Chromosomes, Mapping, and The Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Chapter 13
Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Multiple Choice Questions


1. A genetic _____ indicates the distances between gene loci measured in terms of the
frequency of recombination. 
A. map
B. profile
C. pedigree
D. clone
E. karyotype

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

2.  Of the 23 pairs of human chromosomes, 22 pairs are homologous and are found in both
males and females. These are called ________.  
A.  bivalents
B.  autosomes
C.  recombinant chromosomes
D.  somatic chromosomes

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

3.  Traits that are controlled by genes located on the X chromosome are said to be
A.  autosomal
B.  gametal
C.  sex-linked
D.  pleiotropic

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

4.  Allele pairs are most likely to assort independently of one another when  
A.  they control unrelated traits.
B.  they control related traits.
C.  they are on the same chromosome.
D.  they are sex linked.
E.  they are on different chromosomes.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.01 Describe how genes on the same chromosome will segregate.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

5. The number of allele pairs that assort independently in an organism is generally much
higher than the number of chromosome pairs. This phenomenon is due to 
A. independent assortment.
B. segregation.
C. crossing over.
D. sex-linkage.
E. chromosome inactivation.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.01 Describe how genes on the same chromosome will segregate.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

6.  The theory of chromosomal inheritance was first proposed by  

A.  Mendel.
B.  Morgan.
C.  Knight.
D.  Sutton.
E.  Stern.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.01.02 Explain the evidence for genes being on chromosomes.
Section: 13.01
Topic: Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

7.  In Drosophila, the sex of an individual is determined by  

A.  1 pair of alleles.
B.  the number of X chromosomes.
C.  the number of Y chromosomes.
D.  1 pair of autosomes.
E.  2 pairs of alleles.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

8.  In Morgan's experiments, the white eye allele in Drosophila was shown to be  
A.  located on the X chromosome.
B.  located on the Y chromosome.
C.  dominant.
D.  located on an autosome.
E.  codominant.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.01.01 Describe sex-linked inheritance in fruit flies.
Section: 13.01
Topic: Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

9.  The geneticist who discovered the white eye mutation in Drosophila and helped establish
that genes are carried on chromosomes was  
A.  Mendel.
B.  Sutton.
C.  Sturtevant.
D.  Janssens.
E.  Morgan.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.01.02 Explain the evidence for genes being on chromosomes.
Section: 13.01
Topic: Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

10.  Genetic exchange between 2 homologous chromosomes is called  

A.  synapsis.
B.  pleiotropy.
C.  crossing over.
D.  allelic exchange.
E.  independent assortment.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.01 Describe how genes on the same chromosome will segregate.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

11.  Occasionally, chromosomes fail to separate during meiosis, leading to daughter cells that
have an abnormal number of chromosomes. This phenomenon is called  
A.  epistasis.
B.  nondisjunction.
C.  crossing over.
D.  pleiotropy.
E.  chromosome inactivation.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.02 Describe the consequences of nondisjunction in humans.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

12.  Humans who have lost one copy of an autosome are called  
A.  haploid.
B.  trisomic.
C.  bisomic.
D.  monosomic.
E.  monoploid.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.02 Describe the consequences of nondisjunction in humans.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

13.  In humans, individuals with trisomy of the ______ chromosome are most likely to
survive until adulthood.  
A.  X.
B.  13th.
C.  15th.
D.  18th.
E.  21st.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.02 Describe the consequences of nondisjunction in humans.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

14.  If a human female has 2 Barr bodies per cell, it is almost certain that  
A.  her father had 1 Barr body per cell.
B.  her mother also had 2 Barr bodies per cell.
C.  she developed from a fertilized egg with 3 X chromosomes.
D.  she is genetically a male with female characteristics.
E.  she is genetically a normal fertile female.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.02 Explain the genetic consequences of dosage compensation in mammals.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

15.  A human female with only one X chromosome is said to have a condition called  
A.  X chromosome inactivation.
B.  Angelman syndrome.
C.  Turner syndrome.
D.  Klinefelter syndrome.
E.  Down syndrome.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.02 Describe the consequences of nondisjunction in humans.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

16.  The most common fatal genetic disorder of Caucasians is  

A.  cholera.
B.  cystic fibrosis.
C.  hemophilia.
D.  sickle cell anemia.
E.  muscular dystrophy.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

17.  In sickle cell anemia, the defective hemoglobin differs from the normal hemoglobin by  
A.  the color of the pigment.
B.  the size of the molecule.
C.  a single amino acid substitution.
D.  the total number of amino acids.
E.  the type of blood cell it is found in.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

18.  Hemophilia is caused by a  

A.  recessive allele on the X chromosome.
B.  dominant allele on the X chromosome.
C.  codominant allele on the X chromosome.
D.  recessive allele on an autosome.
E.  dominant allele on an autosome.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

19.  _______________ is a human hereditary disease that is caused by a dominant allele but
does not show up in affected individuals until they are in middle age.  
A.  Cystic fibrosis
B.  Sickle cell anemia
C.  Tay-Sachs disease
D.  Huntington's disease
E.  Hemophilia

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

20.  Amniocentesis is a procedure that is normally used  

A.  to reduce the risk of genetic disease.
B.  for gene therapy.
C.  to change the sex of the fetus.
D.  for diagnosis of genetic disorders.
E.  for nourishing the fetus.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

21.  Huntington's disease is caused by a single dominant allele. It is a lethal disease, yet it
persists in the human population. Which of the following statements best describes why?  
A.  Huntington's disease is sex-linked and every human has at least one X chromosome; thus,
the chances are extremely high for this allele to be maintained in the human population.
B.  Huntington's disease can present symptoms so mild that they appear to lack dominant
expression of the allele in some individuals; in those cases, the allele is passed on to the
C.  While lethal to a parent, Huntington's disease will not be lethal to the offspring since it can
skip a generation.
D.  Huntington's disease presents symptoms in mid-life, after most people have already had
E.  Even though Huntington's disease is lethal, it improves chances for reproduction before
the person dies.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses Huntington’s disease.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o This answer requires you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose the
best of the possible answers.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Huntington’s disease is a human disease caused by a dominant allele. That is, the
disease phenotype occurs in heterozygotes. Hungtington’s is a lethal disease that causes death
of the patient.
Gather Content

· What do you already know about Huntington’s disease?

        o Huntington’s disease is caused by an autosomal dominant allele – that is, an allele on a
non-sex chromosome.
        o Huntington’s leads to symptoms in middle age, due to degeneration of brain cells. This
leads to neurological symptoms including involuntary movements and poor muscle function.
Consider Possibilities
· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o Huntington’s is not sex-linked, it is autosomal. Moreover, detrimental alleles on the X
chromosome can still be selected against, just like any other chromosome. That option doesn’t
make sense.
        o Some diseases are mild in some individuals – they have incomplete penetrance. But in
this case Huntington’s has a typical dominant phenotype. So the explanation is not due to lack
of a phenotype in some people.
        o Huntington’s does not “skip a generation”. That phrase generally refers to recessive
alleles that only create a phenotype in the homozygote. Huntington’s is dominant.
        o Huntington’s does not create any kind of reproductive advantage.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o The answer to this possible lies in the exact nature of the disease phenotype.
        o Huntington’s like many neurodegenerative diseases, arises slowly as damage
accumulates. Symptoms typically occur in middle age – after age 35.
        o When do people typically have children? Usually before that age. So the disease does
not have a strong impact on reproduction.
Reflect on Process

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This answer required you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose the
best of the possible answers.
        o Did you remember the two key details about Huntington’s disease? The symptoms
occur in middle age, and it is inherited as an autosomal dominant gene.
        o The description “lethal” for a gene can mean a variety of things. Some mutations are
lethal and the fetus will fail to develop. Others create a lethal disease only late in life. How
will selection differ for these two types of genes?
        o As genetic testing and preimplantation genetic diagnosis are becoming more common,
how do you expect the prevalence of the Huntington’s disease gene to change?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

22.  In humans, the male has an X and a Y sex chromosome. The human female has two X
chromosomes. In birds, the female has a Z and a W sex chromosome while the male has two
Z chromosomes. Which of the following statements is accurate about which parent determines
the gender of the offspring based on inheritace of the necessary sex chromosome?  
A.  In humans and birds, the male determines the gender of all the offspring.
B.  In humans and birds, the female determines the gender of all the offspring.
C.  In humans, the male determines the gender of the offspring, and in birds the female
determines the gender.
D.  In humans, the female determines the gender of the offspring, and in birds the male
determines the gender.
E.  Determination of the gender of any human or bird offspring is related to the environmental
conditions at the time of conception.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses sex determination.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o Although you may not have seen this example before, you know enough about the
concept to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Sex chromosomes are the chromosomes that determine the sex of offspring. X and Y
are the names of the sex chromosomes in some animals. When the female carries different sex
chromosomes, they are called Z and W.
Gather Content

· What do you already know about sex determination?

        o In humans, the Y chromosome determines maleness, due to the SRY gene.
        o In some fish and reptiles, sex is determined by environmental factors like temperature.
        o In birds, the female is the heterogametic sex – she carries two different sex
chromosomes. In those species the female is ZW and the male is ZZ.
Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o In both humans and birds, sex is determined by the chromosomes, not the
environment, so we can rule out that option.
Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Write out the gametes produced by a human male and female.
        o The male produces half X gametes and half Y gametes. The female only produces X
        o So the baby always receives an X from the mother. If she gets another X from her
father she will become a girl; if he gets a Y from his father he will be a boy.
        o Thus we say the male’s contribution determines the gender.
        o The opposite is true for birds. The male always contributes a Z gamete. So the gender
of the offspring is determined by whether the female contributed a Z or W.

  Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Apply your knowledge and understanding of sex

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

determination to answer the question.

        o Did you understand that the sex is decided by the contribution of one particular
        o Did you consider the types of gamete each parent produces?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

23.  Sickle cell anemia is caused by a defect in the  

A.  oxygen-carrying pigment hemoglobin.
B.  ability of the blood to clot.
C.  ability of red blood cells to fight infection.
D.  chloride ion transport protein.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

24.  How many Barr bodies does a normal human female contain in each diploid cell?  
A.  0
B.  1
C.  2
D.  3

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.02 Explain the genetic consequences of dosage compensation in mammals.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

25.  A test cross can be used to do all of the following except  

A.  determine whether an individual that displays a dominant phenotype is homozygous for
the trait.
B.  determine whether an individual that displays a dominant phenotype is heterozygous for
the trait.
C.  gather genotype information from phenotype information.
D.  identify the chromosome on which a gene is located.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.01.02 Explain the evidence for genes being on chromosomes.
Section: 13.01
Topic: Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

26.  Which of the following animals is a genetic male?  

A.  bird ZW
B.  grasshopper XO
C.  honeybee diploid
D.  Drosophila XXY

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

27.  In humans, if non-disjunction led to an individual with a genotype of XO, that

person would  
A.  be female because each cell lacks a Y chromosome.
B.  be male because each cell has only one X chromosome.
C.  display both male and female characteristics.
D.  not survive.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

28.  In humans, if non-disjunction led to an individual with a genotype of XXY, that

person would  
A.  be female because each cell has two X chromosomes.
B.  be male because each cell has one Y chromosome.
C.  display both male and female characteristics.
D.  not survive.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

29.  Any genetic differences between individuals in a population are called  

A.  markers.
B.  alleles.
C.  polymorphisms.
D.  SNPs.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

30.  The classic experiments performed by Creighton and McClintock in Maize  

A.  provided the initial evidence for genetic recombination.
B.  provided evidence that genes located on the same chromosome do not assort
C.  allowed for the establishment of the first genetic map.
D.  provided evidence for the physical exchange of genetic material between homologues.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

31.  In humans, if an XY individual had a deletion of the SYR gene, that person would  
A.  develop as a female.
B.  have both male and female characteristics.
C.  have ambiguous genitalia.
D.  develop as a male.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

32.  Which statement about calico cats is false?  

A.  Calico cats can be male or female.
B.  The different colored fur is due to the inactivation of one X chromosome.
C.  The variation in coat color is an example of an epistatic interaction.
D.  Calico cats are genetic mosaics.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.02 Explain the genetic consequences of dosage compensation in mammals.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

33.  If an XY human had a genetic disorder that causes insensitivity to androgens, that

person's genotype and phenotype would be  
A.  XX, female.
B.  XX, male.
C.  XY, female.
D.  XY, male.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

34.  Which offspring inherit all their mitochondrial DNA from their mother and none from
their father?  
A.  daughters
B.  sons
C.  both sons and daughters
D.  neither sons nor daughters

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.03.01 Describe the inheritance pattern for genes contained in a chloroplast or mitochondrion DNA.
Section: 13.03
Topic: Exceptions to the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

35.  Nondisjunction of a single pair of autosomes can lead to all of the following except  
A.  aneuploidy.
B.  monosomy.
C.  trisomy.
D.  euploidy.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.02 Describe the consequences of nondisjunction in humans.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

36.  If you needed to determine the order of genes on a chromosome, you should perform  
A.  a test cross.
B.  a two-point cross.
C.  a three-point cross.
D.  a SNP test.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

37.  A 39-year-old woman is in her sixth week of pregnancy. Due to her advanced age, she is
at higher risk for having a baby with Down's syndrome than younger pregnant women. She
would like to find out as early as possible whether or not her baby has Down's syndrome. Her
doctor should suggest  
A.  amniocentesis.
B.  genetic counseling.
C.  chorionic villi sampling.
D.  a pedigree analysis.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.02 Describe the consequences of nondisjunction in humans.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

38.  In Drosophila, dosage compensation is controlled by the male-specific lethal (MSL)

complex consisting of MSL proteins and roX RNAs. Based on what you know about dosage
compensation, the role of the MSL complex in males would be to  
A.  double the level of expression of genes on the X chromosome.
B.  increase the level of expression of genes on the X chromosome by 50%.
C.  decrease the level of expression of genes on the X chromosome by 50%.
D.  decrease the level of expression of genes on the X chromosome by 100%.
E.  double the level of expression of genes on the Y chromosome.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses dosage compensation.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o Although you may not have seen this example before, you know enough about dosage
compensation to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Dosage compensation is the process that ensures an equal level of expression from the
sex chromosomes despite a differing number of sex chromosomes in males and females. The
MSL complex and roX RNAs are the names of genes that participate in the process in flies.

  Gather Content

· What do you already know about dosage compensation?

        o Dosage compensation is the process that ensures an equal level of expression from the
sex chromosomes despite a differing number of sex chromosomes in males and females.
        o If there were no dosage compensation, females would have twice the level of X-linked
gene expression as males.
        o This would create problems in the cell, because the products of X-linked genes have to
work in the correct proportions with the products of autosomal genes.

  Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o There are few genes on the Y chromosome, and most of those are on the X as well (in
the pseudo-autosomal region). So dosage compensation does not affect Y-linked genes.
Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o So for male fruit flies, would dosage compensation need to increase or decrease gene
        o Flies use the XX/XY system, so male flies have one copy of the X chromosome.
        o Therefore, male flies need to have increased gene expression relative to females.
        o How much more expression do the males need to equal that of females (who have two
X chromosomes)? 
        o Twice as much – so dosage compensation doubles the expression of X-linked genes.

  Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Apply your knowledge and understanding about dosage
compensation to this unfamiliar situation.
        o Did you read carefully enough to understand that this question asked specifically
about male fruit flies?
        o Did you recognize that the function of dosage compensation is to equalize gene
expression between the sexes?
        o Did you realize that dosage compensation in flies uses a different mechanism than in
mammals? In mammals, the dosage of the X is lowered in females, rather than raised in
        o Why do you think the genes were named “male-specific lethals”?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.02 Explain the genetic consequences of dosage compensation in mammals.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

In Drosophila, the allele red eyes (bw+) is dominant to the allele for brown eyes (bw). At another gene locus on the same
chromosome, the allele for thin wing veins (hv+) is dominant to the allele for heavy wing veins (hv). Flies homozygous
for bw and hv+ are crossed to flies homozygous for bw+ and hv to obtain doubly heterozygous F1 progeny.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

39.  Given that these two gene loci are very closely linked, the genotypic ratio in the F2
generation should be closest to  
A.  1:2:1
B.  1:1:1:1
C.  9:3:3:1
D.  3:1

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses genetic linkage.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o You need to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and
determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o This question describes two gene loci (singular is gene locus). Each gene’s
abbreviation uses two letters – bw for brown and hv for heavy veins. The genotypic ratio
refers to the alleles in the DNA, not to the physical phenotypes.

  Gather Content

· What do you already know about genetic linkage?

        o Genetic linkage refers to genes that lie close to each other on the chromosome.
        o Because their loci are linked, they are not segregated by independent assortment.
Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o Since the genes are linked, they do NOT segregate like typical unlinked genes.
Therefore we would NOT expect the 9:3:3:1 answer which would be typical for two
independent, unlinked genes.
Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Since the genes are tightly linked, we can approximate them as one gene. Let’s call the
bw hv+ combination A, and the bw+ hv combination B.
        o So the P cross is AA x BB...
        o Creating the F1 double heterozygotes who cross together, AB x AB.
        o This cross will produce four categories of offspring in the F2: AA, AB, BA, and BB.
But AB and BA are the same genotypically. So the genotypic ratio is 1:2:1.

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  Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the
problem and determine the answer.
        o Did you recognize that you can treat the two tightly linked genes like a single gene?

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        o Did you write out the crosses and draw a Punnett square to determine the answer?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.01 Describe how genes on the same chromosome will segregate.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

40.  Given that these two gene loci are very closely linked, the phenotypic ratio in the F2
generation should be closest to  
A.  1 brown eye, heavy wing veins: 2 red eye, thin wing veins: 1 brown eye, thin wing veins
B.  1 brown eye, thin wing veins: 2 red eye, thin wing veins: 1 red eye, heavy wing veins
C.  3 red eye, thin wing veins: 1 brown eye, heavy wing veins
D.  1 brown eye: 1 red eye: 1 heavy wing veins: 1 thin wing veins

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses genetic linkage.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o You need to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and
determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o This question describes two gene loci (singular is gene locus). Each gene’s
abbreviation uses two letters – bw for brown and hv for heavy veins. The genotypic ratio
refers to the alleles in the DNA, and the phenotypic ratio refers to the physical phenotypes.
Gather Content

· What do you already know about genetic linkage?

        o Genetic linkage refers to genes that lie close to each other on the chromosome.
        o Because their loci are linked, they are not segregated by independent assortment.
Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o In the previous question, we determined the genotypic ratio to be 1:2:1.
        o The phenotypes are a reflection of the genotypes, so we should expect phenotypes in
the same 1:2:1 ratio.
        o We can rule out the answer with a 1:1:1:1 ratio.
        o The three genotypes produce three distinct phenotypes, so we can also rule out the
answer with a 3:1 ratio.

  Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o The cross will produce four categories of offspring in the F2: AA, AB, BA, and BB.
But AB and BA are the same genotypically. So the genotypic ratio is 1:2:1 of AA: AB: BB.
        o AA stands for bw hv+/ bw hv+, or brown eyes and thin wing veins.
        o AB stands for bw hv+/ bw+ hv, or red eyes and thin wing veins (the dominant
        o BB stands for bw+ hv/ bw+ hv, or red eyes and heavy wing veins.
        o So we get 1 brown, thin: 2 red, thin: 1 red, heavy.

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Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a

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more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the
problem and determine the answer.
        o Did you recognize that you can treat the two tightly linked genes like a single gene?
        o Did you write out the crosses and draw a Punnett square to determine the answer?
        o Did you correctly match the genotypes to the phenotypes?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.01 Describe how genes on the same chromosome will segregate.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

41.  What would be the results of a test cross with the F1 flies?  
A.  1 brown eye, thin wing veins: 1 red eye, heavy wing veins
B.  1 brown eye, heavy wing veins: 1 red eye, thin wing veins
C.  1 brown eye, thin wing veins: 2 red eye, thin wing veins: 1 red eye, heavy wing veins
D.  1 brown eye, heavy wing veins: 2 red eye, thin wing veins: 1 red eye, thin wing veins

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses linked genes and testcrosses.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o You need to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and
determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o A testcross is a cross used to determine the genotype of one of the parents, by looking
at the phenotypes that result when crossed to a tester strain.
Gather Content

· What do you already know about linked genes and testcrosses?

        o Tightly linked genes segregate together, so you can treat them as a unit.
        o Testcrosses typically use a double homozygous recessive strain, so that any dominant
alleles in the other parent are revealed in the progeny.

  Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o Punnett squares are a useful way to determine both genotype and phenotype ratios.
  Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Since testcrosses typically use a fully recessive homozygous strain, we should assume
a homozygous bw hv is crossed to an F1 individual.
        o The F1 are heterozygous bw hv+ / bw+ hv .
        o So the cross is bw hv+ / bw+ hv x bw hv / bw hv.
        o Draw a Punnett square. The tester parent produces only bw hv gametes.
        o Since the genes segregate together, the other parent produces just two kinds of
gametes: bw hv+ and bw+ hv.
        o This creates just two combinations of offspring in equal proportion: bw hv+ / bw hv
and bw+ hv / bw hv.
        o Their phenotypes are: brown eyes, thin wing veins and red eyes, heavy wing veins.

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Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the
problem and determine the answer.

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        o Did you remember the point of a testcross?
        o Did you recognize that the tester strain should be recessive for all genes?
        o Did you use a Punnett square to help you determine the genotype ratios?
        o Did you correctly match phenotypes to the genotypes?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.01 Describe how genes on the same chromosome will segregate.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

42.  What is the relationship between recombination frequency and the actual
physical distance on a chromosome?  
A.  As physical distance increases, the recombination frequency increases in a linear fashion.
B.  As physical distance increases, the recombination frequency decreases in a linear fashion.
C.  As physical distance increases, the recombination frequency first increases in a linear
fashion, but gradually levels off to a frequency of 0.5.
D.  As physical distance increases, the recombination frequency first increases, but then

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

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43.  In a two-point cross to map genes A and B, you obtained 98 recombinant types and 902
parental types among the offspring. How far apart are these genes?  
A.  9.8 cM
B.  0.98 cM
C.  90.2 cM
D.  9.02 cM
E.  .098 cM

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses a two-point mapping cross.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o This question is asking you to take what you already know and apply it to this
unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain and what do they mean?
        o A two-point cross is a cross involving the alleles of two genes.
        o Recombinant types are chromosomes with new allele combinations, different than the
parents carried.
        o Parental types are chromosomes with the same allele combinations as the parents
Gather Content

· What do you already know about two-point mapping?

        o Genetic distances are described in centiMorgans (cM).
        o One cM represents 1% recombination between the genes.
        o Recombination events are recognized by counting the number of recombinant

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Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o To calculate the distance in cM, just determine what % of progeny have recombinant
Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o From this cross, the progeny were 98 recombinant types and 902 parental types.
        o 98 + 902 = 1000 total progeny
        o Recombinant progeny = 98/1000 = 9.8/100 = 9.8%
        o Since 1 cM represents 1% recombination, we can say the distance is 9.8 cM.
  Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question asked how many cM apart are genes A and B, based on the
recombination between them.
        o The question required you to take what you already know and apply it to this

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unfamiliar situation.
        o Did you recognize that the distance in centiMorgans is just the percent recombination?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.03 Calculate map distances from the frequency of recombinants in testcrosses.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

44.  Morgan's student Sturtevant demonstrated that the recombination frequencies between a
series of linked genes is additive. Examine the following recombination data from Sturtevant,
and determine the proper order of the genes on the Drosophila X chromosome. Assume y is in
the 0.0 position. Gene 1                Gene 2               Recombination frequency yellow(y)
vermilion(y)           0.322 vermilion            miniature(m)           0.030 white(w)
vermiliom                0.297 yellow                  white                      0.010 white
miniature                 0.337
A.  y m v w
B.  y w v m
C.  y m w v
D.  y w m v

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses recombination frequency.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o This answer requires you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose the
best of the possible answers.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Linked genes are genes that lie near each other on a chromosome – near enough that
they do not segregate independently. They will segregate together unless there is a
recombination event between them, which takes place at some frequency, depending on
distance. This is the recombination frequency.
Gather Content

· What do you already know about recombination frequency?

        o Recombination frequency reflects the distance between two genes. If the genes are
close, the frequency will be low; if far apart, it will be higher, up to 0.5.
        o The frequency between two genes will be the sum of the frequencies between those
flanking genes and a middle gene (up to 0.5).
Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o For this problem, drawing a diagram can be helpful.
  Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o We are told that yellow is at the 0.0 position – in other words, at the end of the
chromosome, so start by drawing y on the left.
        o What recombination data do we have for yellow and other genes? 0.322 between y and
v, and 0.010 between y and w. So white is closer to yellow and vermilion is much further.
        o Now you can draw y-w----------v.
        o What other data do we have, to help place miniature? 0.030 between v and m, and
0.337 between w and m. So miniature is close to vermilion, and far from white.
        o But is miniature between white and vermilion, or on the far side of vermilion? The
recombination frequency is greater for white and miniature (0.337), than for white and
vermilion (0.297), so miniature must be the furthest away.
        o Thus: y-w----------v ---m, or y w v m.
Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This answer requires you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose the
best of the possible answers.
        o Did you recognize that recombination frequency reflects gene distance?
        o Did you realize that recombination frequencies are additive?
        o Did you draw a diagram to help you interpret the data?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

  You are a forensic technician working on a DNA sample obtained from a crime scene. Your
job is to compare the unknown DNA sample with known DNA samples collected from five
different suspects. Preliminary analysis using only a few DNA markers revealed that the
unknown sample could possibly match two of the suspects. After consulting the case file, you
find out that these two suspects are brothers (but not twins). You realize that you will have to
do a more detailed analysis on the samples so that you can distinguish between the brothers
and determine which brothers' DNA matches the unknown sample.

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45.  Which of the following will help you distinguish between the two final suspects?  
A.  single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
B.  human genome map
C.  linkage data
D.  markers on the Y chromosome

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses the use of genetic maps and DNAmarkers.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o You need to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and
determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o DNA markers are features in the DNA that can be analyzed, and often differ between
individuals. Forensics is the use of scientific methods to analyze crime data.

  Gather Content

· What do you already know about genetic maps and DNA markers?
        o Genetic maps provide information about the location and distances between genes.
        o The human genome map was created using a few individuals to represent a generic
human genome – but it does not encompass all of human genetic diversity.
        o DNA markers are features in the DNA that can differ between individuals, and be used
to match or disinguish two samples of DNA.

  Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o Since we need to distinguish the DNA of the two brothers based on the fine details, the
human genome map will not be useful. It would be far too expensive and complicated to
produce a genome map for each of the suspects.
        o Linkage data is also not useful – that only provides general distances between genes,
and is not specific for individuals.
Choose Answer

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· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Consider the two remaining choices: markers on the Y chromosome, and SNPs.
        o Since the two suspects are brothers, how different are their Y chromosomes? Not very!
They will likely be the same since they presumably received their Y from the same father.
(With the exception of some possible recombination in the pseudoautosomal region).
        o Would single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) be useful? Yes! They are exactly the
kind of detailed fine feature that is likely to vary even between closely-related individuals.
Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a

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more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the
problem and determine the answer.
        o Did you recognize that you needed a source of information that reflected the fine
structure differences in individual DNA?
        o Did you recognize that their Y chromosomes would be the same?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

46.  Why can't you use mitochondrial DNA to distinguish between these two suspects?  
A.  The sequence of mitochondrial DNA has not yet been determined.
B.  The brothers share the same mitochondrial DNA.
C.  There are no molecular techniques available that allow one to analyze mitochondrial
D.  Because mitochondrial DNA is inherited in a paternal pattern.

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses mitochondrial inheritance.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o Although you may not have seen this example before, you know enough about the
concept to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o MItochondrial DNA is the DNA that encodes some of the proteins used by
mitochondria (other mitochondrial proteins are encoded by regular nuclear DNA). The
mitochondrial DNA is carried within the mitochondria.

  Gather Content
· What do you already know about mitochondrial DNA?
        o Mitochondrial DNA is carried within mitochondria, and mitochondria are inherited
only from the mother – the sperm have too little cytoplasm to carry mitochondria.
        o There is generally only one type of mitochondrial DNA in any individual. That is, all
the mitochondria in an individual have the same mitochondrial DNA.

  Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o Mitochondrial genomes are small and easy to sequence – they have been sequenced.
        o Mitochondrial DNA is inherited maternally, not paternally.
        o Mitochondrial DNA is the same as nuclear DNA, and regular molecular biology
techniques work fine.

  Choose Answer

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· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o The correct answer is left – since the two men are brothers, they both inherited the
same mitochondrial DNA from their mother. Thus, that information will not help distinguish
the samples.

  Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this
unfamiliar situation.
        o Did you remember that mitochondrial DNA is maternally inherited?

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        o Did you recognize that brothers will have inherited the same mitochondrial DNA?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.03.01 Describe the inheritance pattern for genes contained in a chloroplast or mitochondrion DNA.
Section: 13.03
Topic: Exceptions to the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

47.  In some human populations, the proportion of individuals who are heterozygous for the
sickle cell allele is much higher than would be expected by chance alone. Why?  
A.  Individuals with two normal alleles have an advantage over heterozygous individuals.
B.  Individuals with two harmful alleles have an advantage over heterozygous individuals.
C.  Individuals with two harmful alleles have an advantage over individuals with two normal
D.  Heterozygous individuals have an advantage over individuals with two normal alleles.

Blooms Level: 2. Understand

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.01 Explain how mutations can cause disease.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

48.  A deletion of a particular stretch of chromosome 15 can cause either Prader-Willi

syndrome or Angelman syndrome, depending on  
A.  the parental origin of the normal and deleted chromosome.
B.  whether or not the region is methylated properly.
C.  whether a translocation event has occurred.
D.  whether a nondisjunction event has occurred.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.05.03 Recognize how genomic imprinting can lead to non- Mendelian inheritance.
Section: 13.05
Topic: Selected Human Genetic Disorders

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49.  How did the development of anonymous markers aid in the production of a human
genetic map?  
A.  Anonymous markers are genetic markers that do not cause a detectable phenotype, but can
be detected by molecular techniques. The markers correspond to specific and unique
chromosomal regions, thereby allowing for the identification and ordering of particular
segments of DNA. Such information was essential to the generation of a human genetic map.
B.  Anonymous markers are genetic markers that cause a detectable phenotype and can't be
detected by molecular techniques. The markers correspond to specific and unique
chromosomal regions, thereby allowing for the identification and ordering of particular
segments of DNA. Such information was essential to the generation of a human genetic map.
C.  Anonymous markers are genetic markers that do not cause a detectable phenotype, but can
be detected by molecular techniques. The markers correspond to specific and unique genetic
regions, thereby allowing for the identification and ordering of particular segments of the
chromosome. Such information was essential to the generation of a human genetic map.

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping

50.  Why isn't mitochondrial DNA a unique identifier?  

A.  Mitochondrial DNA is inherited through the paternal lineage. All offspring inherit their
father's mitochondria, and therefore the same mitochondrial DNA. As a result, all family
members that share a paternal lineage would have the same mitochondrial DNA.
Mitochondrial DNA can therefore be used to confirm or eliminate a person's relationship
within a paternal line, but cannot be used to identify a specific individual.
B.  Mitochondrial DNA is inherited through the maternal lineage. All offspring inherit their
mother's mitochondria, and therefore the same mitochondrial DNA. As a result, all family
members that share a maternal lineage would have the same mitochondrial DNA.
Mitochondrial DNA can therefore be used to confirm or eliminate a person's relationship
within a maternal line, but cannot be used to identify a specific individual.
C.  Mitochondrial DNA is inherited through the maternal lineage. All female offspring inherit
their mother's mitochondria, and therefore the same mitochondrial DNA. As a result, all
female family members that share a maternal lineage would have the same mitochondrial
DNA. Mitochondrial DNA can therefore be used to confirm or eliminate a person's
relationship within a maternal line, but cannot be used to identify a specific individual.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Blooms Level: 1. Remember

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.03.01 Describe the inheritance pattern for genes contained in a chloroplast or mitochondrion DNA.
Section: 13.03
Topic: Exceptions to the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Fill in the Blank Questions


51.  In humans, hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele on the X chromosome. Suppose a

man with hemophilia has children with a healthy woman whose mother had hemophilia. What
is the probability that their second child will have hemophilia? (Enter the probability as a
percent. Enter the number only without the percent sign. For example, enter 100% as 100 and
enter 12.5% as 12.5)  

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses X-linked inheritance.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o Although you may not have seen this example before, you know enough about the
concept to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Hemophilia is a disease that interferes with blood clotting. To answer this question,
you just need to know that it is a recessive, X-linked disease. That is, it is due to a gene on the
X chromosome, and the disease is only expressed when the allele is homozygous (in females)
or hemizygous (on the only X, in males).
Gather Content

· What do you already know about X-linked inheritance?

        o X-linked inheritance works differently than autosomal inheritance. For females, genes
act similarly. But males only carry one X chromosome.
        o Since males only carry one X, recessive disease genes on the X are more likely to be
expressed. X-linked diseases are more common in males, and females are usually carriers.

  Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o In this case, we are told that the mother’s mother had hemophilia. She must have been
homozygous (since hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele). But her daughter is healthy.
        o Therefore we know that the mother is a carrier of the gene – she is heterozygous.
        o Punnett squares are a useful way to determine both genotype and phenotype ratios.

  Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Try drawing a Punnett square. Write the possible gametes on the top and the side.
        o The gametes for the father are XH and Y.
        o The gametes for the mother are XH and X+.
        o There are 4 combinations of offspring : XH / Y, X+ / Y, XH / X+ and XH / XH.
        o So whether boy or girl, in this case the child has a 50% chance of expressing the
hemophilia phenotype.
        o Whether it is the first child, the second child, or the tenth child, each child has the
same probability.
Reflect on Process

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this
unfamiliar situation.
        o Did you remember that recessive X-linked genes are expressed in males that carry the
        o Did you recognize the information provided by knowing that the maternal
grandmother had hemophilia?
        o Did you try drawing a Punnett square to help answer the question?
        o This example is unusual because the father has the disease and the mother is a carrier.
So in this case the risk is equal for both males and females. In the population at large, though,
we see X-linked diseases more commonly expressed in males. Why?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

52.  In humans, hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele on the X chromosome. Suppose a

man with hemophilia has children with a healthy woman whose mother had hemophilia. If an
ultrasound test shows that their first child is a girl, what is the probability that she has
hemophilia? (Enter the probability as a percent. Enter the number only without the percent
sign. For example, enter 100% as 100 and enter 12.5% as 12.5 )  

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses X-linked inheritance.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o Although you may not have seen this example before, you know enough about the
concept to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Hemophilia is a disease that interferes with blood clotting. To answer this question,
you just need to know that it is a recessive, X-linked disease. That is, it is due to a gene on the
X chromosome, and the disease is only expressed when the allele is homozygous (in females)
or hemizygous (on the only X, in males).

  Gather Content

· What do you already know about X-linked inheritance?

        o X-linked inheritance works differently than autosomal inheritance. For females, genes
act similarly. But males only carry one X chromosome.
        o Since males only carry one X, recessive disease genes on the X are more likely to be
expressed. X-linked diseases are more common in males, and females are usually carriers.
Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o In this case, we are told that the mother’s mother had hemophilia. She must have been
homozygous (since hemophilia is caused by a recessive allele). But her daughter is healthy.
        o Therefore we know that the mother is a carrier of the gene – she is heterozygous.
        o Punnett squares are a useful way to determine both genotype and phenotype ratios.

  Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Try drawing a Punnett square. Write the possible gametes on the top and the side.
        o The gametes for the father are XH and Y.
        o The gametes for the mother are XH and X+.
        o There are 4 combinations of offspring : XH / Y, X+ / Y, XH / X+ and XH / XH.
        o So whether boy or girl, in this case the child has a 50% chance of expressing the
hemophilia phenotype.
Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this
unfamiliar situation.
        o Did you remember that recessive X-linked genes are expressed in males that carry the
        o Did you recognize the information provided by knowing that the maternal
grandmother had hemophilia?
        o Did you try drawing a Punnett square to help answer the question?
        o This example is unusual because the father has the disease and the mother is a carrier.
So in this case the risk is equal for both males and females. In the population at large, though,
we see X-linked diseases more commonly expressed in males. Why?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

53.  In the fruit fly Drosophila, there is a dominant gene for normal wings and its recessive
allele for vestigial wings. At another gene locus on the same chromosome, there is a dominant
gene for red eyes and its recessive allele for purple eyes. A male that was heterozygous at both
gene loci was mated with a female that was homozygous for both recessive alleles and the
following results were observed among the offspring:

Normal wings and red eyes - 420

Vestigial wings and red eyes - 80
Normal wings and purple eyes - 70
Vestigial wings and purple eyes - 430

According to these data, what is the distance, in centimorgans, between these 2 gene loci?
(Enter the number only without the units. For example, 100 cM would be entered as 100)

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses linkage mapping by recombination.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o Although you may not have seen this example before, you know enough about the
concept to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Dominant alleles are expressed in the heterozygote; recessive alleles are only
expressed in the homozygote. Centimorgans are a unit of map distance. 1 centimorgan is
equivalent to a 1% recombination frequency.
Gather Content

· What do you already know about linkage mapping by recombination?

        o Linkage mapping uses recombination frequencies as a proxy for distance along the
Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o Centimorgans are the unit of map distance. 1 centimorgan is equivalent to a 1%
recombination frequency.

  Choose Answer
· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o To analyze the data, we should first determine which were the likely parental
chromosomes in the father. Since vg+ pr+ / vg pr (normal wings and red eyes) and vg pr / vg
pr (vestigial wings and purple eyes) are the most common classes, those are the original
paternal chromosomes.
        o So the recombinant chromosomes are vg pr+ / vg pr (vestigial wings and red eyes) and
vg+ pr / vg pr (normal wings and purple eyes).
        o The recombinant chromosomes constitute the fraction of progeny: 80 + 70 / 420 + 80
+ 70 + 430, or 150 / 1000.
        o To determine the percentage recombination frequency, 150 / 1000 = 15 / 100 = 15%.
        o Since 1% recombination = 1 cM, then 15% recombination is 15 cM.

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  Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
unfamiliar situation.
        o Did you remember that 1% recombination = 1 centimorgan?
        o Did you recognize that you needed to determine which two classes were the
recombinant classes?
        o Did you determine the percent recombination using the equation : 80 + 70 / 420 + 80 +
70 + 430, or 150 / 1000?

Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.03 Calculate map distances from the frequency of recombinants in testcrosses.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

54.  In fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) there is a dominant allele for red eyes and a
recessive allele for white eyes. These alleles are located on the X chromosome. If a
heterozygous red-eyed female is mated with a white-eyed male, what percentage of the
offspring are expected to be white-eyed females? ( Enter the number only without the percent
sign. For example, enter 100% as 100 and enter 12.5% as 12.5 )  

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses X-linked inheritance.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o Although you may not have seen this example before, you know enough about the
concept to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this unfamiliar situation.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Dominant alleles are expressed in the heterozygote; recessive alleles are only
expressed in the homozygote.

  Gather Content

· What do you already know about X-linked inheritance?

        o X-linked inheritance works differently than autosomal inheritance. For females, genes
act similarly. But males carry just one X chromosome and the other paired chromosome is the
Y chromosome.

  Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o Punnett squares are a useful way to determine both genotype and phenotype ratios.

Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Try drawing a Punnett square. Write the possible gametes on the top and the side.
        o The female gametes are w+ and w-.
        o The male gametes are w- and Y.
        o There are four combinations of offspring : w+/ w-, w-/ w- , w+/ Y and w-/ Y in equal
        o So 25% of the offspring will be white-eyed females: w-/ w-.

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Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Apply your knowledge and understanding to this
unfamiliar situation.
        o Did you remember that the X chromosome is paired with the Y chromosome?
        o Did you try drawing a Punnett square to help answer the question?

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Blooms Level: 3. Apply

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.01.01 Describe sex-linked inheritance in fruit flies.
Section: 13.01
Topic: Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

55.  At an autosomal gene locus in humans, the allele for brown eyes is dominant over the
allele for blue eyes. At another gene locus, located on the X chromosome, a recessive allele
produces colorblindness while the dominant allele produces normal color vision. A
heterozygous brown-eyed woman who is a carrier of colorblindness has children with a blue-
eyed man who is not colorblind. What is the probability that their first child will be a blue-
eyed female who has normal color vision? (Enter the probability as a percent. Enter the
number only without the percent sign. For example, enter 100% as 100 and enter 12.5% as

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses both X-linked and autosomal inheritance.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o You need to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and
determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Autosomal refers to genes on a non-sex chromosome. X-linked genes are on the X
chromosome, like the colorblindness gene here. Dominant alleles are expressed when
heterozygous, but recessive alleles are expressed only when homozygous or on the only X
chromosome in males (hemizygous).

  Gather Content

· What do you already know about X-linked and autosomal inheritance?

        o X-linked genes have different patterns of gene expression because males have only the
one X chromosome.
        o The segregation of an allele on the X will not affect the segregation of an allele on an

  Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o Punnett squares are a useful way to determine both genotype and phenotype ratios.
Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Try drawing a Punnett square. Write the possible gametes on the top and the side. You
will have to create your own abbreviations for the gene alleles.
        o Let’s call the colorblindness gene C, and the eye color gene B.
        o The mother is a carrier for colorblindness (C/c) and heterozygous for brown eyes
(B/b). Her gametes are C B, C b, c B, and c b.
        o The father is not colorblind (C/Y) and blue-eyed (b/b). His gametes are C b and Y b.
        o This creates 8 combinations in the offspring.
        o Consider just the ½ of the offspring which are female. The females are CC Bb, CC bb,
Cc Bb, and Cc bb. Half of these females are blue-eyed, and ALL will have normal color
        o So ½ (female) x ½ (blue-eyed) x 1 (non-colorblind) = 1/4. or 25%
        o You can also solve this with a simpler approach:
        o ½ the offspring will always be female. Those females will ALL receive the C allele on
the one X from their father. (A daughter always receives her father’s X chromosome, not the

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
Y.) Of those females, half will get the blue-eyes allele from their mother (and guaranteed that
allele from the homozygous recessive father).
        o So ½ x 1 x ½ = ¼ or 25%.
Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the
problem and determine the answer.
        o Did you recognize that a daughter will always receive the X from her father?
        o Did you try drawing a Punnett square, or at least writing out the cross, to help answer
this question?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

56.  At an autosomal gene locus in humans, the allele for brown eyes is dominant over the
allele for blue eyes. At another gene locus, located on the X chromosome, a recessive allele
produces colorblindness while the dominant allele produces normal color vision. A
heterozygous brown-eyed woman who is a carrier of colorblindness has a child with a blue-
eyed man who is not colorblind. An ultrasound test shows that the child is a girl. What is the
probability that she will be colorblind? (Enter the probability as a percent. Enter the number
only without the percent sign. For example, enter 100% as 100 and enter 12.5% as 12.5)  

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses both X-linked and autosomal inheritance.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o You need to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and
determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Autosomal refers to genes on a non-sex chromosome. X-linked genes are on the X
chromosome, like the colorblindness gene here. Dominant alleles are expressed when
heterozygous, but recessive alleles are expressed only when homozygous or on the only X
chromosome in males (hemizygous).
Gather Content

· What do you already know about X-linked and autosomal inheritance?

        o X-linked genes have different patterns of gene expression because males have only the
one X chromosome.
        o Since girls have two X chromosomes, they must always receive the one X
chromosome from their father.

  Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o Punnett squares are a useful way to determine both genotype and phenotype ratios.
        o Do you need to worry about the eye color gene to answer this question? No!

  Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Try drawing a Punnett square. Write the possible gametes on the top and the side. You
will have to create your own abbreviations for the gene alleles.
        o Let’s call the colorblindness gene C. To answer this question, we can ignore the eye
color gene.
        o The mother is a carrier for colorblindness (C/c). Her gametes are C and c.
        o The father is not colorblind (C/Y) . His gametes are C and Y.
        o This creates four combinations in the offspring.
        o Consider just the offspring which are female (since we know the child is a female).
The females are CC or Cc.
        o Since the colorblindness allele is recessive, both categories of females will have
normal vision. There is a 0% chance of a daughter being colorblind.

  Reflect on Process

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the
problem and determine the answer.
        o Did you recognize that a daughter will always receive the X from her father?
        o Did you try drawing a Punnett square, or at least writing out the cross, to help answer
this question?

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.02.01 Describe the relationship between sex chromosomes and sex determination.
Section: 13.02
Topic: Sex Chromosomes and Sex Determination
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

Multiple Choice Questions


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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

57.  Suppose you are carrying out a series of crosses with an insect where the mechanism of
sex determination is unknown. You discover a mutant female with short bristles and decide to
cross it with a wild type male that has normal bristles. Half of the F1 progeny have short
bristles but all of these short-bristled F1 progeny are males. Based on these results, a valid
hypothesis would be  
A.  Males are ZW, females are ZZ, and short bristles are caused by a dominant allele on the Z
B.  Males are ZZ, females are ZW, and short bristles are caused by a recessive allele on the Z
C.  Males are ZZ, females are ZW, and short bristles are caused by a dominant allele on the W
D.  Males are ZZ, females are ZW, and short bristles are caused by a dominant allele on the Z

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Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses “X-linked inheritance”, but in the context of the ZZ/ZW sex
determination system.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o This answer requires you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose the
best of the possible answers.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Sex determination is the mechanism by which the gender of the individual is specified.

  Gather Content

· What do you already know about sex determination systems?

        o Remember, there are two common types of chromosomal sex determination systems:
XX/XY and ZZ/ZW.
        o In the ZZ/ZW system, the female is the heterogametic sex, with Z and W
  Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o Looking at the answer options, we see they all involve the ZZ / ZW system.
        o You may recall that in the ZZ / ZW system, it is the females that are ZW. (Otherwise
we just call it XX and XY.) So you can rule out the answer that says males are ZW.
Choose Answer

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o If the insect uses the ZZ / ZW system, then the female (with the short bristles) is ZW.
The short bristles allele is likely on the Z. Let’s call her genotype ZS / W.
        o So the male with normal bristles is Z+/ Z+.
        o Only the sons exhibit the short bristles phenotype.
        o Yet they are ZS/ Z+. Therefore the mutant allele is dominant.
Reflect on Process

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose
the best of the possible answers.
        o Did you remember that in the ZZ / ZW system, males are ZZ?
        o Did you try writing out the cross to help answer the question?

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
        o Are there other possible explanations? Could the allele have been on the W
chromosome? Could the allele have been on an autosome?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.01.02 Explain the evidence for genes being on chromosomes.
Section: 13.01
Topic: Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

58.  In 1910, Morgan did a series of experiments with the fruit fly Drosophila, an organism
where females are XX and males are XY. When a mutant male fly with white eyes was
crossed with a wild type female with red eyes, none of the F1 progeny had white eyes but 18%
of the F2 progeny had white eyes. Unexpectedly, all of these white-eyed F2 flies were males.
Based on these results, Morgan concluded that white eyes is caused by a recessive X-linked
allele. Suppose Morgan had found that half of the F1 progeny had white eyes but all of these
white-eyed F1 flies were females. In this case, a valid hypothesis would be  
A.  White eyes is caused by a recessive Y-linked allele.
B.  White eyes is caused by a dominant Y-linked allele.
C.  White eyes is caused by a dominant X-linked allele.
D.  White eyes is caused by a dominant autosomal allele.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses X-linked inheritance.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o This answer requires you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose the
best of the possible answers.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o Dominant alleles are expressed when heterozygous, but recessive alleles are expressed
only when homozygous or on the only X chromosome in males (hemizygous).
Gather Content

· What do you already know about X-linked inheritance?

        o X-linked genes have different patterns of gene expression because males have only the
one X chromosome.
        o Since females have two X chromosomes, they must always receive the one X
chromosome from their father. Males always receive one of their mother’s X chromosomes,
and the Y from their father.

  Consider Possibilities

· Consider the different answer options. Which can you rule out?
        o Since the phenotype is only seen in one sex of the progeny, we can rule out the gene
sitting on an autosome. If it was, both sexes would receive it equally.

  Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

· Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Write out the imaginary cross (“Suppose...”) to answer this question. Call the white-
eyed allele w-, and the red allele w+.
        o The original male is w- / ?, and the female is w+/ w+.
        o In this imaginary scenario, all the FEMALES of the F1 are white-eyed. What would
this mean?
        o They would have received the mutant allele from the white-eyed father, so it would
have to be on the X. Females never receive a Y – or they would become males!
        o If the w- / w+ females exhibited the phenotype, that would mean that w- was dominant
over w+.
        o Thus, a dominant X-linked allele.

Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to weigh and judge evidence – to Evaluate – and choose
the best of the possible answers.
        o Did you remember that females never inherit the Y chromosome?
        o Did you try writing out the cross to help answer the question?

Blooms Level: 5. Evaluate

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.01.02 Explain the evidence for genes being on chromosomes.
Section: 13.01
Topic: Sex Linkage and the Chromosomal Theory of Inheritance

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

59.  Genetic maps are based on recombination frequencies. Because both odd and even
numbers of crossovers can occur between any two gene loci, as the physical distance between
two loci increases, the maximum recombination frequency levels off at 50%. However,
suppose you discovered a species where only an even number of crossovers can occur
between any two gene loci. In this case, as the physical distance between two loci increases,
you would expect the maximum recombination frequency to  
A.  remain at zero.
B.  increase with no limit.
C.  level off at 25%.
D.  level off at 75%.
E.  level off at 100%.

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

Clarify Question

· What is the key concept addressed by the question?

        o This question addresses recombination frequency.
· What type of thinking is required?
        o You need to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the problem and
determine the answer.
· What key words does the question contain?
        o “Gene loci” is just another way of saying genes. The loci are the locations on the
chromosome. Recombination frequency is the percent of progeny with a recombined
chromosome – that is, a set of alleles that differs from the original parental chromosomes.
Gather Content

· What do you already know about recombination frequency?

        o Recombination frequency is the percent of progeny with a recombined chromosome –
that is, a set of alleles that differs from the original parental chromosomes.
        o Normally, the frequency increases with distance because there is more physical room
for the crossover of DNA strands to occur.
Consider Possibilities

· What other information is related to the question? Which information is most useful?
        o Drawing a diagram is a useful way to attack this problem.

  Choose Answer

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection

  · Given what you now know, what information and/or problem solving approach is most
likely to produce the correct answer?
        o Draw a chromosome pair with two genes, A and B on the top chromosome, and a and
b on the bottom chromosome.
        o If one crossover event occurs (draw an X between the chromosomes), you can now see
that A and b are connected on one chromosome, and a and B are connected on the other
        o But if a second crossover event occurs (draw another X next to the first), the A allele is
NOW connected to the B allele – just like the parental chromosome.
        o So normally, as distance increases, the even-numbered crossover events re-connect the
parental combination. This counteracts the effect of the first crossover. Eventually, at large
distance, only half the events will be odd-numbered, and thus “visible” in the progeny.
        o What happens if ALL the events are even-numbered? Then the parental chromosomes
will always result (A and B, and a and b). This would appear to be a 0% recombination

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Chapter 13 - Chromosomes, Mapping, and the Meiosis-Inheritance Connection
Reflect on Process

· Did your problem-solving process lead you to the correct answer? If not, where did the
process break down or lead you astray? How can you revise your approach to produce a
more desirable result?
        o This question required you to Analyze the information given, using logic, to dissect the
problem and determine the answer.
        o Did you recognize that double crossover events connect the genes like on the original
        o Did you try drawing a diagram to help answer the question?
        o What if two genes always had exactly one crossover between them? How would they

Blooms Level: 4. Analyze

Gradable: automatic
LO: 13.04.02 Explain the relationship between frequency of recombinant progeny and map distance.
Section: 13.04
Topic: Genetic Mapping
Type: Quantitative Reasoning

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