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Comes now David Bambic to enter onto evidence, as per Illinois Rules of Evidence, admissions

consistent with such, in regards to one Affidavit of Catherine Wood's in support of EMERGENCY
order of Protection (temporary).

I hereby DENY, any and all allegations as to child abuse, emotional abuse, domestic violence, mental
health issue consistent with Child Abuse standards as per Statute, sexual abuse, etc. and enter these
DENIALS as evidence, WITH this admission statement, as per Illinois Rules of Evidence.

A. As to CATHERINE's attempts to maintain Consensus Reality, without evidence, in regards to a

possible home evaluation/parenting evaluation, whereupon she subtly hints as to an investigation OF
David Bambic, although there is no Order from the court, and at this time, no allegations as to his
ability to parent, there is appearance that either CATHERINE is a delusional individual, or that there
may possibly be third party Intervention as to HER ability to parent.

B. As to Catherine's statements that appear to be also hearsay, these are hereby DENIED and
maintained as Evidence WITH this admission statement, as per Illinois Rules of Evidence.

C. Catherine states in this allegation, that “the Evanston Police Department called the Department of
Children and Family Services due to the abusive nature of David's treatment of our minor children”,
although Catherine is the parent who was visited at home, and DCFS interviewed her and the children
as per Child Protection Guidelines, when there is a question of ability to parent. I was called in to their
offices, interviewed without the children present, preventing the ability of any type of observation as
to my parenting skills, and must thereby conclude that the question posed according to the Doctrine of
Parens Patraie allowing Child Protection, and this Court its Jurisdictional ability was as to Catherine's
ability to parent at this time.

(1.) As an addendum and supplement being admitted onto evidence at this time, Catherine
tested positive for Illegal drug use in 2008, and this may be the reason Child Protection
went to her home, to observe her and the children after making false allegations against me,
in what appears to be a consistent, and delusional manner..

D. As to the allegations in this hearsay statement, DENIED, and maintained as evidence
WITH this admission statement, as per Illinois Rules of Evidence.

E. DENIED, and maintained as evidence WITH this admission statement, as per Illinois Rules
of Evidence.

(1.) Of Notice is that although I know that these are delusional, and fictitious claims
having been fraudulently made by Catherine, of concern is that IF she were concerned about the
safety of ANY child, as a mandatory reporter, she failed to call on this perceived emergent
situation any type of law enforcement, and instead, left it up to the discretion of the child,
alleged to having been egregiously harmed (according to her false allegations), which presents
the appearance that perhaps she would rather attempt to vilify my self, and paint me as the
aggressor, facing the consequences of such, rather than facing felony false reporting charges if
she were to have dialed 911.

F. DENIED, and maintained as evidence WITH this admission statement, as per Illinois Rules of

G. Denied, and maintained as evidence WITH this admission statement, as per Illinois Rules of

(1.)Again, although making claims of egregious nature, Catherine fails, in her capacity as a
mandatory reporter of any suspected child abuse, to call any law enforcement or child
protection agency in regards to children so fearful they were “hiding in the bathroom
begging me to change the voice mail and expressed grave fear for their safety”

H. DENIED, and maintained as evidence WITH this admission statement, as per Illinois Rules of

I. As to the allegations of harassment as stated, DENIED, and maintained as evidence WITH this
admission statement, as per Illinois Rules of Evidence.
(1.) of concern is that Catherine fails to mention in this allegation, that DCFS at this time,
recommended that she Clean the home, within a certain time frame, or would be compelled to
take further action in these matters, due to the unkempt nature of the home on this day, which
facilitated a well child check call, by Aunt Jane Boyz, in GA due to having attempted on
numerous occasions to communicate with the girls, and finding no response, prompting fear for
the children, due to Catherine PRIOR mental health issues as witnessed by family members
such as Aunt Jane.

J. (1.) Contrary to Catherine's OPINION, and lack of diagnostic credential, as well as Conflict of
Interests issues, relating to “adjustment disorders” whereupon one facet is PTSD symptoms prompted
by constant duress created by these fraudulent court actions, claims, allegations, and attempts at
Consensus Reality creation via repetition, my diagnosis is NOT criteria under the Child Abuse
guidelines whereby our children are in need of protection.

J. (2.) This, statement, as Catherine is FULLY aware, as a licensed social worker, involved in such
cases, is to be impeached in re: HIPA, and removed from this record, UNLESS it can be maintained
that “Adjustment Disorder” and such as Stockholm Syndrome resulting from having been a male
victim of domestic violence for ten years, and then having been subjected as a victim, to workplace
violence recently involving weapons, dredging up very painful, and debilitating effects, knowing that
our daughters are now left in Catherine's care without protection has exacerbated the PTSD to an extent
I am unable to work, and am not voluntarily underemployed, nor unemployed, and as such, ADA
applies to this court, and any officer maintained by such. This statement, wherein Catherine is
attempting to garner financial gain, constitutes Criminal Coercion, as an implied threat has been made,
as to holding my self in a state of Contempt, whereupon the allegations within this document, and
actions requested constitute a form of duress, whereupon by fraud, and false allegations, my children
and rights to parent them have been held hostage by Court Process.

K. Although Catherine fails once again, in memory, to even glance at the last paragraph in which she
attempts to use my psychological effects of having been a domestic violence victim at the hands of her
self, knowing I was unemployed due to this, she claims here that I am willfully avoiding the drive, plus
parking, and expense to facilitate a trip to downtown Chicago, with what appears to be Intent to
VILIFY me as the aggressor, Constituting Misimprisonment of my self, whereby she has maintained all
along without warrant that I am the Aggressor, knowing differently, and had I known via ANY attorney
that I could maintain any of MY statements as evidence, and make such under OATH as evidence,
whereby the TRUTH may be upheld, I would have done this back in 2009, when Catherine first
attempted to restrain me for financial, and ulterior gain. My children have suffered so much, at the
hands of this woman, and court process, never having been protected by their own Mother, NOR the
Children's Representative in the stead TO protect.

L. DENIED, and maintained as Evidence, WITH this admission statement, as to Illinois Rules of

LI. Contrary to Catherine's parenting styles as exhibited within possible a possible

delusional/histrionic state our children are not held hostage by my self or my family, nor are
they made parents within what appears emotional incest, at the very least, whereby they are
maintained as “parent” rather than the other way around, as shown throughout this very

M. As per this statement, which contradicts the prior statement of Catherine, whereby she blames
my self for DCFS involvement, Catherine clearly states that the well check requested by Aunt
Jane, had been a call placed to Law Enforcement which facilitated LAW ENFORCEMENT to
then request DCFS due to an APPARENT and IMMINENT need, issue, or harm as per
ILLINOIS CHILD ABUSE STATUTES without such, there can be no action taken by LAW
CHILDREN, which is WHAT DCFS does...DCFS is not there to maintain as a friend, or
whereby they are bound by their guidelines, to either PROTECT, or deem a suspected case as to
a positive disposition, such as unfounded, although in this case, there were recommendations
made to clean the home within a set time frame. This statement constitutes perjury within a
sworn affidavit, as signified by a notary public, and filed on record with this Court of limited
Jurisdiction. This affidavit, constitutes criminal contempt as it has been used to impede this
court in its function.

N. I do not understand this statement, wherein Catherine is exhibiting anger due to a failure of
Mediation, which is direct testimony as to her mental state, and inability to control her anger. When
Catherine inquired about my health, it was not as to an inquiry regarding my health at all, but rather
another attempt to put me down, as had been done throughout our marriage, whereupon I KNEW that if
I told her about my psychological health she would attempt to use this against me, and sure enough,
within this document she has, now three times, in attempt to Create, via Consensus Reality some kind
of dangerous or risky situation for my children, although She is one of the direct causes of my anxiety
and PTSD effects, which would IMMEDIATELY diminish if I only knew the girls were safe, and that I
were not forced to endure these onslaughts against me by Court Process, and possible Colluding

O. I do not understand this statement, wherein Catherine is exhibiting signs of anger, due to a failure of
Mediation, and not getting her own way in these proceedings, having offered me, originally the
Primary Parent, and “househusband” or “stay at home Dad” working minimally, as she was
maintaining as the “breadwinner” throughout our marriage, and has consistently made more money
than my self, although on my much lower income, I was maintaining our costs of living, and Practicing
as the Primary Parent, whereupon my self and our children have been now made to suffer, outside of
even their Legal “Best Interests” guidelines maintained by this Court, as to their establishment, risk of
harm by either parent having drug or alcohol related issues, either parent Actually being victim or
Perpetrator of Domestic Violence, which has not seen to equal application of the Law.

P. Catherine again, is attempting to harass and intimidate me by using hearsay within her sworn
affidavit to this Court, whereby as my OWN person, with free will, she is attempting to portray that I
am an aggressor, or some kind of villain for not bowing down to Her Abusive Demands.

Q. This is the fourth time, Catherine A LICENSED COUNSELOR, and CERTIFIED SOCIAL
WORKER in the stead of PROTECTING people, has attempted to maintain that ADJUSTMENT
DISORDER is some kind of harm or threat to our children, although even WITHOUT her onslaughts,
threats, etc. any reasonable individual going through the process of divorce, and or custody proceedings
without this level of animosity maintains lower GAF scores, whilst going through the five stages of

R. DENIED. Adhering to what appears to be some kind of delusional disorder, Catherine alleges in
this statement that I have supplied false demographic {to write about people} information to the Court,
Mr. Weasle, and my own attorney at the time, and her self, in regards to my mental health therapist,
again, seemingly attempting to create consensus reality, whereby she has now repeated this same
statement six times, without Substance Matter, or Evidence of any kind maintaining a risk of harm, or
threat upon our children of my self.

S. DENIED, and maintained as Evidence, WITH this admission statement, as to Illinois Rules of
Evidence. Catherine again, seemingly within delusional thought processes maintains radical claims
whereupon whilst searching through the attic AFTER she had falsely restrained me the first time, she
appears mentally disturbed enough to state in this affidavit that someone would sneak into her home,
under Restraint, and threat of Violation to hide a box of pornography in her attic.

T. Catherine's statement in this section again, is all too reminiscent of our marriage, whereupon she
seemed to have need to control my every action, and as of this statement, referring to July 16, 2010
whereupon SHE considered us to still be married, although it has been a full year since since the
original Petition filed by my self, and another ninety days prior to my filing, I had moved out of the
house, in attempts to seek solace, and safety from Domestic Violence in the home, as indicated by
various Police Reports whereupon I have been attacked , assaulted, pushed, grabbed, kicked, pinched,
had my hair pulled in attempt to control my movement when I would try to escape her onslaught by

U. DENIED. When I was finally PERMITTED into the coach house to retrieve my things I was given
very minimal time, to remove my things, that I had accumulated throughout the marriage, including my
work tools, and equipment, required of a general contractor, which has severely impeded my ability,
this having been the issue, there were many things I was forced to leave in the coach house,
HOWEVER, as an adult, any ADULT reading material, was always put in a place, where my children
would not find it...IF my children happened upon pornography after I left, after being told by their
mother, to look in a specific space, whilst cleaning, it is more than likely Catherine had placed it there

V. Again, this statement within an Affidavit in Support of an EMERGENCY petition for order of
protection, Constitutes Criminal Coercion, and Extortion, whereupon I am placed under forms
of duress, and constraint with threats of Contempt, INCLUDING threats of committing a
felonious crime if I am in Violation of said False Restraints, and Fraudulent Claims.

W. DENIED, and maintained as Evidence, WITH this admission statement, as to Illinois Rules of

1. In the past, it is my belief that Catherine has had lesbian relationships, with at least three
Lesbian babysitters, which have exhibited signs of paraphilia, and pedophilic tendencies, and on
at least one occasion, I DID get angry and asked one to “get the fuck out of my house” as I felt
threatened, and felt my children were under threat of harm by a possible Predator, as would any
Parent acting in self defense.

X. DENIED, and maintained as Evidence, WITH this admission statement, as to Illinois Rules of

Y. By maintaining an Imperative need as to health etc. within this EMERGENCY petition, without
stating a MEDICAL EMERGENCY, Catherine has committed again, Purjury, Fraud upon this Court,
and is in the action of Criminal Contempt, whereby the ability of this court to function has been
impeded by her fraudulent actions.

Z. Based on this statement, once again, Catherine is exhibiting signs of some kind of delusional
disorder, whereby there is need of Psychological Evaluation, and or Therapeutic Intervention to insure
the safety of our children, Catherine her self, and my self as she is not only an average threat to herself
and others, she is in the stead of protecting others as a Counselor/Social Worker.

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