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Computational Fluid Dynamics

for Incompressible Flows

Module 1: Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics

Lecture 3: Initial and boundary conditions

Course Contents
Week 1:
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: Basic equations of Fluid Dynamics: General
form of a conservation law; Equation of mass conservation; Conservation law of momentum;
Conservation equation of energy. Initial and boundary conditions.
Week 2:
Classification of PDEs: physical classification, mathematical classification. System of first-order
and second-order PDEs.
Week 3:
Finite Difference Method: Finite difference by Taylor series expansion. Finite difference by
polynomials. Finite difference by general approximation. Finite difference in non-uniform grid.
Discretization operators. Types of error. Consistency, Stability, Convergence. Lax equivalence
Week 4:
Elliptic Equations: Finite difference formulations of 2-D steady diffusion equation. Boundary
condition treatment. Solution algorithm: Jacobi iteration method, Point Gauss-Seidel iteration
method, Line Gauss-Seidel iteration method, Point successive over-relaxation (PSOR) method,
Line successive over-relaxation (LSOR) method, Tri-diagonal matrix algorithm (TDMA), Alternating
direction implicit (ADI) method
Week 5:
Parabolic Equations: Finite difference formulations of 1-D unsteady diffusion equation. Explicit
methods: Forward time and central space (FTCS) method, Richardson method, DuFort-Frankel
method, Implicit methods: Backward time central space (BTCS) method, Crank-Nicolson (CN)
method, Beta formulation. Finite difference formulations of 2-D and 3-D unsteady diffusion equation
with different schemes. 6
Week 6:
Hyperbolic Equations: Finite difference formulations of the first order wave equation. Explicit
methods: Euler’s FTFS method, Euler’s FTCS method, The first order upwind differencing method.
Courant Isaacson Rees (CIR) method, Lax method, Midpoint leapfrog method, Lax-Wendroff
method. Implicit methods: Euler’s BTCS method, Crank-Nicolson method. Multi-step methods: Lax-
Wendroff multi-step method, MacCormack method
Week 7:
Stability Analysis: Fourier or von Neumann stability analysis of different schemes for Parabolic
and Hyperbolic equations. Modified partial differential equation, Artificial viscosity, Dissipation and
Dispersion error.
Week 8:
Vorticity-Stream Function Formulations: Discretization of vorticity-stream function equations
using FDM. Boundary conditions for flow problems.
Week 9:
MAC Algorithm: Solution of Navier-Stokes Equations for Incompressible Flows Using MAC
Week 10:
Finite Volume Method-I: Finite volume formulations of steady diffusion equation. Scarborough
criteria. Finite volume formulations of unsteady diffusion equation. Explicit, Implicit and CN method.
Week 11:
Finite Volume Method-II: Finite volume formulations of steady convection-diffusion equation.
Different convective schemes. Finite volume formulations of unsteady convection-diffusion
Week 12:
SIMPLE Algorithm: Numerical solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations using FVM.
Representation of pressure-gradient term and continuity equation. Staggered grid and collocated
grid. Pressure correction techniques like SIMPLE. 7
Course Contents

Reference Books:
1. J. C. Tannehill, D. A. Anderson, and R. H. Pletcher, “Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat
Transfer”, Taylor & Francis, Second Edition, 2010.
2. T. Sundararajan, and K. Muralidhar, “Computational Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer”, Narosa
Publishing House, Second Edition, 2009.
3. S. V. Patankar, “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, Special Indian Edition, 2011.
Development of a General Purpose CFD
Solver over a Hybrid Unstructured Grid

This project was funded by a grant from the DAE-BRNS, Govt. of India.

The name of the CFD software is AnuPravaha.

Salient Features
o Applicable to three-dimensional
problems and complicated geometries
o Hybrid unstructured grids
o Multi-block solver
o Provision for writing UDF
o Multiphysics
o Fast Linear Solvers
o Graphics User Interface (GUI) Cell types,(a) hexahedral, (b) tetrahedral,
(c) prism, (d) pyramid



Conjugate Heat Transfer in cross- 10

flow heat exchanger
Solver Capabilities
Solution of Continuity, Navier-Stokes, Energy, Species
and other Scalar Transport Equations
 Incompressible and Quasi-incompressible Flows
 Steady and Unsteady Flows
 Laminar Flows and Turbulent Flows (RANS - k-ε, k-ω SST, LB)
 Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows
 Conjugate Heat Transfer
 Solidification and Melting
 Multiphase Flows (interfacial flows (VOF), gas-particulate)
 Electro- and Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic (EHD, MHD) Flows
 Porous Media Flows
 Radiative Heat Transfer Combined with Flow in Participating Media
(FVM & P1 approximation)
 Axisymmetric Flow Solver – laminar, turbulent, multiphase

Pre- and Post-Processor

o Salome Grid Generator

o Solver GUI
o AnuVi Visualization

Theory Manual

Validation Manual

User Manual

3-D Lid Driven Cavity
256000 hexahedral cells

Streamlines at z = 0 & z = 0.5 planes

Ku. H.C., Hirish, R.C., and Taylor, T. (1987), “A pseudospectral method for solution of the three-dimensional incompressible 16
Navier-Stokes equations’’, Journal of Computational Physics , Vol. 70, pp. 439-462.
3-D Lid Driven Cavity

Comparison of u velocity along vertical centerline at (z =0.5) and v velocity along

horizontal centerline (at z = 0.5) of the cavity
Ku. H.C., Hirish, R.C., and Taylor, T. (1987), “A pseudospectral method for solution of the three-dimensional incompressible 17
Navier-Stokes equations’’, Journal of Computational Physics , Vol. 70, pp. 439-462.
Unconfined Flow over Circular
19484 cells

Re=20 Re=100
Unconfined Flow over Circular
Reynolds 𝑪𝑫 Dalal et Park et St Dalal et Park et Lr Park et
Number (Present) al*. al**. (Present) al.* al.** (Present) al.**

20 2.289 2.146 2.01 - - - 0.89 0.79

40 1.695 1.599 1.51 - - - 2.04 2.24
100 1.393 1.417 1.33 0.1425 0.1587 0.162 - -
150 1.355 - 1.32 0.178 - 0.185 - -
180 1.352 - 1.31 0.1839 - 0.191 - -

* Dalal, A., Eswaran, V., and Biswas, G., (2008), A Finite Volume Method for Navier-Stokes Equations on Unstructured Meshes, Numerical
Heat Transfer, Part B, vol. 54, pp. 238-259.
** Park, J., Kwon, K., and Choi, H., (1998), Numerical Simulations of Flow Past a Cylinder at Reynolds Number up to 180, KSME
International Journal, vol. 12 (6), pp. 1200-1205
2-D Mixed Convection Over
Square Cylinder

25722 triangular cells

Re=100, Ri= 1, 0.15, -1

Sharma A. and Eswaran V. (2004), “Effect of aiding and opposing buoyancy on the heat and fluid flow across a 20
square cylinder at Re = 100’’, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 45, pp. 601-624.
2-D Mixed Convection Over
Square Cylinder
Isotherms Streamlines

Ri=1.0 Ri=0.15 Ri=-1.0 Ri=1.0 Ri=0.15 Ri=-1.0

2-D Mixed Convection Over
Square Cylinder

Comparison of different parameters with Sharma and Eswaran

Ri Cd Cdp Nu
Present Sharma and Present Sharma and Present Sharma and
Eswaran Eswaran Eswaran
1.0 2.74 2.63 2.29 2.258 4.94 4.9
0.15 1.6783 1.625 1.5463 1.5366 4.2175 4.1897
-1.0 2.238 2.347 2.311 2.4297 3.768 3.692

Sharma A. and Eswaran V. (2004), “Effect of aiding and opposing buoyancy on the heat and fluid flow across a
square cylinder at Re = 100’’, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 45, pp. 601-624. 22
Turbulent Flow Past a Built-in
Triangular Cylinder in a Channel

Domain Size= Upstream Distance (Xu )=5.0h, Downstream Distance(X d )=20.0h,
Re= 45000,
Blockage ratio= 1/3
Intensity of free stream turbulence (i )= 5%
Sjunnesson A., Nelson C., and Max E. (1991) ‘LDA measurements of velocities and turbulence in a bluff body stabilized
flame’, Laser Anemometry, vol. 3, pp. 83–90.
Vorticity Contour

Johansson S.H., Davidson L., and Olsson E. (1993) ‘Numerical simulation of vortex shedding past triangular cylinders
at high Reynolds number (Re) using a κ-ε turbulence model’, Int. J. Num. Meth. fluids, vol. 16, pp. 859–878.

Solidification and Melting
Casting velocity = 0.0119 m/sec
Pure Metal Melting Alloy Solidification Liquid fraction

t=100 s

Interfacial Flows
Collapse of water column 1 
 1000 1  100
2 2

Kleefsman, K.M.T., Fekken, G., Veldman. A.E.P., Iwanowski, B., and Buchner, B., (2005) ‘A Volume-of-Fluid based simulation
method for wave impact problems’, Journal of Computational Physics vol 206, pp 363–393
Gao, Z., Vassalos, D., and Gao, Q., (2010) ‘Numerical simulation of water flooding into a damaged vessel’s compartment by the 26
volume of fluid method. Ocean Engineering, vol . 37, pp. 1428–1442
Bubbling gas-solid fluidized beds
Comparison of time
Simulation parameters Values averaged particle
Channel height (H) 1 m volume fractions
(Between 5 to 60 s of
Channel width (W) 0.28 m
simulation time)
Inlet gas velocity (vg) 0.46 m/s
Initial Particle volume fraction (αs) 0.6
Initial bed height 0.4 m
Gas density (ρg) 1.2 kg/m3
Particle density (ρs) 2500 kg/m3
Particle diameter (ds) 280 μm
Specularity coefficient (φ) 0.5
Particle restitution coeff (e) 0.8
Maximum packing limit (αs,max) 0.63
Minimum volume fraction (αs,min) 0.5
Taghipour F., Ellis N. and Wong C. (2005) ‘ Experimental and computational study of gas-solid fluidized bed hydrodynamics’, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 60, pp.
Liu Y. and Hinrichsen O. (2014) ‘CFD modeling of bubbling fluidized beds using Openfoam : Model validation and comparison of TVD differencing schemes’, 27
Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 75-88, pp. 19–50.
Conjugate Heat Transfer of
Backward-Facing Step Flow

Problem Description
u(y) = 24 ( y - 0.5 )( 1 – y )
𝑇 = 1, H = 1, h = 0.5, 𝑇 = 0
Wall thickness = 2.0, Re = 800, Pr = 0.71
Conductivity ratio (𝑘 /𝑘 ) = 1, 10, 100, 1000
Mesh Used = 400×240

Temperature variation along the interface=>

Ramsak M. (2015) ‘Conjugate heat transfer of backward-facing step flow: A benchmark problem revisited’, International Journal of Heat and
Mass Transfer, vol. 84, pp. 791–799.
Validation: Non-Boussinesq Natural
Convection Coupled with Gas Radiation

Comparison of velocity Comparison of local

Variable thermophysical properties
. variation Nusselt number variation
𝜇(𝑇) 𝑇 𝑇   +  𝑇
𝜇(𝑟𝑒𝑓) 𝑇 𝑇+𝑇
Author 𝑁𝑢 𝑁𝑢
Ra = 5 × 10 𝜇
𝐶 𝑃𝑟 Wall Hot Cold Hot Cold
Pr = 0.71
Darbandi and 8.63 14.65 37.56 31.53
Abrar [2014]
Ga = 0.66 Present 8.61 14.16 37.43 31.88

Pl = 0.02
Darbandi M. and Abrar B. (2014) ‘A compressible approach to solve combined natural convection-radiation heat transfer in 29
participating media’, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, vol. 66, pp. 446–469.

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