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Factset- Consultant

 Please go through the link and search for relevant reports
 Please go through their websitre and understand the various
services provided
 For the technical terms used in the website describing the services, read and understand
their meaning and significance.
 Revise ratios, financial modelling methods, and choose a sector and company of your choice
and study it in details.
 Think about what data parameters can be important for business analysts, portfolio
managers, markets and analysts?
 Communication skills and analytical skills need to be showcased
 Knowledge about global economies and interaction between Indian and global economies
would be useful.
 Financial management syllabus to be revised including Ratio Analysis
 Cashflows , analysis of cashflows, basic concepts of Free cashflow, FCFE
 Understanding of financial ratios and their relevance for the particular industry and company
of your choice
 Understand terms like Credit risk, Credit appraisal
 Study any one PE deal in sector and understand the valuation methodology & basis
 Revise Financial accounting, Financial Management, Management accounting concepts,
Macro economics in details
 You must know which are the top 5 leaders and bottom 5 laggards (sectors) in the economy
with reasons for the same
 Improve the level of awareness for current trends and reforms and their implications
 NPA problem , Banks recapitalisation, and Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code to be revised

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