Agree or Disagree: Is Google Making Us Stupid or Smart? Support Your Answer

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✓ Internet has a great impact on our lives, in our family and in our society.

It affected our way of

communicating with one another and our way of living and dealing with our daily endeavors. The impact
of the internet comes in all ages, status, and fields. It does not affect only the teens, the rich ones, and
the professionals. It has affected everyone and there is no exception of its impact. Though in everything
there are always pros and cons. The internet has both positive and negative impacts. But nonetheless,
the existence of the internet is beneficial for us, who is living in this modern world with modern

Agree or Disagree: Is Google making us stupid or smart? Support your answer.

Google is making us both stupid and smart. It's making us stupid in a way that it provides instant
gratification for us wherein everything that we don't know about is just one click away and an answer is
already in front of our eyes. We don't need to make an effort in studying or even know the content of
the topics we have no idea what is all about because Google is there to serve as our virtual brain and
mind. However, this kind of benefit we think we are getting isn't actually beneficial for us as it takes
away our ability to think critically and gain knowledge of our own seeking and effort. It's making us
procrastinate to answer our assessment and paperworks ahead of time because we perceived that
Google can do it even in the last minute in which we are absolutely wrong. Not everything that Google
gives you is factual nor reliable and credible because it has been also made as a user-generated content
where everyone can make information that is not authentic. Unless you know the know-how of your
topic, you can't guarantee that the information you are copying and collecting are relevant. On the other
hand, it's making us smart in a way that it pushes us to discover and learn new things. When we search
something about a topic or even just a word, Google provides a lot of articles and references where we
can choose from. The choice is on us in which from those references we are going to read and study that
would definitely help us gain knowledge and discover new ideas. The new ideas that we've learned
about also pushes us to seek for more because our discovery doesn't stop there, when we get to learn
new information we oftenly want to learn about it thoroughly and more deeply as those information are
interesting for us and learning new things has always been exciting.

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