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GE6200 - Environmental Science

Assignment 002

A positive exponential curve stabilizing at or near a carrying capacity (often S-shaped).

Select one:
a. logistic curve
b. saturation curve
c. exponential
d. linear

A condition where the carrying capacity is reached and overtaken before the population is
reduced drastically.
Select one:
a. saturation and reduction
b. overshoot and decline
c. overshoot and collapse
d. increase and collapse

It states that geological and biological processes in the past are the same as the present.
Select one:
a. feedback
b. uniformitarianism
c. environmental unity
d. Gaia hypothesis

A type of system response wherein the amount of anything added to a system is expected to
produce the same amount of change.
Select one:
a. exponential
b. logistic curve
c. linear
d. saturation curve

It is a set of components, or parts, that function together as a whole.

Select one:
a. closed system
b. materially closed system
c. open system
d. system

Under this mechanism, steady-state systems remain in constant condition due to self-regulation
or stabilization.
Select one:
a. positive feedback
b. negative feedback
c. feedback
d. equilibrium

With only a few exceptions, all systems in the environment are ___________________.
Select one:
a. materially closed system
b. closed system
c. system
d. open system

This occurs when the output of a system affects its inputs.

Select one:
a. equilibrium
b. steady state system
c. balance of nature
d. feedback

"Everything affects everything else".

Select one:
a. feedback
b. environmental unity
c. Gaia hypothesis
d. uniformitarianism

This is the time it takes for a particular unit to stay in a reservoir.

Select one:
a. reservoir age
b. reservoir time
c. residence time
d. rate of transfer
GE6200 - Environmental Science

Short Quiz 002

It is a region where water flows through rivers, groundwater, streams, creeks into larger bodies
of water.
Select one:
a. Watershed
b. Shoal
c. Equilibrium
d. Erosion

It is the time it takes for a particular unit to stay in a reservoir.

Select one:
a. Lag time
b. Residence time
c. Overshoot
d. Straight linear

A bathtub has 10 liters of water. The tub can be filled with 0.5 liter of water per second. The
average residence time is __ seconds?


It is a kind of static system wherein the system is in a constant condition.

Select one:
a. Classical stability
b. System responses
c. Closed system
d. Equilibrium

It is simply defined as the delay between a cause and the appearance of an effect.
Select one:
a. Classical stability
b. Lag time
c. Feedback
d. Change
It is a set of components, or parts, that function together as a whole.
Select one:
a. Lag time
b. Feedback
c. Change
d. System

Air pollution, disease, crime, discomfort and traffic are examples

Select one:
a. Positive feedback
b. Closed system
c. Open system
d. Negative feedback

An increase in population due to more jobs, better health care, social services and higher
standards of living are examples of
Select one:
a. Negative feedback
b. Positive feedback
c. Closed system
d. Open system

Which of the following is not an important system response?

Select one:
a. Saturation curve
b. None of the above
c. Negative exponential
d. Straight linear

It is characterized by a fast change and then leveling off at a saturation point.

Select one:
a. Positive exponential
b. Logistic curve
c. Negative exponential
d. Saturation curve

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