CIA 1 Ub Economy Comaprison

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George G Mathew


2019 – 21 Batch

Institute of Management

JULY 2019
ASSIGNMENT DESCRIPTION: Students are required to compare management practices
(POSLC) of key economies namely U.S.A., Japan, China, India, U.K., France & Germany.


All countries need to be concerned about management principles. The principles of

management are the means by which you actually manage, get things done through others
individually, in groups, or in organizations. Principles of management are often discussed or
learned using a framework called P-O-S-L-C, which stands for planning, organizing, staffing,
leading, and controlling

Planning: Planning is the process of decision making which enables one to achieve a desired
goal. It involves creating and analysing of a plan. For panning, conceptual knowledge plays a
vital role in creating a plan for action.

Organizing: Coordinating of employees, resources etc. along with assigning of tasks and
allocating resources are known as organizing. It ensures achieving of organizational goals in
prescribed manner and in determined time.

Staffing: The process of selecting required employees and assigning them with duties and
responsibilities can be termed as staffing. It involves training of individual employees as per
need and requirement.

Leading: The art of inspiring and motivating of a group of individuals towards achieving a
goal in common is known as leading in business perspective. Though organizational goal is
the prime objective it involves achieving of personal goals as well.

Controlling: Proper analysis of activities undertaken in an organization and ensuring that it

goes according to plan and ensures works are done in time. Certain predetermined standards
are set and analysis is made based on that to ensure proper functioning of the organization.


PLANNING 1.Emphasis on both short 1.Long term 1.Utilize country’s resources

term and long-term goals orientation effectively.
2.Concentration on group 2.Collaborative 2.Elude expansion in
goals decision making uneconomic areas,
3.Decision making power rest 3.Participative 3.Intercultural adaptability
with top management decision making and readiness for change
4.paternalistic management 4.Flow of decisions
style is chosen. from bottom to top
ORGANIZING 1.formal organizational 1.Answerability and 1.French organizations
structure responsibility is reflects and reinforces
2.Stressing on achievement of collective intellectual manager
short-term goals 2.Informal 2.Not only hierarchical but
3.coordination of workforce organisation structure also distinguished
3.Decision 3.Practicing centralization
responsibility is
STAFFING 1. India lack skilled labour. 1.Loyalty towards the 1.They call for employees
2.High literacy high organisation with analytical qualities.
competency 2.slow promotions 2.They prefer employees
3.Employee attrition 3.manifold criteria for
with communication and
4.mostly appraisal based on promotion interpersonal skills
long term performance. 3.formal training only for
low rank staff
LEADING 1.Role of leader is exercised 1.Bottom up 1.Army influence
by HOD. correspondence 2.President directeur general
2.Direct distribution of work 2.Common qualities 3. the top senior
3.Functional chain of encouraging management in most
command participation companies encourages
4.Working on group goals 3. The style utilized working in teams
5.Evolution to a dynamic here is paternalistic.

CONTROLLING 1.Controlling rest with higher 1.Executed by peers 1.Emphasis on schedule

officials 2. Broad utilization of 2.Frequent evaluation
2.In work groups team leaders value control circles. 3.following practices of
does controlling 3.Emphasis on group performance to milestone
3.To achieve long term goals performance not
existing control measures are personal
not adequate

Indian economy is a mixed economy and is a developing nation. Experts says Indian
economy is the fastest growing economy in the world. One of the major contributors of
Indian economy are agricultural sector. Agriculture sector is followed by industry sector and
services sector.

PLANNING: For India, to achieve the long-term goals they must achieve short term goals
also. Planning and decision making require more time than expectations. Usually team goals
are more preferred in Indian style since it’s better to sort problems out within a team.
Decision making power rests in the hands of top management. A different type of
paternalistic management style is adopted.

ORGANIZING: In India, organizational objective mainly focuses on achieving both the

individual as well as collective responsibility by following a formal organizational structure.
Coordination of workforce in corporates is achieved only through achieving short term goals.
The level of responsibility one shows depends on their interest towards the job and working
environment they are in.

STAFFING: Staff selection in India is a complex process. Indians nowadays is highly

educated and thus seeks better opportunities. They do not tend stay in the same company
throughout their career. Staffing is done from mostly after completion of college level
education. Performance evaluation is done on different time basis

LEADING: In India, Head of the department undertakes the role of a leader. Distribution of
work is done directly. Instructions are given from time to time. To handle a group with
diverse opinions small groups are likely formed and group objectives are set for easy
achievement of short-term goals.

CONTROLLING: For India authority of control rests with department heads or top
officials. When it comes to group activities group leader takes the initiative of controlling that
group. Achieving of long-term goals in Indian organization requires better controlling
methods than which are available at present. Adapting of various controlling strategies from
different countries to control a diverse group is providing improvements than before.

Japanese economy is a highly advanced and market-oriented economy. Japanese economy

stands third in the world. In the current scenario the major contributions to the economy
comes from electronics, followed by automobile, manufacturing, agriculture. Japan is famous
for its brands such as Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Toyota etc. It is a highly developed economy.

PLANNING: In Japan, they tend to take decisions which are long term in nature. With the
dedication towards work short term goals are easily achievable. The decision they take is
time consuming as it is a long-term but the implementation is fast. They even have a huge
number of participants in decision making. An opinion from bottom level is also respected.
They follow a down to top in decision making. If a problem arises it’s easy to solve it as most
of them were a part of the decision-making process.

ORGANIZING: In Japan, decisions at different levels are taken by different people and
there is a common goal too, which everyone is responsible to. With employees being more
loyal towards their works long term goals can be easily set. Their promotional plans etc. are
based on accomplishment of long-term goals. Thus, they show a tendency to be highly
competitive in various fields. They follow an informal organizational structure.

STAFFING: In Japan, staffing is done after school level onwards. Performance evaluation
takes time usually once or twice in a year. They receive appraisal for long term performances
and the promotional scheme is a slow. Promotional measures involve seniority, merit, school
or university they passed from. They receive long term trainings and are expected to continue
in the same company throughout.

LEADING: In Japan, leader acts as a member of the team. They have a common goal and
they follow bottom to top communication method. Leaders find it easier to handle their work
force since they are more focused towards their work than any other distractions. Managers
exert influence through peer pressure. They maintain their relationship within and outside the

CONTROLLING: In case of Japan, their main focus is towards achieving performances as a

group so group performances are appreciated. They are controlled by peers. Japanese top
officials don’t blame subordinates if things go wrong, they take steps to enact remedial
measures sooner by giving proper guidance to their respective subordinates. This is one of the
prime reasons why Japan provides top quality equipment in the market today.

France is the second largest economy in the European union having a mixture of socialist and
capitalist economy. Socialist economy is an economy where in the country is producing for
direct use and capitalist economy is an economy where they produce goods to earn profits. In
the current scenario the major contributors to French economy are chemical industry
followed by energy sector, tourism sector and agricultural sector.

PLANNING: French managers look towards their work as an inventive work which requires
immense use of brain power. They make optimum utilization of the resources they have in
the country and makes sure that they are not investing in anything that is unworthy. France
has an economy where they practice intercultural adaptability. French economy gives
prominence to research and development. The decision-making power lies with the top
management they have the system of president directeur general where he is the person who
takes all the major decisions

ORGANIZING: France has a very old tradition of practising centralization of hierarchical

rigidity and individual regard for power. The design of organizations reflects and reinforces
the intelligent manager. In France the topmost ecoles make all the decisions they are well
informed so that even if a minute deviation happens, they have very less tolerance. French
organizations are not only hierarchical but also categorized. Once the decision is made at the
top level, it will be passed to the operational level

STAFFING: France prefer to have employees who is having good analytical skills,
intellectual capability. They want employees who can synthesize the real time problems and
situations. It is mandatory for French employees to have good communication and inter
personal skills. Most of the top-level employees are recruited top institutions. Formal training
is reserved primarily for lower level employees

LEADING: In context of France they want clever people who can grasp complex issues and
analyse problems and also proper evaluation of solutions. The senior management always
motivates to work in teams and cooperates quite well. They also have influence of army in
their organisations. In French companies all decisions are taken, executed and evaluated by
president directeur general.
CONTROLLING: France always adheres on following the schedules. They make sure that
things are achieved as per the schedule. They do this keeping in mind the milestones which
they have to achieve in the long run. To make sure that schedules are properly followed they
does continuous evaluation of the employees.


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