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Pidilite industries Ltd


Sameera Munipalli
NMIMS, Mumbai

For success in any project, the guidance from well learned and scholarly people helps to lead
in the right way. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who have extended
their guidance and support to successfully complete this project.

I would like to thank my project mentors at Pidilite, Mr. Ashish Bagate and Ms. Villo Darji who
provided immense support in the learning process and guided me throughout the project I
would like to thank SBM, NMIMS for giving me this internship opportunity at Pidilite. I also
extend my gratitude to each and every member of Pidilite who have directly or indirectly
helped me in the completion of the project by taking out time from their busy schedules and
willingly shared their knowledge and experience. Without the support of all the above-
mentioned people, the report completion would have been a herculean task. I attribute them
the successful completion of the project and would like to thank all of them for spending their
valuable time in helping me complete this project.

Sameera Munipalli

Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 5
PROJECT TITLE ........................................................................................................................................ 5
QUESTIONNAIRE ................................................................................................................................. 6
FEEDBACK ............................................................................................................................................ 6
RECOMMENDATIONS.......................................................................................................................... 8
PROMOTIONAL IDEAS .......................................................................................................................... 10
EXHIBITIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 10
DIGITAL.............................................................................................................................................. 11
TRADITIONAL..................................................................................................................................... 12
COMPETITION STUDY ........................................................................................................................... 12
ISOMAT ............................................................................................................................................. 12
SIKA ................................................................................................................................................... 14
COMPARISON .................................................................................................................................... 14

Pidilite Industries Ltd has launched a new app for the Dr. Fixit brand on 6th November 2014. The app
is useful for Architects, Builders, Engineers, Structural Consultants, Applicators and Contractors. To
get the feedback, 64 applicators were contacted. Out of which 44 applicators have downloaded the
app and the feedback was given by 21 applicators. The applicators have ranked the cost calculations
as the most useful feature followed by product features, reference sites, FAQ and How to apply
pictures and videos. The applicators have also suggested some other features to be included or
modified. Accordingly, cost calculations should mention that it is only the material cosy of that
particular product and not the material cost of the entire waterproofing, technical data sheets
should be included in the app, local applicators details should be provided, product list should
be more extensive and “How to apply “pictures and videos should include latest technology
o machinery being used in developed countries. The Go-to-market strategies include
promotions in exhibitions, digital and tradition print media. In exhibitions, free wi-fi should
be provided for easy download, mobiles with the app should be displayed in the exhibitions
where people can go through the app before downloading, a big screen in the shape of
mobile with the Dr. Fixit app should be shown in the exhibitions- this would attract more
people. In social media, the app should be promoted with small competitions like upload the
pictures of houses before and after waterproofing, the winning picture would be shown in
the reference sites of the app. Dr. Fixit website should also talk about the app in detail. The
app should be mentioned in construction industry blogs and magazines and posters in the
retail shops. The other competitor apps have been studied and compared with Dr. Fixit app.
Some of the prominent features of competitors app is the presence of technical data sheets,
search engine shortcuts, picture upload facility e.t.c


Pidilite Industries Ltd has launched a new app for the Dr. Fixit brand on 6th November 2014.
The app is useful for Architects, Builders, Engineers, Structural Consultants, Applicators and
Contractors. The app provides a detailed list of Dr Fixit products in an organized manner so
that the customer can suggest the best suited product to the consumer. This app contains
details on product features, cost, application procedure and technical diagrams. It does not
require net access and works offline. Thus, it saves a lot of your time by providing quick
information and solution for the waterproofing problem. This app has been promoted in ACE
exhibitions conducted in Mumbai as well as in Bangalore. So, some of the applicators in
Mumbai as well as Bangalore were aware of the app beforehand.

Feedback and Roadmap of Dr Fixit Mobile App

Objective of the Project:

To connect with the influencers to receive feedback regarding the Dr Fixit mobile app and to
devise Go-to-market strategies for the same.

Research Methodology:

The Primary data has been used to conduct this project. The applicators, architects and
contractors were contacted to get the feedback and suggestions for the improvement of the

The TOP applicators of West and South region were contacted. The total number of TOP
applicators in the West and the South regions are 84. Out of which 60 applicators have been
contacted. We faced with a language barrier to communicate with the remaining 24
applicators. Out of the 60 contacted applicators, 44 applicators have downloaded the app.
But the complete feedback was given by 21 applicators. These 21 applicators have gone
through the app in detail and have used the app in their day to day work.

A total of 20 contractors were contacted. It was noticed that only 2 contractors out of 20 own
a smart-phone. The remaining contractors were using a feature phone. The app was explained
in detail to these contractors.

A total of 4 architectures were contacted and the app was explained to them. All the 4 have
downloaded. Out of the 4 architects, 3 architects have provided the feedback.


The Questionnaire for the feedback is as follows:

1. Name of the Architect/ Builder?

2. Are you aware of the Dr. Fixit Mobile App and is the app installed?
3. How did you come to know about the app?
4. Rate the sections of the app from the most useful to the least useful
a. Features of the Product
b. Cost Calculations
c. How to apply
d. Reference sites
e. FAQ
f. Tech Drawings
5. Rate the sections of the app in (too technical, adequate technical, adequate general,
too general)
a. Features of the Product
b. Cost Calculations
c. How to apply
d. Reference sites
e. FAQ
f. Tech Drawings
6. Any modifications suggested for the existing sections of the app?
7. Which other feature (not in the current app) will be useful to you?
8. Rate the overall helpfulness/overall experience of the app?


The applicators were asked to rate the app features like Product features, Cost Calculations,
Reference sites, FAQ, How to apply pictures and videos. The result of the feedback is as

Rate/feature 1 2 3 4 5
Cost Calculations 13 4 1 1 2

Product Features 7 11 1 2 0

FAQ 1 2 5 6 7

Reference sites 0 3 10 7 1
How to apply 0 1 4 5 11

The number inside the table provides the number of architects who have rated which
feature as what. In this case Rating 1 is the most useful and Rating 5 is the least useful.

If the above numbers are represented in a graphical form , we get



Cost Calculations
8 Product Features
Reference sites

4 How to apply

1 2 3 4 5

As can be seen from the graph, Cost Calculations is given the No 1 position by most of the
applicators. This is followed by Product features. FAQ mostly held the positions 3, 4 and 5.
Most of the applicators have rated the feature “How to apply” as the least useful. Most of
them are of the opinion that they know how to apply Dr. Fixit products. So, it is not a value
addition feature for the applicators.

The architect’s feedback is also similar. In architect’s Questionnaire, we include an extra

feature called technical drawings. The result of the feedback is as follows:

Rate/Features 1 2 3 4 5 6
Cost Calculations 1 2 0 0 0 0

Product Features 0 0 0 3 0 0

FAQ 0 0 0 0 1 2

Reference sites 0 0 0 0 2 1
How to apply 0 0 3 0 0 0
Technical Drawings 2 1 0 0 0 0

The rating is similar to that of applicators. Rating 1 is the most useful and Rating 6 is the
least useful.


The applicators and the architects were asked to suggest any modifications or any new
features for the app, the feedback is as follows;

1. Cost Calculations should mention that it involves only cost of that particular product
and not the material cost for the entire waterproofing.

Cost Calculations have been ranked as the most

useful feature of the app. With the help of this
feature, the applicators were able to
authenticate their rate to the customer by
showing the material cost. But some of the
applicators were facing a issue. For example,
waterproofing of the external walls require both
primer and Raincoat to be applied. But only
Raincoat is listed in the app. As a result, when
the applicator shows this app to the consumer
for the material cost and provide them with his
final quote, the consumers are not happy and
they feel that the applicator is not being
transparent. So, the app should mention that the cost is only for Dr Fixit Raincoat, and
not for the entire waterproofing of the external walls.

2. A list of the local applicators should be provided

The app is being used mostly by the Customers. But they

show it to the consumers to gain authenticity and
credibility. But the app can be downloaded by anyone.
So, most of the applicators wants us to provide a list of
all the applicators in the locality. If the name of the
applicators is in the list, then it provides a authenticity
and credibility to the applicator. It will also provide a
sense of pride to be included in the Dr. Fixit list . This
would encourage more applicators to download the app
and use it in their every day meetings with the

3. Technical data sheet should be included in the app

If the technical data sheets are included in the app such

that they can be downloaded directly from the app or the
links be provided for the app, then the task becomes
easier for applicators. They don’t have to carry print-outs.
They can directly download the technical sheet and show
it to the consumer or directly mail it to the consumers.

4. “How to apply” should consist of latest technology pictures and videos.

Most of the applicators have been in this business from a very

long time and they know how to apply Dr. Fixit products. So,
they are not considering these pictures and videos as a value
addition. They are requesting for pictures and videos of latest
technology or machinery being used in other foreign/
developed countries. This would keep them updated and they
will be able to adopt to it easily once this
technology/machinery reaches India.

5. The product list should be extensive in the app

The applicators are of the opinion that all the products are not listed in the app. Some
of the products of Dr. Fixit which are available on official website are not present in
the app. So, the list of products of Dr. Fixit which are
listed in the app should be exhaustive and complete.
Thus, it saves a lot of your time by providing quick
information and solution for the waterproofing


The promotional ideas for the mobile app can be divided into 3 categories

1. Promotions in Exhibitions
2. Promotions through Digital Media
3. Traditional Promotions

Promotions in Exhibitions:

In Construction Industry Exhibitions like ACE, free wi-fi can be enabled for easy download of
the app. As the app works offline once downloaded, we can provide the influencers the
incentive to download. As some of the influencers are
new to smart-phones and are not aware how to
download, we can provide assistance in the exhibition.

Mobiles with Dr. Fixit app downloaded will be displayed

in the exhibition. The influencers can go through the app
and get familiarize with it before they decide to
download. Assistance can also be provided if required. This would attract more number of
influencers as they don’t have to download before getting
familiarize with the app.

A big screen in the shape of mobile will be standing in the

exhibition. The screen would be displaying the entire app in
a detailed manner from the initial starting page to the
technical drawings to contact us page. This will familiarize the app and
create awareness of the app. The influencers will easy download the app
if they are more familiar with the app before download.

Social Media penetration and mobile social penetration go hand-in-hand (i.e 8 % of the total
population) . So, we can safely assume that the influencer who own a smart-phone, will also
have a facebook account. Out of the 130094 followers of the Dr. Fixit facebook page,

influencers consist of the main part. So, the influencers can be targeted through this page.
The launch of the app has to be announced in the facebook page.

The social engagement can be increased by targeting Voyeurs and narcissist of the
group (Digital Marketing consumer behaviour can be divided into voyeurs , narcissist and self
branders- voyeurs are the people who does not share anything in facebook but they are
interested in the happenings in the life’s of the other people, narcissists are the people who
are obsessed about themselves and they share pictures/ videos of themselves or status
updates about their day, self-branders thrive to create a brand about themselves by voicing
their opinion about everything and these people create a fan base to themselves.)

We can ask the influencers to upload pictures of before and after waterproofing a
house with Dr. Fixit. The narcissists cannot let go of the offer as it would be a chance to display
his work. Similarly a voyeur also will be interested because he would get a chance to peek
into other influencer’s or competitors work. As an incentive or prize, the best picture can be
displayed in the reference sites section of the app.

There are namy popular blogs on
Construction Industry. Some of which





Dr. Fixit can influence these bloggers to write about the app. Most of the readers of these app
are the educated people of the Construction Industry like Engineers, Arhitects , Builders
This would help us to reach the TG easily .

Traditional methods

The traditional methods of advertising have been print media, TV and Radio. We would be
concentrating on the print media rather than on the TV and Radio.

There are many construction industry magazines in India. Some of them being

1. NBM & CW
2. Civil Engineering & Construction Review
3. Construction World
4. Architectural Digest

A print ad can be placed in these magazines. This would

help us to reach the TG effectively and efficiently.

Also, Posters in retail outlets of Dr. Fixit can be displayed.

This would increase the awareness about the app.

For the Competition study, I have looked into two competitor apps



Founded in 1980, ISOMAT S.A. is one of the fastest developing manufacturers of building
chemicals and pre-mixed mortars in the region of S.E. Europe.
At present, ISOMAT’s product range consists of about 250
products and is enriched every year with new products, which
are developed in the R&D Department of the company
according to the latest trends in the construction sector.
The application incorporates acomprehensive libraray of the
building chemicals and mortars of ISOMAT that will be a very
useful tool for any professional in the construction sector. It
does not require any internet connection. Using the
application will not require an internet connection or
additional raoming costs. The content is stored in the
application and can be viewed offline.

The app features all the company’s products, divided into
the following six main product categories:
• Waterproofing Materials
• Concrete & Mortar Additives
• Tile Adhesives & Grouts
• Repairing Materials & Paints
• Premixed Plasters
• Industrial Floorings

In each product page, you will find both a short description

of the product’s properties and the product’s technical
leaflet. All technical leaflets are available, to open and
read, as well as send through e-mail or share on facebook.
For those who are familiar with ISOMAT’s products,
the app provides a search engine shortcut to help you find
your desired products
faster and more easily.
Just type the product name in the search field and the app
will come back with the best possible matching results.

With iPhone/iPad/iPod camera or choose an

existing photo from the device’s photo library, pictures
of problematic areas from home, office, shop etc
or a difficult situation on a construction site can be sent
and they would provide with the most prompt and
reliable technical assistance possible.


Founded in Switzerland by visionary investor Kaspar Winkler over 100 years ago, Sika has
developed into a successful global company with a leading position in the development and
production of systems and products for bonding, sealing, damping, reinforcing and protecting
in the building sector and the motor vehicle industry.

Sika has 3 apps under them. They are

1. SIKA product Finder

2. SIKA Barcode Finder
3. SIKA Annual Report

As SIKA product Finder is similar to Dr. Fixit app, we will concentrate on the SIKA product

With the SIKA Product Finder, Product catalogues can be accessed worldwide with the
smartphone or tablet. Further information like technical or safety data sheets can be accessed
as well


Features Dr. Fixit ISOMAT SIKA

Product Catalogue Yes Yes Yes
Product descriptions Yes Yes Yes
Technical data No No Yes
Search engine No Yes No
Cost Calculations Yes No No
Picture upload No Yes No
Reference sites Yes No No


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