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Homework No.

1: Find 5 examples of nominalization to turn Verb ⇒ Subject

1. Many children experience worries when they go to school for the first time.
⇒ The experience of children with respect to being at school for the first time is common.
2. Elephants argue over small concerns, just like humans.
⇒ Arguments over small concerns are something elephants have, as well as humans.
3. They reacted very strongly when seeing a spider, and this made people surprised.
⇒ Their strong reaction upon seeing a spider surprised people.
4. This report analyzes the climate change
⇒ An analysis in this report shows the problem of climate change
5. Germany invaded Poland in 1939. This was the immediate cause of the Second
World War breaking out.
⇒ Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939 was the immediate cause of the outbreak of the
Second World War.
Homework No.2: Find a paragraph has examples of nominalization
A production of seeds (subject) by many Australian plant species with fleshy appendages
called (verb) elaiosomes. It was hypothesised that elaiosomes are involved in
the dispersal of seeds by ants. To test this hypothesis, the removal of seeds (subject) with
elaiosomes was compared (verb) to seeds from which the elaiosome had been removed
and observations (subject) were made (verb) to confirm that the agents of seed
removal were indeed ants. It was found that the removal of seeds (subject) with
elaiosomes was (verb) significantly greater than those without
elaiosomes. Observations of the seed removal process (subject) confirmed (verb) that ants
were the only agents of seed removal.

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