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ANNexURE> 4 NAME OF THE STUDENT 2 VASANTH & REGISTRATION NUMBER* Brolqooso Course NAME * BUSINESS ENGUSH DT CovuesE Cope ENGI-21 DATE OF THE EXAMINATION & 24-01-202] TJoTAL NUMBER OF PAYES WRITTEN S \UE NOL Bune Scanned with CamScanner ENS / Bsmt ss _EMQ tical PART-A Ie] hy Gate bady language siguisioant Ja We cation 2 How Cam proper Prowys a Commune tp an rdividual lwo ledge oJ becly lang Hage ho Comuunicatitig trotted Communttarerr Ga the dase Petforwed +0 from ers entity or 70 tue Jj Mutually Convery wrcotunriirg § qeup do quaotuer tnoug dire vse 6, Urrcles Stool igus , Symbols aud gemiok'c gules. Tere one yous Ayre Ob ae Verbal equine & Nlou-\erbal CorArALALCO BML Lommunriicabou, 2.2 COMMU GREW: am written : s we Vieual Gonmuntcabo arbor Laur cabB vejers Ao The ° 2 urilizene 0§ Speeclr OY cur oral gommret ao Gand Oo MIM AG Ao aUwrLwA. No-\lckbal cpraynunicobio fs quae Fyre * Lammunricace wstrouk wrura words jor Cxample had Sigs oud" Gedy Language” comes WAAeR WOUAL UAL CoAWLUA) CALLE ——— | PRUE No! 2 Sei Scanned with CamScanner Wer commun Wieakew (3 te tyee of (emmiusrricabee — wlrere worittert Serterees or z ° ° coords to conved ijorrmoiot . Visaat covwuuricakien are atl te HyPes of yrsuck torwmiurii cake. wtnesre +t mmomsages trate Cor pe Scare Tue Componsnrt “Body La " urrdor neu- Verbal Commudtokion . Tb ts °° ayo wast Comment pasic dorm oF commusicablet The perso drasits tie aco wrtiouk THe use of que wordg + Twas alro cabled as que Cube pore ok a vomamunticalion . Communicobing Mm ts wen Netbal mauues, wots Uowigin wiguc from pur austors, for Craunrpre gvweng qunla jeedta do exes avo » SMi\ina to exevers seve ound Sympatty do oe Oortar —- A. So OU. PRUE NO! BS Bavi— Scanned with CamScanner Some of tre tramplos o\ body laugange. ane as qollews leinesis * ocuiesics mm Hapates at Pyoximies. a elousmics * Powettnguisites wd ar Paysicat Appearance. Vinents is ate Siudy o) Ale postures togeslures, Jadot 2 SCpremsions . Coulestcs (a die shady > Ofte Anle of eye cautack of OM Jurdisidual, Tw won. vetlol Commuvication + Haphics 1 tas : + 400 : Yudy oO} rodelunng of} an qurdiidarad, oa TAR 5 Ae ° aon Veibal. communicakio . Tis (8 alyo 4° be Vroked atiok ate fevel of Jorclng vanes fom = wwlture 4D culkuve . Clyonemics fa de Study oy Foe oc dutation oy Fyne iv Wer verbal * LorayrUri Calton. th One mares A Otto (lesen ao work for A ong {euivd of Avene, Ue yo ONUse Yoxtor , wolring (oak ae Otro wus08 is Wied iw wot uweresbed pre respective. « PAE no 4 : = —__| bor Scanned with CamScanner Para Vinguisiics fa ate gata a0 ne dove Stucky Oo) te vastaions ih Picky | spood vole uve Pauses do Convey smaganiing . The yruses Bou ov weds Noy tue Seatent aferstlu = » Sleek oS response give Hey Tae ourclien te Oy Sfeekeoy Ss , Pluyiicol Appeorwunee alunerys conbribabes Conte) luke © Jovwyds Wow people (lercaive you. ooo qua Von-Netloa Conmunwatioy Twere body Language in velps on Lndividueal comuunt cabtlg beer , “ : w : ° as funches gyaread by “ Bovee and TH), He laalps 2 ° bad dy Aer 0) Moviding WYfermeakwny , Wore Vet reat ao 5 Bwmunirakota Welps to send or vecaiving Wyodmokitn Linenthe gerrclog clock Woe Want to spzaiey le te que wiain funenéey oJ becky languaqer Ty terms od Retrability » AD de curds CAN be easily controtled day Tlie PERSO lout que, tenrroiiing tie facial Expresso awa booty language tk uct easy. Tartjore , adleritng ro en-Vveabal Communicainoy , e Cor have eter andar Shourcuing » NouU=VEC bel commmturticortinyy \u Aes of ody lowquegc hve good, Eggiderny fowr vovite Sender amd re ever [Sides PAQE No: 6 alta al Scanned with CamScanner qluarfore Ue is Conveyed EMO Rare ta (Ore word 5. Tuege: Aye od boty language coummunicaaon , Wedevelogs Cedlitsiting of te Speateen Gh wamroving factat Cxpresston , ety language ,voice and apprearantt Maveoes tire trdividuct coun guoge tthe ACA oO} Te communication wire Aue Leap of body languages TreikJore 412, urltaren of Wbedy language dyowy Non- \weitbal Cammunicobion alps do cevimunicabe bette diate One ANd custotlror, 2+] Dicuuss Pre Matus oj Engiigh dr Fucbir And WER Fo Gore 0) dtee Held where it Lor & dustek Applicaton and ett eg english language v0 HAn ea of te British Colowy ax Surwoditied Jn oun Ou cowry. Througlr it Baw jorerqu. language, Sun sug TELUAL years exer Arougt Ader ° we gee Sundeperdante 7 os y ue, duadiwet yalaumray ° ras pblaurcc ° ° ond acquire L wry z Ahere Was been an our twnty, TH THESE days Were A ANshnck — Onange Bh due alidude of PAGE No! & eae | potty - Scanned with CamScanner The tngttela language ris rot eng tial (amgaage ag te VSN ov dae Ula, tk peame ce Language Politienlty waposed ow de Wadia pay Lousy E apectatty ager Aue yealised Anak Eengticl yuna dts (mde perrcarnce , we waa Vac wrnols cleapies “Yoo!s Un Gradie,, Euglish Wor Gok abs owes places , le Was evolved +0 ucts ey palate whereby Vraving at rae. Geooud wiosk language ured AcBoss DUR COUNTY y Engttch. Vralered. and tee Even Aodety fe eacers “ware Goer pecwed - Eg sw ats ts ew Languag Ata usad due Teaco Wing aut \iak c oY Wone aind_ neder diye + Clare jor’ Cluange war broaght rom AL@ Ipenregits ae ty tue Sladus of Lugiiels from ave THAL 0) & fs Second Jere langueg Ao a Compultoy \araquee ey Adelina} arch college Cducabeu o . ° ve ° Mold, wwirere dure ck appticatiom. ahod Utilization nove Ocuwred» The Buagiich. Language 4 our — Crunlvy Wave swore Hells Ana avers eaur Nem ons a | rw a! Scanned with CamScanner where tA language low een Used. Tu oar country , Marry frotds Rue Tourism, Embassy , media ard ‘Wwiekinol jourviallsas Cimtenrobierread yournallas) - Tourism wrroves Conuuunicasion Udit Joreiguere gor Cxanpls; IWtenakioural ‘teurfars undasiand edtantarty ofoux woundyy a May Cow rave a perler wundarsiandng Bh ate explanation by tue Jouriste guide if te ig explaurd sn ° English - The Embassy que Lamguoge US an our Otek follow oud Coun ary vove li ad te qoorta- To ° poumnus asouw Bn rue Places Ae english languad’ | ° « oO. ae oppurdk aorreckty ond uadilizele Pere Bud (wowed qua dee twaplicorrors of be Engutch. connmunign tio language a> qt, News \ngormek puross sun OT counrncs corre ether Wrdor Sood. SM dhe Bugtiste alpen prec Nov g gue | Scanned with CamScanner Muttinadieal competes are alyo uring as a Common lasngueg® Eug Ush laug nage andtouns urd do Comurusricabe ust AA are worteung Bn Thais Corpo - my tuurejore tiie setae 03 tok i wrolot our Cour’ Las Seared & goot Eugus. Langunge and te cow wrique Pls un our comnlyy we | Horak Thsens A Bol\'s louse sragedy + Eluddoate qe Play by Horde Tpsens on the cet ° petually domcstiC “pA Doll's dota cura emmrre Pig arog Ay ar We involv! “g Torvard ob go called, “whadle Cass Peiagerist aud | [ Pee no>4 Bt Scanned with CamScanner Re | dhe anirre Ploy is ® gedy ale acours | | dn Aur Widdle claws fawtily . ‘fener Anis is © Play wiicr Potreys a middle [dass dadgtdy and dranegore te {g covsicered, do be a domestic. Nagedy auc tus te because , whatever ig bappening fy te Ploy gOrally oceys DA Sida a NYouse dared as dipmeadic, anise Joceigedegs we landing Chaded ays Teen dreabing supmissive maaanst, ORE eke Torvald Hele er alee ap ae Ye lwo Ba A x0 (red edetanut O& feartian’s ad Wer husband we’ femmes 2c nme a Prag No* Yo aut Scanned with CamScanner . Wagpant = Hocwercs she dels Wer tus ur ts er, ee! ; fader’ Wterrey out sho Wis dite reed of due Wretey Moreover aE dus Stone of pseniPomays Hue srelanondiie ehvcerr Me Helmerts was fececful EL gubmissive , Norn Helwur's Git WAR Ate Ploy, Hermite £ Arouger Le lias ear dyed yviedme Unido would come 0 Vi Bente Liogen Poheuys AL ab MO us band phiele Tue as se a wirserarcte © passed QUnry + There oy tua ON porays que womens (a garmlys Vos Jore, Were te vA be gneasier digg erent grodas of MH § wets, woud be a Ame, ponte ware Torvald elmet Also where © employe Wy MUL poole, Urgsiad vonuid Nore Velwwr and Awreatened georel og THe yer to sitta WOld vis Jab wiricly wereas avout % lore: He los curyutayy fO Comrpelnseure, ie NOS Values, gas Vidp bom Vande ond | Ande Plows fo we wit wogsiad de ead a gee * now TUE | pac Noel Eno | Scanned with CamScanner Auoiiar tite , ont BG ioe ball Fars Over and Torvald sderrs Clieele. LLCS Wrcul pax WHEAc orgsiaad had moricd. regarding que gcerek , We Mavis to vead , gut Algappomed coat Ttenratd Nore. Yobmet » Nove Valwir explains Tot ein Ved dove Anis ine vu yopLsing co wndsrsiand. oO Fqee and sy gee att ecko ‘aie ed oe oe quis pad Lappercd cae de yy Musbeune Separated: wun Subwissve aud dormant > gunk peccurye Od pia due HYAgced ockuys mM son Aoshi © place + There jore - te is (onsdercd FO PE domestic trageay nature ot tommsey amin wow eS o~ rida wea Kamei. | Critically enatuate ave Legal Sgt (waned | and creo | on VE Contec Deter Anago jn volation do due deattr of Poly Vici cose auth | Scanned with Camscanner PAC NO \2 Amfigowt Play can ve Qoicd duat % a essorce ttrak there ts Some legal issue (wowed dn THe conftick between Andigone aud creo Oh Yeladion to tte daotin of polyinerecs. os prottar. THe entire Plays wolves 00 | prottors E ttocles and polyrsecs , vere PAE jer Oedipus oreo perme’ dole wrg Erockts miitery forme my TA SUCtEVSOF Mae tung ond *ells wo We pure un a trousevet pouyrteters stk Woe dows WS gun ad We wos uadung The foreign 2G oleug wm Van » Wyowevek poly screed pant amd prods to be usted in a Same Manner ywwdr vse Aue wish od Wo ansigone, wy isiet, avd Sue dines ua Game whee aac Walp Wes Suen genre + THis comes qo TL CO Of He SUCCLMOY - Tough Sue. | Procno | au Scanned with CamScanner Commuted , Sua Wad admitted tue oxime, | curd ongued om belalf oo 140 doamr 6h | Pougvsices and vred to do tue final vignts ab some as trot of Tae Braodss ob Moy postr belong do tw Uumg gover ty, . Youre ee Ue sucemor Creo) orrquta toe bey burying Gomesne wire ted ov doreynn orreny ho mL wi erg yospeor is unjust fo tre Loss yuo dud. wy tag favour Of TAe \anadgow , gund will be dig Wonrounng lim 400. tu ng Uren yealised Wr per Lanne ono Vvalped arm vor srevzolng IVE ecorer. 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Te legal sue pelrurd Vere ts Trek ae" theory 6) natural (end has hewn adfecked as te was CY€owS$ fautk +o ove te ty a etter way wwestigating due Utug Ord Uitiouk PrOA Teason ,Prsaning and “yrasonment wos wryustifyirg ancl wngoas, wy» que Lego AARLLIES , rvreover’d Yeeng ang: Va changed erences ssic§ vue of} ae einddont” DARD ‘ox Aharatorsliip goo oh ruling qu Vengo . tis Usa Cloarly U2 wistelea of dtu Luctamoy “creo! | qo howe failed fo understand que (roor pusher and equabity Arat ere should wimsiand ong ue ruler, | PAGE norig —=——__ Scanned with CamScanner 5 The act a) translation [s a oreatove cinnter pretation 2 Explain . | the daginiaion 0d Ayangladion is ue on of comet ung fom ove form aot. There were conver SU ov wiedtuuns “to Jour Plases Of Translation , Cegro ond Yorace ¢ how yb BC to (142) Friedrich xo Valery Lar baud por {164 +o 1946. Mocs brancladies ro Hermeveuttc apreads CIAO - 1260) . Medaply sical 14 Horrors) opprmed, to the prosent Awe c qe. tween tyfusod franglanioy Wo The advantsd by tee grrucqural Wnguise Rernan JoKopson’, *K Ianrratingual svandladton » Fntatinguel Avansindton . Jurersemintic kransladion PAGE nO) Vy, ee —_______] ot— Scanned with CamScanner \ | o | TYP of Translation 2 | uoord foreoord danslation (= Uitesal hamglanoo = fovangut hansladton (= Semantic pemdadon — Communicdive dransladion ~ \dromadic hangtecton oo bree semslation ~odap bacon — douments design . PAUL Ne. A guti- Scanned with CamScanner

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