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1. How well do Allport’s six characteristics of a mature personality fit YOUR OWN
IDEAS of what constitutes a healthy personality?   

Since then, I usually think of a mature person as something that can manage their
emotions, who has high self - control, who can be consistent, who can connect to others,
who does not need the permission of others to make choices and who does not need to
judge based on previous l experiences. My concept of a mature person is close to
Allport's description of a stable adult personality when I read it. According to him the
adult personality of a mature adult allows him to gain emotional stability, and a mature
adult retains a rational view of life, learns personal skills, and contributes himself to some
kind of job.

2. Recalling back Cattell’s Stages of Personality Development, cite a concrete example of

YOUR ability traits, temperament traits, and dynamic traits as manifested in your own
personal life. 

Raymond Cattle 's theory seeks to explain the complicated transactions between the Personality
system and the more inclusive socio-cultural matrix of the functioning organism.He suggested
that an adequate theory of personality must take into account the multiple traits that comprise the
personality , the extent to which these traits are genetically and environmentally determined, and
the ways in which genitic and environmetal factors interact to influence behaviour

In my ability traits i have a goal in life that is to have a diploma and to be professional musician
someday that's why despite of this situation we are facing right now i am determined to
continuing studying even the mode of studying is quite difficult because of poor connections and
lack of material things that is needed. I also pursuing studying different kinds of music and
improving some of it for me to enhance them well. In my temperament trait i have tons of
requirements and responsibilities in our house but i can manage all of it and I don't get irritated
easily because i am the kind of person who can handle her problems and everyone knows that i
am an optimistic person that's why for me this problems is a simple thing that i can handle. And
last my dynamic traits for me to motivated and to achieve my goals sometimes i am rewarding
myself of something i possessed or sometimes i viewing my future to be more energetic to
achieve my goal. I always thinking that I am a person who is wearing a white hospital gown and
stethoscope. Pursuing what you want is something that will push you to be the best and to be
more on what you are.

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