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Republic of the Philippines

Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

Commission on Higher Education
Palawan State University

Marketing Strategies of Selected Successful

Frontrow Entrepreneurs

A Research Presented to

The Faculty of Palawan State University- College of Business and Accountancy

Barangay Tiniguiban, Puerto Princesa City, Palawan

In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Course

Practical Research

Mariel Carias
Leovener Juab
Ailyn Cuadrante
Tomas Bernas

January 2021

            This qualitative research is all about the marketing strategies of selected

entrepreneur in Frontrow. The respondents that was chosen were specifically the

entrepreneur of Frontrow in Puerto Princesa City.

            The research group utilized an interview guide with 8 questioners, further, they

conducted an one on one interview to each respondent and determined what ways they

cope their challenges, who motivates them, and how effective are their market


          Five (5) Frontrow members from the Frontrow member in P.P.C were selected

forthis study. These 5 respondents were tasked to answer the interview guide and also

tasked to give their individual personal profile.

              Findings revealed that some of the entrepreneur in Frontrow in P.P.C have a

particular habits and ways.

              Even though there are many challenges that causes them to have a wrong

decision and negative perspective in their life, they continued to be a successful

entrepreneur in Frontrow and motivates them to achieve their goals and finish

successfully their work.


Table of Contents

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………….… 1

Statement of the Problem ………………………………………………………….... 2

Significance of the Study ………………………………………………………….…. 3

Scope and Delimitation ………………………………………………………….….... 4

Definition of Terms ……………………………………………………………………. 5

Review of Related Literature …………………………………………………………. 6

Methodology …………………………………………………………………………… 7

Research Design and Choice of Approach ………………………………….……… 8

Research Instrument …………………………………………………………………. 9

Sample and Population ……………………………………………………………… 10

Research Procedure …………………………………………………….................. 11

Research Findings……………………………………………………………………. 12

Discussion ……………………………………………………………………………. 13

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………. 14

Recommendation ……………………………………………………………………. 15

References …………………………………………………………………………… 16

Appendices …………………………………………………………………………… 17

Appendix A: Permission Letter ……………………………………………………. 18

Appendix B – Cover Letter ………………………………………………………… 19

Appendix C – Interview Guide ……………………………………….…………….20

Appendix D – Evidences ………………………………………………………...… 21

Curriculum Vitae ………………………………………………………………......... 22


Business networking is a socioeconomic activity by which groups of life business-

minded people recognize, create or acts upon business opportunities. The primary

purpose of business networking is to tell others about your business and hopefully turn

them into costumers.

Frontrow is a dynamic and rapidly expanding direct selling company in the health,

beauty, and wellness industry in the Philippines today. It is a 100% Filipino owned

corporation spearheaded by two of the most promising new breads entrepreneur,

Raymond “RS” Francisco and Samuel Versoza. As new blood of business men, they

introduced a new formula for success in the multilevel marketing industry in order to

build more forward-driven company that is “FRONTROW.”

Since the boom of the vanity industry earlier this decade, more and more Filipinos, both

men and women are opening their options to beauty enhancement and treatments

making into a very lucrative playground for radical capitalist. Frontrow members are

open to transformation and are committed to achieve financial freedom and success by

nurturing a positive attitude and enhanced self-image.

As Frontrow become popular, the numbers of Frontrow’s branch that have been

established has also risen. Due to the increasing numbers of Frontrow’s branch, there’s
a lot of Frontrow members who became a successful entrepreneur now a day’s and it

helps them a lot specially when it comes to their financial problem, it also helps them a

lot to invest cars, house, etc. Besides of their financial problem, if they have

experienced a lot of challenges when it comes to recruiting, inviting, sharing, and

convincing before they become a successful entrepreneurs of Frontrow.

However have been overcome those challenges by their effective strategies. As a result

of increasing number of successful entrepreneurs in Frontrow Puerto Princesa. The

researchers come up within the study about the successful stories of selected

successful entrepreneurs of Frontrow Puerto Princesa members. This study can give

tips and strategies to those who are new member of Frontrow Puerto Princesa

Statement of the Problem

 What are the strategies to overcome their challenges?

 How effective are those strategies in terms of;

A. Sales

B. Income

C. Investment

 What are their challenges of being a Frontrow members in terms of;

A. Recruiting

B. Sharing Products

C. Backgrounds

 How do they cope with their challenges?

Significance of the Study

The main concern of this study is all about the marketing strategies of selected Frontrow

Entrepreneurs who are now successful. Also this study can give a lot of tips on how to

be a successful entrepreneur. For student/youth, this research can give a lot of

inspiration/motivation for those who want to be successful entrepreneur someday.

Scope and Delimitation

          The study focuses only on marketing strategies of selected Frontrow Entrepreneurs. The subject of

study is delimited only of selected people in Frontrow office of Puerto Princesa branch. The   study only

delimited at Malvar Street, Barangay Mandaragat, Malvar, sq. Bldg.

Definition of Terms

       Upline- The meaning of this is recruiter.

       Lucrative- The meaning of this is gainful.

       Socioeconomic- The meaning of this is interacting.

       Diligence- The meaning of this is attentiveness.

       Inconvenience - The meaning of this is interruption.

       Potentially- The meaning of this is possible.

Review of Related Literature

Frontrow started in 2010 in a modest office in Roses Avenue Frontrow international

company. That sells luxxe white which is number 1 in glutathione market. In fact its multi

awarded the past 7 years by direct selling industry association and even in America.

Aside from us having 70 branches in the Philippines, we’re also in Dubai, Singapore,

and will soon be in Bangkok, Hong Kong, and we’re opening in Korea and Taiwan in the
last quarter of 2018 and first quarter of 2019. And in year 2015 President R.S Raymond

build a branch here in Puerto Princesa City.  

According to the Federal Trade Commission (FCC) that network marketing is a team

business. In order to make money in this field, you must be prepared to work closely

with your team member introduce yourself as their upline and offer help if they need it

work with the one who do respond.


These are your potentially strong members and care the life blood of your business,

remember the team concept, your downline success is your success, you will all profit

together if something has been successfully you shared and encourage your team

member to share their success with their downline, in this way you will spread success

to all members and build a strong active team

who are continually adding dedicated people to the team. Cooperation of everyone can

put each member to a profitable businessman, at the end the results will benefit each

member of their due diligence.

This networking business, Frontrow Enterprise Philippines incorporated team members

used to function for the sake of themselves and earn high profit as everyone looking for.

You can use networking to boost your reputation and gather new leads for a startup or

small business, networking can provide a life line of support and business performance

product and staff skills, you can raise your business profile by becoming an established

and regular networking member, meet new people and expand market by generating
new business contacts with potential costumers supplier and partner networks can also

be a key source of information and support.

You can compare in discuss, issues of common interests, simply selling products, it is

the common thoughts of other’s about networking but actually that is definitely wrong,

networking is communicating people and building business relationship.

The process of payment and earning profit in Frontrow, the group member/employee

will get 500 pesos for each person that has been convince to invest and 1000 pesos for

every partner in silver member, for gold members are 1000 pesos for each recruits and

2000 pesos for every partner, the group member can also earn by means of invites of

their group member so that is why network marketing earns money faster that other


Network marketing will help us in earning money specially for students because it help

students to earn money without inconvenience in their studies, but first, believing to

yourself on having a high confidents are more important, the smarter and more

dedicated you are, the more money you will make from your works effort, work

generating repeated sales is easier when your product are useable and consumed like

the sale of soaps and vitamins. Your main goal is to build a group of members that is

wide and deep. Building a network will assured your business security and building

deep will equal profitability, Frontrow conducts seminar for the people to know more

about networking business and how it improves lifestyles and to become a successful

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur you must have a good relationship with

others so that you can gain a high profit and you can invest it to your future, there are

strategies and techniques in making your business more profitable and to become a

inspiration to everyone once you invest in Frontrow, they will able to assure your

success, it will help them a lot to your lifestyle. This research examine the level

profitability and focusing how to become a successful entrepreneur here in Puerto

Princesa City (PPC) by engaging in Frontrow, people need to work harder to earn high

profit and communicate to gain more recruits.


This study was conducted in order to know the marketing strategies of selected

successful entrepreneurs of Frontrow Company. The focus of this study is to know their

marketing strategies. In order to gather necessary, the researchers apply qualitative

approach. A total of 5 respondents were selected as participant of the research. The

unstructured interview was the research instrument used for gathering to know the

marketing strategies of selected successful Frontrow entrepreneurs.

Research Design and Choice of Approach

The researchers used a qualitative approach in the study because qualitative research

is appropriate to collect data in natural setting rather than a contrived situation. This

research study aims to know the marketing strategies of selected successful Frontrow
entrepreneurs. Since our study is about the marketing strategies of selected successful

Frontrow entrepreneurs, the research design that we used is phenomenology because it

was defined as something that one has undergone as a person and makes an individual

understand naturally occurring things in life.

Research Instrument

An unstructured interview will be done among chosen successful entrepreneurs from

Frontrow Company of Puerto Princesa City. The researcher chose this research

instrument because it’s easier and the researchers will be able to gain a lot of

information clearly

Sample and Population

The target population of the study are the successful entrepreneurs of Frontrow

Company in Puerto Princesa City. Wherein the researchers will be needing 5 volunteer

of successful entrepreneurs. Researchers will use voluntary sampling.*Research


First, the researchers will observe the performance of the selected Frontrow

entrepreneurs during their discussions with the people they have invited, and the

researchers will conduct one on one interview with the respondents, then they will ask a

questions in the interview guide for the researchers to gather data, then after the
researchers collected the information, the researchers will analyze and interpret at their

answers without adding their own assumptions.

Research Findings

This study aims to know the marketing strategies of selected entrepreneur in Frontrow

here in P.P.C. because of the effective results in network marketing. A total of five (5)

respondents were interviewed individually to collect data. The respondents were chosen

using the purposive judgement sampling method. This study answered the ff. questions,

including their personal profile (1) when did they started working in Frontrow (2) who

motivates them to join in Frontrow (3) what usual products in Frontrow do they offer and

sell (4) how do they market their products (5) how effective are their marketing

strategies (6) what are their challenges when inviting and selling (7) how do they cope

with their challenges (8) and, the piece of advice that they could give to those who

wants to become a successful entrepreneur (9).

Presentation of findings

 When did they started working In Frontrow?

Two (2) of the respondents started the year of 2015, also two (2) at the year of

2016 and one (1) of the respondents started at the year of 2017.
 Who motivates them to join in Frontrow?

One (1) out of five, honestly said that he was not working for his family instead he

was working for him to have a salary, and 4 out of 5 said they were motivate by

their family.

 What usual products in Frontrow do they offer and sell?

One (1) of them said they sell any products three (3) of them sells luxxe white

and one (1) of them sells insta bright.

 How do they market their products

Three (3) of the respondents market their products through posting on social

media and 2 of them sells it on social media at the same time, they sells it to the

people they know.

 How effective are their marketing strategies?

1 out of 5 said that through her focus on their business her market strategies become

effective, while 2 out of 5 said that having self-confidence is very effective to their

business, and 2 of the respondents said that through their determination their market

strategies become effective.

 What are their challenges when inviting and selling?

1 respondent said that some of the people they have invited ignore them, while 2 out of

5 said that sometimes when they are selling their product, some of teir buyers didn’t

believe them because of their looks/appearance, and also 2 of them said that some of

the people they invited didn’t comeback, its either they don’t have money to pay in or

they didn’t like the company.

 How do they cope with challenges?

5 out of 5 respondents said that they have positive mindset and thoughts and they said

that they try hard by inviting and selling.

 Piece of advice that they could give to those who wants to become a successful


2 out of 5 said that keep believing in yourself and always keep achieving your goals,

then 3 out of 5 said that you need to have a good communication skills.


Based on the perspective of the researcher, attained to know how the selected

entrepreneur of Frontrow in P.P.C that their market strategies are really effective.
As shown in our findings, the selected entrepreneur do their market strategies in

different ways, specifically, in their own ways. Also with the help of particular people in

their life that help them to have a better business.

By participating during training and follow their uplines/leader, they enhanced their skills

at the same time they build their self-confidence with a particular learnings. Self-

confidence helps them to do any works and having a social interaction in their lives.

They said that having a self confidence is very helpful in network marketing. Even

though there are different factors that affect their self-confidence they keep on boosting

it because this is the best way to do, to be a successful entrepreneur. And they want to

prove something better to others and for achieving their goals. They need self-

confidence so they can do their desire which will lead them to have a better career, and

many strategies they can use.


The researchers found out the effects of marketing strategies to the successful

entrepreneurs of Frontrow company is good because they have overcome their

challenges. Every entrepreneurs need to know the marketing strategies in order for

them to be successful. As a member of Frontrow P.P.C. for them to get an idea and to

have an inspiration on how to be successful entrepreneur someday because there are

many people who give up on their dreams because of the challenges they have


The researcher would like to recommend to the;

Students and entrepreneur, in order for them to know the marketing strategies on how

to be a successful entrepreneurs.

And, to our fellow researchers, that conduct for the research about the marketing

strategies of successful entrepreneurs in Frontrow P.P.C.




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