Chapters 22-24 Book 2: Book II, Chapter 22: "The Sea Still Rises"

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Chapters 22-24 Book 2

Book II, Chapter 22: "The Sea Still Rises"

1. What is the date now? 

It was 7 days after the attack on Bastille.

2. Why does Defarge hate Foulon? 

He hates him he told the peasants to eat grass and faked his own death.

3. How is Foulon's punishment yet another example of poetic justice? 

It is poetic justice because Foulon got what he deserved along with the peasants.

4. When Defarge says to his wife "At last it has come," why does she not totally agree? 

She doesn’t totally agree because she had made some plans of her own.

Book II, Chapter 23: "Fire Rises"

1. What was the significance of the blaze the stranger made in his pipe? 

The blaze was foreshadowing for the eventual blaze that would be set where the Monseigneur used to live.

2. Whom do the four fierce figures come to represent in this chapter? 

They are symbolic for the four horsemen of the apocalypse, war, disease, death, and famine.

3. Why can the rider solicit no aid from any quarter? Note that Gabelle ("Mr. Salt Tax") miraculously

Everyone wants to see it be burned.

Book II, Chapter 24: "Drawn to the Loadstone Rock"

1. What is the chronological setting? 

Over three years have passed and the war is still going.

2. Why is Lorry going to Paris? 

On business for the bank.

3. Why does Charles offer to go in his place? 

He needs to free Gable in France.

4. How does Dickens use the letter to the Marquis de Evremonde to generate suspense? 

He creates suspense with it by showing the state that France is in.

5. Why does Gabelle request Charles to return to France? 

He does it to get him out of prison.

6. Should Darnay have kept his real name and identity secret from his wife, and not told her of his trip? 

He should have told her of his trip so she knew to trust him and not to follow him and she could stay safe.

7. Why is it ironic that Gabelle is being held in the Abbaye? 

It’s ironic because he was sympathetic to them and they imprisoned him.

8. Why does Darnay unwisely feel that it is safe for him to return to assist Gabelle? 

He thinks they won’t know he is an aristocrat.

9. Why does he feel he must help him? What does this reveal about his character?

He feels guilty that he needs to help him. It shows that he is a good person.

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