A2. Political Ans Spiritual

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Spiritual Self


The soul is the part of us that connects with our

fellow human beings.
The spirit is the part that connects to God and
covers matters like faith, trust, and worship and so on.
But again, there are still other religions that are existing
Notes: here in the Philippines and all around the world .
The spirit is seen as the innermost part of our being.
It is enveloped by our soul, which in turn is enveloped 3 Forms of Religion:
by our body.
ANIMISM - Belief that spiritual beings can have good
RELIGION and ill effects on people’s lives.
The belief that spirits, apparitions, angels, or
Is an organized system of ideas about the demons inhabit the earth.
spiritual sphere or the supernatural along with
associated ceremonial practices by which people try to TOTEMISM – “punso”. Belief that plants, animals or
interpret and / or influence aspects of the universe objects possess spirit.
otherwise beyond their control.
THEISM - belief in one or more gods who created the
DURKHEIM: universe and have supernatural powers to influence and
Set of beliefs and practices deemed as sacred control people.
and it unites believers as on moral community
2 Kinds of Theism:
Durkheim: refers to supernatural Monotheism – only 1 God (Christianity, Islam)
Spirituality and Religion fulfil social and Psychological
needs Polytheism – more than one god (native religions,
Explanation of: Hinduism )
Sufferings and death BRAHMA – creator of Universe
Through Practice of Religious Activities (Prayer) - VISHNA – protector of the Universe
people may find Comfort, Security and Stability in times SHIVA – Destroyer of the Universe
of Sufferings, Loss, and Uncertainties.
Measure of Religiosity
These are the sample of the Religions existing in the (Gluck)
1. Experiential Religiosity - believer’s emotional
attachment to his religion.
2. Ritualistic Religiosity - frequency of attendance
in one’s religious activities
3. Ideological Religiousty - believers degree of
acceptance and beliefs of the doctrines and
teachings of one’s religion.
4. Consequential religiosity - how a believer
observes and practices the beliefs of his
5. Intellectual religiously - knowledge about
religion’s historical backgrounds and doctrines.

Religiosity is a comprehensive sociological term members. As such, the ecclesia is the national or state
used to refer to the involvement, interest or religion.
participation in numerous aspects of religious activity, Today, it refers to Assembly, Congregation,
dedication, and belief. Assembly.
Ex: DENOMINATION - religious organization that is closely
EXPERIENTIAL – guilt, devotion, mystery, peace. integrated into the larger society but is not a formal
RITUALISTIC – Praying, Bible reading, doing some part of the state.
sacrifices – fasting, pamamanata during holy week,
pilgrimages, Saint feast days….. Religion vs Spirituality
IDEOLOGICAL - God, Afterlife, Supernatural Religion - involves group of people
CONSEQUENTIAL – ceremonies (marriage, baptismal, Spirituality - involves only an individual
INTELLECTUAL - Spirituality

Latin Word – “spiritus”

Types of Religious Groups - Breath or life force
** Hage, Hopson, Siegel, Payton & DeFanti **
1. CULT - emerging religious group. Spirituality generally refers to meaning and
has doctrines, teachings and practices different from purpose in one’s life.
prevailing beliefs and traditions in the society. Search for wholeness and relationship with
2. SECT - when people accept the new religion and the transcendent being.
number of followers increase. Christians use the term ”spirit” – to describe the HOLY
3. CHURCH - highly organized religious group SPIRIT
- 2 Types of CHURCH Organizations -
4. ECCLESIA - Official state religion Notes: SPIRITUALITY originally developed in EARLY
5. DENOMINATION - existence of various religious CHRISTIANITY
groups simultaneously
Spiritual Self
Cult – organization that is at great odds with the norms • inner essence
and values of the larger society. • the part of the self that connects the person to
>  cult today raises negative images of crazy, the sacred, the supernatural, and the universe
violent, small groups of people, it is important to keep • Inner self who is endowed with peace of mind.
in mind that major world religion • AGAPE
> Another image of cults is that they are
violent. In fact, most are not violent. However, some Notes:
cults have committed violence in the recent past. (Aum People develop spirituality through interaction,
Shinrikyo (Supreme Truth) cult in Japan – bombs of observation, and imitation.
deadly gas that killed 10 ) The family, school, and church play a very
(Branch Davidian cult engaged in important role in the child’s spiritual development.
an armed standoff with federal agents in Waco, Texas. AGAPE – selfless love
When the agents attacked its
compound, a fire broke out and killed 80 Spiritual Pride
members of the cult, including 19 children) • The strongest hindrance to gain spirituality

Sect - If a sect succeeds in attracting many new Spiritual Aspect

members, it gradually grows, becomes more • Makes us understand that sufferings and trials
bureaucratic, and, ironically, eventually evolves into a makes us become closer to God
CHURCH – ex is Roman Catholic
ECLESIA - religious organization that is a formal part of
the state and has most or all of a state’s citizens as its Notes:
Achievement and success is attributed to oneself only
Does not recognize God

 Through SOCIAL INTERACTION, people learn

the status, duties, rights and power necessary
This quotation was proven by Viktor Frankle to interact successfully with other people in the
group or community.

Aristotle – “Man is by nature a Political Animal”

Politics – is an activity relation to power. Notes:
As individual meet new people and join new groups,
Notes: their political self is influenced and modified by
• POLITICS serves as mechanism by which individuals opinions, comments and suggestions of other people.
develop power and understand proper functioning of a
democratic society as a citizen From INDIO to FILIPINO
• Politics exist in all human societies
Indio or Indigenta – Malayan natives
“FILIPINO” – referred to the people of Spanish
 Most basic identification with the nation. percentage born in the Philippines (before 1880)
 Membership of a citizen in a political society
 AKA Nationality 1880 – 1890 – Filipino refer to people from the
Citizenship becomes a Salient basis for political self.
Indio or Indigenta – Malayan native born inhabitants of
the Philippines
- Lowest level in class society
Salient - noticeable
DIOKNO: Has a hierarchal structure which require each
 Good Citizen: Diligent Tax Payer, Honest voter, member to perform his or her role.
one who Through the hierarchy of positions – status and
follows traffic rules, etc. power are ascribed. Each position carries a set of rights,
VIRGILIO ENRIQUEZ: responsibilities and expectation.
 Father of Filipino Psychology
 “KAPWA” – the unity of self and others
 “Pakikipagkapwa – treating the other person as
a fellow human being or kapwa
 POLITICAL SELF and IDENTITY are developed
*** It is the Duty of the Parents to educate their
children about basic Values and beliefs. ***

FATHER – most influential member of the family Theory of Political Participation - Can be defined as
- Acts as the leader and rules to maintain order citizen’s actions or activities anchored in politics
in the family
MOTHER – Coordinates with the father Notes:
Eldest Child – Takes the responsibility of the parents SOCIAL LEARNING THEORY – The person watches the
when they are away. behaviour of other person (model) then performs the
behaviour in a similar way.
School COGNITIVE LEARNING THEORY – people interpret the
The Philippine Constitution recognizes its vital meaning of politics and decide the action they will
role in inculcating among the youth the value of make.
Patriotism and Nationalism. THEORY OF SYMBOLIC REACTION – Based on symbols
Their focus of responsibility is in the Formal and meaning people ascribe to objects, people can
education and training of the children. formulate plans of action.
(election, demonstration, rally)
concerning the government or governance of the state
is an example of political participation.

Helps shape the ideals of the citizenship and
democracy through their Religious teachings, values
and Traditions.

members are equal in right

Mass Media
may influence an individual’s political values
and beliefs.

Peers – there is equal in distribution of power, rights
and privileges among members of the group.

Theories of Political Self:

Social Learning Theory - A person can acquire learning


Cognitive Theory - Suggests that mental activities

(knowledge, ideas) are important determinants of our

Theory of Symbolic Interaction - People give meaning

to symbols and they express these meanings through
language and communication.

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