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The influence of health information method demonstration making masks leaves kelor ( moringa oleifera

lam ) on increased skill posyandu cadres at jogonalan klaten pakahan village

method demonstration is a way of showing, sense ideas and procedures about a thing prepared carefully to
show how carrying out an action, using props. scenes. The purpose of a demonstration in combinations
with the practice is make changes in skill.Skills is an aptitude to translate knowledge to in practice so
reached desired results.Based on surveys conducted in villages pakahan engulfing jogonalan women want
to get skill in making a product to care their faces and a product that can be resale. Research aims to
understand information with the methods influence demonstration making a mask leaves kelor on increased
skill posyandu cadres in the village pakahan engulfing jogonalan.Type this research is designed kuasi
experiment one group pretest posttest.Population used is posyandu cadres members village engulfing
pakahan jogonalan. This research is samples to 25 members posyandu cadres .The sample used technique is
a technique sampling saturated .An instrument used are check list , data analysis in this research using the
wilcoxon .The research results obtained its mean value pretest 5,08 and posttest 9,84 with the p value =
0,000 ( & it; 0,05 ) p .The conclusion of this research is a demonstration can improved the skills posyandu
cadres village pakahan jogonalan klaten in making masks kelor leaves . Keywords: demonstration , skill , a
mask leaves kelor
1) The ministry of health of the department of student health polytechnic surakarta counting a herbal
2) supervising lecturer.

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