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Digital Self

How can we expect others to keep our secret

If we cannot keep it ourselves

Francoise de La Rochefoucauld

- Is the aspect of the self that is

expressed or shared with others through
online interactions on the internet,
Self Presentation – may be authentic, but some
specifically in social networking sites.
may be tactical or selective.
- most people strive to create image
that are positive impression of them. > use of
photo editing tools.

Dramaturgical Concept / Perspective

( Erving Goffman)

the idea that life is like a never-

ending play in which people are actors.
Stressed the idea that people
preferred to present their idealized self-image
rather than their true authentic selves.

Notes: Notes:
The sharing of personal information on social Erving Goffman – Sociologist
networking sites may be related to the strong
desire for social approval and acceptance.
Two metaphorical Stages:

Self Presentation 1. Front Stage - The public part from which

- Refers to an individual’s attempts, both Presentation of performance
conscious and unconscious, to control how Occurs
he or she projects himself or herself in
social interactions. 2. Back Stage - One’s private part or could
Preferred as the place where
Preparation of performance is
happening, otherwise it is not
Always being seen by audience.
ONLINE DISINHIBITION – loosening of social
restrictions that are normally present in face-
to-face interaction

Online Disinhibition

Factors influencing Online Disinhibition

1. ANONYMITY - Can make a person

feel safe online.

COMMUNICATION - One can send a
message out into the internet and not get
an immediate reply.
FRONT STAGE – occurs when they know they
3. EMPATHY DEFICIT - Reduction of
are being watched
sensitivity to what others feel online.
- norms and what is being expected
BACK STAGE – free from expectation and
norms that dictates front stage behavior.
ANONYMITY – can take a new persona
 By remaining anonymous, you do not
Digital Identities
have to “own" your behavior
- Is the identity or sense of self a person
claims in cyberspace.
you later”
Email and message board
Online Disinhibition
conversations do not happen in real time.
- refers to lack of restraint manifested
For example, you might put up an
- in disregard for social conventions when
emotionally-charged post and log out without
- communicating online than face to face
seeing any responses from others. This would
- Mode of interaction.
allow you to gain catharsis
and escape any potential negative reactions.
EMPATHY DEFICIT - not care about others
(not seeing their face; not
hearing tone of voices)

2 Categories of Online Disinhibition

1. Benign Disinhibition
- Happens when a person get
benefit from lack of restraints when
disclosing online.
2. Toxic Disinhibition
Notes: - Occurs when a person
misbehaves by using hostile
language and even imposed threats
to others online.

Benign disinhibition describes behavior in which
people might self-disclose more on the internet
than they would in real life, or go out of their
way to help someone or show kindness.
Toxic disinhibition describes behavior that Notes:
includes rude language, threats, and visiting You grew up with first iphone which was
places of pornography, crime, and violence on the launched in 2007
internet–places the person might not
go to in real life.

The Other “I”: Love in the time of Social


MULTIPHRENIA =The condition, largely
attributed to technologies that increase social
contact, of being simultaneously drawn in
multiple and conflicting directions.
* Is love also digital?
* CATFISHING = coined from a movie
- a type of DECEPTION: WHEN A

Which generation are you?

Impact of Online Interaction on the Self

•context, time, audience of bullying extends
Drawn people away from beyond the school
meaningful and intimate •anonymity & distance diminish empathy &
communication with
increase aggression (disinhibition effect)
families and friends

Limit face-to-face
interaction with other

“We expect more from technology and less from
Comparison of yourself to other
each other...we’re designing technologies that
give us the illusion of companionship without the
demands of friendship...”

False information / Fake news

May lead to depression

Identity Theft

“FoMO” – fear of missing out

insults, shaming, spreading lies/rumors, social
By Laws:

- Data Privacy Act of 2012 / Republic Act

> Aims to protect the people from
invasion of privacy.

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