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�d1011 EJn�: R1sfot1 .....

4 i4
£OUIPM£NT RULES ................... 10
SCORPION CLAN P£R SONAUTl£S .... • ........ ll
Tff£ BAYUSff I • • • • • .. • .. • • ...... • .... • .. • 5 SCORPION 1£AD£RSfflP PACKAGES • • .. • • ll
Tff£ SffOSURO • • • • • • • • .... • • ...... • • .. 8 SCORPION CLAN UNIT S .... • .... • • .... • • .. 34
Tff£ SOSffl • • .. • • • • • • • • • .. • .. • .. • • • 10
ed1011 Foul': �col·�1011
TH£ YOGO • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • to

elm6Jf1011's �t,c� .......... 12 Clan efr�aflse ............ 43

��d1on efmo: Rules .. ; .... 14 Is!1Jl{a\l)a's ellle�11a11ce ..... 44
RULES ADDITIONS ................. f4
Smoke Templates .......................... 14
Blackmail Cards ...........................
· 14
Bayushi Tangen ............................ 14
Ninja Trait ................................ 15
Special Items .............................. 15
New Spells ................................ 15

RULES £XPANSIONS .................... 16

Scorpion Command Groups .................. 16
Scorpion Honor Rules ....................... 16
Innate Abilities, Spells, and Special Orders ...... 16

RULES £RRATA ................... 17

Card Corrections ........................... 16

�ed1011 efl1l·ee: � co):�1011

Cla11 Fot1c�s .......,,� ..... I�
INTER-CLAN R£LAT IONSfffPS .. • • • • • • • • 19
R£CRUIT M£NT COST INCR£AS£ .......... 10
In the shadows, Bayushi sat perfectly still. In his hands .was
the letter with hastily scrawled handwriting, begging his
audience and discretion. His brother sat before him, his eyes filled \
with the light of anticipation. \
Bayushi looked down at the letter again, reading the words

there. Then he looked back up at his brother, his lips parting for
only a moment.
"What you ask of me," Bayushi said, his voice a whisper in the
darkness, "is to sacrifice my name and the names of all those who

ft to
follow me."
He stood, strode about the small room, his head hung with the
weight of the decision.
Wo other can do what I ask of you, my brother."
Bayushi looked up when his brother spoke. He continued
''I cannot ask Akodo - he has not the courage. I cannot ask
Doji - she is too refined I cannot ask Hida - he is obsessed with
his wall. I cannot ask Shiba - his mind is not on the practical. Of all Rokugan's clans, the most maligned is the Scorpion.
Shinjo is gone over the mountains, but still, her heart is too Nearly every play, song and story features a Scorpion villain. They
tender for such work" are portrayed as liars, murderers and cowards. Every samurai in
"What about Togashi?" Bayushi asked Rokugan knows the truth: a Scorpion can never meet the gaze of
The Emperor hesitated ''No. Because. . . because I do not trust an honest man without flinching.
him." Nothing could be further from the truth.
Bayushi nodded. ''Nor do L" The tale of the birth of the Scorpion Clan has been told seven
Silence fell between the two brothers again and Bayushi knelt times in Rokugan's history, but its most poignant telling is in
down in the shadows again. Bayushi Namaru' s book Bayushi's Promise. In it she gives a "non­
"You are the only one I trust to do such work Such villainous, traditional" perspective on Bayushi's agreement to serve as
contemptible work" Hantei' s master of espionage.
Bayushi nodded ''I understand" He stood and walked to his Scorpion daimyo trace their ancestry to Bayushi, Child of Sun
brother. and Moon and brother to Hantei, the first Emperor of Rokugan.
''I accept." He handed the letter back to his brother, but Other members of the clan trace their lineage to Shosuro, Soshi
snatched it back just as Hantei reached for it. and Yogo, the three mortals who chose to follow Bayushi into the
''I will be your villain, Hantei.'' He paused ''But, if you betray hills of central Rokugan.
me . .. " He paused again. "We never faced each other at the The Yogo family fulfills the Scorpion's obligation to hide and
contest, brother . .. " protect the twelve black scrolls that were the downfall of Fu Leng.
Hantei finished ''And I pray we never will." The Soshi family are masters of a unique brand of sorcery called
"Shinobi," while the Shosuro serve as infiltrators and assassins,
quietly removing threats to the clan and its allies. Finally, the
Bayushi serve as the Scorpion's "face:' They maintain the
reputation the Scorpion have fought long and hard to develop,'
that of scheming, lying, untrustworthy scum. It's very easy to
underestimate scum. It's also very dangerous. Especially when
there's a samurai hiding under that villainous veneer.
Collectively, they continue to perpetuate the greatest falsehood
in the history of Rokugan. And yet since their failed attempt at
seizing the Emperor's Throne (for good or ill; the legends paint
the Scorpion both as betrayers and saviors), the Scorpion have
hidden beneath their veils of shadow and secrets. The son of
Hantei has become Emperor in his own right demanding that
every Scorpion in the Empire be put to death for their treachery.
In the whispers of the court a darker shadow grows: one that
does not accuse the Scorpion, but justifies their assault. The
1\velve Black Scrolls, keepers of the power of a Dark God, have
released their essence into the wind, one by one, as their seals are
broken. The Scorpion, once keepers of the lost knowledge, may While the history of the Scorpion Clan starts with the fall of
now be the Empire's· only hope to destroy an ancient being Bayushi, it is not until after his (in)famous meeting with Hantei
known as Fu Leng. that the story begins. When Bayushi agreed to be the Emperor's
master of espionage, he undertook a role that would stigmatize

�ha Bayusl11 i4
him and his family for all time. Nonetheless, he saw his brother's
point: none of his other siblings were capable of the role, and it
was a necessary duty.
T ff£ ff lDD£N SHADOW And so, Bayushi became the most hated name in Rokugan.
The doors flew open as dozens of guards stood ready to protect But other names would gain similar infamy. One by one, Shosuro,
the Emperor. Standing in the doorway, gray smoke oozing from Soshi and Yogo became forever associated with Bayushi, thus
her skin, Shosuro stood shaking, a black bag thrown over her winning them eternal defamation. The story of Bayushi's meeting
shoulder. with each of them truly quantifies their characters, setting the
Her mask was torn, but still, little of her face was visible. Her stage for both their origin and evolution over a thousand years.
weary eyes scanned the court, and her lips whispered a single Studying Scorpion history is no easy matter. It can be said that
name: ''Bayushi." the known history of the Scorpion Clan is considered the
He stepped forward, his gait hesitant. His lips trembled When Rokugani equivalent of "urban myth:' The only history the fabled
he saw her standing there, surrounded by terrified guards, he ran Lion Clan historians accept is history that has occurred in public.
to her, throwing off hands that would keep him back Wild tales of ninja, poisons, shadow magic and conspiracies are at
. She fell to her knees when she saw him, an exhausted smile the heart of Scorpion history, and generally regarded as peasant
·finding her lips. superstition.
''Don't touch her!" Shiba called out. "The taint!" That's just how the Scorpion want it.
Bayushi did not hesitate. He took the dying Thunder in his Unlike the Dragon, the Scorpion have made every effort to
arms and pulled her close. They whispered together for a moment, define themselves, and they make every effort to reinforce their
the drama of the moment drowning their words. Then, as the carefully crafted image. That image, however, has little to do with
court came closer, their conversation could be heard the truth.
''It doesn't matter, little one," Bayushi told her. ''It does not
matter any more." TH£ BATT1£ AT WHIT£ SHOR.£ PLAIN
The Thunder shook her head ''I came back. . . I came back The Scorpion are second only to the Kolat in long-term
because I needed to tell you . . . " planning. This made them the second-unhappiest group in
He shushed her, but she continued ''I need to tell you . . . " she Rokugan when the Ki-Rin Clan, now calling themselves the
whispered again, her words so soft, they were lost to all but the Unicorn, came riding back through the Shadowlands.
man who held her. What's more, 800 years · of culture shock meant that the
Bayushi nodded ''I understand And I forgive you." standard Scorpion tactics were impotent. (There's no meaningful
Shosuro smiled one last time. Then the light left her eyes and way to embarrass a barbarian in front of the court.) The Scorpion
her body fell deep into his arms, still and motionless. daimyo at the time, Bayushi Ogoe, correctly deduced that more
Silence filled the hall. The only sound that reached us was the drastic measures were necessary, and he called on his general,
soft, rhythmic sound of Bayushi's breathing. No one moved Bayushi Tozasu. ''Tozasu-san," he said, "I need you to muster your
Then, finally, Bayushi stood, his eyes remaining on the broken army. We're going to war with these Unicorns. And I need you to
body on the floor. He spoke, his eyes never shifting. lose:'
"The body must be blessed Then burned." "Hai, Ogoe-sama," Tozasu agreed. "I will begin assembling my
Bayushi paused, catching his breath. Then, he continued "The inferior troops:'
bag," he said "The bag contains the method they used to bind our Over the next few weeks, the Scorpion propaganda machine
brother. She promised Shinsei she would bring it back to us." went into h,igh gear, accusing the impostor Unicorns of usurping
Hantei nodded "Then she was successful." the true Ki-Rin Clan's place in Rokugan. These barbarians
"They must be guarded," Bayushi said "The duty belongs to couldn't stand against a properly-trained Rokugani army; the only
me." reason they'd broken through the Crab lines was the element of
Hantei nodded again. ''I have no argument." surprise. Clearly these outlanders didn't have true Rokugani
Bayushi turned back to the bag. He lifted it into his hands and blood in their veins.
turned to his followers. "Come, my children," he said "We have A month later, Bayushi Tozasu was roundly trounced by the
much to do." Unicorn cavalry and a small contingent of Lions. Observers
- from Kakita Uniko's Day of Thunder castigated Tozasu, who seemed completely unprepared; even
though he knew of the Unicorn's amazing new cavalry, he had
neglected to accumulate pikes to slow down the charges, and he
joined battle on a vast plain, where he was outmaneuvered and
flanked twice. None could question Tozasu on his lapse in tactical
prowess, for he had committed seppuku on the field after his
army's defeat was certain.
As soon as news of the defeat reached Ogoe, he dispatched the
messenger he'd had standing by for a week. The messenger
traveled, under a flag of truce, to the tent in which the headman
of the Unicorns was staying. There, he groveled the Scorpion
Clan's apologies and their formal welcome of the Ki-Rin Clan
back to Rokugan.
What had the Scorpion accomplished? They'd thrown away
thousands of men, expended political capital to no effect lost a
potent general and were forced to deliver an apology to the
people they'd been slandering for weeks.
On the other hand, the Unicorn now thought they had the
measure of the Scorpion. After their ineffective words failed in the
courts, their ineffective troops failed on the battlefield. Clearly the
Scorpion Clan was no threat as their capitulation after the battle
The other Clans got to see the Scorpions lose and lose poorly.
Lots of people hold a grudge against the Scorpion, but resentment
is increased against a superior, and diminished against an
inferior. The Lions and Cranes could feel a bit more smug now
that the Scorpions had been taught a lesson, even if it took new
tactics to do so.
So at the cost of an army and three weeks of ineffectual
braggadocio in the courts, the Scorpion went from being a major
threat to being all talk. The Lions and Cranes could safely ignore
them after this debacle, and concentrate on cutting each other up.
And the Scorpion could fade into the shadows, beneath
everybody's notice, and ... do whatever it is Scorpions do when
they know they aren't being observed.

8£FOR£ TH£ Coup

Before the Scorpion Coup, some two years before the Clan
War, and as much as six years before the Scorpion returned to the
fields of the Empire in force, the clan was a functional member
of Rokugani society. Their power lay in secrets and histories, in
knowing each man's secret and in hiding - or displaying - their
knowledge for the Emperor's use.
Where the Lion claimed to be the 'right hand' of the Emperor,
fulfilling the military protection of the Empire; and the Crane
yolunteered as his 'left hand: occupying the prominent position in
the court and within diplomatic chambers; it was the Scorpion
who were whispered to be the Emperor's 'underhand: capable of
performing the most dishonorable and wicked deeds in order to
keep the Empire running. There are always secrets in a political
Empire, always hidden truths and murders to be uncovered. This
was the province of the Scorpion, and of the Bayushi in particular.
From Scorpion to Scorpion, the tales of Bayushi Shoju's Coup
have spread. Their stories of the massacre at Otosan Uchi that day
are different from those told by Rokugan's other six clans. They
speak of a courtier named Bayushi Daijin. An ancient daimyo of
the Scorpion clan, he spoke wisely for his clan until the day he to end the Bayushi line. But in that two-year span, mysterious
met the Phoenix prophet Uikku. After speaking to Uikku for happenings began taking place. A wasting disease spread across
some time, Daijin became haunted by visions, plagued by the Empire, infecting the Emperor himself. At first the Court
nightmares, and eventually, became completely mad. suspected poison, but after an assassination attempt was foiled by
He escaped beneath the Scorpion parapets and into the the Lady of Scorpions herself, Kachiko was ruled out as a possible
Bayushi Labyrinth, never to be found again. However, his culprit. Kachiko actually had planned the attempt although the
writings - scrolls covered in his own blood - spoke of a dark court was not aware of this. After the assassin crept in, she took
future, and of the return of a lost God. These scrolls, carefully the blow herself, foiling the Emperor's assassination in order to
packaged against age and wear, were placed in a secret chamber make herself appear trustworthy. She did poison the Emperor, but
beneath Shiro no Bayushi, and forgotten, the product of a so subtly, so skillfully, that no one in the Empire is aware of her
deranged mind - until Bayushi Shoju opened them, and read the duplicity.
words within. The boiling plague still sweeps the land of Rokugan, killing
The scrolls spoke of events which had occurred in Shoju's life, scores of peasants, samurai, and nobles. The most tragic deaths
and named each place, each point and counterpoint of the return are at Otosan Uchi, where nearly all members, cousins and
of the god - prophecies that Shoju believed he could see distant sons of the Imperial Family have fallen to the disease. The
unfolding in his own time. Convinced by Daijin's madness, Shoju young Emperor lies in his bed, fighting off the sickness that even
gathered his clan and prepared to stop Fu Leng's return in any his own healers are unable to prevent. To her credit the only one
way possible. who stays near him is his wife, the Lady Kachiko.
j..t last Shoju realized the final warning of the scrolls was true: In reality, Kachiko has worked slowly to kill the Emperor, for
·iprom the blood and bone of the last Hantei, the fallen God will she could still become suspect by others. Even with the fortuitous
rise: The only way to stop the prophecy was to end the Hantei line plague to hide her work, any sign of poison would be her
forever. Bayushi Shoju set aside his family's sword, the sword undoing. The work is slow, meticulous - and Kachiko has
which he had borne against the wishes of his retainers, and took dedicated the last two years of her life to it. She works slowly, as
up the dark sword of luchiban, granted to the Scorpion five well, knowing that she will lose her power base if the Emperor
hundred years before. With its awesome power and evil magic, he dies without a Champion to take control of the Emerald Throne.
swore to end the line of the �mperor - and save the future of the As news of the dying Emperor spread across the country, · the
Empire. Great Clans began to war. Kachiko grooms Hida Kisada,
Not all of the Scorpions who joined his secret armies that day convinced that he could become the next Emperor - a pawn
knew why they were fighting. Some believed the war was for beneath her control.
power, or for ambition. But those few who were privy to the But her plan has gone awry. The shugenja known as Yogo
words of Daijin's scroll were committed to the very core of their Junzo, once a loyal member of her clan and guardian of seven of
soul, to the depths of bushido itself. the Black Scrolls, has turned to evil. He opens the Black Scrolls
When the armies of the Six Clans destroyed the Scorpion hold one by one, daring their power and calling upon their might to
over Otosan Uchi and killed Shoju beneath Lion swords, the destroy the Empire that killed his Lord - regardless of the
Scorpion knew the truth. Shoju had died a hero, hidden beneath consequences.
webs of lies and hatred. Kachiko and the rest of the hidden Scorpions desperately seek
And when they discovered that Shoju had not been successful to find and destroy the traitor, Junzo, but they fear they will be
in his attempt to destroy the Last Hantei, they hid and swore to too late. Already, a sickly pallor has grown beneath the boy­
avenge him. All the families of the Scorpion, Shosuro, Soshi, Emperor's skin, and he whispers black ravings in the silent night.
Bayushi and Yogo, turned their eyes to avenging Shoju - and The fate which the Scorpions sought to evade is nearly upon
completing the task he had set before them: destroy the line of them, and it will swallow the Empire in its hideous grip. They
Hantei. have not been the saviors of Rokugan - they have been the sign
which spurred their own destruction. In creating the Last Hantei,
T ff£ SCORPION'S STING they have 'also brought forth the prophecy he is destined to
Once the Scorpion were among the most powerful clans of the complete.
Empire. Now, to all appearances, they are nothing. No man claims
their name, no woman bears children to continue the line. Even T ff£ ARMl£S OF SHADOW
the wife of their once-great Champion, Shoju, is wed to the The Scorpion armies of the Clan War are a far cry from their
Emperor and has forgotten her past. massive forces which stormed Otosan Uchi six years ago. Where
Or so it seems. once their legions stood proud and defiant they now seek craftier
After the failure of the Scorpion coup, activity between the ways to destroy their enemies. They rely on secrets and
Clans became tense. A young, inexperienced Emperor sat on the subterfuge, led by Bayushi Shoju's brother, Bayushi Aramoro - a
Throne, an Emperor who had taken the Lady Kachiko as a bride

ninja, trained by the Bayushi school. He is not the general that his A lie does indeed ldll someone in the world, but what if it
brother was, but in many ways, this is not Shoju's war. saved the Emperor? Who would not give his life for the Son of
The Scorpion have always been the shadow of the Empire, Heaven?
capable of blinding speed and courage, as well as clever If Lord Akodo is unwilling to do so, I certainly shall take his
deceptions and ruses. They rely on such things now that their place.
armies have been destroyed, and if they are to succeed in the Clan
War, they will have to understand their role on the battlefield. To Cruel But Just
strike swiftly is more deadly than to merely stand your ground, Fear is more powerful than love, and the more desired
and sometimes deception is as deadly as steel. They turn to an emotion.
ancient document of their clan, Bayushi Tangen's Lies, to guide Lords who are loved can fail, and like a lover, a lord who
them in their hidden battles. The wisdom there is succinct and disappoints his people will earn nothing but hatred.
blatantly dishonorable, and yet it wins wars that other men would A lord who is feared for his abject cruelty, however, is never
die fighting. spoken against. What's more, a lord who is cruel but just is always
The following excerpts are from Bayushi Tangen's famous True Treachery
treatise, Lies, written shortly after the publication of Akodo's Never presume a man is incapable of treachery. If one man is
famous book Leadership. Not only does Tangen's introduction capable of it, all men are capable of it. But you do not need to fear
openly attack Akodo's book, but it also provides an example of all men. You only need concern yourself with men of cunning,
Scorpion 'sincerity.' strong heart, will and determination. These men are capable of
true treachery. Other men are only capable of low treachery.
To my lord and master, the honorable Hantei Goshino, Weak men are not capable of true treachery; neither are men
One year ago, your eminence commanded me to write a of low means. Only those who are brave are capable of it. The
treatise on treachery, duplicity and espionage. The day the cowardly do not have the stomach for it. Men of weakness will
command was given, my pen was put to paper, and my thoughts always wait for another to take risks. This is the way of the world.
flowed freely into the ink. However, as I spent the year preparing Great men may employ weak men to spill blood for them,
my work, I saw another treatise published that gave me concern, however. Even still, do not confuse the hand for the blade; it still
for this work contained more treachery, duplicity and simple lies belongs to a man of means and will. It takes power to convince
than I could ever compile. another man to take risks.
As the most humble servant of my lord, it is my duty to warn More than anything, you must fear those upon whom you
him against those who would mislead him with pretty lies and have bestowed great favor, those you hold close and capable men
treachery. I tell you now that there are many, including those who of courage and will. Do not fear men who are distant, or who bear
would give you counsel. you ill will. The desire to rule has always been greater than the
Only recently have I seen a document that claims to give the desire for revenge.
reader a sense of what it means to be a leader. I tell you now that
this document is filled with nothing but falsehoods, fabrications,
half-truths and lies. It is the intent of this document to root out
those prevaricators and shove them into the light, where they can I
be seen for what they truly are. Riding out into Rokugan with his armor and sword, Bayushi
If some take offense with my words, let me say that the intent went looking for allies in his appointed task He passed through
of this document is to bring wisdom to the Emperor, to show him the countryside, stopping at towns and villages, looking for those
the errors of others' "wisdom," in addition to educating him on worthy to join his quest.
the nature of treacherous men, so he may root out duplicity and Jn one town, he was spotted by a bright-eyed boy standing on
kill it before this bitter fruit has a chance to spread its seeds. the side of the road. In his hands and pockets were trinkets and
Find fault with me then, and not my words. magic tricks. He ran up to the mounted samurai, calling out to
him as he passed. "Samurai!" he cried. "Samurai, take me with
Lies and Truth you!"
Akodo speaks eloquently of the virtue of honesty. "No harm The boy's enthusiasm made him smile. ''But you do not even
can come of the truth," he says, "and a lie kills someone in the know where I am going," Bayushi replied.
world:' ''It does not matter! Take me with you! I want to be a
If a lie were to save the Emperor, and the truth doom him, I samurai!"
would ask the Lion what he might choose. Bayushi smiled, but shook his head. ''I am not looking for men
of hon01� little one. I am looking for men of cunning."
The youth suddenly stood proud. ''I am a man of cunning." When supplies are 'misdirected' and 'lost' in the woods, a

Bayushi's temper began to grow. ''I do not have time for Shosuro has sent the caravan to be ambushed by the surviving
nonsense, little boy. Why don't you tell me where I can find a Bayushi. When an army's wares are captured by another clan, it
place to rest tonight?" is likely to be the work of Shosuro look-alikes, taking the goods
The boy's eyes dimmed. "Yes," he said, his voice betraying his for themselves and leaving a convenient scapegoat.
disappointment. "There is a tea house in the town. You can stay They are the eyes and ears of the Clan, keeping ready for the
there." time when the Scorpion can strike. They maintain
Bayushi threw the boy some coins and rode toward the town. communications between Kachiko and the remainder of their
The boy looked down at the coins, then ran after the samurai, broken clan, ensuring that attacks by the Scorpion forces are most
leaving the gold in the dust on the side of the road. effective and efficient, refusing to waste the life of even a single
When Bayushi reached the tea house, he bathed, ate and Scorpion bushi. The Shosuro have kept the Scorpion alive, to
prepared for a comfortable evening. The okasan arranged for him strike again at the heart of the Empire.
to spend the night with a beautiful geisha "talented in all
respects." When she slid the panel of the door aside, Bayushi saw T ff[ SHOSURO
that her beauty could inspire poetry. She bowed and sat herself While Soshi developed shadow-magic, the students of Shosuro
across from him. They spent the evening in conversation and improved and developed the skills their sensei had left them. The
song, and for the first time in years Bayushi allowed himself to Shosuro taught its students the fundamentals of acting: make-up,
feel at ease. voice, costume (all disguise skills), movement (stealth), character
·" When the hour grew late and the geisha turned down the (impersonation) and stage crew (ropes, climbing and tools).
fights, Bayushi put aside his tanto and prepared for a long night While they studied the arts of deception, one instructor,
of entertainment. But before he could move, a sudden and Shosuro Furuyari, felt the need to test his own theories and
painful weight fell on his head. Someone pulled back his head by techniques. He took his students out on the Emperor's roads as a
his hair and there was a knee in the small of his back The cold traveling acting troupe and performed for village headmen and
steel of his own tanto was put at his throat and he heard a soft low-ranking magistrates.
familiar voice in his ear: "You were looking for men of cunning?"
Bayushi felt his lips curl into a smile. "You are the boy on the
side of the road, eh? This is a brilliant disguise."
The geisha chortled. "Who says I'm wearing a disguise?"
The next morning, Bayushi walked out of the village with
"Shosuro" at his side.

The Legends of Bayushi's 'Daughter: Shosuro, are the most

complex and difficult to understand. Some texts say Shosuro was
male, others, female. Some say Bayushi loved her, others, that
they were close companions. Still more suggest that Shosuro was
the child of Bayushi and another Kami - Doji, perhaps, or Shinjo.
The truth, as befits the most secretive family of the Scorpion, is
The children of Shosuro are, in reality, the three retainers
which served Shosuro before she (the use of the gender specific
'she' is popular, and will be used to refer to Shosuro for
convenience's sake) left to follow Shinsei into the Shadowlands. It
is possible, and even likely, that one or more of these retainers
raised children who were descended from Shosuro's blood, but
because one of the retainers was male, and two female, no one
knows which line is the 'true' line of Shosuro:
Few care to dispute the matter.
The children of Shosuro, and the family which bears her
name, are the least scarred by the events of the Scorpion Clan
Coup and the Clan War. Their ability to hide in plain sight, taking
on the appearance and mannerism of another person has served
them well - they hide in plain sight, covered by Crane or Lion
titles, harboring their true clan deep within their hearts.
As his reputation grew, the stature of his audience grew with samurai still openly bear the Soshi name, refusing to hide their
him. After a few years, he was performing for the heads of clan or heritage beneath false names or faces.
Rokugan's most prestigious families, entertaining them with tales The Soshi can afford to live with their pride: they have the
of highest comedy and darkest tragedy. During his visits, he was secrets of the Empire at their disposal. If someone attempts to
afforded every hospitality ... an opportunity that Furuyari did not destroy the Soshi family schools or palace, a hidden facet of that
overlook. general's life surfaces: some childhood weakness, a love affair
While his troupe was inside the walls of the Hiruma, Daidoji with a notorious geisha, some dishonor too great to be left alone.
and Shiba castles, they gathered information on the families and It is said of the Soshi that only a man with no sin will dare draw
their defenses. They bribed servants, memorized escape routes steel against them, for where the Shosuro gather blackmail, it is
and engaged retainers who seemed eager to break faith with the the duty of the Soshi to use it - and with deadly effectiveness.
master of the house. The daimyo of the Soshi, Bantaro, still regrets his lord's failure
For thirty-seven years, Furuyari was the Scorpion's most during the Coup. He has sworn to find a way to restore Shoju's
valuable tool. However, his health caught up with him, and his spirit and give him revenge against those who dared slaughter
strength failed. His final performance was before the Emperor the Scorpion Clan - and with his understanding of dark magic,
himself. He died only hours later, but despite his death, Furuyari's he very well may be successful.
troupe continued in his memory. They formed a school, named
the School of the Ivory Fan after his traveling actors. SHADOW BRANDS
For many centuries, the Scorpion have experimented with a
TH£ NINJA peculiar magic first introduced by Soshi. His initial experiments
For eight hundred years, the Scorpion have maintained the with "shadow branding" proved unsuccessful, but one hundred
ninja myth. Only a few have come close to the truth, and as soon years of apprentices followed up on his work, resulting in a
as they begin to realize the implications of what they've learned, unique magic type the Soshi call "Shadow-magic:'
they are silenced by the ninja cult. Shadow-magic provides many advantages for the Scorpions.
Very recently, however, the findings of a certain magistrate, As other shugenja study the Five Elements, the Soshi has tapped
Kitsuki Kaagi, have drawn much attention from the Scorpion into raw shadow, discovering that it like the other elements, has
Clan. Kaagi was dedicated to uncovering the truth about the ninja its own kami.
cult and his obsession brought him closer than any other. The Soshi can "imprint" a samurai with the raw element of
However, he mysteriously disappeared before the Scorpion could shadow, branding a kami directly onto his skin and making him
learn what he knew. one with the element. The process is long and painful, but also
Kaagi's journal is now safe in the hands of the daimyo of highly useful for Shosuro spies. However, it has its drawbacks,
Kitsuki castle and Yasu refuses to allow any to look upon the and some who are branded in such a way are found dead or,
pages. A rumor has spread that the book itself is cursed, and only worse, vanished into the darkness of the night never to be seen
those of the Kitsuki blood can read it. Others say that Kaagi found again.
secrets that even the Scorpion do not know.
There are others who whisper that the ninja myth is not myth
at all, but fact. Many tales - from reliable sources - tell of ninja
performing magics that not even the Dark One can provide.
There have been sightings of ninja taking on the substance of During the great war with their dark brother, the Children of
shadow, disappearing into darkness and even changing shape at Sun and Moon gained many mortal followers. One of those to
will. Of course, these tales are met with a sardonic chuckle by join with Bayushi was the man called Yogo. However, Bayushi
many Shosuro ... but then there is Kaagi's journal. was not the first Kami that Yogo followed.
One Bayushi managed to gain access to the book and read its At the beginning of the war, Yogo was a follower of Shiba, and
"cursed" pages. He returned one month later and attacked the wore the mon of the 'Phoenix on his shoulder. He was a crafty
Shosuro daimyo. "He isn't human! He isn't human!" he screamed shugenja, and of great use to the Phoenix. However, after one
as he plunged a dagger into the man's chest. Somehow, the particularly brilliant victory, Yogo was cursed by a maho-tsukai.
Shosuro survived the attack, and the mad Bayushi was The Phoenix recognized the black magic fouling Yogo's chi, but
immediately put to death. despite th,eir best efforts, their limited knowledge of maho was
not enough to remove the curse. However, they were able to
identify it. Yogo was destined - at the most crucial moment of his
life - to betray the one he loved most. The Phoenix shugenja also
determined that the curse would pass on through his blood to his
The Soshi are the most prominent family among the Scorpion children, his children's children and all others who bore his name.
besides the Bayushi. Even in these times of open warfare, some Yogo was prepared to end his life to avoid such a fate.
Where the Phoenix saw tragedy, however, Bayushi saw If Junzo had one faul� it was that he loved Bayushi Shoju too
opportunity. He approached the cursed shugenja with the hope much. His loyalty and fanatic devotion to the Champion of his
that he could stay Yogo's hand. It took many hours of convincing, clan pushed him to succeed, and when Shoju died, the loss drove
but finally, the shugenja agreed. He would join with Bayushi if it him mad. Junzo had always stood beside his lord, in combat and
meant he could gain revenge on the dark god in the wilderness. in peace, yet he had been denied permission to follow Shoju to
Bayushi promised he would honor the shugenja's request. Otosan Uchi for his final days. Although others would argue that
Junzo was told to remain behind in order to guard the Black
TH£ TW£LV£ SCROLLS Scrolls, it is widely supposed that Kachiko, who passionately
As construction on the castle began, Bayushi gave Yoga a hated him, removed him from the fray so that he could not
large box. "Within it," he said, "you will find your revenge." threaten her life during the confusion and chaos of the Coup.
Yago opened the box and found eleven of the twelve black Junzo was the guardian of the seven Black Scrolls still
scrolls Shosuro had brought back from the Shadowlands. possessed by the Scorpion Clan, and as Shoju died during the
"That is correct," Bayushi said. ''I have given you the doom of Coup, Junzo retreated to the hidden corridors of the Scorpion
Fu Leng." palace. As Bayushi blood covered the floor of the Imperial Cour�
Yago accepted the scrolls with trembling hands. He realized Junzo broke the first seal and cried Shoju's name.
that he held the most potent magic the world had ever seen. ''But Because of Junzo's betrayal, the Black Scrolls have been
why me?" opened. Their foul magic spreads across the Empire, fueling wars
''Because you are destined to betray Shiba, not to betray me. and plagues, and one by one, the seals of the other scrolls break.
That:)s why I trust you." Junzo himself has gone fully mad, turning to service of the Dark
- from Yogo Anaido's "The Traitor" God, Fu Leng, in his desperation to avenge himself upon the
Empire - and on the woman who led Shoju to his death.
Since the day they were brought from the Shadowlands, it has
been the duty of the Yogo family to guard the black scrolls. For
nearly a thousand years, maho-tsukai have tried to gain access to
the knowledge the Scorpion guard, but none have ever located
them. The closest they have cqme to the knowledge was when a
Bayushi traitor, son of the daimyo, stole four of the scrolls from
their resting-places, and sold them. Some say the Phoenix now
guard the lost knowledge, others whisper that it is hidden deep
in Lion lands. The only thing which is certain is that the Bayushi's
head still hangs in Traitor's Grove.
A samurai born of Yogo stock is destined to betray someone
who is close to him. It is a curse placed upon their family long
ago by the Dark Lord himself, during his first battle with the
Seven Clans. The Yogo today hold that secret closely, guarding it
against their lives. They hide and skulk, making up the majority
of the Scorpion armies that remain in the highlands of the
Scorpion provinces, and they whisper prayers that their betrayal
does not claim the lives of the last Scorpion armies.
Some Yogo have been destroyed by their own families, given
the right to commit seppuku rather than being left alive to fulfill
their curse. The Scorpion can afford no treachery; they can bear
no more scourges. Despite the powerful sorceries that the Yogo
wield, they are a risk to the clan. They are shugenja and holy
men, keepers of wisdom and lore, but they could also prove to be
the death of the Scorpion.

It is important to mention the architect of the Scorpion's
downfall. The daimyo of the Yogo, Junzo, was once the most
renowned shugenja of the Scorpion, vying even with the Masters
of the Phoenix clan for title and superiority.
from the gathering storm to look down at the kneeling Scorpion.
"I seek to claim your life:'
The odd request had barely passed the daimyo's lips before
Yojiro had agreed. ''You have if'
Shoju stood and slowly drew the sword of the clan from his
obi. "This sword has been borne in secret for generations, hidden
from the eyes of those who would do us harm:' Shoju's right hand
grasped the hilt with reverence, his left hand fighting not to shake
beneath the weight of the saya. "I have kept it close, that its
strength could aid me. I will do so no more:'
Yojiro raised his head to see his daimyo offering the proud
sword, holding it out as carefully as if cradling a child. "Take this,
by Ree Soesbee Yojiro. It is your duty, now:'
Honored and concerned, Yojiro's hands lifted to take the blade.
"My lord, I..."
"Do not refuse this, for it is not a gift Yojiro. It is a duty. And
The darkness · whispered in the evening, and a storm do not speak of honor, for such things do not become you:' The
thundere.d over · the mountains to the north, threatening to roll daimyo turned away, stepping toward the window, and his
across the plains and coyer them all. footsteps faded into the clash of thunder above the palace. ''Tell
In the Bay11shi palace, the hallways were silent and still, and me only that it will never be found by our enemies, and I will
the cool breeze which preceded the rain moved down empty know I have chosen well:'
passages and open shoji screens, unheeded by the night. Hardly a "Hai, my sensei," Yojiro stammered, holding the ancient blade
movement stirred the corridors of the mighty palace, no courtiers close. "It will be done. I swear if'
plotted behind. closed doors. The guards which stood watch over "Go, then. And do not let me see your face again, in this world:'
their rooms had gone with them, preparing for the future that Rising, the Scorpion Magistrate bowed again, his eyes
their daimyo had commanded. flickering with concern and confusion. He glanced aside only
The darkness . in the throne room was almost palpable, once, toward the Mistress of the House. Kachiko gazed silently at
dissecting sound from movement and covering all with a thick her husband, offering no sign of advice or consolation. "Hai,
layer of anticipation. One man rested on an obsidian throne at the Shoju-sama," the Magistrate said again, and he was gone.
top of the dais, his pale mask catching the threads of light that The shadows clustered at her feet as she moved toward him,
foughttheir way through the clouds. His hands were empty now, her lace mask clinging to her face with courtier's magic. She. stood
the clenched scroll fallen to the. floor. Its crumpled edges told a by his side as he lowered his head, watching the play of the
. tale of great age and wear. lightning upon his dark eyes. No word stood between them, only
The Scorpion Champion. no longer saw it. an ancient hurt. She had given her life to him, but she had never
He no longer remembered its words, hinting of darkness and been able to give him her heart.
death,· or its bitter prophecies of things to come. It was no longer Shoju stood, his body flexing like a great hunting cat as he
important. The black stone was already placed upon the great stepped down from the dais. His strides took him past Kachiko,
board of the Empire, and the world waited for Shoju to make his toward the small table at the far end of the room. A single sword
first move. rested on the wooden stand there, a sword that had called lo
Silk slid across. the wooden floor of the chamber as footsteps every Scorpion lord since the time of ancient luchiban, the Blood
approached. Soft and careful,· her dark eyes lowered, Kachiko Sorcerer. The sword's name was lyoku.
bowed before her husband.((My lord ... " Ambition.
He . said· nothing, his eyes taken. up by the darkness that His hand paused above the stained blade as he stared down at
surrounded them. the tightly wrapped laces. A soft motion behind him spoke of his
"I have brought Yojiro-san:' She continued, undisturbed, and wife's movements. "You cannot do this," she murmured. "The
the young samurai behind her foll to his knees, head bowed in sword is forbidden:'
reverence to his Master. "Forbidden ... " Shoju looked down at the sheen on the saya
"ShoJtt•sanm," the Scorpion Magistrate humbly whispered, with contempt seeing her shadow reflected in the bright flash of
afraid to shatte( the silence even with his vows, "I am your lightning. "Nothing is forbidden to me. I am the daimyo of the
servant in this, as always. But tell me how I may die, and I will Scorpion Clan. I am the Empire's last hope:' With that his hand
gladly give my life to better the clan:' closed on the hilt of the sword, and the reflection faded.
"No:' Shoju spoke, and the words echoed too loudly. "It is not Shoju lifted lyoku from its stand, feeling the tremor of
your death I seek:' After a long pause, Shoju turned his face away awakening that rippled through the steel.
''This course of action is too rash, too hurried, my Lord. There A pause, and Shoju could feel the blade reaching into his
are other ways. Our spies learn the secrets of Otosan Uchi even mind, reading his thoughts. He could feel something else, as well,
now, breaking down its hidden walls and entering its a sense of emotion, of long�forgotten hunger.
passageways. Let them do their duty, my Lord Shoju:• Her voice "My Lord, I do not approve ..."
was calm, but her eyes were lowered to prevent her emotions "I do not need your approval:' Shoju replied harshly, "Only
from showing. ''Turn back This course of action is a fool's your obedience:'
journeY:' In the silence that followed, Kachiko lowered her head. Only
"Shall we not make haste, when the Empire's doom the lightning and the rain could see the anger in her eyes.
approaches?" Though whispered, his voice was the lash of a whip
through the sound of quiet rainfall.
Effect on Ranged Attacks: No model may draw LOS through a
smoke template. If a Ranged Attack unit's closest enemy is
\ obscured by smoke so that at least 25% of the unit cannot be
targeted, the unit may select the next closest target (and so on ...).
Effect on Close Combat: Models may not draw LOS through a
smoke template, so no effect that requires LOS (such as Charge,
Banzai Charge, etc.) may be used when initiating an engagement
through a smoke template. At least 25% of the initiating unit
must have LOS in order to initiate such an effect.
Units may initiate an engagement without the use of such an
effect by declaring the engagement and performing normal
movement through the smoke, providing that they have enough
movement to engage. There is no movement penalty for moving
through smoke, but all normal terrain penalties apply.
There are no combat effects (modifiers to ATT or DAM) as a
result of fighting within smoke.

Smoke is used to obscure portions of a battlefield, hiding and The Scorpion Clan trades on the secrets of their enemies ...
protecting those units behind its opaque blanket Because the and friends. By knowing all of their enemy's secrets, they hope to
enemy cannot see the hidden units, it is impossible to target the manipulate and extort certain behaviors from their enemy. The
units with ranged attacks or even be sure where they are when Blackmail card represents this effect.
attempting to engage them. When constructing your Tactical Deck, there is no maximum
Clan War smoke templates are 2 inches in diameter. Some are to the number of Blackmail cards that may included. However,
provided with this expansion, and permission is granted to the card is restricted to three cards per model that allows use of
photocopy them for personal use. the Blackmail card. The models that currently allow the use of
Blackmail are (as identified on their Force cards): Bayushi
RUL£S Aramoro, Bayushi Kachiko, Yogo Asami, and Bayushi Goshiu.
The Scorpion Shadow Assassins place their smoke templates Additional models may appear at a later time and/or in other
during the Ranged Attack phase as a special Ranged Attack. Until clans.
the end of the turn, they are treated as if they had made a Ranged
Placement: Each smoke template must be placed within the
maximum range of six inches from the originating model (not
centered at the maximum range) and within the originating Bayushi Tangen's ability requires a little more space than was
model's LOS and 90° forward arc. A model may not draw LOS available on his card. When an enemy unit declares an engaging
through another smoke template when placing a smoke template. movement against Tangen's unit, Tangen performs his preempl
No Attack roll is made and the smoke causes no damage. movement before the enemy unit performs any movement. He
may leave any edge of his unit (the closest edge to the

approaching enemy unit) and perform his movement of up to 2
The template must be placed entirely within
6" of the figure that generated it.
Tangen may not play defensive Tactical Cards (such as
6' ' Counter-Charge) when performing his movement because he was
not the target of the engaging movement.
Following Tangen's movement, the target of the enemy unit's
engaging movement is considered to be Tangen. Consequently, a
Though the sktnnishers are well within the charging unit does not become unformed when encountering
archer's range and arc of fire, they are protected
by a billowy cloud of smoke, which breaks LOS.
Tangen instead of their designated target, etc. In addition, effects
that are used upon entering an engagement may be held (such as
Frenzy), though cards used to initiate the engaging movement
(Banzai Charge, Charge, etc.) remain in play. In addition,

following his movement, Tangen may play defensive Tactical
Cards, such as Wall of Spears (as appropriate).
Following the movement that separates Tangen from his unit,
all abilities granted to models within the unit are removed. As described in the Crab Army Expansion, the cost of an item
Example: Tangen is leading a unit of Scorpion's Strike (having must be paid during army construction and attached to a specific
changed his weapon to match his unit) when an enemy unit personality. Leadership packages may not equip special items.
announces an engaging movement against it. Tangen Items may not be moved between personalities during the game.
immediately performs his '2" movement, before the enemy moves Items that are weapons replace the personality's weapon, as
at all. He may not play the Counter-Charge Tactical Card or discussed in the Equipment Rules,. unless otherwise stipulated.
similar effects when perfarming his movement. Once his An army may include only one of any item with the Unique
movement is complete, and the enemy unit engages him, Tangen trait and up to two of any non-unique item.
may play Wall of Spears to gain a +1 ATT and + 1 DAM until the
end of the turn� POISONED WEAPONS '+I Ko,w P[R MODEL)
There is no limit to the number of Poisoned Weapons that may
appear in an army, but no unit may attach more than two.
Attach to a unit with the Ninja trait or a unit led by a
personality with the Ninja trait. Once per battle, during the
Special Orders phase, the unit may destroy this card to apply
poison to their weapons (this does not count as a Special Order
for any personality). All models in the unit gain +2 DAM until the
end of the turn. This army loses 2 honor immediately.
No victory points or honor are awarded as a result of
destroying this card, and this unit's value remains unchanged.
An enemy unit declares a charge
against Tangen's unit. Tangen responds by
leaping Z' ahead of his unit. The enemy unit
must stop its movement as soon as it
contacts Tangen and is now considered
engaged with Tangen. The shugenja of Rokugan are extremely secretive with their
arcane knowledge and mastery of the elements, as is their way.
Despite their best attempts to the contrary, however, the
occasional spell slips beyond their veil of secrecy, becoming more
widely known and thus available to shugenja across the empire.
Unless otherwise noted, the following spells are available to all
The Ninja trait identifies a card as being a Ninja personality, a shugenja, regardless of Clan or affiliation.
Ninja unit, or a Ninja effect (in the case of Tactical Cards).
Abilities which appear on a Ninja personality and which must 5£CR£TS ON TH£ WIND (AIR 5P£11)
be activated (not abilities which are constantly in effect) are Rank:3
considered Ninja effects. For instance, Aramoro's Special Order is Cost: 15
a Ninja effect. Tactical Cards with the Ninja trait are also Range: 16" LOS
considered Ninja effects. This does not include Ranged Attacks Special Order: This shugenja targets a personality that has
from a card with the Ninja trait or constant effects (like Aramoro's one or more attached Tactical Cards and who is within 16� and
"No model in Aramoro's unit may be targeted with a ninja LOS. All Tactical Cards attached to the personality are returned to
action/effect"). that player's,, hand and the cards are then replaced from the
Ninja card effects may originate from any personality with the player's hand. If the player controls the caster, he may pick the
Ninja trait. If an army includes a ninja, that army's Tactical Deck tactical cards that replace the removed cards. If the player does
may include cards with the Ninja trait. However, a card with the not control the spell's caster, the cards are replaced at random
ninja trait may only be used if there is currently a living ninja from all cards in the player's hand (including those that were just
personality in the army at the time the card is played - if all of returned). No other effects or consequences are generated by
the ninja personalities in the army have been removed as moving the cards.
casualties, ninja effects may not be used by the army. Following the spell, Tactical Cards attached to that personality
may not be moved, viewed, or otherwise affected until the end of
the turn - they may, however, be viewed and used by the
personality's player.
personality, he is considered to have a Void of Z The Nameless
One always possesses the Jade Strike spell, without cos� and the
\ cost of all his other spells are reduced by 5" are merely abilities,
not Innate Abilities (they are not activated). However, his "Special
order: 1\vice per battle, The Nameless One may challenge a
Shadowlands personality within 12" to a duel that cannot be
declined:' is an Innate Ability.
Innate Abilities are considered spell-like effects and count as
the shugenja's use of a spell for the turn.

11510 Innate abilities that begin with "Special Order" are treated like
spells in that the "Special Order" text merely identifies when the
spell is used. All such Innate Abilities are used during the spell
portion of the Special Orders phase but are not considered Special

The text of each spell identifies when that spell is used during
the turn. The "Special Order:" text in a spell merely identifies
when the spell is used. All such Spells are cast during the spell
portion of the Special Orders phase but are not considered Special
At the time of the Scorpion Coup attemp� the Scorpion clan Orders.
lost most of their battlefield leadership. As such, there are few
personalities experienced enough or capable of leading an army
from the position of a Command Group. Consequently, the
Scorpion Clan may not use a Command Group.

The starting Honor for a Scorpion army is two (2).

When forced to make Morale tests for its units as a result of
an enemy reaching an Honor of 40, 60 or 80 Honor, all Scorpion
units in a Scorpion army gain a +2 modifier to the test. Scorpion
units in a non-Scorpion army, and non-Scorpion units in a
Scorpion army, gain no such benefit.

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When the original rules for spells and innate abilities were
written, we expected to use spells that were also Special Orders.
That expectation has since changed, as further confusion would
be caused. The following rules are a clarification of the rules
regarding Innate Abilities, Spells, and the Special Order's Phase.
Though Triats also appear in the Special portion of a Force card,
they are never considered abilities or innate abilities.

Any ability that must be activated which appears on a
Shugenja personality is considered an Innate Ability. For
example, The Nameless One's "When dueling a Shadowlands


The Special Orders phase has three distinct steps: Asako Yasu: When involved in a duel resulting from the use
of his Innate Ability , Yasu may not take Damage during the duel,
Issue Special Orders: This step is used to announce and even if a Kharmic Strike is used.
perform actual Special Orders that appear on personalities, card Battle Maidens ffi : The Unicorn Anny Expansion reduced
effects, or other effects that are considered a Special Order, such this model's cost to 38, and added a restriction against contested
as attaching Tactical Cards. maneuvers I requirement to make parting shots.
Courtier: The generic Courtier card released in the Crane
Announce Spells/Innate Abilities: All spells and Innate Anny Expansion should be a unit card-type, not a personality. No
Abilities that are used during the Special Orders phase are Honor is gained for generic Courtiers purchased for a Command
announced/performed during this step. These are not considered Group.
Special Orders, but do count as the shugenja's use of a spell for Crane Regular Bowmen: They have 1 Wound per model.
the turn. Doji Reju: A shift in data caused errors in his values.
Following are the correct values: TN 7, Wounds 3, ATT +2, and
Return to Duty: All models that have been spent for at least DAM +1.
one full turn return to duty during this step. Dragon Medium Elite ffi : The Dragon Army Expansion
changed their TN to 8/7.
Dragon's Talons ffi : The Dragon Anny Expansion changed
their TN to 8/7 and Cost to 28.
Dragonscales ffi : The Dragon Anny Expansion changed
their TN to 8/7 and Cost to 17.
Hida Kisada: His card states, "His unit is immune to the
effects of Spells and Innate Abilities:' Since the rules do not define
"immune': this should more properly be worded as "Spells and
Innate Abilities may not target Hida Kisada, nor any model in his
unit. In addition, they do not suffer the effects of Spells that do
not target specific models, such as Stagnant Air:'
His ability does not prevent the use of Spells that target
models which are engaged with him or his unit nor does it
prevent his unit from being targeted by effects such as the
Firestorm's Ranged Attack, which are actual balls of fire, and thus
Elemental in nature (not magical).
The following is an accumulation of errata. This section will be Hatamoto: The generic Hatamoto card released in the Crane
· printed in all expansions until they have been incorporated into Anny Expansion should be a unit card-type, not a personality. No
the main rules set or the corrected cards have been printed and Honor is gained for generic Hatamoto purchased for a Command
released. In the meantime, AEG hereby grants permission to Group.
photocopy and distribute or publicly post the errata section of this The Hooded Ronin: The Hooded Ronin becomes spent after
game expansion. the resolution of the duel when using his Special Order.
Ide Lancers ffi : The Unicorn Anny Expansion added the Yari
bonus (attacks first during the first Combat Phase of an
Engagement and casualties are removed before enemy attacks
are rolled), and reduced their Cost to 18.
Beginning with the Lion Anny Expansion and the second Ikoma Tsanuri: No Tactical Cards may be played on or to
printing of the Clan War boxed set cards, we introduced a kanji penalize!be'i1efit any unit or model in an engagement that directly
(a Japanese writing character) that appears on cards which have involves Tsanuri. This includes attached cards as well as those
had significant corrections made to them (such as Cost changes froma player's hand.
or wording modifications which make them easier to Isawa Elite Pikemen: Their Cost is 14, as in the original rules.
understand). The new kanji (the first character in the Japanese Isawa Tadaka ffi : The Phoenix Anny Expansion corrected
spelling of "new") appears in the title of affected cards. This their TN to 8, Wounds to 8, Cost to 294, and added a Resistance
symbol lets you know that it's the latest version of the card and Modifier to Special.
that it supercedes the original version (which has no kanji). All Ise Zumi ffi : The Dragon Anny Expansion changed the Ise
cards are played as if they have the most current wording. Zumi to comply with the new Tattoo rules.
Iuchi Takaai ffi: The Unicorn Army Expansion restricted his ITEM CARDS
ability to 12", and reduced his Cost to 115. Writ of the Elements: This card may not be used during the
Kakita Shura: This isn't errata, but explicit definition - Shura Special Orders Phase.
may perform Origami Magic once per battle, and may choose Hantei's Tessen: This Card should read ''This personality rolls
which form from the list on her card. The effects last for two two Damage dice for each successful Attack (hit) when engaged
Turns. in Close Combat keeping one of the Damage dice. The Tessen
Kenshinzen ffi: They have 1 Wound per model. may only be used by a Matsu personality of at least Glory 4:'
Kuni Yori: The Crab Army Expansion corrected Yori's Magic
Skill to 4. 5P£11 CARDS
Light Cavalry ffi: This unit has +1 DAM (for the yari, which The Spell Cards abbreviated Spells in the interest of card
was not added into their values). space. Spells that must be cast during the Special Orders Phase
Lion Elite Speannen ffi: The Lion Army Expansion reduced began with "Special Order". Note that these Spells must be cast in
their Cost to 15 and changed their ML to 6. the Special Orders Phase, but are cast during the Spell portion of
Lion Medium Elite ffi: The Lion Army Expansion reduced the Phase, and are not otherwise considered Special Orders.
their Cost to 1 Z Counterspell: Card text is correct but it should have had a
Matsu Lion's Pride ffi: The Lion Army Expansion changed Kanji ffi.
their Special wording - "Special: During an engagement Tactical Earthquake ffi: Added "This shugenja becomes spent:'
Cards may not be used against this unit or to benefit a unit with Jade Strike: Card text should include, "Jade Strike may not
which it is engaged. Enemy Tactical Cards used upon any unit target into an engagement:'
(including this one) prior to engagement are negated upon Fiery Wrath ffi: Added ''This shugenja becomes spent:'
entering an engagement with this unit:' The Path to Inner Peace: Card text is correct but it should
Mirumoto Daini ffi: The Dragon Army Expansion changed have had a kanji ffi. ''This spell heals one Wound for every 3
his TN to 9/8. Water (Ring value) of the caster (round up):'
Mirumoto House Guard ffi : The Dragon Army Expansion Possession: The Honor of the possessed personality drops to
changed their TN to 8/7 and their Cost to 26. 0. If the personality's unit has an Honor requirement above 0,
Medium Infantry. w/katana: The unit should also list Light then the unit is treated as if it is led by a Dishonored personality.
Armor as equipment. Strength of Osano Wo: Card text is in error - this spell must
Onis no Jimen, Kaze, Mizu, and Taki-hi: "Lose 6 Honor for be used during the Special Orders Phase. It may not be used as a
each Elemental Terror in your army:' All of this model use the reaction to a personality/unit becoming spent.
large infantry base. Looking to the Void ffi: Removed ''The scroll is destroyed
Oni no Sanru Pack: These Oni use the large infantry base. after use:'
Shiba House Guard: Their ML is actually 6. A Pause in the Fury ffi: Removed ''This scroll is destroyed:'
Shiba Ujimitsu: His unit may not benefit from more than one
occurrence of a single Spell at one time (his unit may benefit from
Essence of Earth and Strength of Earth at the same time, but may
not benefit from two castings of Essence of Earth, for example).
Shinjo Yasoma ffi: The Unicorn Army Expansion added the
Yari Damage bonus (see The Ide Lancers, above), and reduced his
Cost to 169.
Shinjo's Thunder ffi: The Unicorn Army Expansion reduced
their Cost to 26.
Signal Corps: The generic Signal Corps card released in the
Crane Army Expansion should be a unit card-type, not a
personality. No Honor is gained for generic Signal Corps models
purchased for a Command Group.
Striders ffi: The Unicorn Anny Expansion altered the
maximum number of Striders to three units of no more than 20
models per unit and changed their Cost to 11.
Warlord Overlord Package: His Cost should read +100.
Yasuki Nokatsu: He may use his Ability on his own unit
when routing.

TACTICAL CARDS .''However, we must be careful what games we play with them,
Frenzy WJr : Added the text ''When the engagement is over, the for it is their wall that stands between us and the lands of the
unit becomes spent:' Dark Lord. Use their weakness, but respect their duty."
Retreat WJr : The Unicorn Anny Expansion changed the
wording to allow Retreat to be used on engaged units. CRAN£
Superior Tactics WJr : Changed the wording "Superior Tactics "The Crane hide behind a mask of refinement to conceal their
negates any one Tactical Card which affects either your unit or motley collection of vices. Poets and singers praise the high virtue
your enemy's unit. It may be used from the moment that one has of love, but where is love in a geisha house? I have never found
declared an Engaging move until the Engagement is over. It may it there. Yet, more than any other Clan, the samurai of the Crane
also negate cards played during a Ranged Attack Your unit's can be found trying to woo the affections of geisha. . . and in
commander becomes spent. It may affect: an enemy's Charge or disguise! If love is such an noble virtue, then why do they hide
Frenzy, Turtle Shell, Defensive Position, All or Nothing, etc. It while pursuing it?
cannot affect Skills, Abilities, or cards that affect personalities "The Crane resent us because we are what they wish to be.
only (such as Focus):' They sing songs of noble virtue only because they need to remind
The Waves Break: The test takes place immediately following themselves that virtue is noble. Or is it to convince themselves of
the resolution of all Close Combat for the turn. If the test fails, the it?"
unit immediately performs the movement and becomes
unformed. DRAGON
"The Dragon sit in their high mountain keeps. Do you know
what they are doing up there? They are hiding.
''Isolation is their mask, and it hides a dark secret. It hides
\ their fear. Fear of the world Fear of Zife. Fear of living. Better to
spend a Zife thinking than living.
"They wait and watch because they are afraid to take a

�1011 chance. Afraid to commit to the world Afraid they may have to

make a choice. They are afraid to fail."

"The Lion are nothing. They cannot threaten me with shame.
They cannot threaten me with dishonor. The only threat they can
offer is death, and death only returns me to my ancestors. The
Lion's mask of courage is the flimsiest, for it does not hide his fear
- his fear of me. He is afraid that all of the things I whisper in his
ear about honor and glory and courage are true."

"They are foreign to us and our culture. They do not
understand honor, glory, or our politics. We need time to discover
The Clans book allows for an army to recruit units from other their weakness and exploit it, but we are unlikely to gain such
clans for a cost increase of twenty percent (20%) over the normal time. The Dragon have leapt to the Naga's side. . . what is the
model cost. For simplicity in the rules' original release, that was reason?
fine. However, as we detail each army involved in the great war "There may be a great deal to be gained in learning the truth
that now rages across Rokugan, we feel compelled to more fully behind the(r alliance."
describe the relationships between the armies and to quantify
those relationships in the cost of recruiting units across clan lines. PHO£NDC
''In their schools and libraries, the Phoenix are as dangerous
CRAB as the Lion. They read and listen and learn, but they never know.
'ii Crab is easy to fool but if he ever discovers what you've The mask the Phoenix wear is enlightenment. It hides the face of
done, he will kill you without shame or mercy. That is why, if you ignorance.
must play our game with the Crab, it must be played most "They understand concepts and philosophies, but do not
delicately. He can never learn the source of the pain and mise1y. experience Zife, so they do not apply and witness the realization
of their understanding. Knowledge is not experience and
understanding is not practice. Without practice and experience,
there is no growth By the time they understand this, it will be too the unit, for a final cost of 549 koku, because of the existing
late for them." relations with the Dragon clan.

''Many years have I watched the newcomers, and still I do not

fully understand them. They do not hide their faces, but wear
them proudly. Units, regardless of cost or affiliation, may not alter their
''But there is something. . . something they are hiding. equipment in any way. They remain as they are described on
Something they brought back with them from over the their force card. Units train with their equipment for years and
mountains. are accustomed to it - changing their equipment would negate
''In any case, the Children of Shinjo are cousins of the Crab. much of their training and experience, reducing their
They do not play our game, nor do we ask them to. They are less effectiveness and worth. No daimyo would allow that to happen.
than pawns." Unlike units, personalities generally study the use of many
weapons, so directed by the teachings of their school and culture.
TH£ MINOR CLANS (OTH£R) Because of their study and experience, personalities are allowed
"They are of no matter to us. They are even less than the to adjust their weapons to match those of the units to which they
Unicorn. They have not the power of a pawn, so manipulating have been assigned as leaders. Associated personalities do not
them, though simple, is an exercise in frustration. There is gain this benefit - they are only traveling with the uniL not a part
nothing to be gained If they have something we want, we simply of it.
convince the Lion to crush them." Personalities serving as unit commanders are allowed to
replace their weapon(s) in order to match the weaponry used by
their unit.Check the list below and replace the weapon by adding
the listed cost of the new weapon to the personality's normal cost.
The cost of the personality's original weapon is not deducted from
When a Scorpion army recruits units or personalities from his or her cost.
other clans or armies, consult the following table to determine the Example: Frank decides that Bayushi Aramoro will lead a
cost increase incurred for recruiting from specific clans. unit of Scorpion's Strike, who use yari in combat. Frank adds the
cost of the yari to Aramoro's cost and he is now equipped as his
Clan Cost Increase In addition to the increased cosL the modifiers of the original
weapon (as listed below) must be subtracted from the
Crab .............20% personality's profile and the modifiers for the new weapon are
Crane ............25% then added in.
Dragon ...........30% Example: Aramoro was previously equipped with a no-dachi,
Lion ..............25% but changed to a yari in order to match his unit (above). The no­
Naga .............30% dachi gave Aramoro a +1 DAM, which must be removed from his
Phoenix ........... 25% profile.
Shadowlands ......25%
Unicorn ........... 20% CLOS£ COMBAT W£APONS
Other ............. 25% Below is the list of Close Combat weapons, and their
modifiers, that a Scorpion personality can equip in order to match
his or her unit.
Apply the increase to cost as follows:
1. Construct the unit that you wish to recruit from another RANG£D COMBAT W£APONS
clan.A Scorpion player wants to recruit a unit of 12 Dragonscales Below is the list of ranged weapons, and their modifiers, that
led by Mirumoto Daini. a Dragon personality is able to equip for use during battle, when
2. Determine the cost of the unit (model cost x number of matching their unit:
models + cost of personality, if any). The normal cost of the unit Personalities that acquire a new Ranged Attack weapon gain
would be 422 koku (12 x 17 koku + 218 koku). no modifiers for their Rings. However, by repeating the payment
3. Multiply that cost total by the percentage increase for the for the Ranged Attack weapon, a personality may gain a measure
unit's clan and add the result (rounding to the nearest koku) to of the modifiers that their rings would provide. Each additional
the normal unit cost to determine a final cost. The Scorpion army payment of the weapon's cost allows the personality to use up to
would have to add 127 koku (422 x 30%) to the normal price of a + 1 ATT and + 1 DAM, as provided by their Air and Water rings.
The personality cannot gain bonuses that are not provided by
their rings.
Example: If Aramoro were leading Ninja Bowmen and
purchased a han-kyu at a cost of 4, he would gain the ability to
make Ranged Attacks, but without any modifiers. Aramoro has
an Air of 5 and a Water of 3. Those Ring values allow a
maximum bonus of +2 ATT and +1 DAM. By paying an
additional 4 koku, he gains +1 ATT and +1 DAM. Paying 5 more
koku maximizes on his Ring values, giving him a total of +2 ATT
and +1 DAM.
Note that all Scorpion personalities are treated as samurai
when equipping a new weapon.

Close Combat Weapons Cost Table

Weapon Cost Requirements ATT DAM

Daisho 3 +o +o
,.,.Katana 2 +o +o
Kursarigama�":' 5 Air & Water 3+ +o +o
Nage-yari 4 +o +o
No-dachi 4 Earth & Water 3+ +o +1
Yari�' 4 +o +o

Where the table says "Earth and Water 3+", it means that the
personality's Earth and Water rings· must both be 3 or higher in order to
use the weapon in combat.
�· When using a yari, unmounted models gain: Yari attacks occur first
during the first combat phase of an engagement and casualties are
removed before enemy attacks are rolled Mounted models gain:
Mounted models equipped with yari gain +1 DAM
�•�• When using a kusarigama, the model(s) gain + 1 =11=S against an enemy
unit during the first close combat phase of an engagement with that

Ranged Combat Weapons Cost Table

Weapon Cost Range ATT DAM

Han-kyu 4 12" close, +o +o
24" extended (-2 ATI)
Nage-yari 4 4" close, +o +o
8" extended (-2 ATI)
Yumi 5 15" close, +o +o
30" extended (-2 ATI)
After the Scorpion Clan Coup, the
fallen Scorpion were thrown into mass
graves, refused the honor of cremation.
Their foul deeds - destroying the
Hantei Emperor and betraying the
Imperial Line - has condemned them
to a horrific fate.
In the mire of the Shadowlands, a
single shugenja cries out into the
darkness. Risen from his tomb, the
body of the disgraced general, Shoju,
comes to heed the call. Denied the
sanctity of death, betrayed by his
family, a lost warrior whose life
became the epitome of failure, Shoju
rises to again lead the forces of the
His misshapen face, decayed and
destroyed, howls for revenge in
nameless tongues. Fu Leng's evil has
turned his soul, twisted his deceased
corpse, and now Shoju remembers only
one thing: revenge is his due.

Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 4, Defense 2, Counter-charge, Daisho

Technique, laijutsu 4, Stalwart Defender, Tactician
Fire: Special: Fear 2, Shadowlands, Undead, Unique.
Water: The Undead Shoju may lead any Scorpion troops, regardless of honor
Void: requirements.
When Shoju is leading a uni� that unit is considered to cause Fear 2.
TN: 817 All Scorpion units within 16" of the Undead Shoju's model (not his
Wounds: 7 unit) ignore all Fear ,effects from any source and of any magnitude
(Fear 2, Fear 3, etc):'This includes all Morale test modifiers
ATT: +2
resulting from Fear effects.
DAM: +2
#S: 2 Equipment: Daisho, Light Armor
The brother of the former Scorpion Champion,
Aramoro served as Shoju's lieutenant and chief
intelligence officer. The leader of the Scorpion
clan's ninja, a ·group of assassins and infiltrators,
there are few secrets to which Aramoro has no
access. Together with Kachiko, now the Emperor's
wife, Aramoro leads his clan back to power and
A student of the Shosuro school, Aramoro is
the most adept spy and assassin in the Scorpion
clan�and, possibly, in all of Rokugan, few could
guess at his dangerous nature. He is rarely seen in
the courts of the Empire, preferring to stalk the
palace's darkened halls and meet in secret with
Kachiko to plan their family's return to

Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 3, Defense 3, Counter-charge,

Iaijutsu 3, Fearless
Fire: Special: Ninja, Unique.
Special Order: Aramoro's player chooses a player and names a Tactical
Water: 3 Card and location (hand or personality). If the target player has
Void: 4 one or more copies of that Tactical Card in the selected location,
one copy is discarded. Aramoro's player must also discard a
TN: Tactical Card from his hand.
Wounds: No model in Aramoro's unit may be targeted wit)l a ninja action/effect.
While Aramoro is in play and is not spent, Ninj;i' effects targeting any
ATT: +2 enemy unit or personality gain +1 to all die results.
DAM: +2 Aramoro's player may add up to 3 Blackmail cards to his Tactical deck.
#S: 2
Once the strongest general in the Scorpion Clan, save
only their great Champion, Togai is a man who has fallen
far from grace. He has known the honor and acclaim of a Skills: Battle 4, Leadership 3, Defense 4, Go Master
true war-leader, and it was his plan which captured the city
Fire: 5
of Otosan Uchi during the Scorpion Coup. Now he is Water: 5 Special: Togai's unit may attach one Poisoned
condemned as a traitor, reviled and hunted, hiding behind Void: 3 Weapons item card at no cost.
masks and shadow. One day, he vows, the Scorpion will TN: 8
return to take vengeance on those who destroyed them. Wounds: 6
When that day comes, the Empire will know the fury of ATT: +2
Togai. DAM: +3
#S: 2 Equipment: No-dachi, Heavy Armor
Tomaru, son of a Bayushi geisha, was adopted into the
Scorpion noble family at a young age, trained in the arts of
battle and taught Scorpion cunning. After the Coup struck
down those of his family who had claimed Otosan Uchi,
Tomaru gathered what remained of the Scorpion House
Guard and fled to the secret labyrinths beneath Shiryo
Bayushi - waiting for a time when he could at last destroy
those who thought to end the Bayushi name.

Fire: 5
Water: 3 Special: When an engaged enemy unit is about to
Void: 3 make a Morale test, Tomaru may become spent to
TN: 7 give the unit an additional -2 modifier to the test.
Wounds: 6
ATT: +2
DAM: +2
#S: 2 Equipment: Naginata, Light Armor
His spells raised the Undead Champion, calling forth maho
foul and corrupted. Once he served as Bayushi Shoju's aide,
Skills: Maha 4, Magic 4, Battle 1, Leadership 1, Iaijutsu 1, defending his lord against treachery. When Shoju fell,
Magic Resistance
Bantaro's mind cracked, and he has spent every waking hour
Fire: 3 Special: Unique.
Water: 4 If Bantam does not possess any Maha spells at the beginning of a seeking the path to restore his master to life. All thoughts of
Void: 4
battle, he does not have the Shadowlands trait.
When casting a Maha spell, Bantam may ignore the personal Wound other duties to his house have been forgotten - his position as
requirement. All enemy armies gain 1 Victory Point when Bantam
uses this ability.
daimyo of the Soshi, his duty to the Lady who bears Shoju's
Wounds: When a friendly unit within 12" of Bantam is targeted with a spell, name. I
Bantam may redirect that spell to himself or his unit (as
ATI: +O appropriate) if a legal target for the spell (ignoring LOS Recently, he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. The
DAM: +1 restrictions). After the spell is resolved, Bantam becomes spent. creature which has come back from the grave is his dead
#S: 1 master, corrupted by Fu Leng's power and changed into a
Equipment: Scrolls, Wakizashi
ravenous beast. Soshi, however, sees only that his master
walks the earth again, and that he can once more serve Shoju. .,.1
"Guard the Southern wall, Yokuan:' Those were the last
words Lord Shoju had told him, just before the armies of the
Six Clans struck Otosan Uchi. Though Yokuan fought bravely,
the wall fell, destroyed by Toturi's minions during the Coup,
Fire: 5 Special: Ninja, Unique,
and Yokuan fled in the shadows. Since that time he has done Water: 3 Dart Gun range: 5" close, 8"extended (-2 ATI). Yokuan rolls 2 Attack
nothing save condemn himself for cowardice, scarring his skin Void: 3 dice - the first Wound caused by this attack during a turn may be
directed against any personality in the target unit.
with tremendous cuts just to 'see if the blood still runs TN: 8 When leading ninja troops during an engagement, Yokuan's unit gains
Scorpion red� Wounds: 4
+2 to all Morale tests.
Immediately after a ninja effect (a special ability on a Ninja personality
Yokuan has, many say, gone mad. Still, others whisper that ATT: +2/+2
or a card with the Ninja trait) is announced, but before it is
his wadness is a disguise, and that he still prepares to lead the DAM: +11+2 resolved, Yokuan may become spent to negate the action.
Scorpion onto the field of battle - and if possible, meet his #S: 2 Equipment: Ninjato, Dart Gun, Light Armor
death as a samurai should. From the shadows, Yokuan smiles
when he hears such whispers, for he is neither mad nor a
samurai - he has become a ninja and serves his Clan from
behind another mask. ..

A young son of the Bayushi house, Hisa barely has the
glory necessary to enter his family's palace. Before the Coup,
he was no one, a soldier among a thousand others, ready to
Sldlls: Battle 3, Leadership 2, Defense 3, die for his house and for the Empire.
Counter-charge, Stalwart Defender But no more. Scorpion death-tolls have claimed the names
Fire: 5
Water: 3
of the btightest the strongest and the most apt and all others
Special: Hisa may lead any unaligned unit, ignoring
Void: 3 honor requirements, but he must meet Glory seek only to survive the terrible purge. Hisa is one of the
TN: 7
requirements. nameless masses. His struggle, inconsequential as it may seem
Wounds: 4 to those who call themselves 'rulers,' means survival for his
ATT: +2 clan, his family - and for the honor he once sought to gain.
DAM: +1 No more do thoughts of social strata or glory hover in the
#S: 1 Equipment: Katana, Light Armor
young samurai's mind. Now he has learned the true cost of
duty; the true price of honor. Now he serves only to serve, and
if he must sacrifice his honor to keep his family alive, it is a
small price to pay for vengeance.
A direct descendant of the daimyo who wrote
Lies, Tangen is an ambitious samurai with many
plans for the future. He quotes aphorisms from Lies
to anyone who will listen and often fails to notice
that they are not interested.
He wishes to found a school to teach his combat
and dueling techniques. Unfortunately his technique,
the "Dark Sword of Bitter Lies': is based more on
Tangen's incredible luck than any great methodology,
so his students are often killed in duels.
Tangen is tolerated by his own family, but the
Shosuro are thought to have made more than
one attempt on his life, to rid themselves of
the nuisance. Tangen is blissfully
ignorant of the attempts.

Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 2, Iaijutsu 2,

2 Counter-charge
Fire: 4 Special: If Tangen is leading or associating with a Scorpion unit
Water: 3 when an engaging movement is announced against ii Tangen
Void: 3 may leave the unii moving up to 2" from any edge of the
unit's formation, to place himself between the Scorpion unit
TN: and the attacking unit. The Scorpion unit may not perform
Wounds: reactionary fire. He may not perform this action if the
attacking unit is within 2" of the Scorpion unit when the
ATT: +1 engaging movement is announced. The enemy unit must stop
DAM: +1 when it contacts Tangen.
#S: 1 Equipment: Katana, Light Armor
Special: Courtier, Unique. May associate with, but not lead, any
3 non-ninja Scorpion unit, including shugenja units.
Fire: Special Order: Kachiko may either: look at all Tactical Cards
Water: 2 attached to one personality, or within one player's hand.
Kachiko does not become spen� but may perform no other
Void: 4 actions during the turn. She may move and test normally.
Kachiko may become spent to reduce an Honor loss by up to 3.
TN: Immediately before Damage dice are rolled in a duel that includes
3 Kachiko, she may become spent to end the duel immediately
-1 without resolution - no winner or loser. The enemy duelist
may not participate in Close Combat during this turn.
-1 Kachiko's player may add up to 3 Blackmail cards to his Tactical

The Empress, seated at the left hand of the mighty
Hantei, is motionless and cold. Her cruelty is hidden behind
veils of lies and deceit and her hatred for her husband is
known only to those few who guard her life. Kachiko stood
before the boy-Prince as he destroyed her house, and with
the subtle guiles of a woman, convinced him to take her for
his own.
It was the only mistake he made, and the only opening
the Scorpion Lady would need. Since then, she has foiled an
assassination attempt on the Emperor's life (an assassination
engineered by her own hand), proving her loyalty to him.
The poison which seeps through the Emperor's veins creates
symptoms indistinguishable from the plague which is
ravaging the land.
She swears the Last Hantei will die in pain and anguish,
and only when he is on the steps to Jigoku will he know the
truth. Only then will he understand who it is that has
destroyed him.
"Defend the Lady. Remember your oath:'
The words of his father linger in his mind as young Tasu
ponders his future. Once, he was son of an honored house, Skills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 2, Iaijutsu 2,
ready to accept the burden of governing a mighty share of Counter-charge
Fire: 3
Bayushi lands, second only to the champion himself. Remember Water: 3 Special: Yari attacks occur first during the first close
your oath. Void: 3 combat phase of an engagement and enemy
Now, his lands are burned, his family scattered and TN: 7 casualties are removed before enemy attacks are
slaughtered, and his soul cries for justice. He stands in the Wounds: 4 rolled.
shadows at Kachiko's side, waiting for the day he can give his ATT: +1
life to save hers. It is all he has lef� all the honor his withered DAM: +1
#S: 1 Equipment: Yari, Light Armor
life will allow.
He has heard the scratching in the darkness, the insane
cackling of Soshi Bantaro's magics. Soon, he will have his
chance ...

The child of a simple farmer, Asami served as a Kachiko's
Skills: Battle 3, Leadership 1, Defense 2, Iaijutsu 2
double when in her youth, to cover her absences when Kachiko
Special: May lead a combat unit.
Fire: 3 Special Order: Target an engaged enemy personality
;was away. As they grew older, their resemblance waned,
Water: 3 within 18" (LOS is not required). The target allowing Asami the independence to pursue her own interests,
Void: 3 personality's #S is reduced by 1 until the end of which included studies with the Shosuro and Bayushi Aramoro.
TN: 6 the turn. The target's #S may not be reduced She is skilled in the use of poisons, the use of her beauty as
Wounds: 3 below 1. Asami becomes spent.
ATT: +o Asami's player may add up to 3 Blackmail cards to a distraction, and in the use of information ... or blackmail. She
DAM: +1 his Tactical deck for each Asami in his army. often pretends to be a courtier to gain access to the enemies of
#S: 1 Equipment: Wakizashi her adopted clan, where a whispered word or a drop of poison
could right a wrong or buy silence.
Goshiu was once the Scorpion's strongest voice in the
Imperial Cour� and even after the apocalyptic purge which was
called upon his house, he still holds favors, reins of power, over Skills: None
many of the most prominent courtiers in the Empire. His web Special: Courtier, Unique. May not lead a combat unit but
Fire: may associate with any non-ninja Scorpion unit,
- is vas� filled with intrigue and blackmail, and no member of Water: including a Shugenja unit.
the Imperial Court is safe from his machinations. He draws the Void:
Goshiu may become spent to reduce an Honor loss by 4.
After an enemy has performed all actions/effects to reduce an
strings in tighter, remembering each face, each command and TN: 6
Honor loss, Goshiu may become spent to force the
enemy to accept the full Honor loss. Actions/effects
each death. When his web is finished, it will be time for the Wounds: 2 produced to reduce the honor loss are considered to have
Scorpion to strike once more. . . and this time, their poisoned ATT: +o occurred, but with no effect. No LOS is required.
+o Goshiu's player may add up to 3 Blackmail cards to his
stab will not be deflected. DAM: Tactical deck.
#S: 1
Equipment: None
As described in the Clan War Rulebook, a
leadership package is not a personality. Rather, it
represents a measure of leadership training provided
to a soldier who has demonstrated command
potential. The lowest rank of these lesser officers is
Nikutai (corporal).· Those nikutai that demonstrate
greater potential are often promoted to a Gunso
(sergeant) and receive further training and
experience. Those who demonstrated an even greater
ability are promoted to Chui Qieutenants).
These lower officers allow daimyo to position
their troops with more confidence when they are
unable to assign more renown leaders to each of
their units. Leadership packages could never reduce
the importance of specialized leaders such as Shiba
Tsukune or Isawa Tadaka, but they provide a
measure of leadership at a much reduced cost and
are a vast improvement over sending leaderless units
into battle.
Leadership packages are treated as a personality
in some respects: they are not removed as a casualty
until all normal troops have been removed and it
may be challenged to a duel (treat all rings as a 2
when the necessity arises). However, such a leader
may NOT attach Tactical cards and does not affect
any rolls, in any way, that their listed set of skills or
special abilities does not specify. In addition, they
may not use cards that affect personalities only (such
as Focus), though they are affected by cards that
affect their unit.
After creating a unit, select and pay for a
leadership package that fits the needs of the unit.
This does not add another model to the uni� it
merely represents the training and ability of an
existing model in that unit.
The following leadership packages are available
only to a Scorpion army (they cannot be placed in a
Scorpion unit recruited by a non-Scorpion army), and
may only be provided to a Scorpion affiliated troop
type. None of the leader packages may be added to
an unaligned or non-Scorpion unit within a Scorpion
army - such units are restricted to the more generic
leadership packages.
More learned than the younger nikutai, the Bayushi Sltills: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 3
Gunso has learned more about keeping his troops alive and
Fire: -
healthy, as they will be needed on the day the Clan reenters Water: - Special: As per unit
public light. Conserving their forces and preparing for a day Void: -
of reckoning is all that matters to the Scorpion now ... TN: -
Wounds: -
ATT: -
#S: Equipment: As per unit

Sldlls: Battle 1, Leadership 1, Defense 2 This young leader of the Scorpion forces is just learning
Fire: -
the skills necessary to lead troops and to defend his clan. He
Water: - Special: As per unit follows the orders of superiors with unquestioning loyalty
Void: - and will happily sacrifice his life in pursuit of his duty. Still,
TN: - it is survival that drives the Scorpion clan onward, not
Wounds: - sacrifice.
DAM: -
#S: - Equipment: As per unit

BAYUSHI (HUI Sldlls: Battle 2, Leadership 2, Defense 3, Stalwart

Dangerous and proud, the Scorpion Chui is a highly Defender
capable leader who takes the lives of his men very seriously. Fire: -
Water: Special: As per unit
Conserving resources, be they food, armor, or ,Soldiers, has Void: -
become a way of survival to the Scorpion Cl�n and these
experienced leaders know the importance of such Wounds:
conservation. ATT:
#S: Equipment: As per unit
"We had all but crushed the Scorpion troops when
reinforcements arrived I ordered my unit to rear about and
fall into a defensive formation when one among them - Special: At the beginning of the game, each Shosuro Spy selects an
began to scream the most horrible, blood-chilling litany. As _ enemy human unit and is hidden within that unit. No more than one
Wounds: spy per unit per player.
the soldiers began to panic, I tried to regain control. ATT: When a unit containing a spy is about to take a test, the unit's player has
DAM: _ first option lo react lo the lest, then the Spy's player may activate the
Eventually, I found the man who had demoralized the rest #S: -
Spy: the unit suffers a -2 penalty to that test. Once the spy becomes
and cut him down - he was my finest taisa, and my trusted TL: _
active, make the lest immediately (no other effects may be played).
Immediately following the lest, the activated Spy must make an
friend... " Morale:
unmodified test (fN 7). Failure indicates that the Spy is revealed and
destroyed (no models are removed as casualties). If the test is
With the aid of advanced acting techniques, the Shosuro successful, the Spy was not revealed and may be used again.
Maximum of 4 spies. Enemy gains 1 VP for every 2 Shosuro Spies
are perfectly suited to the role of spies. A small number of destroyed during play (round up).
them (and even a few masters of the art) have devoted their Equipment: As per unit
training to the art of infiltrating units within enemy armies, 50 Affiliation: Scorpion
intending to disrupt their maneuvers or plant dissension
within their ranks at a critical time.
"They stood around us throughout the debate at Kyuden
Bayushi, their eyes never blinking, their bodies ever taut, and
TN: 8/7 Special: Daisho Technique. the strong lines between their muscles trapping the shadows
Wounds: 2 Will not rout while their leader is unspent. Will only cast by deflected candlelight. They were like monstrous statues,
ATT: +1 serve in a Scorpion army and may only be led by a
personality with Glory of at least 6. who cared little for our ordinary human prattle. At least, until
DAM: +1 Once per turn, during the Special Orders phase (no their commander tired of us - then their swords were raised,
#S: 1 personality required), this unit may adjust its MIS
TL: 7 by 1 (up or down). and the shadows came to Zifel"
Morale: 4 Maximum of one unit, 12 models total. Fiercely loyal to their clan, and even moreso to their
ambiguous Bayushi masters, these soldiers serve as the final
Equipment: Daisho, Heavy Armor
line of defense in the Scorpion castles and fortresses. Chosen
for their preternatural speed and dexterity, these attributes are
honed to a razor's edge before they are fielded. It is rumored
that a great number of House Guard recruits never make it that
far, falling victim to the severe training methods of the
Scorpion martial masters, who have taken a special interest in
their little "pets':
"Our soldiers looked into the billowing field of smoke
with trepidation. We called the shugenja up from the rear to
remove it, and - with a simple request of the kami of the Special: Ninja. Skirmishers,
Shadow Assassins have 2 #S during the first close combat
winds - it vanished, as quickly as it had appeared, revealing Wounds: 1 phase of an engagement.
ATT: +1/+l Flash Pot range: 6", This is a special Ranged Attack For each
nothing but a simple and undisturbed plain of crops. Then model in this unit's frontage, place one Smoke template in
we heard the first screams from behind us, gargled by the DAM: +1/+l the forward 90 degree arc within the 611 range, The
#S: 1 Smoke remains until the End phase of the next turn and
blood choking the men trapped within the ambushers' TL:
is then removed. Tempest of Air dissipates all smoke from
one unit immediately.
kusarigama." Morale: Once per turn, during the Special Orders phase (no personality
Shadow Assassins specialize in deceiving their required), this unit may adjust its MIS by 1 (up or down).
Maximum of two units (only one may skirmish), up to 16
opponents through visual tricks and ambush tactics. Their models per unit.
trademark attack involves obscuring the opponent's line of Equipment: Kusarigama, Flash Pots, Light Armor
sight with plumes of pink and scarlet smoke. Shadow Affiliation: Scorpion Honor:
Assassins never attack when expected, and always attack
from a position of superiority; though many point to their
techniques as underhanded and dishonorable, few can
discount their successes.

Ninja are a rarity on the field of battle, being

largely considered a myth (even by some who have
seen their sharp and cruel tactics firsthand). No one
knows where they come from, or even whom they
support in war, as they are as often seen
working against the Scorpion as for
them (or, at least, that is how it
"The walls of the Scorpion palace were lined with
archers and spearmen whose bolts and javelins kept us
from their base. Our forces were stymied by their superior Special: Once per turn, during the Special Orders
might until theirammunition ran out. Then we charged the Wounds: 1 phase (no personality required), this unit may
doors, and battered them in with ease. We thought our ATI: +0/+1 adjust its MIS by 1 (up or down).
victory was complete until we found that the spearmen had DAM: +O/+l Nage-yari range: 5" close, 10" extended (-2 ATI).
#S: 1 This unit gains an additional +1 ATT and +2 DAM
moved to meet us within the courtyard, and that their TL: when using reactionary fire against an enemy
might was not limited by ammunition." Morale: that is engaging them.
Acting as the Scorpion's forward ranged attack unii Maximum of two units, 40 models total.
these soldiers are also well-equipped to handle close
Equipment: Nage-yari, Light Armor
combat and know enough of the face of war to prevent
them from routing easily. Considering their versatility, and
specialty with a weapon many other armies are not familiar
with, they supplement most existing Scorpion armies,
moving forward into the battle when the time is right.

"Their armor shone under the moonlight with a pale and
sickly glow, like dull and blackened bone that broke and
reformed with every step."
Each member of the Black Cabal is hand-picked and
exposed to a series of more and more severe conditions
Special: Will not rout while their leader is during training, to thicken their mental defenses against the
Wounds: 1 unspent. Instead, if this unit fails a Morale savagery of war and utterly eliminate their sense of fear. By
ATI: +1 test while broken, remove 3 models as the time they are fielded, soldiers of the Black Cabal are
DAM: +1 casualties.
#S: 1 Once per turn, during the Special Orders phase
nearly immune to the unsettling aspects of battle, even unto
TL: 6 (no personality required), this unit may failure and death.
Morale: 5 adjust its MIS by 1 (up or do,wn). The signature armor of the Black Cabal is known
Maximum of two units, 24 models per unit. throughout the Empire as a symbol of their keen
Equipment: No-dachi, Heavy Armor fearlessness, and is considered a bad omen by most soldiers
of other clans and armies. Acquired after they "graduate"
from their training, the armor is stark black in color, and
never stains with blood, even during the most violent
conditions, as if it absorbs the fluid to sate the appetite of
the wicked men within.
"The trees around us wafted in the morning breeze, and
the scent from them was intoxicating. Only our horses
sensed the underlying scent within them, shifting about
Special: Ninja, Skirmishers. This unit must skirmish - at no cost
increase. slightly before the hail of mrows rained down upon us from
Wounds: 1
ATT: -1/+l
Han-kyu range: 12" close, 24" extended (-2 AT1).
Until the Ninja Bowmen use a Ranged Attack or have been
the highest branches... "
DAM: -1/+l engaged, enemy Ranged Attacks ignore them, drawing LOS Like their brethren, the Shadow Assassins, these soldiers
through them as if they were not there - they may not be
#S: targeted. After using a Ranged Attack or being involved in an are first shown how to hide, then how to fight. Rarely have
TL: engagement, enemy Ranged Attacks may target them
normally, those who have confronted Ninja Bowmen known that they
Morale: Once per turn, during the Special Orders phase (no personality were in the presence of enemy troops until it was too late,
required), this unit may adjust its MIS by 1 (up or down).
Maximum of two units, 8 models per unit. when the first volleys of archery were already upon them.
Equipment: Han-kyu, Light Armor One unfortunate side-effect of the Ninja Bowmen's precision
at stealth, however, is their lack of skill at defending at close
range. Enemy troops who manage to pierce their haze of
deadly arrows report that they are surprisingly easy to cut
down in close combat.

"Our commander was very concerned about the elite
Special: This unit may not contain any non-Scorpion
Hiruma forces in the enemy line, and adjusted our offensive
personalities or models. to consider their presence. When we engaged them,
Wounds: During army placement, this unit and its leader may be
however, we discovered that the unit was just a ruse - they
ATT: +01+0·, represented to be any 1-Wound troop type and personality,
DAM: +01+0•:• from any clan, that is legal for this army. The player may were Scorpions in disguise!"
even place props within view, such as a dummy Force card,
#S: 1 to support the facade, All models in the unit must be on Following the coup, the Scorpion Clan does not have the
TL: standard infantry bases.
'1'his unit fights with its own profile, but may add a Ranged
military might of the other clans and is forced to use
Morale: Attack to support its act: +1 koku per model for nage-yari trickery, subtlety, and ambushes to weaken their opponent.
(4" close, 6" extended w/-2 ATI), +4 koku per model for
yumi (15" close, 30" extended w/-2 ATI). This unit serves the purpose of throwing their opponent off.
balance, forcing enemy commanders to adjust their offense
to account for the presence of a feared opponent. That
adjustment often gives the Scorpion force the advantage it
"The sai thrust deep into my skin beneath the silk folds
between the plates of my armor, leaving a ragged wound
behind. I had been clumsy, and the Scorpion had taken full
advantage of it. Stumbling across the battlefield, my vision Special: May attach Poisoned Weapons item card.
blurred, and the world spun. The Scorpion would not touch Wounds: When targeted by Defensive Position, this unit gains an
me now. I was ignored, left to die, as I fell among the ATT: +1 additional +1 ATT and +1 DAM until the end of the turn.
When being engaged by an enemy model or unit, that unit loses
wounded." DAM: +1 all positive Attack modifiers, including those on their Force
The Scorpion's Claws disregard the concept of honor on #S: 1 card, until the end of the turn. They cannot gain any
TL: positive Attack modifiers, in any way, until after the end of
the battlefield in favor of efficiency. Their weapons are laced Morale: the turn.
with .• the most deadly poisons known to the Rokugani, Once per turn, during the Special Orders phase (no personality
required), this unit may adjust its MIS by 1 (up or down).
Which they use against the commanders, shugenja, archers, Maximum of two units, no more than 16 models per unit.
and most valuable soldiers of an attacking unit during a
battle. This weakens the enemy enough for other Scorpion
troops to enter the scene and finish them off. It is well­
known that once an opponent of the Scorpion Claws has
been poisoned, he is considered dead to them, and no longer
targeted, leaving him to watch as the blood of his comrades
spills around him.

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"The horror and bloodshed within the vale will never be
forgotten, or forgiven. The Scorpion have among them the
most villainous murderers I have ever known, and I will
spend my nights remembering the carnage the Bayushi
wrought upon my troops that day ... " Special: For each Ambusher unit in your army you may
Rumored to spend extensive time among the Kaiu, these Wounds: . 1 place a Trap! card in your Tactical deck (maximum of
three). For an additional 20 koku per card, paid during
troops are preeminently crafty, and take a perverse pleasure ATT: +o army construction, each Trap! card will cause an
from the pain and death they cause, even though they are DAM: +o additional 2 dice of Damage when used, If not paying
for increased Damage on all Trap! cards, this player
#S: 1
rarely there to see it happen. Until the start of the Clan War, decides which trap(s) cause the additional damage
TL: when played,
these troops were used almost exclusively along the Morale: Once per turn, during the Special Orders phase (no
personality required), this unit may adjust its MIS by 1
primary roads of the Empire and within the Bayushi (up or down).
homelands, where remnants of their complicated and well­ Minimum of 10 models per unit. Maximum of three units.

concealed pitfalls remain even today. But with war Equipment: Katana, Light Armor
consuming all of Rokugan, they have ventured out with the
Scorpion armies, and are now primarily used to soften the
enemy up for the kill.
TN: 6 Special: Scorpion's Strike attacks occur first during the
Wounds: 1 first close combat phase of an engagement, even
ATT: +1 before other yari equipped models, and enemy
casualties are removed before enemy attacks are
DAM: +o rolled.
#S: 1 Once per turn, during the Special Orders phase (no
TL: 7 personality required), this unit may adjust its MIS
Morale: 6 by 1 (up or down).
Maximum of two units, 40 models total.

Equipment: Yari, Light Armor

"We rode through the Canyon of Last Strike
carefully, knowing its reputation. None of us
were happy with this assignment, let alone the
prospect of what lay ahead in the Scorpion
fields. But we would never have the chance to
prove our mettle against Sc01pion steel on the
fields, for moments later, dozens of soldiers
who had silently positioned themselves in the
ridges above descended upon us. They were
like a plague of locusts, but I've never seen a
locust that could skewer a rider and his
The Scorpion's Strike are trained with the
yari, and specialize in lightning-fast unit
maneuvers that place them in the right place
at the right time. They are fast and incredibly
efficient at out-smarting the enemy, and are
often used for ambushes and other tactical
operations involving surprise. Soldiers
accepted into the Scorpion's Sting gain an
unusual acceptance of their own eventual fate
on the field of battle, and many among other
Scorpion units have come to expect cruel
twists of fate when they fight alongside them.
"They marched across the fields like a growing swath of
blood, flowing across the grasslands with foul fury and
Special: Once per turn, during the Special
threatening to envelop everything in their path. . . including
Wounds: 1 Orders phase (no personality required), this us!"
ATT: +o unit may adjust its MIS by 1 (up or down). The rank and file of the Scorpion Legions, these soldiers
DAM: +o have become the standard unit in most conflicts against the
#S: 1 clan. Most of their training harks back to the foundation of
TL: 7
Morale: 6 the Scorpion armies, and can be seen in more advanced
troops as well; it is not uncommon for members of the
Equipment: Katana, Light Armor Crimson Legion to eventually be promoted into other, more
experienced units, such as the Scorpion's Strike or Black

"With every fallen soldier, another would replace him. It
was as if the ranks of the Scorpion were breathing new Zife
into the dead!"
The Straw Targets were established as a military unit Special: Enemy archers always reduce the range to the
shortly after a peasant rebellion among the Scorpion heimin Wounds: 1 Straw Targets by 6" when determining closest
enemy large� though they must still have LOS to
several hundred years ago, in which farmers and craftsmen ATT: -1
target the Straw Targets.
who opposed their treatment by Imperial Magistrates took DAM: -1 When the Straw Targets are hit by a Fire-based Ranged
#S: 1 Attack, such as Fire spells or the Fire Dragon's
to their fields in defense. TL: 8 elemental Ranged Attack, the attack receives +2
The yoriki sent to investigate, and his ashigaru, never Morale: 5 DAM. All other Ranged Attacks have their Damage
totals reduced by ½ (round down). Any Defense
returned. They were followed by a small numper of well­ modifier is applied before the reduction.
trained soldiers, who reported that the peasants were using
dummy targets to draw them into positions that were hard Equipment: Katana
to defend, before they were ambushed. After well trained
soldiers were countered by the peasant tactics, a local
general took notice, and offered the peasant men and
women a role among the bushi ... as part of the Scorpion
Kachiko's ability to look at enemy Tactical Cards and
Aramoro's ability to discard them. Combine that with the
\ Blackmail cards, which can seriously restrict an enemy's
\ ability to retain cards (by attaching them to their
leadership) and you can effectively cripple your opponent's
1��1011 bm Tactical deck.
Shosuro Spies allow the Scorpion to capitalize on enemy

.1l1'13flS'1 011
Morale tests by applying a penalty to the test, but they are
particularly effective when there is already a negative
modifer to the test. With the additional penalty, the
Scorpion player increases the chance that the enemy unit
):� will break or rout.
When purchasing Bayushi Ambushers, the Scorpion
Clan may also make use of the Trap! card to gain an
advantage by damaging the enemy's heavy units early in
the game. Also, Poisoned Weapons can do additional
The greatest strengths of the Scorpion Clan have always damage during a turn when the odds favor the attacking
been subterfuge, espionage, and their legendary loyalty to Scorpion unit.
their.Jamilies and clan. Despite the fact that the Scorpions Shadow Assassins are extremely effective for limiting the
ltad incredible military might at the time of the Scorpion impact of enemy Ranged Attacks by destroying line-of-sight
Clan Coup, it was never their force at arms that blew a to your most effective combat units as they move forward
shadow of fear over the hearts of their enemies - it was and prepare to engage. Straw Targets are also useful for
their ability to gather secrets and their ability to use those limiting the effectiveness of enemy Ranged Attacks, giving
secrets against opponents. the bulk of the Scorpion force to advance with fewer
The Shosuro family uses every trick and deception at casualties.
their disposal to gather the dark secrets hidden in the hearts Ninja bowmen provide the rare ability to sneak up on
of other clans, passing those secrets to their Bayushi the enemy, untouchable by enemy Ranged Attacks, until
brethren. For their part, the Bayushi gather political they have a great shot. Once they've made their attack, then
ammunition against the other clans, but if that fails, they they become a valid target, but not before. Putting Tangen
wield the secrets gathered by the Shosuro to devastating in the unit buys additional time for the bowmen to retreat
effect. when enemy units attempt to engage.
The Scorpion have always sought to conceal their own It is also difficult to overstate the importance of the
strength. This allows them to appear weak, and no one fears Bayushi Elite Spearmen's ability to do make reactionary
a weak clan. The Scorpion are at their strongest when the fire with a total of +2 AT T and +3 DAM when being
other clans ignore them, for they may more easily work in engaged. When attacked by a small to medium unit, it's
the shadows while the other clans posture and point at one conceivable that the unit could become broken as a result
another. of the reactionary fire, costing the attacker any advantage in
The same thought processes hold true for a Scorpion the combat and possibly giving the Spearmen a free attack
army on the battlefield. The Scorpion army, especially if/when the unit attempts to leave combat.
during the Clan War, is an army of deception and of Generally a last resort, the Ninja Assassin Tactical Card
subtlety. They do have some very effective combat units, but gives the Scorpion army an attempt to remove a member
not enough to stand toe-to-toe with the Crab or Lion Clans. of the enemy leadership. Combined with Aramoro, the odds
Such an army depends on subtlety and misdirection to favor the removal of a Glory 6 or less personality, which
make those unit more effective. could easily send the enemy unit, possibly the army, into
By using deception, you can fool your opponent into disarray.
committing an inappropriate amount of force to deal with A Scorpion army runs unlike armies of the other Clans
smaller units, such as the Shosuro Actors. When your - there are numerous interdependencies and it's important
opponent over-commits, ignore those units and use the bulk to design your army in a way that units, personalities, or
of your forces to engage and defeat the weaker flanks while the entire army benefit from the inclusions of other models
the over-committed units struggle to re-enter the battle. or cards. The Scorpion have a hat full of tricks, but an army
The Scorpion army's greatest strength lies in the special that tries to make use of all of these possibilities will fail.
abilities of its leaders, units, and its Tactical Deck. Some Choose a few and concentrate on doing them well.
abilities can be combined for powerful effects, such as
accompany wealth and power. It also served a purpose
when he entertained, as his guest was often disarmed and
distracted by the surroundings.
\ His eyes rose from the message, a humorless smile

playing at the corners of his mouth, and asked his assistant
Doji Tsubo, to summon a scribe and a messenger. Upon
their arrival, the scribe wrote his response to the message

as he dictated.
"The Crane Clan is most honored by your offer of service,
Seppun Ishikawa-san, though we share the Empire's sorrow
that you will no longer lead the Imperial Guard. The Crane
by Ken Carpenter welcome your service and will gladly accept your offer of
fealty, for both you and your men.
"I am deeply disturbed by your suspicions of intrigue in
the palace. Your current duty will be as my personal guard.
You and your men are to report to me as quickly as
In previous fiction, printed in other Clan War possible. We will further discuss this possible conspiracy,
publications, Ishikawa became suspicious of the Emperor's and your first priority will be to further your investigation.
wife, . Kachiko, • and her actions and motivation. She "I look forward to our meeting.
•· discovered his sftspicions and conspired to get
him and his most, loyal troops killed by sending
them to aid another clan in a losing battle.
When he survived the Battle of Kakita Palace,
§he- . immediately sent them on another suicide
missionto Beiden Pass. Following his experiences
in BeideitPass, Ishikawa understood the purpose
of Kqchiko's .missions and .decided to leave
Imperial service and swear fealty to another Clan
so he could continue. to investigate what he feels
is a conspiracy in the Palace. When he made that
decision, his men chose to leave Imperial service
withhim, following him in his determination.
Earlier this summer, a Clan War tournament
was held in a few locations to determine the Clan
to'llJhich Ishikawa and his loyal Imperial Guards
would turn when ·. they left Imperial service. For
those who are interested, there was a tie between
Crab and Crane for the most wins. AEG staff
resolved the tie, resulting in a Crane win.
Kakita Yoshi reclined . against the huge white
.· pillow. Fine �ilk . draperies in: bright and exotic
colors lined the large room, their luster only
slightly dimmed in the lantern light following the
setting of· the sun. The warm yellow light of the
lanterns showed · the thoughtfuL reflection of
Yoshi's mirid as. he· reviewed the · quickly written '
dispat�hJµ bis hand for a third time.
Yos�i's quarters . in · the Imperial city were
luxurious in the.�xtreme,but why not? His family
was the wealthiest in the Empire and, as the
foremost· poHtical representative of his Clan, it
was important to display the trappings that
"Kakita Yoshi"
The message was reviewed by Yoshi,
rolled and immediately sent to Seppun
Ishikawa at Beiden Pass.
Yoshi watched as the scribe and
messenger left the room. When the door
closed, the humorless smile returned.
Tsubo turned to him.
"Yoshi-sama, do you recall that we
suspect that scribe of providing
information to the Scorpion?"
Yoshi remained perfectly still, but
quietly chastized his young protege. "Did I
not ask you to summon him by name?"
Tsubo shrank at the subtle reproach in
Yoshi's tone.
Yoshi continued. "If there is no political
gain in accepting the fealty of Seppun
Ishjkawa and his elite cadre of samurai,
tlien there is no gain at all. While I do not
necessarily believe in Ishikawa's
suspicions, the fact that he will be here, in
the capital, pursuing such an investigation,
will be a thorn in our enemy's side. But
beyond that if we allow our enemy to
believe that we support such an
investigation.... that in itself is a threat:'
"Our kind ally, Ishikawa, will attract so
much of their attention, the Scorpion
courtiers will have little time to wrangle
with us. And if his presence becomes
problematic for us, he is easily reassigned
to another location. In fact, we may be
offered something quite valuable to us in
order to secure such a move:'
Tsubo thought for a moment then
turned to Yoshi again. ''.And if Ishikawa is killed during his Imperial Guard, to swear fealty to the Crane Clan... Kachiko
investigation?" stood, pacing to the window as if seeking a breath of the
''Then, Tsubo, Ishikawa is not nearly as smart as I cool night air.
believe:' It did nothing to ease her burning anger.
So Kakita Yoshi was bringing the inquisitive Seppun
Fury threatened her restraint. She wanted to strike out, here, to the palace. What did thafsour Cranebaye in mind?
to destroy something, to scream! Instead, she merely Kachiko knew, better than anyone, that there was far more
nodded her gratitude and dismissed the aging scribe that than softness and gentle words behind Yoshi's pleasant
had provided the information and the ambitious Scorpion exterior - his understanding and ability .to . control . p�Utic�,
courtier that had recruited him. to create and destroy intrigue· were rtearly a match for her
Kachiko was the Empress. Her demeanor must always own.
be calm and thoughtful. If she allowed herself the luxury of As she gazed down over the lights of Qt9san Uchi,
reckless behavior, her enemies would destroy her. For three Kachiko smiled peacefully, regaining her palance and her
years, she had lived the life of the doting bride. She would poise. The Kakita may have Ishikawa's fealty,··but they did
not abandon her mask for a mere moment's rage. not have his complete trust
Again, Ishikawa lived! How many lives did that Seppun Kachiko would make certainthaTit Would be a long and
have? And then, on the heels of his resignation from the dangerous Spring...

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