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Bakht Amin Bacha

Lecture- 9.
Statistical mechanics:. Statistical mechanic states how the overall behaviors of a system
of many particles are related to the properties of particles themselves. Statistical mechanic is not
concern with the actual motion or interaction of the individual particles but instead what the most
likely is to happened. Statistical mechanics describes how macroscopic observations of systems
like the temperature and pressure are related to microscopic parameters of the system that
fluctuate around the average value. The large scale properties such as
pressure, volume, temperature, composition, density are called macroscopic properties.
Microscopic properties are properties of constituents of the bulk matter, i.e. Properties of atoms
and molecules constituting the bulk matter. These properties of individual atoms or molecules are
called microscopic properties. Microscopic are minute and macroscopic are larger particle. In
microscopic approach we consider the behavior of every molecule by using statistical methods.
In Macroscopic approach we are concerned with the gross or average effects of many molecules
infractions. It is necessary for the fundamental study of any physical system that has
many degrees of freedom. The approach is based on statistical methods, probability theory and
the microscopic physical laws. It can be used to explain the thermodynamic behavior of large
systems. The branch of statistical mechanics, which deals and extends classical thermodynamics,
is known as statistical thermodynamic or equilibrium statistic. The non equilibrium statistical
mechanic is called statistical dynamics. Statistical dynamics deals with the microscopically
modeling system of irreversible process driven by unbalancing. Examples of such processes
include chemical reactions, the flows of particles and heat.

Statistical distribution.
Statistical mechanic search the most probable way in which a certain total amount
of energy E is distributed among the N members of particles of a system of
equilibrium at absolute temperature T. Thus statistical mechanic describe that how
many particles to have probability of energy E1 and how many particles to have
probability of energy E2 and so on. The particles of the system are assume to interact
with one another and with the wall of the container to extend sufficient to established
equilibrium but not strongly correlated. If the particles are not subjected to poly
exclusion principles, then more than one particles may in the same energy state.
Basically greater the number of different ways (W ) in which the particles can be
arranged among the available states to yield particular distribution of energies , the
more probable the distribution of energies among the particles. It is assume that
each states of certain energy are equally likely occupied. The justification of this
assumption is possible but the conclusion arrive by this assumption agree with
experiments. Statistic mechanic search a general formula for number of different
ways (W) . The most possible distribution which corresponds to the system is
thermal equilibrium. The number of particle in the energy state is written as:
n( E ) = g ( E ) f ( E )
n( E ) → number.of . particles.of .energy( E )
f ( E ) → Distribution. function.
g ( E ) → number.of .states..of .energy( E )

When continuous rather discrete distribution of energy is involved then

g ( E ) → g ( E )dE
E → E + dE ( States.between).

We consider system of three different kinds of particles. (1) The identical particles that are
suffiently far apart to be distinguishable. For example molecules of a gas. Quantum mechanically
the wave function of these particles overlaps to negligible extent. The Maxwell Boltzmann
distribution fuction holds for such particles.

(2) The identical particales that can not be distinguished one from the others and have zero or
integral spin. The wave function of these particles overlapped and can not distinguishable. These
particles does not obey poli exclusion principle. These particle are call bosom. The Bose Eienstin
statistics are hold for them. Photon is example of boson.

(3) Identical particles having half integral spin and obey puli exclusion principle are called
Fermion.The Fermi dirack distribution function are hold for these particles. Electron are example
of fermion. Fermi-Dirac statistics are use to study the behaviors of these particles.

The mean values.

Let us supposed a highway engineers want to some information on the distribution of speeds of the
automobiles moving in a certain section of the road. The engineers set sensor at a known
distance apart. They notes a time necessary for automobile to cross that distance to determine
the speed. After accumulating and stored the data for period of several weeks. The engineers
want to divide the speed into groups. How many automobiles have speed between 0 and 5mph.
How many automobiles have speed between 5mph and 10mph. How many automobiles have
speed between 10mph and 15mph on so on. The results of such sorting similar to that of Fig.1
which give the statistical distribution of the speeds in the form called histogram. Here each
rectangular area has a width equal to the size of the sorting interval and a height equal to number
of observation or relative frequency of the value in that interval. This distribution gives the
engineers to all information about the traffic on the road on which the speed limit is 45mph. In this
case the mean speed is 32.4mph. The most probable speed is in the range of 35-40mph. Here
the engineers give information from its speed. The will decide that whether road improvement is
needed to increases the mean speed or whether better enforcement is require to decrease the
numbers of speeders.
Fig.1 show a statistical distribution based purely on empirical data. The speed is continuous
variable but here the possible speed is sorted into discrete bins. The relative number in the bin
helps us to to understand physical situation. The average or mean value of the speed can be
deriving from the statistical distribution of Fig.1. Let we have total of B bins in the data. In Fig.1
B=13. The interval are labeled by index i, where i=1,2,3……B. choosing a typical value of the
speed vi in each interval. That typical value may be the speed at the center of each interval. For
example speed between 0-5mph the typical value may be 2.5mph. Further each interval is a width
ծv, which is equal for simplicity of all the intervals. The number of observation or height
correspond to the representative speed vi is n(vi).

The total number of observation will be than the sum over all the bins.
N =  n ( vi )

To find the average speed we will find out the sum of all observation. We also find out the products
of representative speed with number of corresponding observation in each bin and then sum over
the bins.

 v n (v )
i i

The average or mean speed can be written now as:

 v n(v ) i i
v= i

 vi n ( vi )
v= i

 n(v )

The relative frequency or probability of any value vi is written as:

n(vi )
f (vi ) =
n(vi )
f (vi ) =
 n(vi ) i

In term of probability we can write the mean speed is:

v =  vi f ( vi )

For example the number of observation is of speed between 0-5mph is.

n(vi ) = 23
And the total number of observation is
N = 1205

f ( vi ) =
f (vi ) = 0.019
f (vi ) = 1.9%
The number of observation is of speed between 30-35mph is.
n(vi ) = 177
And the total number of observation is
N = 1205

f (vi ) =
f (vi ) = 0.14
f (vi ) = 14%

The observation of Fig.1 is written the following table.

The mean value of the speed for this distribution is written by above relation
(2.5)23 + (7.5)41 + .......... ..62 .5(7)
v = 32 .4mph
Where 2.5mph is the center valve of the speed between 0-5mph and 7-5mph is the centre value of
speed between 5-10 mph, 62.5 is the center value of speed between 60-65mph.

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