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How Does the Mobile App Development

Process Work?
The mobile app development process is one that takes time. On average mobile apps cost
around $150,000 to develop and can take up to six months to come to fruition. Your application
idea should help focus your vision onto a clearer picture of your product. With that in mind, you'll
move deeper into the second part of the mobile app development process.

The second part of the mobile app development process is testing. In the testing phase you test
for bugs and glitches. It doesn't end there though. You'll also need to check the performance and
user experience of the app.

During the mobile app development process, it's important to have a group of testers dedicated
solely to mobile app testing. Your QA team should include both designers and testers to get real
world testing under the sun. While most testers are used to writing code and generating reports,
your QA team should learn to test for things like functionality, speed and ease of use. Testers
will also provide technical support and monitor your application from the integration point of

The third part of the development milestones is integrating your API. You need to make sure
that you're building and deploying to the right platform according to your clients. If not, you run
the risk of being blocked in the API by technical changes.

At the end of the testing phase you'll be able to determine if your application fits into the right
platform. If it doesn't, your application will need to be redesigned. If you're not familiar with
mobile app development, don't let it take over the process. Ask your testers to help you create
an interface that will work for both Apple devices and Google Android phones.

The final part of your mobile app development process involves testing to see if your application
is ready to go live. This is where Apple takes your application and tests it against their app store
policies. Every app is unique and has its own set of guidelines and requirements. In order to
make it easy for your testers to approve your application, include a help center with step by step
instructions. Be prepared to answer questions about the guidelines and your application from
either Apple or Google.

The last part of the mobile app development process involves testing and debugging. Testing
and debugging are necessary to identify and resolve bugs and other issues. Your code will
change as you add new features and options to your application. Be prepared to fix bugs as they
come up. The two platforms share some common errors, but each one is a little different so you
may need to test and debug your application on a variety of mobile applications.

The mobile app development lifecycle begins when you create your first app and continues
through multiple successful releases. Each platform requires additional functionality in order to
be used on mobile devices. While some features are universal between both platforms, others
must be adapted for use on certain devices. Your mobile app development process will
determine how you integrate with the various platforms, which tools you use, and what platforms
you ultimately end up on. Stay ahead of the curve by starting to test and debug early on.
Your mobile app development process can include a number of stages, but you should always
start with a goal in mind and continue to that goal throughout the life cycle. A successful app
provides a great customer service experience and builds brand recognition. It also makes your
enterprise mobility strategy more successful. You want to provide the most convenient
experiences to your customers while still striving for productivity.

Your mobile app development process may include a series of steps, but the first two weeks are
critical. First, you'll have a fantastic idea for the look and feel of your application. Next, you'll
need to choose the appropriate platform and design your mobile app to work on that platform.
Once you've tested it on the appropriate device and it works, you'll need to get it into the market.
Finally, you'll have to make it profitable. Following this straightforward path ensures a successful
outcome throughout the entire life cycle of your enterprise mobility strategy.

Your mobile app development process doesn't stop when the application is in the market,
because you still have several important decisions to make throughout the life cycle. First, you'll
need to complete the testing phase. The testing phase includes bug-testing, usability testing,
and system testing. By the end of the testing process, you'll have created an effective and
efficient mobile app, and the final step is to create a release that is ready for people to download.

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