary people to survive. Konoe said Zardari
evacuated from Egypt and speed them on to ure, a source close to the company told Reuters. had expressed concern over the problem of food insecurity while the
Red Cross head was on a visit to Pakistan in October last year.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 14



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MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 15


Barry dies
LONDON: British composer
John Barry, who won five
Oscars and is best known for
creating music for the James
Bond movies, has died. He
New Delhi asks
was 77.
“It is with great sadness that
the family of composer John
Barry announce his passing on
January 30, 2011 in New
York,” his family said in a
statement released by Bond
production company EON
for email data By C.K. Nayak & Faisal Aziz
No cause of death was
given, but the BBC reported he India rejected yesterday Research In Motion’s
died of a heart attack. (RIM) offer to allow it only partial access to
Fellow composers paid trib-
ute to Barry’s influence. “I its BlackBerry data services as neighbouring
think James Bond would have Pakistan also moved to restrict the popular
been far less cool without John smartphone’s services.
Barry holding his hand,” fel- It was not immediately clear what the Indian gov-
low Bond composer David ernment, which says it is driven by security concerns,
Arnold told BBC Radio. would now do after the Canadian smartphone maker
According to online biogra- failed to fulfill demands to monitor encrypted corpo-
phies, Barry trained as a classi- rate email by a January 31 deadline. RIM had previ-
cal pianist but turned his atten- ously said was confident India would not ban its serv-
tion to jazz and learned to play ices. Earlier this month, RIM said it had given India
the trumpet. In the late 1950s, the means to access its Messenger service ahead of
he became leader of the John the deadline, but reiterated that it could not give the
Barry Seven, which hired Vic authorities access to monitor secure corporate emails.
Flick as lead guitarist. It was Home minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told a
Flick who performed the news conference the government still wanted access
famous James Bond guitar riff, to emails. “I think a decision will be taken today by
which accompanies the open- the MHA (Ministry of Home Affairs),"”
ing credits of the movies. Chidambaram added. RIM’s India-based spokesman
He began arranging music was not immediately available for comment.
for singers on a television Last year, India demanded access to all BlackBerry
series, including Adam Faith, services as part of efforts to fight militancy and secu-
and composed the score for rity threats over the Internet and through telephone
Beat Girl, in which Faith communications, demands echoed by several other
appeared, in 1960. countries that have also tried, sometimes successful-
Barry’s work brought him to ly, to restrict the popular smartphone. Yesterday,
the attention of producers of India’s neighbour Pakistan called on mobile phone
Dr. No, who were dissatisfied operators to stop BlackBerry services to foreign mis-
with the score they had been sions amid concern about the security of the commu-
given and so called in Barry to nications, industry sources said.
help. As well as five Oscars, RIM encrypts email messages as they travel
he won four Grammy awards. between a BlackBerry device and a computer known
Barry’s Bond compositions as BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). The
included Goldfinger, From Canadian smartphone maker has said that it does not
Russia With Love and You Only have a master key to decode emails adding that each
Live Twice, and his Academy organisation would have the technical capability to
Awards included best music grant access to its own encrypted enterprise email.
for Dances With Wolves, Out Last year, the company narrowly escaped a ban in
of Africa and Born Free. GA BlackBerry mobile phone user inside a shop in Kolkata, India. Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Ozawa is South Korea Iran blocks Israeli court
indicted rejects talks more sites jails spy
TOKYO: Japanese ruling party powerbro- SEOUL: South Korea yesterday rejected TEHRAN: Iranians have found their JERUSALEM” An Israeli court sen-
ker Ichiro Ozawa was charged yesterday a push by the North to bring forward access to major news websites even more tenced an Israeli-Arab human rights
over a funding scandal, Jiji news agency military talks by 10 days saying it was restricted than usual as more foreign sites activist to nine years in prison on Sunday
said, a widely expected judicial move. not enough time to prepare for their first were blocked by a government filter, after convicting him last year of spying
Ozawa’s indictment will give fresh dialogue since the North’s deadly attack Reuters witnesses observed yesterday. for the Lebanese guerrilla group
ammunition to opposition parties that con- against a border island last year. Yahoo News and Reuters.com, both Hezbollah.
trol Parliament’s upper house and are Pyongyang sent a message to the usually accessible in Iran, were unavail- Amir Makhoul had confessed to the
refusing to join multiparty talks on tax South’s Defence Ministry at the weekend able joining other long-blocked news spying charge as part of a plea bargain at
reform to curb Japan’s huge debt and calling for the preliminary talks, which sites such as the BBC, Facebook and Haifa District Court, which added a fur-
instead trying to force Prime Minister Seoul has suggested take place at the Twitter. One Iranian government official ther year’s suspended sentence to the
Naoto Kan to either resign or call a snap Panmunjom truce village on February 11, said authorities were “looking into the nine years behind bars. The court
election for the powerful lower chamber. to start today. source of the problem” to remove it. The dropped a separate charge carrying a
Ozawa, who once headed the Talks at the military and political level move comes as many Iranian politicians, much longer sentence.
Democratic Party of Japan, faced manda- between the rival Koreas are routinely including President Mahmoud In passing sentence, the court said:
tory indictment over suspected misreport- set after proposals and counterproposals Ahmadinejad, are portraying anti-govern- “(The accused), an Israeli citizen, chose
ing by his political funds body after a lay as the two sides vie for higher bargaining ment protests in Egypt as being inspired willingly and with cognisance, apparent-
judicial panel decided last year that he positions and rarely break down over by Iran’s Islamic Revolution, which over- ly due to nationalistic motives, to aid
must be charged. scheduling conflicts. threw the US backed Shah in 1979. Israel's most bitter enemies.”
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 16

‘Porn’ pop
star jailed
The crowd at the court included teenaged female
fans of Irham’s band Peterpan wearing T-shirts with
An Indonesian pop star whose sex tapes with the word “freedom”, and skullcap- and headscarf-
his celebrity girlfriends spread wildly on the wearing members of Islamic groups. Members of
Internet was jailed yesterday for three-and-a both groups were angered by the verdict. Irham was
-half years in a case that led to a wide crack- also fined 250 million rupiah ($27,692).
down on Internet porn in the country. Under the pornography law, anyone who pro-
The trial highlighted a divide between a youthful duces, makes, copies, circulates, broadcasts, offers,
Indonesia set against censorship on the Internet and trades, loans or provides pornography can be jailed
conservative pressure groups in the world’s most for between six months and 12 years and can be
populous Muslim country who rallied outside the fined up to six billion rupiah ($665,900).
court demanding a harsher penalty. The law was seen by many as a step back in dem-
Nazril “Ariel” Irham, 30, was jailed under a con- ocratic and officially secular Indonesia, where for-
troversial pornography law, which was passed in eign investors are hoping for more openness and
2008 to ban public displays of nudity and behaviour pro-market reforms to increase its allure as an
that could incite lust. “The defendant is legitimately emerging market investment destination.
and convincingly guilty of giving chances for others After the Irham case blew up, Communications
to spread, make and provide pornography,” said and Information minister Tifatul Sembiring, of the
GIndonesian pop singer Nazril ʻArielʼ Irham is judge Singgih Budi Prakoso in a west Javan court Islamic PKS party, called for tighter Internet con-
accompanied by his television star girlfriend Luna where 1,000 police tried to control a rowdy crowd. trols. Research in Motion, makers of the popular
Blackberry telephone and messaging system, said
Maya as he waits in a temporary detention cell before Police said earlier a friend of Irham’s had taken
two weeks ago it would comply with the govern-
his verdict in Bandung of the Indonesiaʼs West Java the sex tape off his computer and posted it on the
Internet. Irham denied it was him on the tape. ment’s order to block access to pornographic sites
province yesterday. via its devices.


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MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 17

Long live
the King
By Jill Serjeant The Fighter, the Facebook drama The Social
LOS ANGELES Network and the lesbian family comedy The Kids
Are All Right. It picked up a leading 12 Oscar
nominations last Tuesday, including best picture,
Oscars front-runner The King’s Speech won director and actor.
the top prize at the Screen Actors Guild Firth, previously best known for romantic
Awards on Sunday giving the British royals comedies such as Bridget Jones’ Diary, thanked
drama yet another boost four weeks ahead his “dream cast”. Australian actor Geoffrey Rush,
an Oscar nominee for his role as the reluctant
of Hollywood’s biggest night. king’s unconventional speech therapist, said the
The film took the prize for best ensemble cast, movie was a true example of ensemble acting.
the guild’s equivalent of the best picture Oscar. “We have such a roll call of extraordinary heavy
While SAG’s top honor has a spotty record as an hitters,” said Rush.
Oscar barometer – with a success rate of about 50 Portman, 29, trained for months for her role in
percent – The King’s Speech has been on a roll in Black Swan, a melodrama set in the New York bal-
the past week winning the top prizes from both let world. She recently became pregnant by one of
Hollywood’s directors and producers. the movie’s co-stars.
The winners of SAG’s individual acting awards The Screen Actors Guild also honours perform-
mirrored the results at the recent Golden Globes ances in television. HBO’s new Prohibition-era
and the Critics’ Choice Movie Awards further series Boardwalk Empire took best cast ensemble
reducing the likelihood of much surprise when the for a drama while its star Steve Buscemi won for
Oscars are handed out in Hollywood on February his role as a corrupt politician.
27. Emmys favourite Modern Family won for best
British actor Colin Firth, who stars in The King’s comedy ensemble, and 89-year-old former Golden
Speech as stammering wartime monarch king Girl Betty White was a popular winner for her role
George VI, was named best actor. Natalie Portman as a sassy caretaker in the new comedy Hot in
was named best actress for her role as an unhinged Cleveland.
ballerina in Black Swan. Julianna Margulies made it two in a row for
The supporting prizes went to a pair of actors what she called the “role of a lifetime” as a but-
from The Fighter, a fact-based boxing drama: toned-up lawyer in the legal drama The Good
Christian Bale as a crackhead former boxing hero Wife, and Alec Baldwin won for the fifth straight
and Melissa Leo as a feisty, blue-collar matriarch. year for his role as a network executive in the
The King’s Speech triumphed over Black Swan, comedy 30 Rock.


GActor Colin Firth holds his two SAG Awards for

ʻThe Kingʼs Speechʼ at the 17th annual Screen G(From left) Actress Sofia Vergara of the television series ʻModern Familyʼ,
Actors Guild Awards in Los Angeles, California. actress Christina Hendricks from the television show ʻMad Menʼ and actress
Natalie Portman accepts the Outstanding Female Lea Michele from ʻGleeʼ arrive at the 17th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards
Actress in a Leading Role award for ʻBlack Swanʼ. in Los Angeles, California.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011
BusinessNow Page 18

cuts Egypt
Brent oil rating,
on govt.
nears $100
LONDON: Moody’s Investors
Service cut its rating on Egypt’s
debt yesterday on concern about
its public finances becoming the
second credit agency to turn
negative since the country was
By Kevin Plumberg plunged into political crisis.
HONG KONG Moody’s said the one-notch
downgrade, to Ba2 from Ba1
with a negative outlook, was
Brent oil futures climbed near $100 a prompted by a significant rise in
barrel and Asian stocks fell yesterday political risk and concern that
hurt by fears that deadly protests in the government’s response to
mounting unrest could under-
Egypt may foment unrest throughout the mine Egypt’s already weak pub-
Middle East and choke oil supplies lic finances.One analyst suggest-
accelerating a move out of riskier assets. ed the cut, coming as protesters
More than 100 people have been killed dur- camped out in central Cairo
ing six days of protests in Egypt aimed at top- vowed to stay until they had
pling President Hosni Mubarak. A wider con- toppled President Hosni
flagration in the region could threaten the Mubarak from power, was over-
flow of oil at a time when policymakers in due. “Finally the rating agencies
emerging markets are already bedeviled by wake up. Egypt rated flat with
high food and fuel prices and some developed Turkey was always a joke,”
economies have been gaining momentum. Timothy Ash, head of CEEMEA
US S&P 500 futures were up 0.2% after research at RBS, said.
Wall Street closed down 1.8% on Friday Moody’s joined peer Fitch
while US Treasury futures were flat on the Ratings, which cut the outlook
day suggesting that investors would take a on its BB+ country ceiling to
wait-and-watch approach to the Middle East. negative on Friday, in saying the
“To the extent that the instability continues, political turmoil would likely
investor reaction will most likely push oil and undermine Egypt’s economic
Treasury bond prices higher, and global equi- reform programme. “There is a
ties lower.” Mohamed El-Erian, co-chief strong possibility that fiscal pol-
investment officer at bond giant PIMCO, told icy will be loosened as part of
Reuters. “The situation in Egypt is very fluid.” the government’s efforts to con-
The US dollar, yen and Swiss franc, which tain discontent,” Moody’s said.
all strengthened against the euro on Friday in “A background of rising infla-
reaction to the escalating Egyptian situation, tionary pressures further compli-
were largely stable with protesters in Cairo cates fiscal policy by threatening
camped out and calling for Mubarak to step to increase the high level of budg-
down after 30 years of rule. etary expenditure on wages and
GA worker checks the price of fuel at a subsidies.” President Mubarak,
INFLATION UNEASE gas station in Hong Kong. who sacked his inner circle of
ministers on Saturday, ordered his
The prospect of more expensive energy new cabinet on Sunday to pre-
bills in high growth emerging markets added would likely be on Brent futures though, which between them moved more than 2 mil- serve subsidies, control inflation
to unease about rising inflation among where the lead month contract was trading lion barrels per day (bpd) of crude and oil and provide more jobs, state tele-
investors, who had last week pulled money just shy of $100 a barrel. products in 2009. vision reported.
out of developing equity markets for the first “For the global economy, Egypt is less Some analysts believe the selling of risky The growing protest move-
time in more than a month, fund tracker important; though it does matter for access to assets in emerging Asia will subside rather ment is driven in large part by
EPFR Global said in a note. the Suez Canal, a key oil distribution route,” quickly because of the region’s relatively public anger at rising prices,
Emerging Asian currencies, down broadly ANZ Bank economist Sharon Zollner said in superior fundamentals, particularly when it unemployment and the huge dis-
yesterday, will be tested this week ahead of a note to clients. comes to credit markets. “Asia will begin to parity between rich and power.
Lunar New Year holidays with focus on infla- “The greater fear is that the turmoil could decouple very quickly and even in the Middle That means any successor
tion data from Indonesia, South Korea and spread to other Middle East countries, includ- East will start distinguishing between names. administration to Mubarak,
Thailand due today. ing even Saudi Arabia. If that happens, then People will start looking to go long the risk should he be forced from power,
US crude for March delivery was trading at all bets on oil prices are off.” and some of these trades will begin unwind- would be likely to keep subsi-
around $90 a barrel after hitting a high of Egypt controls the Suez Canal and the ing soon,” said Vijay Chander, credit strate- dies in place and might boost
$90.87 a barrel early in the session. Focus Suez-Mediterranean (SUMED) Pipeline, gist with Standard Chartered Bank. social spending.

Shares continue to slide, euro up on inflation data
LONDON: Global shares continued to group would boost supplies if needed, but tious about political risk. Elsewhere, the short-covering ahead of a week-long
slide yesterday while Europe’s bench- he did not expect the Egypt troubles to hit MSCI world equity index and Thomson Chinese holiday.
mark Brent crude was just short of $100 a supplies via the country. Reuters global stock index were both The euro and short-dated German
barrel on fears political unrest in Egypt Protest-contagion fears and risk aver- down around 0.3% while emerging stocks bonds yields both got a boost from news
could spread among regional oil-produc- sion pushed European shares down as were down 0.9%. euro zone inflation had risen more than
ing nations. much as 1% with some traders taking the Overnight in Asia, the Nikkei share expected in January fuelling expectations
Benchmark Brent crude had come off opportunity to book profits before losses average had ended down 1.2% while the for an interest rate rise.
slightly to trade down 0.5% at $98.86 a were pared. At 1200 GMT, the index was MSCI Asia Pacific ex-Japan stock index Consumer price inflation in the 17-
barrel by 1143 GMT after hitting a 28- down 0.5%. fell 1.1%. Among commodities, spot gold nation euro area rose 2.4% year-on-year
month high on Friday while benchmark U.S. stock futures are flat to 0.2% fell after posting its largest daily gain in in January well above the European
U.S. crude futures were flat. OPEC secre- higher after Friday’s biggest one-day loss eight weeks on Friday while copper rose Central Bank’s target to keep it below, but
tary general Abdullah al-Badri said the in six months, but investors remain cau- 1% and other base metals also gained on close to 2%.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 19


eyes $175
million IPO
Investors are closely examining the
financial details disclosed in
LinkedIn Corp’s IPO filing trying to
determine how much the company is
worth. LinkedIn, which filed on
Thursday to raise up to $175 million
in an IPO, is attracting significant
interest as the first social networking
company to start the process of
becoming publicly traded.
LinkedIn has posted sequentially
increasing revenue in each of the
past seven quarters. It has posted
several quarterly losses during that
period – $2.9 million in the March
2009 quarter – but has been prof-
itable for the past two quarters,
according to its filing with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange

Honda Q3

tumbles but
outlook lifted GPOSCOʼs plant in Pohang city, South Korea.

TOKYO: Honda Motor Co raised

its cautious annual outlook beyond
market expectations as a recovery
in the key US market helps counter
the strong yen and sliding Japanese
sales, which dragged its third-quar-
ter profits down 29%.
Japan’s top automakers are all
expected to report a sharp decline
in October-December profits as the
Govt. okays
end of subsidies for eco-friendly
cars has hammered domestic sales
since October.
Honda, which fell behind Nissan
Motor Co to become Japan’s third-
biggest automaker last year, raised
its operating profit forecast for the
year to March 31 to 620 billion yen
biggest FDI
By Nigam Prusty
($7.55 billion) from 500 billion
NEW DELHI The long-delayed
clearance for Indiaʼs
yen. A survey of 20 analysts by
Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S forecasts

biggest foreign direct
profit of 594 billion yen. India’s Environment Ministry
approved yesterday South Korean
investment follows a

fires Toshiba
POSCO’s plans for a $12 billion steel
mill, a boost for the foreign invest- year in which
Environment minister
ment climate in Asia’s third-largest

economy after several setbacks for
big ticket industrial projects. Jairam Ramesh has
The long-delayed clearance for India’s
blocked several
projects raising criticism
biggest foreign direct investment (FDI) fol-
TOKYO: Japan’s Toshiba Corp has lows a year in which Environment minister

he was jeapordising
said third quarter operating profit Jairam Ramesh has blocked several proj-
ects raising criticism he was jeapordising
Indiaʼs growth story.
more than doubled on buoyant
sales of NAND flash memory and India’s growth story.
liquid-crystal displays used in India, one of the world’s fastest growing
tablets and smartphones including major economies, needs foreign capital to
Apple’s iPad and iPhone. boost infrastructure and allow its economy say the plant will disrupt their betel leaf en the government and a recent minor cab-
The world’s second largest suppli- to grow at near double digits. But projects plantations and forest-based livelihoods. inet reshuffle saw several ministers’ portfo-
er of NAND chips kept its full year have met with protests from largely poor “Undoubtedly, projects such as that of lios change, but Ramesh stayed on indicat-
operating profit forecast unchanged, farmers in this densely populated country. POSCO have considerable economic, tech- ing his influence.
but lifted its net and pretax profit “It’s very good news that this issue has nological and strategic significance for the While investors tend to shrug off corrup-
estimates. South Korean rival now been settled,” said Taina Erajuuri, country,” the ministry said. “At the same tion scandals as a risk of emerging markets,
Samsung Electronics is also expect- Helsinki-based portfolio manager at FIM time, laws on environment and forests must regulatory uncertainty threatens to taint
ed to benefit this year from booming India, which owns about $150 million be implemented seriously.” India’s attractiveness as a destination for
demand for smartphones and worth of Indian shares. “India, unlike The ministry attached a series of addition- foreign firms eager for a slice of its boom-
tablets, after it reported its weakest China, is a very difficult country for foreign al conditions for POSCO. A government ing $1.3 trillion economy. And the approval
profit in six quarters last week. companies to get approvals especially envi- panel had earlier said there were no ecolog- granted to POSCO is unlikely to change
Toshiba posted a 37.5 billion yen ronmental approvals. Many foreign compa- ical concerns over the plant. POSCO is sentiment.
($456.8 million) profit for the three nies want to come to India, but the country among several corporations, including FDI in India fell 27% to about $14 bil-
months ending December 31 com- is very bureaucratic to put it mildly.” Vedanta Resources , which have come under lion in the current fiscal year through
pared to 14.5 billion yen in the The mill in eastern Orissa state has been scrutiny from Ramesh. November, dragged down in part by delays
same period the previous year. delayed by criticism it would ruin lives of A series of corruption scandals has shak- in big investments.
thousands of poverty-stricken people, who
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 20
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011
SportNow Page 21

day out
By Mark Lamport-Stokes
thought would be enough, and it just wasn’t. Bubba
played too good. He made great shot after great
shot, and putt after putt.”
Six-times winner Tiger Woods, playing his first
American Bubba Watson held off late event of the year, ended a frustrating week with an
charges by Phil Mickelson and Venezuela’s erratic three-over 75 to share 44th place, a distant
Jhonattan Vegas to clinch his second PGA 15 strokes off the pace.
Tour title with an emotional one-shot victo-
ry at the Farmers Insurance Open on Sunday.
Left-hander Watson coolly birdied the par-five “I hit a lot of good shots early in the week, and
last to keep his challengers at bay as he closed with then it progressively got worse,” said Woods. “I
a sparkling five-under-par 67 on the tricky South have some work to do. There’s no doubt about that.”
Course at Torrey Pines. Mickelson attracted a huge gallery when he teed
The long-hitting 32-year-old, a stroke off the off with co-leader Bill Haas in cool, mainly over-
pace going into the final round, got up and down cast conditions and he briefly led by one after Haas
from a greenside bunker at the 18th sinking a curl- bogeyed the opening hole.
ing 12-footer before pumping his right fist in cele- Watson drew level by knocking in a three-footer
bration. Three-times champion Mickelson had a to birdie the par-three third and he, fellow left-han-
chance to force a playoff by holing a wedge shot der Mickelson and Vegas then duelled for suprema-
from 72 yards out but his ball ended up four feet cy for the rest of the day. Vegas, with birdies at 12
from the pin to set up a closing birdie. and 13, and Mickelson, who horseshoed out with a
21-foot eagle putt on the 13th green, piled on the
EMOTIONAL WATSON pressure but Watson stayed in front.
He produced flawless golf over the back nine, got
“It means a lot,” a tearful Watson, whose father to 15 under with a two-putt birdie at the 13th and
Gerry died late last year after a lengthy battle with calmly sank a nine-footer to save par at the 17th.
lung cancer, said greenside. “My dad is not here. Mickelson, who had slipped back with a bogey at
Mom, I love you.” Asked if his breakthrough win at the 14th after dumping his approach into a bunker,
last year’s Travelers Championship had helped him recovered with a birdie at the 17th where he struck
at Torrey Pines, Watson replied: “No. It’s hard a wedge to three feet.
every time you look at it. You’ve got Phil, you’ve The bold bid by Vegas to win consecutive titles on
got the guy who won last week, Vegas. All I thought the US circuit effectively ended at the last when he
about today was keeping my head down. And I did hit his second shot into the pond guarding the front
that.” of the green. “It was a great day,” the 26-year-old
San Diego native Mickelson closed with a 69 to Venezuelan said after bogeying the final hole. “I
secure second place while PGA Tour rookie Vegas, played really well. When it went in the water, I knew
winner of last week’s Bob Hope Classic, bogeyed I had to make an eagle and put a little pressure on
the last for a 68 and a tie for third at 13 under with him. Unfortunately, things didn’t go my way.”
American Dustin Johnson (66). Mickelson, who laid up with his second after his
GBubba Watson celebrates sinking a birdie putt on “I’m disappointed because I wanted to start the tee shot at the 18th ended up in the left rough, then
the 18th green in final round play on Torrey Pines year off with a win,” said Mickelson. “But on the had to hole his wedge approach there to force a
other hand, I played really good golf and gave
South course to win the Farmers Insurance Open myself an opportunity.
playoff. Watson, sitting in the scoring trailer,
PGA golf tournament in San Diego, California. “Bubba played some terrific golf. I did what I
patiently waited until he was told Mickelson had
failed in his bid.

Mixed emotions as Mickelson misses by a whisker

SAN DIEGO: Phil Mickelson had bitter- approach at the last but he came up four gave myself an opportunity. I played well From there, he had no chance of reach-
sweet feelings on Sunday after narrowly feet short and had to settle for outright sec- on Sunday and had a good tournament. ing the green in two and decided to lay up
failing in his bid to win the PGA Tour ond place. “I’m disappointed because I Hopefully, I’ll use this as a springboard.” with his second shot.
event in his native San Diego for the first wanted to start the year off with a win,” Mickelson, who will compete in next “I felt like I had a better chance to make
time in a decade. Masters champion Mickelson told week’s Phoenix Open, gave his loyal fans a three from the fairway trying to use that
The four-times major champion ended reporters after firing a three-under-par 69 plenty to cheer for as he birdied three of bank and bringing the ball back or flying it
up one stroke behind the triumphant in the final round. the last six holes to keep Watson under in,” said Mickelson, who rose to fourth in
Bubba Watson, a fellow American and “I feel like I really need to get a ‘W’ pressure. He struck a superb lob wedge the world rankings on Monday.
left-hander who sealed victory with a (win) and perform and come through on from 113 yards to three feet at the par-four Moments later, Watson sank a 12-footer
birdie four on the final hole. Sunday heading into Augusta (for the 17th to trail Watson by one but then for birdie on the 18th green, requiring
Mickelson had an outside chance of Masters) in a couple of months. But on the pushed his drive at the par-five last into Mickelson to hole out from the fairway to
forcing a playoff by holing his wedge other hand, I played really good golf and the left rough. take the tournament into extra time.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 22


Fulham crush Premier League rivals Spurs 4-0
GFulham manager Mark Hughes celebrates next to Tottenham Hotspurʼs manager Harry Redknapp as his team scores a goal in their
English FA Cup fourth round match at Craven Cottage in London.

Minor league Crawley

LONDON Much of it was the result of a dreadful afternoon

draw Man United tie

for Dawson, who was culpable in part for both the
penalties and got himself sent off in the process.
Fulham crushed Premier League rivals “He started sloppy and gave two goals away,
Tottenham Hotspur 4-0, 10-man Arsenal which is not like him,” manager Harry Redknapp
scraped a 2-1 win over League One said. “He got off to a terrible start. We gave away
Huddersfield and big-spending Manchester two horrendous goals and Dawson got sent off.
LONDON: Crawley Town, the first minor league team to reach the
City drew 1-1 with Notts County in the FA You can’t keep coming back from these starts.”
fifth round of the FA Cup for 17 years, were handed a plum tie at
Redknapp still hopes to sign Phil Neville from
Cup fourth round on Sunday. Everton and, judging by Hutton’s performance, it
Manchester United in Sunday’s draw.
Tottenham, fifth in the Premier League and Another draw that captured fully the romance of the competition
was not hard to see why. Robbie Keane has gone
looking forward to the Champions League knock- pitted League One (third division) Leyton Orient against London
on loan to West Ham. There were strong sugges-
out stages, conceded two penalties and a red card rivals Arsenal at Brisbane Road.
tions in Spain on Sunday that Spurs have made a
in the first 14 minutes at Craven Cottage and were “I’m confident we’ll get the whole town up there. There will be
bid for Fernando Llorente of Athletic Bilbao.
4-0 down to Fulham by halftime. a procession of buses going,” Crawley chief executive Alan
Redknapp denied a bid had been made for West
Nigeria striker Victor Obinna hit a hat-trick as Williams told Sky Sports from a packed function room at the south-
Ham captain Scott Parker.
West Ham United beat Nottingham Forest 3-2. ern England club. Crawley went through to the last 16 with a 1-0
The Spurs suffered, as their manager said, a
Orient were also rewarded for two upset wins victory at League Two (fourth division) Torquay United on
“horrific start”, but as bad as they were,
with a home tie against Arsenal and holders Saturday, their third Football League scalp in successive games.
Redknapp’s side were beautifully dispatched by a
Chelsea, should they win their home replay with Manager Steve Evans said: “If there’s any non-league club capa-
Fulham team who are starting to rediscover their
Everton, will host Reading. ble of beating Manchester United, it’s Crawley Town.” Orient chair-
form. There was a vintage performance from
man Barry Hearn was also delighted with his club’s draw. “The tie
Murphy, who tucked away too penalties with the
DEFLECTED SHOT minimum of fuss in the space of three first-
of the round is without a doubt Leyton Orient against Arsenal,”
joked Hearn. “This is our biggest game for 30 years.” The fifth
half minutes.


At Fulham, Tottenham’s Alan Hutton felled Clint round will take place on the weekend of February 19 and 20.
Andy Johnson looked like the player he was
Dempsey to allow Danny Murphy to slot the open- before that cartilage injury last season and, in
ing spot kick after 10 minutes and four minutes Moussa Dembele, Fulham have what might just be
later, Michael Dawson also pulled back Dempsey one of the signings of the season.
earning a red card and giving Murphy the chance to A fifth-round place at home to the winners of the
GWest Ham v Burnley
net his second penalty. replay between Wigan Athletic and Bolton
Brede Hangeland tapped in the third and, after
shambolic defending by Spurs, semi-finalists last
Wanderers awaits for Mark Hughes’ team and on GNotts County/Man City v Aston Villa
GStoke City v Brighton
this kind of form they look like a decent bet for the
season, Moussa Dembele lashed in a superb quarter-finals. On Sunday, there was a flavour of
fourth. the club’s Europa League run last season, a deter- GBirmingham City v Sheffield (Wednesday)
It was the third time this season that Spurs have mined, attacking Fulham team making life awk- GLeyton Orient v Arsenal
GEverton/Chelsea v Reading
gone three goals down in a game, but at least ward for their opponents all game.
against Young Boys and Internazionale away in the
Champions League this season they salvaged
“I thought the second penalty was harsh and the GManchester United v Crawley
GFulham v Bolton/Wigan
sending-off as well,” Redknapp said. “Michael
something from the second half. This was Spurs’ feels it was harsh because Dembele had the shot.”
heaviest defeat to Fulham in their history.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 23

Real suffer shock at


struggling Osasuna
City on MADRID: Real Madrid’s La Liga title hopes suffered a huge blow
with a surprise 1-0 defeat at Osasuna on Sunday which left Jose
Mourinho’s side seven points adrift of leaders Barcelona.
Villarreal closed to within six points of Real in third place when

brink of
Giuseppe Rossi’s spectacular goal gave them a 1-0 win in a pulsating
encounter at Espanyol. Osasuna’s Javier Camunas broke the deadlock
against Real with a shot off the post in the 62nd minute of a typical-
ly bruising battle in the intimidating Reyno de Navarra stadium.
Mourinho responded by throwing new loan signing Emmanuel
Adebayor into the fray, but they were unable to score against a side
who had not won in their previous eight games. Real’s second defeat
of the season left them on 51 points from 21 games, seven behind
champions Barca, who won 3-0 at Hercules on Saturday to notch up
their 15th consecutive victory.

Debutant Pazzini
“There are still a lot of points available; we have to keep on fight-
ing,” Real midfielder Xabi Alonso told Spanish television.

spurs Inter comeback

MILAN: Substitute Giampaolo Pazzini scored twice and won a penal-
ty on a dream debut as Serie A champions Inter Milan roared back
LONDON determined in the way they attacked City, Alan from 2-0 down to beat visiting Palermo 3-2 in an enthralling encounter
Gow threatening with an early free-kick after on Sunday.
being brought down by Jerome Boateng. Second-placed Napoli also put on a show thrashing Pazzini’s now
Manchester City, the richest club in soc- With Carlos Tevez absent with a back injury, toothless former club Sampdoria 4-0 with rampant Uruguay striker
cer, were in danger of humiliation as Notts City were missing drive and invention up front. Edinson Cavani netting another hat-trick as they cut the gap with lead-
County, struggling in League One and But Yaya Toure went desperately close to scoring ers AC Milan back to four points.
with a squad made up predominantly of when he accelerated to meet a fine cross from Faltering Juventus lost again, 2-1 at home to in-form Udinese as the
free transfers and trainees, matched their Micah Richards, only to see his shot saved by gulf in class between the fallen Turin giants and the other top teams
Stuart Nelson. Dzeko also put County under pres- continues to be apparent. Pazzini, signed on Friday, was thrown on at
millionaire rivals in every department. sure as did Jo. But Ince spent the interval remind-
Only a goal from Edin Dzeko salvaged City’s the break and soon scored with a superb turn-and-shot before
ing his players they were capable of beating their Palermo’s Javier Pastore had a penalty saved by fit-again Julio Cesar.
position. But scoring equalisers against teams like
illustrious visitors and the momentum appeared to
County clearly was not what Dzeko had in mind Pazzini then planted a bullet header into the bottom corner from
switch to the team sitting 18th in League One. Maicon’s free kick and Samuel Eto’o completed the victory from the
when he signed for City for £27million this month.

Stuttgart woes mount

A first goal for his new club spot 14 minutes from time after Pazzini was pulled back.
was nevertheless appreciated by

after Freiburg blow

Roberto Mancini since the City
manager has identified the FA
Cup as a major opportunity to
win a trophy. Until Dzeko struck
with a super, left-foot volley in
the 80th minute, ambition
appeared to be moving aside for BERLIN :VfB Stuttgart’s problems continued after a 1-0 home defeat
humiliation at Meadow Lane. by Freiburg on Sunday left the 2006-07 champions firmly in a
Thanks to a fine goal from Neal Bundesliga relegation battle.
Bishop, a team that cost more Johannes Flum grabbed the winner after 24 minutes for the visitors,
than £200million to assemble, who are enjoying a sparkling season and moved up to sixth.
was in danger of losing to a side Stuttgart were joined on 16 points from 20 games by bottom side
made up entirely of free transfers Borussia Moenchengladbach, who stunned Eintracht Frankfurt five
and loan signings. minutes from time with a goal from Belgian Igor de Camargo to win
In fairness to City, the condi- 1-0. Both teams are three points adrift of Cologne who occupy the rel-
tions did not help. Meadow Lane egation playoff place.
was more like a ploughed field Stuttgart, suffering their first defeat since the league resumed after
than a football pitch thanks to the the winter break, were dominant in the second half, but with Brazilian
two rugby matches that had been Cacau missing, they lacked a cutting edge against Freiburg.
staged there in the last week. Sven Schipplock failed to beat Freiburg keeper Oliver Baumann
For cultured players like Yaya with a curling shot from the right midway through the second period

Bordeaux end winless

Toure, Patrick Vieira and James and Stuttgart's Martin Harnik struck the post a minute from time.
Milner, it was far from ideal. But

run by beating Nice

Paul Ince’s side deserve credit
for turning it to their advantage.
Sunday brought Bishop’s first
goal of the season and his second
for the club; it also crowned a
fine performance in the No 10
shirt. Not that Bishop was alone PARIS: Girondins Bordeaux gave under-fire coach Jean Tigana a
in impressing for the hosts. boost by securing their first league win since late November with a 2-
Centre-half Krystian Pearce 0 victory over Nice on Sunday. Bordeaux moved up to eighth place,
made life difficult for Dzeko 11 points adrift of leaders Lille who beat Lens 1-0 on Saturday.
with a series of perfectly execut- Defender Ludovic Sane scored the opener in the 38th minute finding
ed challenges while left back Jon the back of the net from a corner at the near post before Anthony
Harley demonstrated why he was Modeste took advantage of Nice’s passive defence to put his team two-
once considered an exciting up just before the hour mark. Tigana now has some breathing space
prospect at Chelsea. after his future seemed to be in the balance following Bordeaux’s
They came into the game embarassing French Cup exit to second division Angers last weekend
encouraged by their victory at and a string of mediocre results since the beginning of the season.
Sunderland in the previous Montpellier beat Nancy 2-1 away to climb up to fifth place on 33
round, but also inspired by the GNotts Countyʼs manager Paul Ince catches the points. Youssouf Hadji put Nancy ahead in the second minute, but
prospect of a tie between the ball as his Manchester City counterpart Roberto Souleymane Camara levelled six minutes later and defender Gary
world’s oldest league club and Mancini reacts during their FA Cup soccer match Bocaly put Montpellier ahead for good with a powerful shot from 30
the world’s richest. They were at Meadow Lane in Nottingham, central England. metres.
MAURITIUS Tuesday, February 1, 2011 Page 24


GNemanja Vidic of Manchester United argues with a linesman during his teamʼs English Premier League match against Tottenham
Hotspur at White Hart Lane, London. Below (from left) Rafael, Patrice Evra and Rio Ferdinand.


By Sonia Oxley

Premier League leaders Manchester Vidic should be

United will welcome back their alright. Rio started
running on Thursday.
first-choice back four at home to
Aston Villa tonight (midnight,
Mauritian time). Rafael should also be
Nemanja Vidic, Rio Ferdinand, Rafael
okay; he got the
all-clear on Friday
and Patrice Evra missed Saturday’s 2-1
victory over Southampton in the FA Cup,

and Evra had a

the second successive game United ral-
lied to win after falling behind.
Villa may not be as forgiving as
family bereavement
so we left him out at
Southampton and Blackpool having tri-
umphed 1-0 in this fixture last season to
collect their first victory at United for 26
years. “We should have our back four- Southampton.
back against Villa,” manager Alex
Ferguson told the club website. Carragher. Dalglish said yesterday the
“Vidic should be alright. Rio started defender was available for Wednesday’s
running on Thursday and hopefully will match at home to Stoke City (2000) after
be okay by Tuesday. Rafael should also dislocating his shoulder in November.
be okay; he got the all-clear on Friday and Second-placed Arsenal, who trail United
Evra had a family bereavement so we left by five points, host Everton tonight with
him out at Southampton.” manager Arsene Wenger without midfield-
United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar er Samir Nasri after he picked up a ham-
is also available after being rested at the string injury that could sideline him for
weekend. A full midweek league pro- three weeks. Third-placed Manchester City
gramme will come just after the transfer travel to Birmingham City on Wednesday
window closes. and are hoping striker Carlos Tevez will
Liverpool, showing signs of revival have recovered from a back problem.
under Kenny Dalglish with back-to-back United have 51 points from 23 games,
wins, have some paperwork to complete ahead of Arsenal on 46. Manchester City
after Uruguay forward Luis Suarez are a further point behind having played a
passed a medical and are boosted by the game more while fourth-placed Chelsea
return from injury of fan favourite Jamie are 10 adrift of the leaders.

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