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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas/Semester : XI / 1
Hari/Tanggal :10 Agustus 2020
Waktu : 30 menit

A. Give the best suggestion for your friend based on the situation given!
1. Your friend: Lanna is angry to me, because I accidentally spilled my drink on
her book. What should I do?
You: Why don’t you __________
2. Your friend: I want to ask my close friend to have dinner. Do you have any
You: How about __________
3. Your friend: I always get influenza in cold weather. It makes me suffering.
Shall I stay at home all day long?
You: __________
4. Your friend: My teacher asked me to join the English speech contest. She said
I got talent on English speech. I am still confuse because I never join such
contest before. What should I do?
You: __________

B. Try to give an offer based on the following situations!

1. Your friend is exhausted after having exercise.
Your offer: Would you like __________
2. You see your sister has some difficulties doing her homework.
Your offer: __________
3. You see an old man trying to cross the street.
Your offer: Would you like __________
4. Your friend forgot to bring his money.
Your offer: __________
5. You see your friend is walking to his home, and you go to the same direction.
Your offer: __________

C. Complete the following dialogue by using the most appropriate expression of

Accepting a suggestion, Declining a suggestion, Accepting an offer or Declining
an offer.
1. Pedro: One of our classmate will have birthday tomorrow. Why don’t we
make a surprise for her?
You: __________ she will be happy.
2. Your friend: I have some sandwiches in the kitchen. Do you want some?
You: __________, I’m still full.
3. Your friend: Let’s go to canteen, could I offer you a bowl of chicken noodle
for lunch?
You: __________I’m hungry anyway.
4. Ayu: What should we present for the oral test next week?
Andi: How about something about animal species?
You: __________. Many of our classmates have told about animals.
5. Mother: You have got a high temperature. You should stay at home.
You: __________



Kelas : XI IPS 5
No. :12

1.You : why don't you (apologize to him? And if possible, buy him a new
book as a sign of apology).
2.You : how about you invite your close friends to dinner at a romantic
3.You : I'm not think so, you should wear the thick clothes if you are in
the outside.
4. You:You might have to give understanding to their parents.

1.Would u like to get some drink buddy.
2.Your ofefer:Can i help you?i know about this.

3. Your offer: Would you like

,Can I help u sir.
4.Your offer:Maybe i want to borrow my money to him, to buy
something if he want
5. Your offer:to walk him home/ ride him home(if you go home by ur


1. I agree with you

2. No thank you
3. no thanks
4. I would love to, but my dad...
5. yes thank you.

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