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Lesson 1
Learning objectives:
1. Define “empowerment technology.”

2. Explain how Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been used for people empowerment.

3. Describe the current state of ICT technologies, online system, functions, and platforms.

4. Compare and contrast the nuances of varied online platforms, sites and content to best achieve specific class objectives
or address situational challenges.

1. _____________ refers to the process of giving yourself, or other, people the capacity to achieve a specific end
2. _____________ refers to computer technology that we use almost every day, which enables us to do tasks, that in
the past requires professional help.
3. The term __________________________ collectively refers to the technologies, both hardware and software, that
enables humans to communicate with one another.
4. In 2002, the Internal ICT Literacy Panel defined _____________ as “the ability to use digital technology
communication tools, and / or networks to define an information need, access, manage, integrate and evaluate
information, create new information or knowledge and be able to communicate this information to others.
5. Significant changes have been observed in four major aspects of life:

6. • Source of learning, teaching, and research materials

• Online learning communities
• Recording and computation of grades
• Managing records and other administrative purposes

7. • Online Marketing
• Convenient business transactions
• Online Payment gateways

8. • Social networking sites (Social Media)

• Instant messaging and video calls
• Forums and webinars (web seminars)

9. • Online booking and reservation

• Online tracking of reservation

10. ____________ It is the system that enables you to access hypertext documents and other files over the internet.
11. The technology was proposed by ____________ in 1989, in which a database and interface will be implemented
to associate links and readable documents.
12. When the World Wide Web was invented, most web page were ____________. ____________ in the sense that
the page is “as is” and cannot manipulated by the user.
13. This is referred to as Web 1.0. (no. 12)
14. ____________ is the evolution of Web 1.0 by adding dynamic web pages ---the user is able to see a website
differently than others.
15. ____________ The semantic web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across
application, enterprise, and community boundaries.
16. The aim of ____________ is to have machines understand the user’s preferences to be able to deliver web content
specifically targeting the user.
17. Web 1.0/2.0/3.0 summary
Web 1.0 Web 2.0 Web 3.0
Read-only Read-Write Portable & Personal
Company Focus Community Focus Individual Focus
Home Pages Blogs/Wikis Life streams/Waves
Owning Content Sharing Content Consolidating Content
Web Forms Web Applications Smart Applications
Directories Tagging User Behavior
Page Views Cost per Click User Engagement

18. Latest Technology Trends

•AI and Advanced Machine Learning

•Intelligent Apps
•Intelligent Things
•Virtual and Augment Reality
•Digital Twin
•Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers
•Conversational System
•Mesh App and Service Architecture (MASA)
•Digital Technology Platforms
•Adaptive Security Architecture

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