17 - Sandstone Acidizing Design

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Sandstone Acidizing Design

• Acid selection
• Acid volume
• Acid injection rate
• Fluid placement and diversion
• Preflush and postflush design
Acid Selection

HCl solubility > 20% Use HCl only

High-perm sand (k>100 md)

High quartz (80%), low clay (<5%): 10% HCl-3% HF
High feldspar (>20%): 13.5% HCl-1.5% HF
High clay (>10%): 6.5% HCl-1% HF
High iron chlorite clay: 3% HCl-0.5% HF
Low-perm sand (k<10 md)
Low clay (<5%): 6% HCl-1.5% HF
High chlorite: 3% HCl-0.5% HF
Acid Volume
Vacid = + Vnew pore ft3/ft
X acid

Vmineral = π ( racid
− rw2 )(1 − φ )Cmineral

Vnew pore = π (racid

− rw2 )[φ + (1 − φ )Cmineral ]

X = Volumetric dissolving power of acid

C = Volumetric content of mineral in rock matrix
Sand stone porosity 20%
Mineral feldspar, 5% in rock matrix
Wellbore radius 3 in.
Treatment depth 6 in.
Acid 3% HF solution

What is the minimum required volume of 3% HF solution in

gal/ft of reservoir thickness?

Vmineral = π ( racid
− rw2 )(1 − φ )Cmineral
= π {[(3 + 6) / 12]2 − (3 / 12) 2 }(1 − 0.2)(0.05)
= 0.063 ft 3 /ft

Vnew pore = π (racid

− rw2 )[φ + (1 − φ )Cmineral ]
= π {[(3 + 6) / 12]2 − (3 / 12) 2 }[0.2 + (1 − 0.2)(0.05)]
= 0.38 ft 3 /ft
Vacid = + Vnew pore
X acid

= + 0.38 = 6.08 cf/ft = 46 gal/ft
Acid Injection Rate

qi ,max =
4.917 × 10 −6 kh g f H − Δpsafe − p ]
⎡ 0.472re ⎤
μ ⎢ln + s⎥
⎣ rw ⎦

qi,max = maximum injection rate, bbl/min

k = effective permeability of the undamaged formation, md
h = net thickness, ft

gf = fracture gradient, psi/ft

H = depth, fy
Δpsafe = safety margin for pressure, 200-500 psi
p = average reservoir pressure, psi
μ = viscosity, cp
Surface Injection Pressure

p inj, max = p wf − p PE + p pipe friction

Pinj, max = maximu surface injection pressure, psi

Pwf = flowing bottom hole, psi

PPE = hydraustatic pressure, psi

Ppipe friction = friction pressure through tubing, psi

Friction Pressure

518 ρ 0.79 q 1.79 μ 0.207

p pipe friction / 1000 ft =
D 4.79

Ppipe friction /1000 ft = friction pressure through tubing, psi/1000 ft

ρ = density of fluid, g/cm3

q = injection rate, bbl/min

μ = fluid viscosity, cp

D = pipe diameter, in
Design Example

qi ,max =
4.917 ×10 −6 kh g f H − Δpsafe − p ]
⎡ 0.472re ⎤
μ ⎢ln + s⎥
⎣ rw ⎦

4.917 ×10 −6 (8.2)(53)[(0.7)(9822) − 200 − 4500]

qi ,max =
⎡ 0.472(1000) ⎤
(1.7) ⎢ln + 10⎥
⎣ 0.328 ⎦

= 0.158 bbl/min
pwf = g f H − Δpsafe

= (0.7)(9822) − 200

= 6675 psi
518 ρ 0 .79
q 1 .79
μ 0 .207
p pipe friction / 1000 ft = 4 .79
0 .79 1 .79 0 .207
518 (1 .07 ) ( 0 .158 ) ( 0 .7 )
( 2 ) 4.79

= 0 .67 psi/1000 ft

ppipe friction = (0.67)(9.822) = 6.6 psi

p inj, max = p wf − p PE + p pipe friction

= 6675 − ( 0 .433 )(1 .07 )( 9822 ) + 6 .6

= 2131 psi
Other Issues

• Fluid placement and diversion

• Preflush and postflush design

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