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b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

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Research Paper

Energy, carbon and water footprints on agricultural


Edemilson J. Mantoam a, Graciele Angnes b, Mesfin M. Mekonnen c,

Thiago L. Romanelli b,*
Case Industry, Brazil
Laboratory of Systemic Management and Sustainability, Department of Biosystems Engineering, “Luiz de Queiroz”
College of Agriculture, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA

article info
Agricultural machinery is crucial to agriculture because it enables field activities and
Article history: production in large scale. Through mechanisation, agriculture requires inputs such as fuel
Received 1 June 2020 and indirectly demands materials. Its impact can be assessed through energy, water and
Received in revised form carbon footprints. Some studies have updated indices for agricultural machinery, showing
21 August 2020 different results from those of the 1970s and 1980s. This study presents environmental
Accepted 27 August 2020 indices based on energy, carbon and water footprints for the life cycle of six types of
Published online 9 September 2020 agricultural machinery. The machines studied were tractors, sugarcane harvesters, coffee
harvesters, sprayers, planters and combiners. Inputs used directly (assembly phase) and
Keywords: for the maintenance phase have been taken into account. The total energy, carbon and
life cycle assessment water footprints were by multiplying the material flows by their respective energy em-
sustainability bodiments, consumed water and carbon footprints indices. Carbon steel accounted for the
environmental analyses highest share (30e70%) of energy demand, 45e79% of carbon footprint and 19e59% of
environmental impacts water footprint. However, the coffee harvester was an exception since it used nylon
mechanisation making it the machinery with the largest water footprint. Repair and maintenance
accounted for a smaller share of all footprints, except for the sugarcane harvester. The
water footprint was from 21 to 55 m3 for tractors and between 35 and 391 m3 for other
machines. Energy demand varied between 259 and 685 GJ to tractors and between 400 and
3500 GJ for other machines. The carbon footprint varied between 11 and 30 t CO2e for
tractors and between 27 and 176 tonne [CO2e] for other machines.
© 2020 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (E.J. Mantoam), (G. Angnes),
(M.M. Mekonnen), (T.L. Romanelli).
1537-5110/© 2020 IAgrE. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 305

with approximately 66,000 units of tractors, combine har-

Nomenclature vesters, cultivators and sugarcane harvesters (ANFAVEA,
ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
As agriculture has modernised, mechanisation has saved
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
time for the productive process at all stages, from soil tillage to
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
harvesting, especially in large-scale production. Agricultural
PVC Poly vinyl chloride
modernisation increases profitability, but it also increases
WF Water footprint
energy demand, water use and other inputs, and also green-
GHG Greenhouse gas
house gas emissions (Keyes et al., 2015).
T1 Tractor 1
Increased demand for inputs through production pro-
T2 Tractor 2
cesses threatens sustainability, making ecosystems vulner-
T3 Tractor 3
^ gerskog et al., 2014), mainly due to potential pollution
able (Ja
T4 Tractor 4
of water and emission of greenhouse gases (Keyes et al., 2015).
BWFd Water footprint related to the direct inputs, m3
In addition, the production of agricultural machinery in-
CF Emissions carbon footprint, kg [CO2e]
creases indirect energy use and emissions by agriculture
CFIE Emissions total indicator per engine power kg
(Carmo et al., 2016). According to Dyer and Desjardins (2006),
[CO2e] kW1
the energy required for the production of agricultural ma-
CFIL Emissions total indicator per life cycle, kg
chinery is almost as high as the fossil fuel energy consumed
[CO2e] h1
during agricultural fieldwork.
CFIM Emissions total indicator per mass kg [CO2e]
Agricultural sustainability is approached in many ways,
focusing on economic, environmental, and social indicators
EEIE Energy or emissions or water indicator by
individually or jointly (Lampridi et al., 2019). However, a
engine power, MJ kW1; kg [CO2e] kW1; l kW1
complete quantitative assessment requires time and effort,
EEIL Energy or emissions or water indicator by life
which has often resulted in studies of environmental impact
cycle, MJ h1; kg [CO2e] h1; l h1
being limited. In order to evaluate a production process, it is
EEIM Energy or emissions or water indicator by mass,
necessary to determine the material flows used in the product
MJ kg1; kg [CO2e] kg1; l kg1
and those discharged as waste (Lampridi, Sorensen & Bochtis,
EF Energy footprint, MJ or GJ
2020). Physical quantities of materials involved in production
EFIE Energy indicator per engine power, MJ kW1
and their energy flows have been used as the basis for deter-
EFIL Energy indicator per life cycle, MJ h1
mining energy efficiency in a number of production processes
EFIM Energy indicator per mass, MJ kg1
(Andrea et al., 2016; Spekken et al., 2015). Materials required in
EI Energy index, MJ kg1; MJ l1; MJ h1
combination with parameters such as embodied energy, car-
EM Emissions of the material, kg [CO2e] kg1 or kg
bon footprint, and water footprint can allow for a simplified
[CO2e] l1
assessment of the environmental burden of a particular
EP Engine power, kW
product or production process (Mekonnen et al., 2018).
i ith Material i
Energy analyses consider the physical quantities involved
j jth Phase j
in the production processes, transforming them in terms of
LC Life cycle, h
energy by means of their energy content. However, many
MA Mass, kg
studies in the literature on agricultural machines are either
M Material mass, kg
obsolete and or based on the automotive industry (Berry &
MF Material flow, kg or l or h
Fels, 1972). More recently, Mantoam et al. (2014, 2016 and
wfd Water footprint in each of the direct inputs, m3
2017) used material flow to determine the energy indices for
sugarcane harvesters, tractors (with different power levels)
WFIE Water footprint indicator per engine power, m3
and coffee harvesters. For energy demand, the values of
Mantoam et al. (2014 and 2016) were higher than those of
WFIL Blue water footprint indicator per life cycle, m3
Berry and Fels (1972) and Deleage et al. (1979) that adapted
these indices taking into account different material quanti-
WFIM Water footprint indicator per unit mass, m3 kg
ties and proportions and comparing them to the automotive
The emission of gases can be assessed by the carbon
footprint, defined as “the total amount of carbon dioxide
emissions directly and indirectly caused by an activity or
1. Introduction accumulated over the life of the product” (Lombardi et al.,
2017). The carbon footprint is calculated as total direct and
Due to the growing demand for food, mechanisation has indirect CO2 and other greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions of a
become increasingly important for production to be carried given product, process or activity over its lifetime (Wu et al.,
out within the timeframe required by the cropping systems. In 2013). Carbon footprint is widely used to measure carbon
recent years, the adoption of machinery has increased in emissions in different sector and scales (Baldo et al., 2009)
some regions of the world. In Brazil, for example, agricultural such as industry (Cahill & Gallacho  ir, 2010), transportation
machinery production increased by 23.8% from 2017 to 2018, systems (Wu et al., 2013), municipal water cycles (Bakhshi &
306 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

Table 1 e Characteristics of the machines evaluated in the study.

Machine Power (kW) Mass (kg) Lifecycle (h) Observation
Tractors: T1 55 2650 10,000 Rubber tyres
T2 90 5100 10,000 Rubber tyres
T3 172 6950 10,000 Rubber tyres
T4 246 10,950 10,000 Rubber tyres
Sugarcane harvester I 260 14.863 22,000 Rubber tyres
Sugarcane harvester II 260 16,972 22,000 Rubber tyres
Coffee harvester 40 5600 6000 Rubber tyres
Self-propelled sprayer 147 10,700 13,500 Rubber tyres
Combine 325 15,800 4680 Rubber tyres
Planter Pull-type 5100 13 rows

Monsabert, 2012), agriculture (Hassard et al., 2014) and biofuel To account for the energy, carbon and water footprints in
production (Hammond & Li, 2016). However, there are only a the supply chain, the material flows of the machinery were
few studies focusing on agricultural machinery (Dyer & determined. To do this, the materials of parts assembled need
Desjardins, 2006; Mantoam et al., 2016 and 2017). to be identified. Given the importance of having the correct
In addition, a major concern is water consumption, which material composition, the material flows obtained by
has been applied to a number of products around the world Mantoam et al. (2014, 2016 and 2017) were utilised and also
using the concept of water footprint (Feng et al., 2011; data from a factory producing agricultural machinery located
Hoekstra et al., 2011). Water footprint (WF) is an indicator of in Brazil (Table 2).
direct and indirect appropriation of freshwater resources For all machinery, two phases were considered: the first
along the production chain (Hoekstra et al., 2011). The blue was assembly and second repair and maintenance (Fig. 1). For
WF refers to the volume of surface and groundwater the assembly phase, the material flows considered were those
consumed (evaporated) as a result of the production of a directly used as inputs and divided between metallic mate-
good. In the agricultural sector, Mekonnen and Hoekstra rials, non-metallic materials and lubricants, and fluids. The
(2011) estimated the green, blue and grey WF of crops and inputs directly used were the parts that make up the ma-
derived crop products. Mekonnen et al. (2018) determined the chines. Their identification and quantification was made
WF of corn (maize) -based bioethanol in the USA and using technical data, which were registered in the database of
sugarcane-based bioethanol in Brazil. However, in the pro- the machine manufacturer (raw material, mass and quantity).
duction of agricultural machinery, water demand has rarely For repair and maintenance phase the material flows
been assessed. considered were inputs either directly and indirectly used.
This study used energy, carbon, and water footprints to The inputs used in the repair and maintenance were those
evaluate the environmental load of six types of agricultural proposed by the owner’s manual and recommended by after-
machinery during their assembly, repair and maintenance sales teams. The parts used in the machines were grouped by
phases. This paper presents an overview of energy, carbon, material classes, referring to the composition of the raw ma-
and water footprints in two phases of agricultural machin- terial of each piece, such as carbon steel, cast iron, aluminium,
ery: assembly and maintenance. The information will be copper, rubber, plastic and others.
useful in the selecting materials and processes that can Machines are assembled on their own assembly line, thus
minimise environmental impact throughout the product life the amount of labour and time are different for every ma-
cycle. Material and methods present the materials required chine. However, labour and factory infrastructure were
by each type of machine and how they are translated into excluded from the analysis due to the low significance of the
environmental impact on the energy, carbon and water energy they embody. According to Mantoam et al. (2018) both
perspectives. can safely be neglected because this magnitude represents
from 1% to 3% of the total energy embodied. Operational as-
pects such as fuel consumption and overall work rate were
2. Material and methods also disregarded, because they may vary due to operator skill
and operating characteristics. Parts of the machinery that are
The study assessed the material flows of six kinds of agricul- made of more than one component, were stratified in pro-
tural machinery and determined their energy, carbon and portion to the composition of the part. With the technical data
water footprints for both assembly or maintenance phases. of each piece and the indexes obtained in the literature, it was
possible to calculate the environmental impact indicators
2.1. Agricultural machinery characteristics and material described below.
2.2. Energy footprint
The ten agricultural machineries assessed are described in
Table 1: four tractors, two sugarcane harvesters, a coffee To estimate the energy footprints of machinery the parts used
harvester, a self-propelled sprayer, a row crop planter (no- in the machines were grouped by classes of materials, refer-
tillage) and a self-propelled combine harvester. ring to the composition of the raw material of each part.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 307

Table 2 e Sources for environmental indicators for agricultural machinery.

Machine Energy footprint Carbon footprint Water footprint
Tractors T1, T2, T3 and T4 Mantoam et al. (2016) Mantoam et al. (2016) This study
Sugarcane harvester I and II Mantoam et al. (2014) This study This study
Coffee harvester Mantoam et al. (2017) This study This study
Combine This study This study This study
Planter This study This study This study
Self-propelled sprayer This study This study This study

Fig. 1 e Flow chart for the determination of the energy, carbon and water footprints during the life cycle of agricultural

Physical inputs and outputs of different agricultural opera- After determining the total energy demand of the machine
tions were converted to common energy units using energy over the cycle, the energy index was expressed per unit of the
equivalent coefficients. The energy equivalent coefficient of time of the life cycle (h), per mass of the machinery (kg), and
an input is defined as the sum of the energy consumed during per unit of power (kW).
the production of the input (Diotto et al., 2014; Mantoam et al., Embodied energy indicators per life cycle (Eqn. 2) can be
2014, 2016; Sangaletti-Gerhard et al., 2014). determined as MJ h 1 by;
Indices of energy embodiment for each material were ob-
tained from references (Appendix A, Table A.1). With the EFIL ¼ (2)
technical data of each part multiplied by energy index,
resulted in the energy demand incorporated in the direct in- where EFIL is embodied energy indicator per life cycle (MJ h1);
puts in assembly phase. With the technical data of each part LC life cycle (h).
multiplied by energy index resulted in the total energy de- Embodied energy indicators per mass (Eqn. 3), can be
mand in repair and maintenance phase. The sum of the re- determined as MJ kg1 by;
sults of direct inputs and the maintenance inputs results in
the energy of the machine over its life cycle (Eq. (1)). EFIM ¼ (3)
  where EFIM is embodied energy indicator per mass (MJ kg1);
EF ¼ MFij * EIi (1) MA is mass (kg).
j¼1 i1
Embodied energy indicators per engine power (Eqn. 4), can
Energy footprint (directly and indirectly) of the machine be determined as MJ kW1 by;
over its life cycle (EF in MJ) was counted by multiplying ma-
terial flow directly and indirectly used in the assembly and EF
EFIE ¼ (4)
repair and maintenance (MF in kg; l; h), and the energy index EP
of the material used (EI in MJ kg1; MJ l1; MJ h1); i ¼ ith where EFIE is embodied energy indicator per engine power (MJ
material; j ¼ jth phase (assembly and maintenance). kW1); EP is engine power (kW).
308 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

2.3. Carbon footprint Where BWFd is water footprint related to the direct inputs (m3)
and wfd is the water footprint in each of the direct inputs (m3
To estimate carbon footprint, emissions factor for each input unit1) and MF is the material flow directly and indirectly
were obtained from the literature to determine the emissions. used.
Similarly, after the determination of emissions in direct in- Similar to the calculations for energy and emissions, the
puts and emissions in maintenance, their sum (Eqn. 5) pro- indicators for incorporated energy and emissions, by mass
vides the carbon footprint of the machinery life cycle by; (Eq. (10)), engine power (Eq. (11)) and life cycle (Eq. (12)) were
calculated. Each input was represented by its unit of mea-
CF ¼ MFij *EMi (5) surement (kg, l) and its respective water demand was obtained
j¼1 i1 from references and the results presented in m3.

Where CF is emissions of the machine over the life cycle (kg BWFd
WFIM ¼ (10)
[CO2e]); MFij is flow of the ith material (kg; l) in the jth phase; MA
EMi is emissions of the ith material (kg [CO2e] kg1; kg [CO2e]
l1). WFIE ¼
In terms of emissions, for each input represented by its EP
unit of measurement (kg, l), its respective emission factor was
obtained and the results presented in kg [CO2e]. GHG emis- WFIL ¼ (12)
sions indicators per life cycle (Eqn. 6) can be determined as kg
[CO2eq] h1 by; Where WFIM is water footprint indicator per mass (m3 kg);
BWFd is total is blue water footprint in the inputs on ma-
CF chinery cycle (m3); MA is mass (kg), WFIE is water footprint
CFIL ¼ (6)
LC indicator per engine power (m3 kW1); EP is engine power
where CFIL is emissions total indicator per life cycle (kg [CO2e] (kW); WFIL is blue water footprint indicator per life cycle (m3
h1; LC life cycle (h). h1) and LC is life cycle (h).
GHG emissions indicators per mass (Eqn. 7), can be deter-
mined kg [CO2eq] kg1- by;
3. Results and discussion
CFIM ¼ (7)
3.1. Material flow
where CFIM is emissions total indicator per mass (kg [CO2e]
kg1) and MA is mass (kg). The material flows, directly used in the assembly and repair
GHG emissions indicators per engine power (Eqn. 8), and maintenance phases of the machines, are shown in
determined on kg [CO2e] kW1 by; Appendix B (Tables B.1 and B.2). They are divided into
metallic, non-metallic, lubricant and fluid materials and
CFIE ¼ (8) paints and solvents according to material class. Within the
category of metallic materials, ductile iron and carbon steel
where CFIE is emissions total indicator per engine power (kg were the main inputs for coffee harvester, sprayer, combine
[CO2e] kW1) and EP is engine power (kW). harvester, planter and sugarcane harvester, most of which
was carbon steel. The mass of carbon steel corresponded to
2.4. Blue water footprint 3583 kg for the coffee harvester, 7777 kg for the sprayer,
3337 kg for the planter and 10,254 kg for the combine
Before starting the supply chain water consumption analysis, harvester. For the sugarcane harvesters, carbon steel (69 and
literature was obtained to determine water demand for each 65% respectively) was the main mass input with ductile iron
one of the materials. Most reports were concerned with the the second highest (1146 kg). The main use of ductile iron was
automotive supply chain and very few articles were con- in the arms of compactor wheels and furrowed stems.
cerned with the water or materials consumed in the assembly For the sprayer, ductile iron was also the second-largest
of agricultural machinery. mass input (498 kg) but copper represented a high demand
Thus, water use data were not available for some of the (57 kg) compared to other machines, mainly applied in the
unit inputs associated with the assembly, repair, and main- electrical circuits. Material flows were similar for the coffee
tenance phase in this analysis, resulting in data gaps. Thus in harvester, planter, self-propelled sprayer and combine, in
this study only blue the water footprint is evaluated. For which carbon steel presented the main mass inputs, ranging
manufacturing processes, the green water footprint is usually between 63 and 76%.
very small unless materials and energy derived from bio- Unlike other machines, for tractors, ductile iron was the
based materials are consumed. main input in terms of masses 6280 kg and 3905 kg for the
The blue water footprint (BWF) of the assembly and repair tractors T4 and T3, respectively. The structural design of
and maintenance phases (Eqn. 9) was determined by; tractors had specific characteristics in relation to other agri-
cultural machines. For example, their structural chassis was
BWFd ¼ MF*wf d (9)
made of ductile iron whereas the structural chassis made of
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 309

the other machines was made from welded steel plates. Thus Higher high-power tractors, as noted by Mantoam et al.
for tractors, in the assembly phase, ductile iron was the main (2016), require more engine oil and lubricant, but the ratio is
mass input followed by carbon steel. not the same with respect to increased horsepower. Moreover,
For non-metallic materials, the main mass input was the demand for anti-corrosion fluid used in the cooling system
rubber for the tractors, sugarcane harvester (I), planter, self- to prevent corrosion of the diesel engine was the same for
propelled sprayer and combine harvester. In the sugarcane tractors (T2, T3, and T4).
harvesters, hydraulic oil represented about 4% of mass, and Among the assembly and repair and maintenance phase,
rubber represented around 2%. the most significant in terms of mass was the assembly phase
Rubber represented 17%, 10%, 10% and 6% for tractors T1, for the tractors (46%, 56%, 64%, 70%), coffee harvester (60%),
T2, T3, and T4, respectively. It represented 8% for the self- self-propelled sprayer (53%), planter (58%) and combine (72%).
propelled sprayer and the combine harvester. For planter, Sugarcane harvesters were the machines that presented the
the high-density polyethylene represented 5% of the mass in highest mass input during the repair and maintenance phase
the assembly phase. For coffee harvester, nylon 6.6 was main (76 and 74%) mainly due to the use of carbon steel.
mass input in this class and it represented a high demand of
932 kg, mainly consumed by the stems. 3.2. Energy footprint
In lubricants and fluids category, hydraulic oil represented
the highest mass demand for all machinery, 190 l for the self- Table 3 presents the main inputs embodied energy on the
propelled sprayer while for combine harvester, the mass de- assembling of coffee harvester, sprayer, planter, combine
mand was 66 l for hydraulic oil and 5 kg for grease. For paints harvester and sugarcane harvester I and II. Materials that
and solvents, the highest paint demand was for the combine represented the largest energy flows in all the agricultural
harvester followed by the sprayer, 17 kg, and 13 kg, machines evaluated were the metallic materials, especially
respectively. carbon steel and ductile iron.
During repair and maintenance, the main mass inputs Carbon steel was the highest input in all machines in Table
were rubber and hydraulic oil for all machines except the 3 with the exception of the Tractors 2, 3 and 4 in Table 4. For
sugarcane harvesters I and II and planter that had an sugarcanes harvester and coffee harvester, Mantoam et al.
expressive carbon steel input (54%, 55% and 40%). For the (2014; 2017) observed that carbon steel represented about
coffee harvester, hydraulic oil was the main input because it 60% and 67% of all inputs in the assembly phase subtotal. In
was used in the agitation, aggression, reversion boxes and for the planter, self-propelled sprayer and combine harvester the
wheel hub traction. Rubber was the second-largest input and energy demand for carbon steel was 72, 66, 62%, respectively.
was mainly used in tyres, representing a mass of 405 kg. Nylon For combine harvester, the carbon steel was the input that
6.6 was mainly used by the rods and consumed 312 kg. accounted for 528.3 GJ (62%) followed by nodular cast iron
For the sprayer, considering the lubricants and fluids 94.3 GJ (11%). For the sprayer, coffee harvester, and sugarcane
category, hydraulic oil consumption was the largest intake, harvesters I and II, aluminium was an important input of
1221 l, followed by grease 796 kg and motor oil 767 ln the in incorporated energy, being more significant in sugarcane
metallic materials category, 760 kg carbon steel came from the harvester I and II 9.9 GJ (13%) and 96.5 GJ (14%). For the inputs
replacement of worn parts in addition to the outer section of used in the assembly of the tractors considering the metallic
the self-propelled sprayer boom. Consumption of 414 kg of materials class, Mantoam et al. (2016) observed that the
high-density polyethylene was required by the wear and modular cast iron had the highest incorporated energy de-
protection plates. In planter, in terms of mass, carbon steel mand 40%; 40% and 42% followed by carbon steel 29%, 31%
had the highest mass demand of 1450 kg which was used by and 35% for tractors (T2, T3 and T4), respectively. The highest
straw shears, bearings and scrapers. In the non-metallic ma- incorporated energy demand for tractor (T1) was for carbon
terials class, rubber had the higher demand of 660 kg and was steel 32%, and aluminium had an incorporated energy de-
used by the compacting wheels, followed by the PVC that was mand of 6.8 GJ (5%). The energy demand for copper, mainly
required by the vacuum system and required 138 kg. consumed by electrical circuits, resulted in between 0.4% and
For the combine harvester, hydraulic oil mass demand was 0.9% of the total energy for tractors (T1, T2, T3 and T4). In
higher (1896 l) compared to the other inputs. This was fol- tractor (T2) the energy demand of copper (2.1 GJ) was similar to
lowed by rubber which was the main input considering the that of high density polyethylene (2.2 GJ).
non-metallic materials category (1175 kg) and this was used by In non-metallic materials class, rubber presented the
the belts and tyres. For tractors (T1, T2, T3 and T4), Mantoam highest energy demand for all machines during assembly and
et al. (2016) observed that there was no difference between repair and maintenance. The self-propelled sprayer had the
them, in terms of their consumption of inputs such as carbon highest energy consumption for the rubber at 69.5 GJ (12%)
steel, aluminium, inorganic fiberglass and polypropylene, as followed by high-density polyethylene 18,410 (3%). The con-
these inputs are used by engine air, fuel and oil filters. Cellu- sumption of laminated glass for cabin windows resulted in
lose film is also used by the tractor in the cabin air purifier low energy demand of 253 MJ compared to the operator seat
filter (T2, T3, and T4) in addition to the engine filters. Rubber polyurethane foam of 1.2 GJ.
was the main input of mass, mainly used in tyres and this For sugarcane harvesters I and II, rubber and high-density
represented the same mass for tractors (T3 and T4) because polyethylene presented an energy demand of 26.4 GJ (3.4%),
they use the same tyres for the evaluated configuration. Hy- 26.8 GJ (3.9%) and 9.3 GJ (1.2%), 9.3 GJ (1.4%) respectively. The
draulic oil was the second-largest mass input for all tractors rubber was mainly used by tyres. For tractors, Mantoam et al.
evaluated. (2016) observed that the rubber represented energy demand
310 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

Table 3 e Energy demand in assembly and repair and maintenance phase.

Input Coffee S.P. Sprayer Planter Combine Sugarcane Sugarcane
Harvester Harvester Harvester I Harvester II
MJ % MJ % MJ % MJ % MJ % MJ %
Metallic materials
Carbon Steel 184,580.7 67.4 400,660.7 72.6 171,937.7 66.5 528,278.9 61.7 509,337.0 66.3 422,427.9 62.5
Ductile Iron 16,703.3 6.1 16,277.7 2.9 37,415.2 14.5 94,393.9 11 73,677.7 9.6 70,323.5 10.4
Aluminium 8080.4 2.9 11,947.3 2.2 11,808.7 4.6 71,882.6 8.4 99,376.2 12.9 9,6558 14.3
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 19,914.4 7.3 69,555.2 12.6 21,076 8.2 115,600 13.5 26,452.8 3.4 26,831.2 3.9
Polyethylene 2231.4 0.8 18,410.5 3.3 13,939.6 5.4 9356.5 1.1 9325.6 1.2 9325.6 1.3
Nylon 6.6 29,642.9 10.8 1740.7 0.3 191.1 0.1 7044.5 0.8 54.16 0.007 66.7 0.01
Lubricants and fluids
Hydraulic oil 5890.2 2.2 7083.2 1.3 521.9 0.2 6058 0.7 22,368 2.9 22,368 3.3
Diesel oil 668.9 0.2 1289.6 0.2 e e 1433.4 0.2 3406.7 0.4 3406.7 0.5
Lubricating oil 568.5 0.2 568.5 0.1 e e 2467.9 0.3 1707.4 0.2 1938.5 0.3
Total assembly 268,280.7 97.9 527,533.4 95.5 219,475 99.5 836,515.7 97.7 745,705.6 96.9 653,246.1 96.5
Repair and maintenance (R & M)
Metallic Materials
Carbon Steel 15,832 12.3 39,170.7 12.4 74,698.8 46.2 10,278.2 3.9 1,288,051.5 64.3 1,286,660 65.1
Aluminium 9563.4 7.4 0 0 0 0 7438.2 2.8 e e e e
Non-metallic Materials
Rubber 35,675.2 27.8 768,328 24.4 58,080 35.9 103,426.4 39.4 602,27.2 3.0 51,735.2 3.3
Nylon 6.6 11,925 9.3 152.6 0.04 0 0 0 0 e e e e
Lubricants and Fluids
Engine oil 80 388 6.5 280 586.3 9.1 0 0 70675.4 26.9 e e e e
Hydraulic oil 19,635.3 15.3 45,533.8 14.4 10,352.7 6.4 20,008.2 7.6 121,346.4 6.1 121,346.4 6.1
Lubricating oil 13,700.4 10.7 9663 3 0 0 668 0.2 95,597.1 4.8 95,597.1 4.8
Grease 1409.8 1.1 34,552.2 10.9 8897.2 5.5 20,748.7 7.9 83,055.3 4.1 4143.1 3.4
Total R & M 1,161,289.1 90.4 925,986.6 74.24 152,028.7 94 233,243.1 88.7 1,648,278 82.3 1,559,482 82.7

Table 4 e Energy demand in assembly and repair and maintenance phase for tractors.
Input Tractor (T1) Tractor (T2) Tractor (T3) Tractor (T4)
MJ % MJ % MJ % MJ %
Metallic materials
Carbon Steel 43,477.7 32.3 94,705 29.4 101,170.9 31.7 173,843.8 35.8
Ductile Iron 39,015.6 29 69,048.4 40.3 127,535.7 40.0 205,130.3 42.3
Aluminium 6874.6 5.1 7105.6 3 12,359.4 3.9 20,354.8 4.2
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 39,306.2 24.2 44,407.1 18.9 59,395 18.6 61,339.1 12.6
Polyethylene 537.8 0.3 2200.7 0.9 242.4 0.1 5280.1 1.1
Nylon 6.6 21.8 0.1 75.6 0.0 894.2 0.3 1233.8 0.3
Lubricants and fluids
Hydraulic oil 1043.8 1.2 2982.4 1.3 3057 1.0 4175.4 0.9
Diesel oil 477.8 0.4 573.4 0.2 573.4 0.2 573.4 0.1
Engine oil 497.7 0.6 559.2 0.2 559.2 0.2 820.2 0.2
Lubricating oil 689.7 0.8 745.6 0.3 745.6 0.2 1043.8 0.2
Total assembly 131,942.7 94.0 222,403 94.5 306,532.8 96.2 473,794.7 97.7
Repair and maintenance (R & M)
Metallic materials
Carbon Steel 294.4 4.8 294.4 3.6 294.4 3.2 289.3 2.8
Aluminium 172.5 2.8 172.5 2.1 172.5 1.9 172.5 1.7
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 2816.5 46.4 3045.4 37.9 3948.6 44.1 3948.6 38.8
Lubricants and fluids
Engine oil 906 14.9 1693.4 21.1 1735.6 19.3 2370.6 23.3
Hydraulic oil 698.5 11.5 127 15.9 1270 14.2 1862.6 18.3
Lubricating oil 361.9 5.9 518.7 6.4 518.7 5.8 518.7 5.1
Anticorrossive fluid 252.4 4.1 423.7 5.3 423.7 4.8 423.7 4.1
Grease 530 8.7 543.2 6.8 543.2 6.1 543.2 5.3
Total R & M 6032.2 99.1 6818.3 99.1 8906.7 99.4 10,129.2 99.4
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 311

39,306.2 MJ (29.2%) and 44.4 GJ (18.9%) for tractors (T1) and (T2), aluminium, copper, fuel and oil, laminated glass, cast iron,
respectively. plastic, steel and rubber.
For the coffee harvester, there was an exception because Agricultural machines do not differ much in terms of
the nylon 6.6 resulted in 11% (29.6 GJ) of the energy value distinct material groups. The main materials to be evaluated
incorporate in this machine, higher than energy demand by are: carbon steel, nodular cast iron, aluminium, rubber, poly-
rubber (7%). ethylene and high density polypropylene, which were identi-
In lubricants and fluids category, hydraulic oil resulted in fied as the largest consumers of energy incorporated in the
higher built-in energy demand, in the sprayer, energy demand direct inputs used in the assembly of the machines. Therefore,
was 7.1 GJ (1.3%) and grease used to lubricate solid friction these values could be used as initial values for new studies to
points reducing wear between surfaces resulted in 108 MJ. For evaluate embodied energy for other agricultural machines
the planter, the sum of the hydraulic oil and grease repre- and implements.
sented less than 1% (522 MJ and 87 MJ) in the assembly phase.
Grease and anti-corrosive fluid had low energy demand, 3.3. Carbon footprint
approximately 0.1% each.
In paints and solvents category, paint presented higher Table 5 presents carbon emissions for the coffee harvester,
energy demand in relation to solvents between 8.7 MJ and sprayer, planter, combine harvester and sugarcane harvesters
17.4 MJ but represented low demand of 0.1%. The paint and I and II. Carbon steel was the largest the input for emissions
solvent inputs resulted in low energy demand for all evaluated for the coffee harvester, sprayer, planter, combine harvester
machines. and sugarcane harvesters I and II, 1,1429 kg [CO2e] (57%),
Regarding the total percentage of incorporated energy, 24,808 kg [CO2e] (79.1%), 10,646 kg [CO2e] (78%) and 32,710 kg
several inputs had demand less than 0.1%, such as brass, [CO2e] (69%), 31,537 kg [CO2e] (71%) and 26,156 kg [CO2e]
paper (newsprint), fire extinguisher chemical, anti-corrosive (67.6%) respectively.
fluid, paint, and solvent. For the category of metallic materials, the planter, combine
Considering all machines evaluated, in terms of direct in- harvester and sugarcane harvesters showed significant
puts, the combine harvester presented the highest energy emissions based on ductile iron and aluminium. Ductile iron
demand of 8,56 GJ, whilst the planter presented the lowest emissions were 6%, 5%, 4% and 4%, respectively and
demand at 258 GJ. Because the combine harvester had both aluminium emissions accounted for 6%, 10%, 15% and 16%,
propulsion and transmission drives, relative to the planter, respectively. For the combine harvester, copper from elec-
the difference in mass was approximately 209% and in terms trical cables resulted in higher emissions 297 kg [CO2e]
of embodied energy which was 231.4% greater for the combine compared to high-density polyethylene 285 kg [CO2e].
harvester. For non-metallic material category, the nylon 6.6 present in
It is important to highlight that recycled materials can the coffee harvester stems represented the highest emissions
result in energy savings as the amount of energy incorporated of this category (6,059 kg [CO2e], 30%) followed by rubber
into the product is reduced due to energy savings in the (719 kg CO2e 3%). In other machines (sprayer, planter, combine
extraction and transformation phases of the raw material. An harvester and sugarcane harvester I and II), rubber was the
example could be recycled ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene), highest emissions. Rubber represented 2513 kg CO2e (8%) and
which has a much lower energy index than polyurethane. 4177 kg CO2e (9%) for the self-propelled sprayer and combine
Comparing the energy demand of 34.2 MJ (28 kg) to recycled harvester, respectively.
ABS and 11.7 GJ (11 kg) of polyurethane foam in the combine Other materials represented few emissions; the laminated
harvester, the importance of using recycled materials to glass of cabin windows resulted in fewer than 0.1%, emissions
reduce the energy consumption is evident. with except for the of high density polyethylene in the self-
However, according to Mikkola and Ahokas (2010), the use propelled sprayer and planter (561 and 425 kg [CO2e], 2 and
of other materials may not be possible since production sys- 3% respectively). The consumption of ABS resulted in 85 kg
tems are becoming more efficient in terms of energy and the [CO2e], while the consumption of polyurethane foam resulted
new materials have a higher incorporated energy index than in 155 kg [CO2e] for the combine harvester. The polyurethane
steel. This aspect was evidenced in the agricultural machines foam was in the manufacture the operator and passenger
evaluated in this study. Observing the energy demand of high- seats. This input could be replaced by coconut fibre, as re-
density polyethylene 5.3 GJ and 285.5% lower than the energy ported by Heitzmann et al. (2001). Vegetable fibres were widely
demand of aluminium that was 20.4 GJ for tractor T4. used by car upholstery industries, but from the 1960s on they
In terms of energy demand for tractors, Bowers (1992) began to be gradually replaced by polyurethane foams
provided an estimate of 95.6 MJ kg1 Hornacek (1979) of (Morroquim, 1994). However, returning to former methods
80 MJ kg1 for European tractors, while Nagy (2000) proposed may be necessary to mitigate emissions during upholstery
lower value, 61 MJ kg 1 for North America tractors. Dyer and manufacture.
Desjardins (2006) suggested a 23% reduction in embodied en- Lubricants and fluids class represented low emissions
ergy from technological improvements and the use of recycled during the assembly phase of the machines, with hydraulic oil
materials in the construction of tractors. having the highest emission material in this class. In sugar-
Sorensen et al. (2014) assessed the energy inputs in cane harvesters I and II, it is material had lower mass emis-
planting systems based on accurate discrimination of the sions, 3.4 kg [CO2e] and 3.9%.
material composition of modern tractors and energy incor- Grease used to lubricate solid friction points and reduce
porated by mass. They considered as materials such as wear between surfaces, resulted in 13 kg [CO2e] and 11 kg
312 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

Table 5 e Carbon emissions in assembly and maintenance phase for agricultural machinery.
Input Coffee S.P. Sprayer Planter Combine Sugarcane Sugarcane
Harvester Harvester Harvester I Harvester II
kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] %
Metallic materials
Carbon Steel 11,428.8 57.1 24,808 79.1 10,646 77.6 32,709.8 69.3 31,537.0 71.4 261,55.8 67.7
Ductile Iron 383.6 1.9 373.8 1.2 859.2 6.3 2167.7 4.6 1691.9 3.8 1614.9 4.1
Aluminium 524.7 2.6 775.8 2.5 766.8 5.6 4667.7 9.9 6453 14.6 6270 16.2
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 719.6 3.6 2513.5 8 761.6 5.6 4177.4 8.9 955.9 2.1 969.6 2.5
Polyethylene 68.1 0.3 561.6 1.8 425.2 3.1 285.4 0.6 284.5 0.6 284.4 0.7
Nylon 6.6 6059.1 30.3 355.8 1.1 39.1 0.3 1439.9 3.1 11.05 0.02 13.6 0.04
Lubricants and fluids
Hydraulic oil 401.3 2 482.6 1.5 35.6 0.3 412.8 0.9 1524 3.4 1524 3.9
Diesel oil 36.4 0.2 70.2 0.2 e e 78 0.2 185.3 0.4 185.3 0.5
Lubricating oil 38.7 0.2 38.7 0.1 e e 168.1 0.4 116.3 0.2 132.1 0.3
Paint and solvent
Paint 28.5 0.1 48.1 0.2 24.9 0.2 60.5 0.1 71.2 0.2 74.7 0.2
Total Assembly 19,688.8 98.3 30,028.1 95.7 13,558.4 99 46,167.3 98 42,830.1 96.7 37,224.4 96.1
Repair and maintenance (R & M)
Metallic Materials
Carbon Steel 980.2 11.5 2425.3 14.7 4625.1 51 636.4 4.04 79,753.2 64.2 79,667.1 65.4
Non-metallic Materials
Rubber 1289.1 15.2 2776.4 16.8 2098.8 23.1 3737 23.7 2176.4 1.8 1869.5 1.5
Nylon 6.6 2437.5 28.7 e e e e e e e e e e
Lubricants and Fluids
Engine oil 571.5 6.7 1947.6 11.8 0 0 1422.4 9 5888.7 4.7 5888.7 4.8
Hydraulic oil 1337.8 15.7 3102.3 18.8 0 0 4815.3 30.6 8267.7 6.7 8267.7 6.8
Lubricating oil 933.4 11.1 658.3 4 705.3 12 2535 16.1 6513.3 5.3 6513.3 5.3
Grease 172.2 2 4221.4 25.6 1087 12 2534.9 16.1 101,47.4 8.2 8239.9 6.7
Total R & M 7721.1 90.9 15,131.3 91.7 8516.2 98.1 15,681 99.54 112,746.7 90.9 110,446.2 90.5

[CO2e] or <1% of emissions, for the self-propelled sprayer and Table 6 shows also the emissions in the inputs used for
planter, respectively. maintenance, during the life cycle of tractors (T1, T2, T3 and
In the repair and maintenance phase, carbon steel had the T4). The largest emissions among tractors were: rubber (46%
highest emissions for metallic materials in sugarcane har- and 44%) for tractors (T1 and T3) and hydraulic oil (23% and
vesters I and II (64 and 65%). For the non-metallic materials 22%) for tractors (T4 and T2), respectively.
category, rubber had significant emissions for coffee Comparing embodied energy demand with emissions re-
harvester, sprayer, planter and combine harvester (15, 17, 23 sults in quite different proportions. For the tractor (T2) the
and 24%). For lubricants and fluids, emissions for hydraulic consumption of 15 kg of copper resulted in a lower energy
oil were: 16%, 19% for the coffee harvester and sprayer. En- demand of 2157 MJ, compared to the consumption of 42 kg of
gine oil had significant emissions for combine harvester high-density polyethylene 2201 MJ, while emissions were
(27%). higher for copper, 92 kg [CO2e] versus 67 kg [CO2e] for high-
Considering the two phases, the emissions from the coffee density polyethylene.
harvester observed by Mantoam et al. (2017) were 40% lower Comparing the emissions for hydraulic oil among the four
compared to the self-propelled sprayer and the difference in tractors they were in the order of 71 kg [CO2e], 203 kg [CO2e],
mass between machines was 55% higher for the self-propelled 208 kg [CO2e] and 284 kg [CO2e] which was much lower than
sprayer (5600 kg and 10,100 kg respectively). emissions for aluminium 446 kg [CO2e], 461 kg [CO2e], 803 kg
Emissions in the assembly and repair and maintenance [CO2e] and 1321.7 kg [CO2e] for tractors (T1, T2, T3 and T4),
phase for tractors are shown in Table 6. In metallic materials respectively.
class, as in the other machines, carbon steel represented the Most of the emissions for the coffee harvester, sprayer,
input with the highest emissions among tractors: 2692 kg planter and combine harvester were from direct inputs 20,026;
[CO2e] (46%) tractor (T1) and 10,764 kg [CO2e] (52%) tractor (T4), 31,343; 13,715 and 47,200 kg [CO2e], respectively. For tractors
respectively. Ductile iron represented lower emissions (T1, T2 and T3), most emissions were from maintenance in-
compared to carbon steel, ranging from 896 kg [CO2e] (15%) to puts, 9,134 kg [CO2e] (60.8%), 11,738 kg [CO2e] (55.4%) and
4711 kg [CO2e] (23%) for tractors (T1, T2, T3 and T4). 13,496.0 kg [CO2e] (50.4%), respectively. In direct inputs,
In non-metallic materials category, rubber represented emissions were 5,880, 9437 and 1,3251 kg [CO2e], respectively.
emissions of 1420 kg CO2e (24%); 1605 kg [CO2e] (17%), 2146 kg Encouraging the manufacture of parts to use ductile iron
[CO2e] (16%) and 2,216 kg [CO2e] (11%) for tractors (T1, T2, T3 instead of carbon steel can increase sustainability of the
and T4), respectively. production of agricultural machinery, as well as reduce
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 313

Table 6 e Carbon emissions in assembly and repair and maintenance phase for tractors.
Input Tractor (T1) Tractor (T2) Tractor (T3) Tractor (T4)
kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] % kg [CO2e] %
Metallic materials
Carbon Steel 2692 45.8 4275.3 45.3 6264.3 47.3 10,764 52.5
Ductile Iron 895.9 15.2 2174.8 23 2928.7 22.1 4710.6 23
Aluminium 446.4 7.6 461.4 4.9 802.6 6.1 1321.7 6.4
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 1420.4 24.2 1604.7 17 2146.3 16.2 2216.6 10.8
Polyethylene high density 16.4 0.3 64.1 0.7 7.4 0.1 161.1 0.8
Nylon 6.6 4.5 0.1 15.4 0.2 182.8 1.4 252.2 1.2
Lubricants and fluids
Hydraulic oil 71.1 1.2 203.2 2.2 208.3 1.6 284.5 1.4
Diesel oil 26 0.4 31.2 0.3 31.2 0.2 31.2 0.2
Engine oil 33.9 0.6 38.1 0.4 38.1 0.3 55.9 0.3
Lubricating oil 47.0 0.8 50.8 0.5 50.8 0.4 71.1 0.3
Paint and solvent
Paint 12.5 0.2 24.9 0.3 24.9 0.2 24.9 0.1
Total Assembly 5666.1 96.4 8943.3 94.8 12,685.4 95.9 19,893.8 97.0
Repair and maintenance (R & M)
Metallic materials
Carbon Steel 294.4 4.8 294.4 3.6 294.4 3.3 289.3 2.8
Aluminium 172.5 2.8 172.5 2.1 172.5 1.9 172.5 1.7
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 2816.5 46.3 3045.4 38 3948.6 44 3948.6 38.7
Lubricants and fluids
Engine oil 906 15 1693.4 21.1 1735.5 19.3 2370.6 23.2
Hydraulic oil 698.5 11.5 1270 15.8 1270 14.1 1862.6 18.3
Lubricating oil 361.9 5.9 518.6 6.4 518.6 5.8 518.6 5.1
Anticorrossive fluid 252.4 4.1 423.7 5.3 423.7 4.7 423.7 4.1
Grease 530 8.7 543.2 6.8 543.2 6 543.2 5.3
Total R & M 6032.2 99.1 7961.2 99.1 8906.5 99.1 10,129.1 99.2

emissions. In this sense, the importance and necessity of the industry are linked to management decisions and strategies.
use of recyclable materials for the production of agricultural These decisions should take into account not only (competi-
machinery is clear. Aluminium recycling requires only 5% tiveness, cost savings, business opportunities, compliance
energy (International Aluminum Institute IAI, 2005; with environmental laws, waste reduction), but above all, due
Martcheck, 2006) and it is an important energy and emissions respect and protection of the environment. As far as carbon
saving factor (IPCC, 2007). In addition, scrap steel production steel is concerned, this metal alloy will be hard to replace in
uses only 30%e40% of energy and reduces CO2 emissions (De the manufacture of agricultural machinery. However, with
Beer et al., 1998). For Doering et al. (1980) the largest savings high-technology steel production, many products such as
in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the manufacture of automobiles could be one-third lighter without any loss of
agricultural tractors were found to be due to the increased use performance during use (Carruth, Allwood, & Moynuhan,
of recycled steel. 2011).
The design of lightweight efficient structures to minimise
material consumption using recycled/reusable materials or 3.4. Blue water footprint
components should be an alternative for reducing environ-
mental impacts (Morini et al., 2019). Another objective, out- Table 7 presents the WF and the contribution of each item in
lined by Van der Velden et al. (2015), is to design long-term the assembly phase and repair and maintenance phase of the
products using durable and low maintenance materials. agricultural machinery evaluated.
Considering all machines, carbon steel was the most Among the metals used, carbon steel was the main mate-
representative input because of its large demand volume. Tyre rial with a larger WF. Together with ductile iron, these two
rubber and oils (hydraulic, engine and lubricants) also pro- metals accounted for the largest proportion of the WF of the
duced large emissions. Recycling tyres and using oil recovery materials incorporated in the sprayer, planter and sugarcane
to produce new lubricating products, can contribute to the harvesters. Carbon steel accounted for most of this fraction,
reducing energy consumption and emissions. Recycling is an from 43 to 59%, while the combine harvester accounted for
important factor for the economy and energy, not only for the less than 32%. Ductile iron was responsible for between 623
steel and aluminium industries, but also for lubricating oils and 3600 L of water, corresponding to 1e8%.
(IPCC, 2007; Ali et al., 1995; Martins, 1997). However, as re- The non-metallic materials, rubber and paper, accounted
ported by the IPCC (2014), GHG mitigation measures in the for about 20% of the WF during the assembly phase. The
314 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

Table 7 e Water footprint in assembly and repair and maintenance phase in agricultural machinery.
Input Coffee S.P. Sprayer Planter Combine Sugarcane Sugarcane
Harvester Harvester Harvester I Harvester II
m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] %
Metallic materials
Ductile iron 0.64 0.4 0.62 1.1 1.43 8.5 3.62 3.7 2.8 5.2 2.7 5.5
Carbon steel 10.64 6.3 2.31 43.2 9.91 59.1 3.05 31.6 29.3 54.2 24.3 49.5
Aluminium 0.45 0.2 0.67 1.2 0.66 3.9 4.05 4.2 5.6 10.3 5.4 11.0
Copper 1.64 0.9 0.54 10.0 0.05 0.0 4.62 4.8 5.1 9.4 5.1 10.4
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 1.43 0.8 4.99 9.3 1.51 9.0 8.30 8.6 1.9 3.5 1.9 3.9
Paper 1.88 1.1 4.64 8.7 1.74 10.3 4.06 4.2 5.2 9.6 5.2 10.6
Nylon 6.6 15.10 89.6 8.86 16.6 0.97 5.8 3.59 37.3 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.7
Lubricants and fluids
Lubricating oil 0.06 0.03 0.13 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.56 0.6 0.4 0.72 0.4 0.9
Total Assembly 16.78 99.3 4.84 90.3 1.63 96.6 9.15 95.0 50.6 93.42 45.3 92.5
Repair and Maintenance (R & M)
Metallic Materials
Carbon steel 0.91 1.3 2.26 5.6 4.30 23.4 592.5 1.9 74.2 41.5 74.1 44.9
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 2.56 3.7 5.52 13.8 4.17 22.7 7.43 24.7 4.3 2.4 3.7 2.2
Nylon 6.6 6.07 87.7 0.78 1.9 e e e e e e e e
Lubricants and fluids
Lubricating oil 3.12 4.5 2.20 5.5 2.36 12.8 4.56 15.2 21.7 12.2 21.8 13.2
Grease 1.15 1.6 2.82 70.5 7.26 39.5 1.69 56.4 67.7 37.9 55.0 33.3
Total R & M 6.85 98.8 3.89 97.3 18.10 98.4 2.95 98.25 167.9 94 154.6 93.6

machine with the largest WF was the coffee harvester with tractors was about two to three times smaller than the coffee
about 237 m3, followed by sprayer with 93 m3. The materials harvester.
with the largest WF for the coffee harvester were nylon and For all the machines evaluated, the assembly phase was
rubber, which accounted for 90% and <1% of the WF. Steel the one with a larger WF, with the exception of the sugarcane
accounted for 6% of the WF. In the assembly phase, the WF of harvester. The analysis shows a clear difference between the
the lubricant and fluid class was less than 1%. The main in- WF of coffee harvester and sugarcane harvester and the
puts in the repair and maintenance phase were rubber and others machines.
grease for the combiner and sprayer, nylon 6.6 for the coffee Saari et al. (2007) studied the effect of material consump-
harvester and carbon steel for the sugarcane harvester. tion on vehicle life cycle, and they determined that the total
For tractors (Table 8), carbon steel and ductile iron water consumption per vehicle was 90 m3. However, no in-
accounted for between 35 and 42% of WF of tractors in the formation was provided to indicate where and how this water
assembly phase. For T1, T2, T3, and T4, carbon steel and was used or even if it took into account recycling rates of
ductile iron accounted for 38%, 38, 36 and 43% of the blue WF, water to determine the real consumption rate. In this context,
respectively. the quantification of the water use must be key first step to-
For the T1 and T2 tractors, rubber and paper accounted for wards reducing water consumption during the production
41 and 25% of the WF, while for T3 and T4 tractors, Nylon 6.6 phase (Zhao et al., 2012).
and Cotton synthetic fibre accounted for 30 and 29%. Carbon
steel and ductile iron and the main materials of the non- 3.5. Indicators
metallic class described above represented about 70% of the
WF in the assembly phase of all tractors studied. Rubber Indices of energy, emissions and water embodiment are pre-
accounted for 50% of the WF during repair and maintenance. sented per lifetime (EEIL), mass (EEIM) and engine power (EEIE)
In this phase, three inputs accounted for more than 90% of the in Table 9. The highest energy indices due to the engine power
WF, i.e. rubber, lubricating oil, and grease. of the agricultural machine were observed in the sugarcane
For tractors, the demand for water was higher depending harvesters, coffee harvester and sprayer.
on the power and mass of the tractors. The blue WF of T2 is The energy indexes incorporated considering the life cycle
about half (57%) of the water demand of tractor T4. The as- of the agricultural machinery was higher for the combine
sembly phase was the one with the highest WF. Table 7 shows harvester followed by the sugarcane harvester and T4 tractor,
that there is a difference between the coffee harvester and this result can be explained by life cycle of the combine
other agricultural machines evaluated in this work. While the harvester, this machine was that presented smaller life cycle.
WF of sugarcane harvesters I and II and coffee harvester were For tractors, the useful life is the same for all models evalu-
similar with 232, 214 and 238 m3, the WF of the other ma- ated. Although the coffee harvester has a longer than the life
chines varied between 21 and 93 m3. On average, the WF for of the sprayer, the built-in energy indexes (EEIL) are very close.
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 315

Table 8 e Water footprint in assembly and repair and maintenance for tractors.
Input Tractor (T1) Tractor (T2) Tractor (T3) Tractor (T4)
m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] % m3 [H20] %
Metallic materials
Ductile iron 1.49 14.1 3.63 18.3 4.89 16.3 7.86 18.9
Carbon steel 2.51 23.6 3.98 20.1 5.83 19.4 10.02 24.1
Aluminium 0.39 3.6 0.40 2.0 0.69 2.3 1.14 2.7
Copper 0.40 3.8 1.43 7.2 1.34 4.5 1.32 3.2
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 2.82 26.6 3.19 16.1 4.26 14.2 4.40 10.6
Paper 1.74 16.4 1.74 8.8 1.74 5.8 1.74 4.2
Fiberglass & polyester 0.33 3.1 0.33 1.6 0.61 2.0 0.60 1.4
Nylon 6.6 0.11 1.1 0.39 1.9 4.55 15.2 6.28 15.1
Cotton synthetic fibre 0.11 1.0 3.54 17.8 4.57 15.2 5.93 14.2
Lubricants and fluids
Lubricating oil 0.16 1.5 0.17 0.8 0.17 0.5 0.24 0.6
Total Assembly 10.06 94.8 18.80 94.6 28.67 95.4 39.56 95
Repair and maintenance (R & M)
Metallic materials
Carbon steel 0.27 2.5 0.27 2.3 0.27 1.9 0.27 1.9
Aluminium 0.15 1.3 0.15 1.2 0.15 1.1 0.15 1.1
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 5.60 51.5 6.05 50.7 7.85 57.2 7.85 57.2
Lubricants and fluids
Lubricating oil 1.21 11.1 1.74 14.5 1.74 12.7 1.74 12.6
Grease 3.54 32.6 3.63 30.4 3.63 26.6 3.63 26.4
Total R & M 10.77 99.0 11.84 99.1 13.63 99.5 13.63 99.2

Considering the mass of agricultural machines and the energy were the machines that presented the highest energy foot-
incorporated in each of them, the coffee harvester, combine print in repair and maintenance about 70% of total energy
harvester, sprayer, and planter have similar values ranging footprint.
from 70 to 82 MJ kg1. The energy embodied in the sprayer, planter and combine
Concerning the energy indicator by engine power, sugar- harvester was 867, 420 and 1118 GJ per machine respectively.
cane harvesters (I and II) presented high engine power The energy embodied by assembly phase represented 64% of
(260 kW) and the higher energy indicator by engine power the all energy embodied for sprayer, 61% for the planter and
(10.6 and 10.2 GJ kW1) due the energy embodied by machine 77% for the combine. In relation to the other machines, trac-
(Mantoam et al., 2014). Differently from what was observed on tors and the coffee harvester, most of the energy incorporated
sugarcane harvesters, the coffee harvester presented the occurred during the assembly phase (70.2%) and the total
second largest energy indicator by engine power (10 GJ kW1), energy required for coffee harvester was 402 GJ.
and however, this machine has the lowest engine power Combine harvester was the machine with the highest
(40 kW). power (325 kW). However, this machine obtained a smaller
The energy required for assembly accounts for the largest energy demand compared to the sugarcane harvester for total
share of energy embodied to agricultural machinery. Howev- direct demanded energy. That is, the energy required by repair
er, the sugarcane harvesters I and II were an exception, and and maintenance phase by the sugarcane harvester was much

Table 9 e Energy, emissions and water footprints by machinery life cycle, mass and engine power of the agricultural
Machinery EEILa EEIMb EEIEc
MJ h1 kg [CO2e] h1 l h1 MJ kg1 kg [CO2e] kg1 l kg1 MJ kW1 kg [CO2e] kW1 l kW1
Tractor T1 25.9 1.2 2.1 97.9 4.5 8.1 4717.9 216.9 390.0
Tractor T2 39.1 1.7 3.2 76.6 3.4 6.2 4344.2 193.6 352.8
Tractor T3 49.9 2.2 4.4 71.9 3.2 6.3 2905.0 128.9 254.1
Tractor T4 68.5 3.0 5.5 62.5 2.8 5.1 2784.4 124.7 224.9
Coffee harvester 67.0 4.7 39.6 71.8 5.1 42.5 10,058.7 712.5 5943.2
Self-propelled sprayer 64.2 4.5 6.9 81.0 5.7 8.7 5897.1 417.0 635.3
Planter e e e 82.3 5.3 6.9 e e e
Combine 238.8 20.0 27.1 70.7 5.9 7.9 3439.7 288.5 388.4
Sugarcane harvester I 126.0 7.6 10.5 186.5 11.3 15.6 10,664 647.1 893.1
Sugarcane harvester II 120.5 7.3 9.7 156.2 9.4 12.5 10,200 617.0 821.5
316 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

Fig. 2 e Tendencies of energy, carbon and water footprints due to tractor mass and power.

higher than that observed for the combines. As observed in all Emission by power for the coffee harvester, self-propelled
agricultural machines, in the repair and maintenance phase sprayer and combine harvester were 677 kg [CO2e] kW1,
the main materials responsible for the incorporation of energy 296 kg [CO2e] kW1 and 287 kg [CO2e] kW1. Mantoam et al.
were carbon steel and rubber used in the cabin and tires of the (2016) obtained 125 kg [CO2e] kW1 for the tractor T4.
machines. Although just four levels of tractor power were evaluated,
The water indicators by life cycle for the tractors were trends were noticed for all footprints determined either
smaller (2e5 l h1) than other machines (Table 9). Coffee and considering EEIM (Fig. 2 a, b, c) or EEIE (Fig. 2 d, e, f). They
combine harvester presented water demand of 40 l h1, corroborate those of Lee et al. (2000), being the amount of
21 l h1, respectively. Self-propelled sprayer was the smaller energy and GHG emissions to make a tractor directly propor-
water demand by life cycle, 7 l h1. Water demand by mass tional to the mass of materials. As engine power increases,
was also smaller for the planter. Coffee harvester presented less embodied energy per mass or power is demanded. This
higher water demand by engine power than that observed by may be due to the non-proportional requirement of tractor
life cycle. Water demand of agricultural machinery by engine infrastructure to hold a more powerful engine.
power were between 267 l kW1 and 5943 l kW1. Other authors evaluating the energy demand and carbon
Life cycle emissions indicator for the coffee harvester and emission of agricultural tractors (Lee et al., 2000), observed
self-propelled sprayer was 5 kg [CO2e] h1 and 4 kg [CO2e] h1, correlation between energy demand, carbon emissions and
respectively (Table 9). For tractors (T1, T2, T3, and T4), the life mass. Mantoam et al. (2018) evaluated the energy and water
cycle emissions indicator observed by Mantoam et al. (2016) footprints during the assembly of some agricultural machines,
was between 1 kg [CO2e] h1 to 3 kg [CO2e] h1. These values just considering the energy, materials and asset depreciation
were lower than those observed for the sugarcane harvester of machinery assembling lines. A significant correlation has
and the combine, 8 and 20 kg [CO2e] h1. Emission indicator by been observed for energy demand, however, the correlation
mass, for the planter and combine harvester was 3 kg [CO2e] with water demand was low, particularly for the data showing
kg1. In the life cycle indicated by the manufacturer, the mass for the water footprint of tractor parts assembled and their
indicator for the tractor (T2) was 3 kg [CO2e] and kg1. maintenance (Fig. 2 c, f).
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 317

greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions as the amount of energy and

4. Conclusions emissions incorporated into the product is reduced due to
energy savings in the extraction and transformation phases of
The energy and carbon footprint of agricultural machinery the raw material. In order to optimise the WF, manufacturers
was larger during the assembly stage for most of the machines could implement water recycling in some processes or replace
evaluated in this study. Exceptions were the sugarcane har- materials that have a large WF. In addition, it is important to
vesters which had a greater impact during its maintenance note when calculating WF in this study water pollution was
phase, mainly due to the larger quantity of carbon steel used not included (grey WF). This could involve the spillage of lu-
in these machines during maintenance compared to their bricants and oil spills leading to water pollution.
assembly phase. The WF was larger in the maintenance phase The indices presented here may feed life cycle database
of all machines evaluated due to the use of rubber tyres. and be used to assess the production of biomass more prop-
Carbon steel was the most important material in the car- erly. It may also affect the design of machinery in the search
bon and energy footprint. Due to its strength, this material is for lower environmental impacts. The methodology may also
widely used in the structure of agricultural machines and may be applied to other categories of assets beyond the agricultural
be difficult to substitute. boundaries examined here.
For the water footprint, an exception was observed for the
coffee harvester and combine harvester due to the amount of
nylon 6.6 used in these machines. This material has good
physical, chemical, mechanical and electrical properties that
Declaration of competing interest
enables it to be used as a substitute for bronze, brass,
The authors declare that they have no known competing
aluminium, cast iron and steel.
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
Approximately 80e90% of the energy, carbon and water
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
footprints of most of the machines assessed can be attributed
to carbon steel, ductile iron, aluminium, rubber and lubricants
inputs. This study provides valuable information on the en-
ergy, carbon and water footprints of agricultural machineries
for future studies.
Among non-metallic materials, rubber has played a sig-
Corresponding author acknowledge FAPESP e Sao Paulo
nificant role in the water footprint, carbon emissions and
Research Foundation (Projects 2010/11723-5 and 2015/1613-1);
energy. The reuse of tyres through re-treading can be an
and CNPq e National Council for Scientific and Technological
alternative for reducing the impact of the maintenance phase
Development (301532/2015-0) for the grants provided.
on agricultural machinery.
Technological improvements and recycled/reusable ma-
Appendix A
terials or components can reduce energy demand and

Table A.1 e References and indices used.

Materials Water Energy Emissions CO2 eq
l kg1 Reference MJ kg1 Reference kg [CO2e] kg Reference
Aluminium 13 Margolis and Sousa 231.0 Stodolsky et al. 15.0 Berge (2009)
(1997) (1995)
Anticorrosive fluid e e 2.3 Leach and Slesser 2.3 Hammond and Jones
(1973)a (2008)
Brass 2 Nakano et al. (2005) 140.0 Stodolsky et al. 2.8 Hammond and Jones
(1995) (2008)
Carbon steel 2.9 Margolis and Brindle 51.5 Berry and Fels (1972) 3.2 Hammond and Jones
(2000) (2008)
Cellulose film e e 192.5 Imperial Chemical 1.6 Berge (2009)
Industries (1974)a
Chemical powder ABC e e 2.5 Bravard et al. (1972)a 0.1 Hammond and Jones
Copper 93.2 Tikana et al. (2005) 140.0 Stodolsky et al. 6.0 Berge (2009)
Cotton synthetic fibre 657 Mekonnen and 45.3 Boustead and 1.3 Hammond and Jones
Hoekstra (2011) Hancock (1979) (2008)
Diesel oil 2.2 Jefferies et al. (2012) 47.8 Cervinka (1980). 2.6 DECC (2014)
Ductile iron 1.2 Margolis and Brindle 32.7 Samples (1974)a 0.8 Berge (2009)
Engine oil e e 37.3 EPE (2009)a 2.5 DECC (2014)
(continued on next page)
318 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

Table A.1 e (continued )

Materials Water Energy Emissions CO2 eq
l kg1 Reference MJ kg1 Reference kg [CO2e] kg Reference
Fiberglass & polyester 94.5 Leterrier (1998) 0.8 Bravard et al. (1972) 1.5 Hammond and Jones
Fibreglass & aluminium e e 0.8 Bravard et al. (1972) 8.1 Hammond and Jones
Forged iron 1.2 Margolis and Brindle 78.9 Berry and Fels (1972) 0.8 Berge (2009)
Grease 35.4 Deorsola et al. (2012) 43.4 EPE (2009) 5.3 Hammond and Jones
Hydraulic oil e e 37.3 EPE (2009) 2.5 DECC (2014)
Inorganic fibreglass 12 Scalet et al. (2013) 0.8 Berry and Fels (1972) 1.5 Hammond and Jones
Lead e e 17.3 Porameswaren and 1.1 Berge (2009)
Nadkarni (1975)
LPG 2.5 Francke and Castro 58.9 Boustead and 1.3 EPA (2014)
(2013) Hancock (1979, 422
Lubricating oil 8.5 Girotti et al. (2011) 37.3 EPE (2009) 2.5 DECC (2014)
Nitrogen (N2) 0.45 Sheehan et al. (1998) 1.7 U.S. Dept. of 2.3 Hammond and Jones
Commerce (1975)a (2008)
Nylon 6.6 162 Boustead (2005) 31.8 Boustead and 6.5 Hammond and Jones
Hancock (1979) (2008)
Paint e e 2.5 Bravard et al. (1972) 3.6 Hammond and Jones
Paper (printed news) 1450 Van Oel and 34.4 Newton (1963)a 1.5 Hammond and Jones
Hoekstra (2012) (2008)
Plate glass 12.9 Pulselli et al. (2007) 30.2 Samples (1974) 0.9 Hammond and Jones
Polyethylene high density 1.5 Franklin Associates 52.5 Ayres et al. (1974)a 1.6 Berge (2009)
Polypropylene 1.2 Franklin Associates 110.2 Boustead and 1.7 Berge (2009)
(2011) Hancock (1979)
Polyurethane 0.45 Franklin Associates 110.2 Boustead and 3.0 Hammond and Jones
(2011) Hancock (1979) (2008)
Polyurethane foam 0.004 Franklin Associates 110.2 Boustead and 14.5 Berge (2009)
(2011) Hancock (1979)
PVC 1 Franklin Associates 10.6 Ayres et al. (1974 3.0 Berge (2009)
PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) 1 Franklin Associates 10.6 Ayres et al. (1974 3.0 Berge (2009)
Recycled ABS 2.6 Franklin Associates 1.2 USEPA (1974) 3.1 Hammond and Jones
(2011) (2008)
Rubber 6.32 Bridgestone EU 88.0 Stodolsky et al. 3.2 Hammond and Jones
(2012) (1995) (2008)
Solvent e e 2.5 Bravard et al. (1972) 3.6 Hammond and Jones
Stainless steel 2.965 Margolis and Brindle 81.8 Berry and Fels (1972) 2.2 Berge (2009)
Steel wire 2.97 Margolis and Brindle 19.1 Decker (1976)a 2.8 Hammond and Jones
(2000) (2008)
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) e e 2.5 Bravard et al. (1972) 2.3 Hammond and Jones
These suppliers were referenced in data cited by Boustead and Hancock (1979).
b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2 319

Appendix B

Table B.1 e Direct use inputs in assembly phase

Materials Tractors Sugarcane Harvester Coffee Harvester S.P. Sprayer Planter Combine
T1 T2 T3 T4
Directly used inputs (kg)
Metallic materials
Ductile iron 1194.6 2899.7 3905 6280.8 3843.1 511.4 498.4 1145.6 2890.2
Carbon steel 843.9 1340.2 1963.7 3374.3 9558 3582.7 7776.8 3337.3 10,253.9
Steel wire 0.1 2.1 4.4 5.2 170.6 12.5 40.5 7.4 41
Forged iron e e e e 1562.9 e e e e
Stainless steel e e e 2 26.5 0.3 e
Aluminium 29.8 30.8 53.5 88.1 418 35 51.7 51.1 311.2
Copper 4.3 15.4 14.4 14.2 54.8 17.6 57.4 0.5 49.6
Lead 10.1 10.1 16.9 16.9 e 10.1 21.5 e 33.7
Non-Metallic materials
Rubber 446.7 504.6 674.9 697 304.9 226.3 790.4 239.5 1313.6
Polyethylene high density 10.3 42 4.6 100.7 177.8 42.5 351 265.8 178.4
Polypropylene 8.5 37.2 61.4 27.8 61.9 9.1 83.5 7.3 51.2
Fibreglass & aluminium 0 0 0 6.1 e e e e e
Recycled ABS 13.5 0 18 25.2 e 1 14.8 e 27.6
Plate glass 0 24.6 26.2 27.8 e 6.8 8.4 e 12.3
Polyurethane foam 4 7 7 7 e 4.5 11 e 10.7
PVC (Poly vinyl chloride) 2.4 6.4 15.7 15.2 e 11.9 e e e
Sulphuric acid (H2SO4) 1.7 1.7 2.8 2.8 e 1.7 3.6 e 5.6
Polyurethane 0.7 31.2 2.9 25.3 e 1 11 e 17.4
Chemical powder ABC 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 e 3.2 4 e 4
Paper (printed news) 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 e 1.3 3.2 1.2 2.8
Cellulose film 1.3 1.6 1.3 2.2 e 1.6 0.6 e 1.4
Fiberglass & polyester 3.5 3.5 6.5 6.4 e e 30.8 e e
Nylon 6.6 0.7 2.4 28.1 38.8 e 932.2 54.7 6 221.5
Cotton synthetic fibre 0.2 6.5 8.4 10.9 e e 0.4 e 4.6
Inorganic fiberglass 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 e e e e e
Lubricants and fluids
Hydraulic oil 28 80 82 112 600 158 190 14 162.5
Diesel oil 10 12 12 12 71.3 14 27 e 30
Engine oil 13.4 15 15 22 e 15.3 14.2 e 24
Lubricating oil 18.5 20 20 28 0.6 7.5 15.3 e 66.2
Grease 2 5 5 5 e 3.7 2.5 2 5
Anticorrosive fluid 1 1 1 1 e 1 1 e 1
Paint and solvent
Paint 3.5 7 7 7 e 8 13.5 7 17
Solvent 1 2 2 2 e 2 3.5 2 4

Table B.2 e Direct use inputs in Repair and maintenance phase

Materials Tractors Sugarcane Harvester Coffee Harvester S.P. Sprayer Planter Combine
T1 T2 T3 T4
Labour 1133.8 1213.8 846.3 1227.8 5006.2 1393.8 3582.2 798.7 1010.6
Metallic materials
Carbon steel 92.3 92.3 92.3 90.7 25,515.5 307.3 760.3 1449.9 199.5
Ductile iron e e e e 7257.1 102 e e e
Forged iron e e e e 3959.1 e e e e
Aluminium 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 e 41.4 e e 32.2
Non-metallic materials
Rubber 885.7 957.7 1241.7 1241.7 587.9 405.4 873.1 660 1175.3
(continued on next page)
320 b i o s y s t e m s e n g i n e e r i n g 1 9 8 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 3 0 4 e3 2 2

Table B.2 e (continued )

Materials Tractors Sugarcane Harvester Coffee Harvester S.P. Sprayer Planter Combine
T1 T2 T3 T4
Cellulose film 18.2 30.2 30.2 30.2 73.2 30.2 64.2 e 20.5
Inorganic fibreglass 6.7 6.7 6.7 6.7 e 3.6 e e 1.4
Polypropylene 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 11.6 0.6 351 28.6 0.5
Polyethylene high density e e e e 789 e 414.5 60.8 35
Nylon 6.6 e e e e e 375 4.8 e e
PVC e e e e e e e 138.8 e
Lubricants and fluids
Engine oil 356.7 666.7 683.3 933.3 e 225 766.8 e 560
Hydraulic oil 275 500 500 733.3 3255 526.7 1221.4 e 1895.8
Diesel oil e e e e 3536.3 e e e e
Lubricating oil 142.5 204.2 204.2 204.2 4882.7 367.5 259.2 277.7 536.7
Anticorrosive fluid 111.7 187.5 187.5 187.5 e e e e 291.7
Grease 100 102.5 102.5 102.5 1554.7 32.5 796.5 205.1 478.3

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