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As aspiring seafarers I believe that god really exist to our life and watch our daily life.

Even we haven’t
seen our god. He left us testament that he really exist in our world and he create our universe and our
planet. Even you haven’t believe in god but when you read the bible your soul catch the verse in the
bible and touch in the word of god. As aspiring seafarers I want to give my trust on god that Im not
gonna do big sins and I want to look forward to more near on god. I remembered the first day I believe
in god when I was a child im drowning on the sea and I called the name of god Jesus and miracle
happened to me. God gave me second life and give me more years to live and I experiencing to doubt
but god always do something to believe to him. That day I met my ex girlfriend that active on church
that day I always join to their bible study even I haven’t known any verse in bible. That day I always ask
her question why their god is not same to my god. That day we broke up because of opposite belief. But
Im not doubting my self to believe to my god because he save me the day that I almost died. I believe
that he want to know most of his life. Even now the science is most widespread in the world but they
not explain a lot even the evolution have a missing link. One day we all die and gather our soul to god
even we are bad or good we have a judgement. We must do good in our life to land in a good path that
even god are proud to who we are.

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