Commercial Dispatch Eedition 2-5-21

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Friday | February 5, 2021

Supe proposes $15/hour wage for Lowndes employees

Plan would raise lowest-earners’ pay incrementally through 2023
BY TESS VRBIN sented to county department Roughly 70 of the county’s year and half of the remaining heads this morning, to incre- 346 full-time employees cur- difference between that and
mentally raise wages so that ev- rently make less than $15 per $15 each year for the next two
During a discussion about
ery county employee makes at hour, County Administrator Jay years, Brooks said. This for-
road maintenance at Monday’s
least $15 per hour by 2023, the Fisher said. The lowest salary mula would apply to employees
Lowndes County supervisors
meeting, District 5 Supervisor end of the supervisors’ current for a full-time county employee who have been with the county
Leroy Brooks mentioned dis- term. He said he hopes the su- is currently $11.50 per hour. Un- between one and four years. Brooks Fisher
parities in wages between some pervisors can support and pass der Brooks’ proposal, that per- Brooks also is proposing a Fisher, who is responsible for
road department employees. his plan in the near future. son’s wages would rise to $12 75-cent increase in hourly pay preparing the annual budget,
This is a countywide issue re- “I think everyone recognizes per hour this year, $13.50 per for employees who have been acknowledged the county has
gardless of department, he told that we have such a pay dispar- hour in 2022 and $15 per hour with the county less than a year, not had “a comprehensive strat-
The Dispatch on Thursday. ity that the longer we go, the in 2023. and a potential 25-cent increase egy for how people are compen-
In response, Brooks put to- worse it’s going to get,” Brooks The formula would be a 50- for employees that already sated.” He took over the county
gether a proposal, which he pre- told The Dispatch. cent increase in hourly pay this make $15 per hour. See WAGES, 6A

‘MAKE A BIG SPLASH’ Coburn enters

mayoral race
Tommy Jackson
running for Ward 1
councilman again

Montrell Coburn
will again challenge
incumbent Robert
Smith in the mayor’s
Coburn, an in-
dependent, is guar-
anteed a spot in the Coburn
general election on
June 8 and will not be
on the ballot for the
primaries in April.
His entry makes for
a three-person race
between him, fellow
independent Keith
Gaskin and Smith, a Jackson
Democrat who has
held the mayoral office since 2006.
Coburn did not respond to a re-
quest for comment by press time.
Smith easily defeated Coburn in
the 2017 election, with 3,023 votes to
Coburn’s 703.
Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff Additionally, Democrat Tommy
D. Diallo, 5, Alaysia Diallo, 8, and Aavianna Bella Dzakah, 2, puddle jump at Lee Park in Columbus Sunday afternoon. “Make “TJ” Jackson will face incumbent
a big splash. It’s fun,” said Alaysia. Their mother is Jeronica Leonard. See CANDIDATES, 6A

Animal shelters trying to bounce back from ‘crazy’ 2020

Lowndes County
Humane Society Adoptions, fundraising hoping we will get close to normal and
start up some of those events again. I
Director Karen
Johnwick told mem- fall during pandemic think that’s something all shelters are
looking forward to.”
bers of the Colum-
bus Exchange Club
BY SLIM SMITH In the first months of the pandemic,
Thursday that while both traffic and donations at LCHS fell
many of the events sharply, the first by necessity, the sec-
the shelter relies on It’s been almost a year since ond by the shelter’s lack of exposure.
for fundraising were COVID-19 arrived in the Golden Trian- “On the fundraising side, we were
canceled during the gle, a year Lowndes County Humane not able to do our St. Patrick’s Day
past year because Society Director Karen Johnwick Paw-ty with Zachary’s, which always
of the pandemic, described as a journey from “crazy” brought in a lot of donations and
the main programs to “normal” during her appearance awareness,” Johnwick said. “We also
have continued. Thursday’s Columbus Exchange Club weren’t able to do a lot of other events
“2020 was a tough luncheon at Lion Hills Center. outside the shelter, which not only re-
year, but we’re
hopeful that we’ll “For us, like it was for most nonprof- ally hurt with donations, but hurt us in
be able to get back its, 2020 was a tough year,” Johnwick terms of being in the eye. So our dona-
to normal later this said. “The lack of fundraisers and off- tions were way off. We were forced to
year,” she said. site adoptions and other events really focus more on the basics.”
Slim Smith/Dispatch Staff made it a crazy year. So this year, we’re See JOHNWICK, 6A


Classifieds 7,8B 1 What reality TV show had an Feb. 8: Columbus Municipal
Comics 4B “Impossible” competition in Today School Board Trustees,
Crossword 8B 2015 that had a finale featuring ■ Early James in concert: 8:30 a.m., Brandon Central
Dear Abby 4B cow’s feet, cow’s tongue and Early James and The Latest Services
Obituaries 5,7A beef jerky soda? perform at 7 p.m. at the
Feb. 12: Lowndes County
Opinions 4A 2 What southern hemisphere Columbus Arts Council’s Om-
Religion 5B country is the home of the Siding School District Board,
nova Theater, 501 Main St.
Springs Observatory, where the 12:30 p.m., District Office
Tickets: $15 members/$20
oldest known star was discov- Feb. 16: Lowndes County
non-members ($20 day of
ered in 2014?
WEATHER 3 What 2014 Grammy win- show). Doors open 6:30 p.m.
Supervisors, 9 a.m., Court-
ner was born Ella Marija Lani Get tickets at columbus-arts.

53 Low 30
Feb. 16: Columbus City
Yelich-O’Connor in New Zealand? org or 662-328-2787.
High 4 What award did Iranian mathe- Council, 5 p.m., virtual
Partly cloudy meeting,
Full forecast on
matician Maryam Mirzakhani win
in 2014, becoming the first wom- Thursday through CityofColumbusMS/
page 3A. an ever to do so — Fields Medal,
Nobel Prize or Wolf Prize?
Saturday, Feb. 25-27 March 1: Lowndes County
■ Virtual Magnolia Inde- Supervisors, 9 a.m., Court-
5 What 2015 film starring Cate pendent Film Festival: The house
Blanchett and Rooney Mara is March 11: Columbus
Mag in Starkville returns
based on the 1952 novel “The
Price of Salt”? with independent films and Municipal School Board,
shorts. Visit magnoliafilm- Brenton Taylor, 3, likes to 4 p.m., Brandon Central
141st Year, No. 280 Answers, 8B paint and color. Services


2A FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 The Dispatch •

Trump rejects Dems’ request

to testify at impeachment trial
The former president’s lawyers denounced House nounced the request as a “public
relations stunt.”
Democrats’ request as a ‘public relations stunt’ The impeachment trial starts
Feb. 9. Trump, the first president
BY ERIC TUCKER, MARY CLARE their overall effort to put the violent to be impeached twice, is charged
JALONICK AND JILL COLVIN events of Jan. 6 on the record for with inciting an insurrection on
The Associated Press
history and hold him accountable Jan. 6, when a mob of his support-
for his words. Democrats will look ers broke into the Capitol to inter-
ocrats asked Donald Trump to tes- to use his refusal to testify against rupt the electoral vote count. Five
tify under oath for his Senate im- him as they argue that the ex-pres- people died. Before the riot, Trump
peachment trial, challenging him ident has avoided responsibility for had told his supporters to “fight like
to respond to their charge that he his actions. hell” to overturn his election defeat.
incited a violent mob to storm the Hours after the Democrats’ Democrats have said a trial is
Capitol. A Trump adviser said the Thursday request was revealed, necessary to provide a final mea-
former president won’t testify. Trump adviser Jason Miller dis- sure of accountability for the at-
Although Democrats might not missed the trial as “an unconsti- tack. If Trump is convicted, the
have the power to force Trump’s tutional proceeding” and said the Senate could hold a second vote to
testimony, the request from House former president would not testify. disqualify him from seeking office
impeachment managers is part of Separately, Trump’s lawyers de- again.

Divided House kicks Greene off both her committees

Eleven Republicans joined 219 Democrats in backing leagues, Greene tried to
dissociate herself from her
Georgia representative’s ejection from her committees “words of the past.” Contra-
dicting past social media
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Yet in a riveting mo- impeachment for inciting posts, she said she believes
ment, the freshman Re- insurrection after a mob he the 9/11 attacks and mass
WASHINGTON — A publican from a deep-red fueled with his false narra- school shootings were real
fiercely divided House corner of Georgia took to tive of a stolen election at- and no longer believes QA-
has tossed Rep. Marjorie the House floor on her own tacked the Capitol. non conspiracy theories,
Taylor Greene off both behalf. She offered a mix- Thursday’s fight also which include lies about
her committees, an un- ture of backpedaling and underscored the uproar Democratic-run pedophile
precedented punishment finger-pointing as she wore and political complexities rings.
that Democrats said she’d a dark mask emblazoned that Greene — a master of But she didn’t explicitly
earned by spreading hate- with the words “FREE provoking Democrats, pro- apologize for supportive
ful and violent conspiracy SPEECH.” moting herself and raising online remarks she’s made
theories. The chamber’s near campaign money — has on other subjects, as when
Underscoring the polit- party-line 230-199 vote was prompted since becoming she mulled about House
ical vise her inflammatory the latest instance of con- a House candidate last year. Speaker Nancy Pelosi be-
commentary has clamped spiracy theories becoming Eleven Republicans ing assassinated or the
her party into, nearly all Re- pitched political battle- joined 219 Democrats in possibility of Jewish-con-
publicans voted against the fields, an increasingly fa- backing Greene’s ejec- trolled space rays causing
Democratic move Thurs- miliar occurrence during tion from her committees, wildfires. And she por-
day but none defended her Donald Trump’s presiden- while 199 GOP lawmakers trayed herself as the victim
lengthy history of outra- cy. He faces a Senate trial voted “no.” of unscrupulous “big media
geous social media posts. next week for his House Addressing her col- companies.”

Voting company sues Fox, Giuliani over election fraud claims

BY JOSHUA GOODMAN plaint filed Thursday in the 2020 election was re- the Department of Justice
The Associated Press New York state court by stricted to Los Angeles could find no evidence of
Florida-based Smartmat- County, which votes heav- widespread voter fraud.
MIAMI — A voting ic USA is one of the larg- ily Democratic. For instance, a Dec. 10
technology company is est libel suits ever under- Smartmatic’s limited segment by Lou Dobbs
suing Fox News, three of taken. On Jan. 25, a rival role notwithstanding, Fox accused Smartmatic and
its hosts and two former election-technology com- aired at least 13 reports its CEO, Antonio Mugica,
lawyers for former Pres- pany — Dominion Voting falsely stating or implying of working to flip votes
ident Donald Trump — Systems, which was also the company had stolen through a non-existent
Rudy Giuliani and Sidney ensnared in Trump’s base- the 2020 vote in cahoots backdoor in its voting soft-
Powell — for $2.7 billion, less effort to overturn the with Venezuela’s socialist ware to carry out a “mas-
charging that the defen- election — sued Giuliani government, according sive cyber Pearl Harbor,”
dants conspired to spread and Powell for $1.3 billion. to the complaint. This the complaint alleged.
false claims that the com- Unlike Dominion, alleged “disinformation “Defendants’ story was
pany helped “steal” the whose technology was campaign” continued a lie,” the complaint stat-
U.S. presidential election. used in 24 states, Smart- even after then-Attorney ed. “But, it was a story
The 285-page com- matic’s participation in General William Barr said that sold.”

Biden, at prayer breakfast, calls out ‘political extremism’

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Washington tradition Some liberals have faith as a force for good.
that asks political com- viewed the event warily “For so many in our na-
WASHINGTON — batants to set aside their because of the conser- tion, this is a dark, dark
President Joe Biden on differences for one morn- vative faith-based group time,” Biden told those
Thursday called for a ing. that is behind it. watching the event. “So
confrontation of the “po- The breakfast has Still, Biden cam- where do we turn? Faith.”
litical extremism” that sparked controversy in paigned for the White Sen. Chris Coons,
inspired the U.S. Capitol the past, particularly House as someone who D-Del., said the event is
riot and appealed for col- when President Donald could unify Americans, “an inclusive and posi-
lective strength during Trump used last year’s and the breakfast gave tive” one that “recogniz-
such turbulent times in installment to slam his the nation’s second Cath- es the teachings of Je-
remarks at the Nation- political opponents and olic president a chance sus but is not limited to
al Prayer Breakfast, a question their faith. to talk about his vision of Christianity.”
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 3A

Bill would allow offenders to expunge multiple felonies

HB 122 would allow people to expunge two of wrong decisions, somebody in
their 20s who got a drug convic-
Right now, a person can get
one felony expunged five years
have it expunged again and then
expunged again.”
felonies from their record after 10 years and tion at 22, 24, 27 and now they’re
50 and they go to church and
after completing all terms and
conditions of their sentence.
Owen said all decisions about
expungement would be made
expunge three felonies after 15 years they want a job and they want
their kids to not see that they
Republican Rep. Bill Kinkade
of Byhalia said he believes the
at the discretion of a judge. The
court can deny an offender’s pe-
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM to habitual offenders or anyone have this mark on them,” he said. current law is more than suffi- tition if it is not convinced the
The Associated Press/Report convicted of a violent crime. The The legislation is similar to a cient. He said the new proposal person applying has been reha-
for America bill vetoed last year by Republi- still goes too far. bilitated.
time clock for eligibility would
start only after a person has can Gov. Tate Reeves that would “What you’re suggesting to Democratic Rep. John Hines
JACKSON — Mississippi law- have allowed people to expunge us today is we’re going to look of Greenville said he supports
makers are considering a pro- completed all terms and condi-
tions of their sentence. three felonies after only five at expungement as a do-over, the legislation, which could help
posal that would give nonviolent years. Reeves said then he felt as you have multiple opportu- curtail recidivism.
offenders a chance to get more Republican Rep. Jansen Owen
the proposal was “well-inten- nities,” Kinkade said. “I don’t “People actually end up fall-
felony convictions wiped from of Poplarville, the bill’s spon-
tioned” but “would threaten pub- believe that was the idea behind ing through the cracks because
their record. sor, said Thursday that passing lic safety.” expungement to start with.” they can’t be gainfully employed
House Bill 122 would allow the legislation would show that Owen said Thursday he “Expungement is there for because of these felonies being
people to expunge two felonies Mississippians have “a forgiving hopes House Bill 122 address- an individual to get his life back on their record,” he said.
from their record after 10 years spirit.” es some of governor’s concerns on track, for him to pay for his The bill passed the House 80
and expunge three felonies after “This targets those people by increasing the time a person past sins,” he said. “What you’re to 39 on Thursday and will now
15 years. who went through a span of must wait to clear their record of saying is that we can commit a move on to the Senate for more
The change would not apply their life where they made a lot multiple convictions. crime and then another one and work.


Tess Vrbin/Dispatch Staff

Peyton Hardin, right, and Omini Parks, both teachers at Partnership Middle School in Starkville, jog on the new
walking path surrounding the school on Thursday afternoon as part of PMS’ grant-funded health and wellness
initiative. Teachers and staff walked a mile around the school, or two and a half laps on the path, and later took a
series of fitness tests, including flexibility and blood pressure, said Brandi Burton, the grants and innovative strat-
egies specialist for the Starkville-Oktibbeha Consolidated School District. The $900,000 Blue Cross Blue Shield
grant also funded outdoor gardens and mobile kitchens for PMS.

Mississippi looks to create loan repayment for teachers

Senators on Thursday also passed a bill that would ease shortage in Mississippi.
The Senate last month
the process for people who are licensed to teach in passed a bill to increase
teacher salaries, and that
other states to become licensed to teach in Mississippi awaits consideration in
the House.
BY EMILY WAGSTER programs intended to for teachers, payment Senators on Thurs-
PET TUS help fund college educa- amounts would be $4,500 day also passed Senate
The Associated Press tion for people who intend after the first year, $5,500 Bill 2267, which would
to become teachers. after the second year and ease the process for peo-
JACKSON — Missis- “All of them are well-in- $6,500 after the third
sippi could create a pro- ple who are licensed to
tentioned, but none of year. In other areas, pay- teach in other states to
gram for the state to pay them had been funded in ment amounts would be
off some college loans become licensed to teach
recent years,” Blount said $2,500 after the first year, in Mississippi. The per-
for people who become Thursday. $3,500 after the second
teachers. son would have to under-
Some of the existing year and $4,500 after the
A bill that passed the go a background check.
programs are “loan for- third year.
Senate on Thursday The bill also goes to the
giveness” plans, with Critical-needs areas
would create a three-year people receiving money have high numbers of House.
loan repayment program. during college if they people teaching subjects
After a person completes pledge to become teach- in which they are not cer-
one year of teaching, the ers. Blount said those can tified.
state would pay a certain end with some people de- The loan repayment
amount of the money the faulting on loans and the program would be named
person borrowed for col- state becoming a collec- in honor of the late Dem-
lege. The state would pay tion agency. ocratic former Gov. Wil-
more after the second “People’s plans change, liam Winter, who pushed
year and more after the maybe they choose not to legislators to enact the
third year. go into the teaching pro- Education Reform Act of
People who teach in ar- fession, maybe they move 1982, and the late Tupelo
eas deemed to have criti- to another state, maybe businessman Jack Reed,
cal needs would receive they teach for a year and a friend of Winter who
higher payments. decide they don’t want to served on the first state
Senate Bill 2305 teach anymore,” Blount Board of Education and
passed by a wide margin. said. who ran unsuccessfully
It will go to the House for With the new propos- for governor as a Republi-
more work. al, the state would make can in 1987.
Democratic Sen. Da- payments after a person Loan repayment is one
vid Blount of Jackson said works as a teacher. In of several proposals to
Mississippi has several areas with critical needs try to deal with a teacher

■ In Thursday’s edition, The Dispatch misreported the size of Starkville’s cur-
rent annexation proposal. The city is attempting to annex 2.3 miles, which will ring SOLUNAR TABLE
the city’s total square mileage area to 27.9. We regret the error. The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Fri. Sat.
Major 7:14p 8:11p
The Commercial Dispatch strives to report the news accurately. When we print an Minor 2:41a 3:51a

The Dispatch
Major 7:41a 8:40a
error, we will correct it. To report an error, call the newsroom at 662-328-2424, or Minor 1:35p 2:23p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager


CPA consultant provides details on auditor (Wanda Holley) indicated Mr. Ask the Lord to order your steps I would like to take the liberty to re-
Rawle telephoned her the night before daily. vamp Gov. Winter’s words and propose
the uncovering of unreconciled city the February 19 meeting and disclosed Let’s humble ourselves, pray and that the path to economic recovery and
accounts to her that he had not properly recon- seek God’s face and turn from our betterment in our state flows through
My name is Mike Crowder, CPA, and ciled the bank accounts. wicked ways: all lying, gossiping, back our community colleges.
I would like to comment on the article The meeting was held on February biting, prejudice, stealing, embezzling, I support community colleges, and
printed in The Commercial Dispatch 19, 2019 with Mayor Smith, COO David favoritism, not showing up for work you should too.
on February 3, regarding the City of Armstrong, the city attorney, the audi- having to punch your clock card and Marilyn Y. Ford
Columbus. tor Wanda Holley, and me present. you get paid (stealing taxpayer funds), Columbus,
I was hired by the City of Columbus Because of my discovery of the covering up for embezzlers, drug President, Mississippi Faculty
in early January 2019, as a consultant fraudulent bank reconciliations and selling, drug using, neglecting children, Association for Community Colleges
to assist the city during the required the trail that I left regarding this church doors locked when they need to
suspension of the CFO, Mr. Rawle.
According to my engagement letter, my
problem the embezzlement was later be opened, God’s people going to casi- Concerned about actions against
revealed. The key to the discovery nos, grocery store, work and not going
responsibilities would consist of tem- of the embezzlement was fraudulent to church: You decide. It’s your choice.
House member
I am not sure the Democrats made
porary comptrollership activities. My bank reconciliation. I believe that, had The consequences will be delivered! the right move in stripping Marjorie
involvement lasted until April 24, 2019. Mr. Rawle not been suspended in early Vengeance is the Lord! We all have Taylor Greene of her committee assign-
I would like to respond to some of 2019, necessitating another accountant or perhaps are guilty! ments yesterday. As much as it is easy
the “alternative facts” that were present- to assist during his suspension period, Columbus, Lowndes countians, to find video evidence to discredit a
ed in the newspaper article. the embezzlement and fraudulent bank we will become a city and county that number of the claims she made on the
Regarding the bank reconciliations reconciliation activity might still be God’s will be done on Earth as it is in House floor yesterday in her apology
mentioned, the article stated: “‘The occurring. Heaven! I’m awake! Wake up! that was not really an apology, it still
auditors paused the audit so that the I wanted to emphasize that I was not Get a relationship with God, daily opens the door to future abuse of this
city could reconcile its bank account, hired to re-reconcile the prior fraudu- and I promise you, He will wake you precedent. Unfortunately, in this case,
but the accountant hired by the city to lent bank reconciliations, so I did not up, take the scales off our eyes and it is hard to separate holding a sitting
do so left before finishing the job, so the “leave before finishing the job.” Rath- we all will say, “I once were blind but member of Congress accountable after
auditors had to do so while restarting er, I was the one who discovered the now I see! God be with you! Gold bless they’ve called for the assassination of
the audit,’ Holley said.” fraudulent reconciliations that led to the Columbus! a former President and a House leader
I was never assigned to re-reconcile embezzlement case. Pat Douglas from the free speech guaranteed by
the prior fraudulent bank reconcilia- Mike Crowder Columbus the Constitution. There is something
tions; in fact, I was the one who discov- Macon, Georgia Editor’s note: Douglas is a candidate missing here and, in my opinion, we are
ered that the banks were not recon- for Columbus City Council. The Dispatch in dangerous territory until there is ei-
ciled and reported this to everyone
involved-the Mayor, COO, city attorney,
Candidate states the central role allows each candidate to write one letter ther legislation or bipartisan procedural
to the editor per election.
auditors, finance committee and later God plays in her life rules for the House that can handle a
First I repent, as a Christian I have case like this without giving power to
to the council. After this discovery, I
not fulfilled the purpose of God in my the majority party that they should not
was able to obtain a beginning point
on the bank reconciliations so the city life. A call for the support of community have and should not need.
could move forward, while disclosing to COVID-19 has caused me to exam- colleges Paul Mack
ine my heart, not my head! An evange- The late Governor William Winter Columbus
everyone that the prior fraudulent rec-
onciliations (that apparently went back list of 42 years, I know the word of God, asserted, “The only road out of poverty
several months and years) would be left quote the word of God, study the word runs past the schoolhouse door.” We Believes Reeves’ criticism of vaccine
to the permanent CFO to correct. My of God in my head, but my heart was Mississippians have long battled the plan is hypocritical
job during this short engagement was not where God wanted it to be: walking devastating effects of a largely impov- Under the plan developed by Joe
to keep the city’s finances moving along in obedience to God and not man. erished and uneducated populace. Var- Biden’s administration, around 10
on a daily basis and to correct errors/ I’ve had time to re-evaluate my prior- ious statistics concerning health and percent of Mississippi’s total weekly
omissions as I found them. ities: #1 God; #2 family; #3 church and well-being, infant mortality, lack of jobs vaccine allocation will go to federal
The facts and timeline that occurred #4 community. and the unemployed, or our educational pharmacy partners.
regarding the bank reconciliation fiasco I put my children first at one time system demonstrate the depth of our Our Republican governor said he
were as follows: before putting God first. I said I love state’s predicament. wonders how successful the program
I discovered during the very first you, God! But when it came to money, As a community college instructor, will be in a rural state like Mississippi.
month of my engagement (January I put my children, grandchildren and I have witnessed our state’s struggles He further states, in Issaquena
2019) that there were problems with the great-grands first. My pockets had firsthand for over two decades. Fortu- County, there aren’t a lot of these phar-
bank reconciliations, including fraud- holes in them. nately, I have also seen many Mississip- macy partners, if any. To even mention
ulent entries that were being made, in After a heart attack, I repented and pi residents seek amelioration through Issaquena County, with a population
order to give the appearance of being started going to the bank and next one of our state’s fifteen community of 1,400, seems to be a takeaway from
reconciled. After discovering this prob- place was my church home to pay my colleges by obtaining their GED, enroll- what Biden is trying to accomplish.
lem, I notified both Mayor Robert Smith tithes and offering. ing in an academic transfer program, or Reeves states: And I will tell you,
and COO David Armstrong, and we The floodgates opened! You, me, no completing a Career/Technical pro- that I am somewhat concerned about
subsequently had meetings on January one can beat God giving: New percep- gram or vocational training to enter the those efforts.
31, 2019 and again on February 14, 2019 tions, new attitude, new way of living job market more quickly. Mississippi Something else that Reeves and the
to discuss. At the February meeting, I (exercising, eating, health. needs its community colleges to be able Republicans have been concerned about
requested we call the auditors to alert I challenge all of us: Seek the Lord to continue to serve its people. is the expansion of Medicaid, part of
them regarding the bank reconciliation first. Before you get out of bed, before Currently, our community colleges Obamacare. The people who need it the
problems, as the city had a responsibili- your feet hit the floor, before you use receive less than 7 percent of every dol- most could have had it for years.
ty to do so. It was my understanding at the bathroom, before you brush your lar of Mississippi’s educational budget. But no, the cost is not worth it.
the time that the auditors were almost teeth, before you shower and before Less than a dime! Simply put, our com- Biden signed an executive order
finished with the audit for FY 2018, your first cup of coffee. munity colleges need greater funding directing the insurance
so they needed to be notified as soon God wants to be first! so that we can function at the highest markets to take new applications for
as possible. A second meeting was Is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, level. While we have been touted as the subsidized benefits, something Donald
scheduled on February 19, 2019 for that etc the first thing you look at? A Bible “best bang for the buck,” those bangs Trump’s administration had refused to
purpose. Mr. Rawle was aware of the is on your phone! This technology can could lessen without adequate funding. do.
problems that I had discovered with the become an enemy or a blessing: You As Mississippians emerge from COVID, Biden will be our friend, if you will
bank reconciliations and between the decide! our community colleges are poised to let him.
two meetings, he resigned. I vividly Let’s stop the craziness and get it lead in our state’s preparedness to move James Hodges
recall that, during this meeting, the right! forward. Steens

Ideological imperialism is leading to a bad end

hen it was was a major mover reflexively, calling it a “direct as-
learned in in the “color revolu- Where did we Americans acquire the right to sault on the country’s transition
2016 that tions” that changed to democracy.”
Russia may have regimes in Ukraine intervene in the internal affairs of nations ... “In a democracy,” said Biden,
hacked the emails
of John Podesta
and Georgia.
According to
that do not threaten or attack us? “force should never seek to
override the will of the people or
and the DNC, and Victoria Nuland, attempt to erase the outcome of
passed the fruits on then of the State De- Consider what the Post is in the internal affairs of nations a credible election.”
to WikiLeaks to aid partment, now back calling for here: — be they autocracies, monar- Derek Mitchell of the
candidate Donald again, $5 billion was The U.S. and NATO nations chies or republics — that do not National Democratic Institute,
Trump, mighty was pumped in to effect should openly side with protest- threaten or attack us? a subsidiary of the National
the outrage of the the overthrow of ers in Russia’s cities whose goal When we have intervened in Endowment for Democracy,
American establish- Patrick Buchanan the democratically is the overthrow of Putin and of these nations militarily, disaster explained: “Democracy is one of
ment. elected pro-Russian the internationally recognized has most often been the result. the pillars of the Biden Adminis-
If Russia’s security services regime in Kiev and its replace- government of Russia. It was partly because the re- tration’s foreign policy agenda.
filched those emails, and a troll ment by a pro-American one. How, one wonders, would gimes of Libya, Syria, Iraq and They recognize they have to
farm in Saint Petersburg sent This was the triggering event Americans react if Putin openly Yemen did not comport to our address this pretty seriously.
tweets and texts to stir up ran- that caused Vladimir Putin to urged worldwide support for ideas of good governance that The question is what to do.”
cor in our politics, it was said, annex Crimea to secure his the “Stop the Steal” mob that we went in militarily to change Actually, the larger question,
this was an attack on American country’s Black Sea naval base invaded the U.S. Capitol to them. Result: millions of dead, the basic question is why the in-
democracy and its most sacred at Sevastopol. overturn the results of the Nov. wounded and displaced Arabs ternal affairs of Burma, a nation
of rituals — the elections by Consider the reaction in this 3 election? and Muslims all across the Mid- 10,000 miles from the United
which we chose our leaders. capital to the arrest and impris- Though Americans are dle East. A historic calamity. States, are the business of the
Some called it an “act of war.” onment of dissident Alexei Na- divided over racial, cultural, When the Arab Spring arose, United States.
Others compared it to Pearl valny, following his return from social and moral issues, liberal we embraced it. The democratic The post-Cold War world,
Harbor. Germany, where he had been interventionists still talk of our revolution was here! And what where America stood in moral
Almost all agreed it was treated for chemical poisoning, “universal values” that repre- happened in the largest Arab judgment of the democracy cre-
intolerable interference in the allegedly by Putin’s security sent the future toward which all nation that responded as we dentials of all other nations, and
internal affairs of the United services. nations should aspire. Among insisted, Egypt? acted against those that did not
States which called forth both In an editorial, “Nothing But these are the values of democ- An ally of 30 years, President sufficiently conform, is coming
condemnation and retribution. a Poisoner,” The Washington racy as practiced in the United Hosni Mubarak, was ousted. to an end.
Yet, when it comes to Post thundered: States. The Muslim Brotherhood And if we do not give up this
interfering in the affairs of “Western governments These are the standards by was voted into power. It was ideological imperialism, that
other nations, how sinless, how should be doing what they can which other nations are to be replaced a year later by a new end, especially where Russia
blameless, are we Americans? to help this unprecedented chal- judged. And nations that do not general, Abdel Fattah el-Sis- and China are concerned, could
During the Cold War, the lenge to Mr. Putin’s autocracy conform to these standards are si, a man more ruthless than come sudden and soon.
United States regularly dumped survive and grow... candidates for U.S. interfer- Mubarak. Patrick J. Buchanan, a
over regimes we believed “Mr. Putin has dedicated ence in their affairs. Ours is an This week, the generals in nationally syndicated columnist,
imperiled our cause — Iran in himself to exploiting the weak- ideological imperialism of a rare Myanmar (Burma) ousted the was a senior advisor to presidents
1953, Guatemala in 1954, the nesses in democratic systems. order. civilian leadership of the coun- Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and
Congo in the 1960s. After the Now is the time to return the Where did we Americans try and assumed full power. Ronald Reagan. His website is
Cold War, the United States favor.” acquire the right to intervene President Joe Biden reacted
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 5A

COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Linda Easter and Leroy parents, he was pre- He is survived by ta, Georgia, Candice West Point is in charge
OBITUARY POLICY Harrison Jr. ceded in death by his his wife, Eula p. Blair; Blevins Davenport of of arrangements.
Obituaries with basic informa-
In addition to his brother, Tommie James children, Brenda Hop- Gulf Shores, Alabama; Ms. Calhoun was
tion including visitation and
service times, are provided mother, he is survived Chandler. kins, Shavon Hopkins, and three grandchil- born Dec. 23, 1956, in
free of charge. Extended obit- by his wife, Margaret He is survived by Theaster Hopkins, dren. West Point, to the late
uaries with a photograph, de- Harrison; children, his daughter, Latarsia Santee Hopkins all Eugene Pittman and
tailed biographical information Cynthia Cunningham, Burton of Dallas, Tex- of Brooksville and Diane Calhoun Estella Calhoun.
and other details families may Montiga Watt, Freder- as; siblings, Barbara Quentez Hodges of WEST POINT — Di- In addition to her
wish to include, are available ick Harrison Jr., Willie Malone, Rosie Sims, Columbus; brother, parents, she was
for a fee. Obituaries must be
ane Calhoun, 64, died
submitted through funeral
Ousley, Xavier Harri- Ann Brooks, Jesse Jackie Lee Howard of Jan. 24, 2021, at North preceded in death by
homes unless the deceased’s son all of Columbus, Johnson, McArthur Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Mississippi Medical her son, Christopher
body has been donated to sci- Adrianne Harrison of Chandler Sr., Jessie three grandchildren; Center-West Point. Calhoun.
ence. If the deceased’s body Lawrenceville, Geor- Doss, Isaiah Doss all of and three great-grand- Graveside services She is survived by
was donated to science, the gia, and Penesha Jo- Brooksville, Emma Pet- children. will be at 11 a.m. Satur- her daughter, Rosmes-
family must provide official seph of Tampa, Florida; ty, Charlie Doss, Jim- day, at Strong Hill M.B. sie Calhoun; siblings,
proof of death. Please submit
all obituaries on the form pro-
siblings, Elnora Paul of my Doss all of Tupelo, Peggy Brackett Church Cemetery, with Willie Calhoun, Jasper
vided by The Commercial Dis- Houston, Texas, Vanes- Eddie Chandler, Robert COLUMBUS — Peg- Cedric N. Dean offici- Pittman, Johnny Pitt-
patch. Free notices must be sa Anderson of Kansas Chandler, Christopher gy Ann Brackett, 47, ating. Visitation will man, Jeffery Pittman,
submitted to the newspaper City, Missouri, Larry Chandler, Bobby Davis, died Jan. be from 10:30-11 a.m. Theodore Spraggins
no later than 3 p.m. the day Harrison of Dayton, Vickie Williams, Nicole 28, 2021, prior to services at and Jennifer Lampton;
prior for publication Tuesday Ohio, Cynthia Ceburn David, Twanna Jackson at North the cemetery. Carter’s and one grandchild.
through Friday; no later than 4 of Houston, Texas, Rev. all of Columbus, Tony MS Medi- Mortuary Services of See OBITUARIES, 7A
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Chandler and Otis
edition; and no later than 7:30
Alfonso Latham, Willie cal Center

John Paulk
a.m. for the Monday edition. Petty, Shlanda Ball, Doss both of Califor- in Tupelo.
Incomplete notices must be Jeffery Richardson all nia; and five grandchil- Grave-
received no later than 7:30 of Columbus, Rev. J.W. dren. side
a.m. for the Monday through Leech of Florida and 14 services Brackett
John I. Paulk, 92, formerly of Starkville, MS
Friday editions. Paid notices
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for
grandchildren. Erlene Alford will be passed away on February 2, 2021, in Decatur,
Pallbearers will be ACKERMAN — at 2 p.m. Saturday, at GA. John was born July 27, 1928, to Frederick
inclusion the next day Monday
through Thursday; and on
Cecil Watt, Isaac Watt, Erlene Alford, 90, died New Baptist Temple Domont Paulk and Lucy Mae Paulk in Buford
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday Leroy Watt, Kerry Feb. 4, 2021, at her Memorial Gardens, Station, TN. He graduated from the United States
and Monday publication. For Harrison and Hiwatha residence. with Kenny Gardner Naval Academy in Annapolis, MD in 1952 before
more information, call 662- Harrison. Arrangements are officiating. Visitation joining the United States Air Force where he
328-2471. incomplete and will be is from 2-6 p.m. today, served both stateside and overseas for 4-years.
Tommie Chandler announced by Lown- at Carter’s Funeral Ser- Upon leaving military service, John entered
Fredderick Harrison NOXUBEE COUN- des Funeral Home of vices. Carter’s Funeral the private sector, joining DuPont De Nemours,
COLUMBUS — Rev. TY — Tommie James Columbus. Services of Columbus Inc. as an engineer before obtaining his PhD
Fredderick Harrison, “Hooper” is in charge of arrange- in Nuclear Engineering from North Carolina
59, died Chandler, Wren Blair ments. State and entering academia. John retired from
Jan. 28, 62, died NOXUBEE COUN- Mrs. Brackett was Mississippi State University with 30-years of
2021, at Feb. 1, TY — Wren Blair, 80, born Feb. 4, 1973, in service in 1993 as Associate Dean of Engineering.
Baptist 2021, at died Jan. Columbus, to Alice He was a devoted Mississippi State Bulldog fan
Memorial University 27, 2021, Faye Scott and the late and avid golfer in his spare time.
Hospi- Medical at Baptist Tommy Lee Blevins. John was preceded in death by his parents;
tal-Golden Center in Chandler Memorial She was a graduate older brother, Fred Paulk; older sister, June Paulk
Triangle. Jackson. Hospi- S.D. Lee High School. Adair; and his wife, Mary Alice Thomas Paulk.
Harrison tal-Golden She was formerly
Funeral Grave- He is survived by his son, John I. Paulk, Jr.,
services side services will be at Triangle. employed as a CNA and his wife Tammy; his son, Thomas M. Paulk
will be at 11 a.m. Sat- 3 p.m. Saturday, at Mt. Grave- with Aurora Nursing and his husband Alan Hale; four grandchildren;
Blair and Rehab and Wind-
urday, at Providence Carmel MBC Cem- side six great-grandchildren; and his younger sister,
M.B. Church, with the etery, with the Rev. services sor Place. She was a Mary Anne Paulk Weems.
Rev. Gilbert Ander- Oscar Davis officiating. will be at 11 a.m. Sat- member of Columbus A private visitation for family will be held on
son officiating. Burial Visitation is from 2-6 urday, at Pilgrim Rest Christian Center. Friday, February 5th at Welch Funeral Home
will follow at Stallion p.m. today, at Carter’s Cemetery, with Sam- In addition to her from 12:30 to 1:30 PM followed by a graveside
Cemetery. Visitation is Funeral Services. Car- mie Lyons officiating. mother, she is survived service at 2:00 PM for friends at Memorial
from noon-2 p.m. today, ter’s Funeral Services Visitation is from 2-6 by her fiance, James Garden Park on Oktoc Road.
at Brown Ridge M.B. of Macon is in charge p.m. today, at Carter’s Colvin; daughter, Ebo- In lieu of flowers, the family asks for donations
Church in Crawford of arrangements. Funeral Services. Car- ny Brackett of Colum- to be made to the Oktibbeha County Humane
and from 3-6 p.m. at Mr. Chandler was ter’s Funeral Services bus; siblings, Lamar Society at
Carter’s Funeral Ser- born July 14, 1958, in of Macon is in charge Scott, Meyisha Scott You can leave the family a condolence at: www.
vices. Carter’s Funeral Noxubee County, to of arrangements. both of Jonesboro, Ar-
Services of Columbus the late Tommie L. Mr. Blair was born kansas, Candace Scott
is in charge of arrange- Chandler and Cora Feb. 24, 1940, in Noxu- of Columbus, Christo- Paid Obituary - Welch Funeral Home
ments. L. Harris. He was a bee County, to the late pher Blevins of Atlan-
Mr. Harrison was member of Mt. Carmel Zolar Edward Howard.
born Sept. 17, 1961, in MBC. He was a member of
Columbus, to Ozella In addition to his Pilgrim Rest MBC.
Harrison and the late
Rev. Leroy Harrison.
He was formerly em-
ployed as a carpenter
and pastor of Brown
Ridge M.B. Church. He
was a member of Provi-
dence M.B. Church.
In addition to his
father, he was pre-
ceded in death by his
siblings, Patricia Jones,

Virginia Sellers
Virginia Lee Sellers, 85, of
Gosnell, passed away Tuesday,
January 26, 2021, at Flo and
Phil Jones Hospice House in
Virginia was born in Reform,
Alabama to Rufus and Clara
Guy Richards Leavell Swedenburg and was
Graveside Services:
Saturday, Feb. 6 • 2 PM
a lifelong member of Gosnell
Friendship Cemetery Baptist Church. She was a
Burial hairdresser for 47 years. Virginia worked at
Friendship Cemetery
2nd Ave. N. Location Burls Beauty Shop until its closing and then went
on to work at Sherry’s Styling Salon until her
Jimmy Simmons retirement. Virginia was a member of the Cotton
Graveside Services: Classic car club and enjoyed riding or driving
Saturday, Feb. 6 • 1 PM
Friendship Cemetery around in her 1957 Ford Fairlane convertible.
Burial She loved to go shopping, talking on the phone
Friendship Cemetery
2nd Ave. N. Location
and had a love for animals.
She was preceded in death by her husband,
Sharon Beatty Bill Sellers, Jr.; sisters, Bessie Kemp and Zeta
Visitation: Peralto; and sister-in-law, Viola Johnson.
Sunday, Feb.7 • 1-1:45 PM Virginia leaves her children, Ricky Sellers and
2nd Ave. N. Location
Graveside Services: his wife Carol of Van Buren, Arkansas, Debbie
Sunday, Feb. 7 • 2 PM Jones of Fort Smith, Arkansas, Kathy Sellers
Memorial Gardens
Burial and Melinda Bass of Jonesboro, Sandra Burch of
Memorial Gardens Gosnell and Lisa Holifield and her husband J.C.
2nd Ave. N. Location
of Gosnell; grandchildren, Michael Kaulfurst,
Dianne Holmes Amanda Kaulfurst Freeman, Dana Kaulfurst,
Graveside Services: Chad Sellers, J.J. Cooper, Bill Holifield and Jenny
Friday, Feb. 5 • 2 PM Holifield; seven great-grandchildren; brother
Canton City Cemetery
Burial and sisters-in-law, Billy Joe “B.J.” and Pat Sellers
Canton City Cemetery of Blytheville, Jimmy and Millie Sellers of
College St. Location
Jonesboro, Willene Ziebell of Rockford, Illinois
and Susan and Harold Perrin of Jonesboro; and
her cat, Blue.
Funeral services were Friday, January 29th at 2:00 PM in the Cobb Funeral Home Chapel with
Dr. Eddie Clemons and Dr. Max Briley officiating.
Burial followed in Dogwood Cemetery. The
family received friends Thursday evening from
4-7 PM at Cobb Funeral Home.
Condolences may be expressed to the family
Paid Obituary - Cobb Funeral Home
6A FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 The Dispatch •

Democratic challengers file in Ward 2, 5 races

Buckley challenges of staff sergeant.
He is a
temporary shutdown of non-es-
sential businesses last spring.
Joe Evans runs in Ward 5 economic growth and pre-
serving the “quintessentially
Joe Evans, 50, teaches vocal
Sistrunk; Evans Starkville native
and son of one of
“We need to make our city a
friendlier place for businesses to
music privately and plays local
Starkvillian” way of life.
“I’ve seen the board for
gigs professional-
to run against Beatty the first female
officers hired at
come and establish themselves,”
Buckley said. “Currently, I don’t
ly. He volunteers
years struggle with the basic
question, ‘What is the nature
with programs
BY ZACK PLAIR Starkville Police think the city is focusing on the of Starkville?’” Evans said. “It’s Department. He kinds of things that will make at Mississippi about trying to meet the needs
volunteers with Buckley that impact.” State Universi- of all Starkvillians, whether
STARKVILLE — Two Demo- Habitat for Hu- A particular “pet-peeve” for ty, including the they be college students or peo-
crats qualified Thursday to chal- manity and has assisted with Buckley is “depleted” commer- annual Summer ple who have lived here 40 or 60
lenge incumbents in primaries projects for the Oktibbeha Coun- cial properties in highly visible Scholars theater years.”
for separate wards. camp. Evans
ty Humane Society. areas like Highway 12 and 182. Part of that effort, he said, is
Jimmy Joe Buckley is run- As alderman, Buckley said He is also concerned about the He said he’s not becoming “entrenched” as a
ning for Ward 2 alderman, while he will strongly support law en- aesthetics of downtown. thought about running for of- city or “inflexible” with policies
Joe Evans filed to run in Ward 5. forcement, first responders and “We want to market our- fice since he was a newspaper in a way that would deter oppor-
Buckley will attempt to unseat continued improvement of parks selves as ‘Starkvegas,’ but when reporter covering city govern- tunity.
Sandra Sistrunk, while Evans is and recreation opportunities. we have rundown commercial ment 15 years ago. “We need to look at our or-
challenging first-term alderman He told The Dispatch he properties that ought to be made Evans holds bachelor’s de- dinances in how they will affect
Hamp Beatty. wanted to remove restrictions to be cleaned up, that’s not very grees in educational psychol- us in six months, as well as the
Buckley, 62, is a retired elec- on businesses that are “stifling” ‘Starkvegas.’” ogy and musical education, as impact they will have long-
trician and veteran of the U.S. economic development. He be- Downtown, he said, partic- well as a master’s in counseling, term,” he said.
Army and Mississippi National lieves the actions taken during ularly Main Street, needs to be all from MSU. The qualifying deadline is 5
Guard. He served in 1991 in Op- the COVID-19 pandemic have resurfaced and restriped. As an alderman, Evans said p.m. today. Party primaries are
eration Desert Storm and retired made that worse, “sometimes “I bet downtown Maben looks he would seek to find ways pol- April 6 and the general election
from the military with the rank unnecessarily,” referring to the twice as good as ours,” he said. icy can best balance between is set for June 8.

Continued from Page 1A
administrator position sley and continued those “I know meeting, said Monday that
Oct. 1 after Ralph Billing- conversations with Fish- L eroy’s he would support wage in-
sley’s retirement, and he er, so the FY 2021 budget done a lot creases if the county bud-
said he observed how his included some money set of work on get can sustain them. He
predecessor put together aside for potential chang- that and I’m could not be reached for
the county’s FY 2021 bud- es in the county’s salary certainly comment Thursday.
get. structure, Fisher said. willing to Brooks said he is open
Revenue and expenses District 2 Supervi- look at it, to other suggestions for
play a role in the county’s sor and Board President but at some Hairston wage increases as long as
capacity to increase wag- Trip Hairston said he has point we’re going to have the idea is on the supervi-
es, Fisher said. seen disparities in coun- to look at it together as sors’ radar.
“The supervisors ab- ty employees’ wages that a group (and) ask hard “If the board doesn’t
solutely could do it tomor- should be corrected, but questions to the adminis- like my proposal, they
row, but it would come at it’s “too early” for him to trator and the chief finan- have the option of throw-
a cost, and that cost would take a stance on Brooks’ cial officer,” Hairston said. ing it in the trash can
be offset by cuts in other proposal and wants to fig- District 3 Supervisor and coming up with
areas,” Fisher said. ure out how it would affect and Board Vice Presi- something else, but there
Brooks had discussed the county’s overall bud- dent John Holliman, who needs to be some discus-
his proposal with Billing- get first. attended this morning’s sion about pay,” he said.

Continued from Page 1A
Fortunately, some reve- ued, although some chang- for the Oktibbeha Coun- come in, which hopefully
nue streams continued. es were made because of ty Humane Society de- we’ll be able to do before
“Dr. Blanton at Animal the COVID. scribed her experience too long. It’s been a diffi-
Clinic of Columbus real- “We never stopped our with COVID-19 in much cult year, but we’re hopeful Get promoted? Win an award?
ly helped us with some of adoption program,” she the same terms as John- that it won’t be too long Send us your business brief.
their fundraiser events said. “We just had to do the wick.
in their clinic,” Johnwick adoptions outside on our “We are still doing what
before we can get back to subject: Business brief
said. “I think we got about front patio. We were also we do, but doing it a lot
$1,000 from those events, able to continue our work differently,” Akins said.
which was a big help.” with the program that “We are still doing adop-
An even bigger shot- sends pets to the north- tions by appointment only,
in-the-arm came in Oc- ern states, where there’s and we’ve had to cancel
tober when 100+ Women a great demand, thanks to some of our programs and
Who Care Columbus our partnership with the events. We have two main
chose LCHS for its Impact Oktibbeha County shelter, fundraisers each year, one
Award, bringing in $14,500 which runs that program. we had to cancel and an-
of badly-needed funding. We were also able to con- other we had to do.”
“That was a big, big tinue our spay-neuter pro- Like Johnwick, Akins
thing for us,” Johnwick gram.” said operations continue,
said.” It was wonderful The LCHS is now open however.
that they chose us.” for people to tour the facil- “Our donations are
Operationally, John- ity and see the animals in down, but we’re still work-
wick said the primary their enclosures. ing,” Akins said. “What I
work of the LCHS contin- Sarah Akins, director do miss is having people

Continued from Page 1A
Ward 1 Councilwoman Ethel Taylor Stew- fourth while Stewart went on to win in a
art in the April 6 primary. The winner of runoff election.
the primary will go on to face indepen- Jackson has lived in Ward 1 for three
dent candidate Kallie Phillips in June. decades and has worked for the Colum-
Jackson previously ran for the coun- bus Municipal School District, in main-
cil seat in the 2019 special election after tenance and food service positions, for
Stewart’s brother, Gene Taylor, died in about 20 years, according to previous
August 2019 after holding the seat for Dispatch reporting.
more than three terms. Nine candidates He also could not be reached for com-
ran for the seat, and Jackson placed ment by press time.


Courtesy photo
The Smithsonian Institution’s Museum on Main Street traveling exhibition titled
“Crossroads: Change in Rural America” is open to the public at no charge in the
Tubb-May Library on East Mississippi Community College’s Scooba campus. The
exhibition will be on display Feb. 8 to March 12. It will be open Monday through
Thursday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., Fridays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Sundays from
3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 7A

Continued from Page 5A

Subrena Harvill Mason Sr. He attend- Ridge Baptist Church. Curry of Crossville ford all of Las Vegas, children; and two
COLUMBUS — ed Noxubee County In addition to her Community; siblings, Nevada; 27 grandchil- great-great-grandchil-
Subrena Ann Burton Schools and was parents, she was Vadus Beard of Bir- dren; 31 great-grand- dren.
Harvill, 63, previously employed as preceded in death by mingham, Alabama,
died Jan. a truck driver and with her husband, Frank J.T. Beard, Claire Small-
26, 2021, Jones Logistics. He was Ellington; five brothers; wood both of Fernbank
at Baptist a member of Mt. Carm- six sisters; and one Community and Galia
Memorial el M.B. Church. great-grandchild. Rainwater of Millport,
Hospi- In addition to his par- She is survived by Alabama; 14 grandchil-
tal-Golden ents, he was preceded her children, Deborah dren; 46 great-grand-
Triangle. in death by his siblings, Ellington of Starkville, children; and one great-
Harvill Earnest Mason Jr., Pete Gary Ellington of great-grandchild.
services Mason, Felix Mason Kosciusko, Claudette Pallbearers will be
will be at 11 a.m. Sat- and Julius Mason; and Ray, Frances Reedy Davey Perkins, James
son Anthony Ezell both of Sturgis and Perkins, Frankie Go-
urday, at Fourth Street
“Bighack” Brown. Kim Edwards ob forth, Josh Newman,
M.B. Church, with Jim-
He is survived by Duncan; 10 grandchil- Patrick Thompson and
my Rice officiating. Vis-
his wife, Edna Ruth dren; 14 great-grand- Matt Bambach.
itation is from 2-6 p.m.
today, at Carter’s Funer- Mason; children, Mary children; and six
al Services. Carter’s Mason Foote of New great-great-grandchil- Cora Thomas
Funeral Services of Albany, Tonya Lewis dren. West Point — Cora
Columbus is in charge and Thelma “Nikki” Lee Kelly Thomas, 87,
of arrangements. Shaw both of Macon; Emmett Perry died Jan. 25, 2021, at
Mrs. Harvill was siblings, Hattie Sledge, MACON — Emmett North Mississippi Med-
born Dec. 1, 1957, in Mattie Mason, Jimmie Perry, 74, died Jan. 26, ical Center-West Point.
Columbus, to the late Mason all of Macon 2021. Graveside services
Charlie Burton and Bar- and Florence Harlan of Lee-Sykes Funeral will be at 3 p.m. Satur-
bara Brown. She was Tuscaloosa, Alabama; Home of Macon is in day, at Mt. Zion Whites
formerly employed at a and 10 grandchildren. charge of arrange- M.B. Church Cemetery,
CNA for Trinity Health- ments. with Erusia Culpepper
care and was a member Robbie Keye Mr. Perry was born officiating. Visitation
of Fourth Street M.B. COLUMBUS — Rob- March 27, 1946, to the will be from 2:30-3
Church. bie Ayreese Anthony late Eddie L. Perry and p.m. prior to service at
She is survived by Chandler Bertha T. Perry. He was the cemetery. Carter’s
her husband, Bobby Keye, 76, a member of Woodlawn Mortuary Services of
Harvill; children, died Feb. 1, C.M.C. Church. West Point is in charge
LaKiva Burtin of Villa 2021. He is survived by his of arrangements.
Rica, Georgia, Jonial Funeral children, David Cun- Mrs. Thomas was
Burton, Brodrick Bur- services ningham and James Ivy born April 6, 1933, in
will be both of Macon; siblings, West Point, to the late
ton, Rhodesia Burton,
at 6 a.m. Willie Perry of Ham- Ben Kelly Jr. and Lula
Tacarra Burton, Tame-
Saturday, Keye mond, Indiana, Sammy Young Williams.
kia Humler, Frank
at Hairston Perry, Eddie Perry, Li- She is survived by
Humler Jr., Sharonica
and Hairston Funeral onel Perry, Betty Perry her children, Ernest
Washington, Cassandra
Home. Hairston and and Bernice P. Sanders Thomas, Willy Thom-
Howard all of Columbus
Hairston Funeral all of Macon; and four as, Alvanell doss, Lou
and Michelle Strong
Home of Columbus is grandchildren. Ann Golden, Deborah
of Reform, Alabama;
Humphries all of West
siblings, Charlene Jack- in charge of arrange-
Point, Robert Thom-
son, Jeffrey Windham ments. Nell Taylor as, Dennis Thomas,
both of Tuscaloosa, Mrs. Keye was CROSSVILLE COM- Janice Cromwell, Hallie
Alabama, James Wind- born Sept. 12, 1944, in MUNITY, Ala. — Gra- Anderson all of Las
ham, Larry Richardson, Blytheville, Arkansas, cie Nell Beard Taylor, Vegas, Nevada, Orlando
Terry Burton all of Re- to Robert Anthony and 80, died Feb. 3, 2021, at Thomas of Salisbury,
form, Alabama, Jessica Omelia Marie Hender- her residence. Maryland and Fannie
Burton of Atlanta, Geor- son Anthony. She was Funeral services Flowers of Muskegon,
gia and Stanley Colvin formerly employed with are at 1 p.m. today, in Michigan; siblings,
of Las Vegas, Nevada; the Columbus Air Force the chapel of Chandler Andrew Kelly, Ben T.
16 grandchildren; and Base Commissary. Funeral Home, with Kelly both of Aberdeen,
three great-grandchil- She is survived by James Godsey officiat- Ted Kelly, Bennie Cole-
dren. her children, Tietti ing. Burial will follow man, Minnie Jacobs
Pallbearers will be Onette Chandler-Wise at Christian Chapel. and Josephine Lang-
Trey Burton, Jachai and Tamelia Dorcus Visitation is from
Burton, Caleb Robin- Keye both of Columbus; 12:30-1 p.m. prior to
son, Baylock Burton, brother, Robert Brad- services at the funeral
Cantrell Lucious and dock of Columbus; and home. Chandler Funer-
Eddie Bluitt. two grandchildren. al Home of Vernon is
in charge of arrange-
Ezell Mason Vergie Ellington ments.
MACON — Ezell STARKVILLE — Mrs. Taylor was born
Mason, 66, died Jan. 27, Vergie Mae Roach June 28, 1940, in Mill-
2021, at his Ellington, 98, died Feb. port, Alabama, to the
residence. 3, 2021, at Carrington late Dupree and Erdie
Grave- Nursing Center in Miller Beard. She was
side ser- Starkville. formerly employed as
vices will Graveside services an LPN.
be at 1 p.m. will be at 2 p.m. Sat- In addition to her
Saturday, urday, at Memorial parents, she was pre-
at Mt. Car- Garden Park Cemetery, ceded in death by her
mel Ceme- with Michael Sanders husbands, Bobby Craw-
tery. Visita- and Junior Davis offi- ford and Billy Taylor;
tion is from noon-5 p.m. ciating. Welch Funeral daughter, Rebecca Per-
today, at Lee-Sykes Home of Starkville is kins; and siblings, Ellis
Funeral Home. Lee- in charge of arrange- Beard, Amos Beard,
Sykes Funeral Home of ments. James Beard and J.B.
Macon is in charge of Mrs. Ellington was Beard.
arrangements. born Jan. 8, 1923, in She is survived by
Mr. Mason was born Oktibbeha County, to her children, Tommy
May 17, 1954, in Macon, the late Lillie Hunt and Taylor of Kennedy,
to the late Mary Mal- Jim Roach. She was a Alabama, Judy Flynn
lard Mason and Earnest member of Pleasant of West Point and Janet

Senate approves
budget bill as Harris
casts tie-breaker vote

The Senate early Friday
approved a budget that
would allow fast-track
passage of President Joe
Biden’s $1.9 trillion coro-
navirus relief plan without
support from Republicans.
Vice President Kamala
Harris was in the chair to
cast the tie-breaking vote,
her first.
Democrats in the cham-
ber applauded after Harris
announced the 51-50 vote
at around 5:30 a.m. The ac-
tion came after a grueling
all-night session, where
senators voted on amend-
ments that could define
the contours of the eventu-
al COVID-19 aid bill.
The budget now re-
turns to the House, where
it will have to be approved
again due to the changes
made by the Senate.
8A FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 The Dispatch •

Unemployment claims fall to 779,000 but job cuts grind on

High total shows that a sizable number of er topped 700,000, even during
the Great Recession.
for unemployment aid over the
past few weeks suggests that
140,000 — one-half the peak
level of a month ago.
people keep losing jobs to the viral pandemic Thursday’s report reflects
a U.S. job market that is still
layoffs have eased slightly as
several states have loosened
Even so, the persistence
of elevated layoffs remains a
BY CHRISTOPHER RUGABER Last week’s total, the third suffering from the pandemic, restrictions on restaurants, cause for concern, economists
AP Economics Writer straight, declined from 812,000 with hiring having weakened bars and other service firms, say.
the previous week, the Labor for six straight months. It is a causing these businesses to “Total initial claims fell, but
WASHINGTON — The key reason why President Joe retain workers. the magnitude is still a huge
Department said Thursday.
number of Americans seeking Biden is pushing Congress to And the pace of new con- problem,” said AnnElizabeth
unemployment benefits de- It left the weekly figure at its
enact a $1.9 trillion economic firmed viral infections is slow- Konkel, an economist for In-
clined to 779,000 last week, a lowest point in two months but rescue program, on top of a ing, a trend that has lowered, the job postings
still-historically high total that nevertheless elevated: Before $900 billion federal aid pack- hospitalizations across the website. “We continue to see
shows that a sizable number of the virus erupted in the United age that was approved late last country. Average daily report- the effect of the coronavirus
people keep losing jobs to the States in March, weekly appli- year. ed cases have fallen 30 per- on the labor market. At no
viral pandemic. cations for jobless aid had nev- The decline in applications cent in the past week to about point has it let up.”

Biden strikes tough tone on Russia in diplomatic push

‘... The days of the United States rolling over in the face discouraged by Trump’s
policies and tone.
of Russia’s aggressive actions — interfering with our “America is back. Diplo-
macy is back,” Biden told
election, cyber attacks, poisoning its citizens— are over’ State Department staff
before delivering his for-
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ald Trump, who avoided in what White House offi- eign policy speech. “You
direct confrontation and cials called a tense first ex- are the center of all that I
WASHINGTON — often sought to downplay change. “We will not hes- intend to do. You are the
President Joe Biden the Russian leader’s ma- itate to raise the cost on heart of it. We’re going to
says the days of the U.S. lign actions. Russia and defend our vital rebuild our alliances”
“rolling over” to Russian Navalny, an anti-cor- interests and our people.” With Biden’s most pub-
President Vladimir Putin ruption campaigner and Biden’s comments on lic diplomatic effort of his
are gone as he called for Putin’s most determined Russia came as he asserted young presidency, White
the immediate release of political foe, was arrest- a broad reset of American House officials said he
Russian opposition leader ed Jan. 17 upon returning foreign policy, including was hoping to send an
Alexei Navalny.
from a five-month conva- reversing Trump’s order to unambiguous signal to
During his first visit to
lescence in Germany from withdraw U.S. troops sta- the world that the United
the State Department as
a nerve agent poisoning, tioned in Germany, ending States is ready to resume
president on Thursday,
Biden issued his strongest which he has blamed on support for Saudi Arabia’s its role as a global leader
condemnation of Putin as the Kremlin. military offensive in Ye- after four years in which
large protests have broken “I made it clear to Pres- men and promising to sup- Trump pressed an “Amer-
out throughout Russia fol- ident Putin, in a manner port LBGTQ rights as a ica First” agenda.
lowing the jailing of Naval- very different from my cornerstone of diplomacy. He offered a list of issues
ny. Thousands of protest- predecessor, that the days Using the visit to out- where he said he would re-
ers have been arrested. of the United States rolling line how his foreign poli- verse Trump’s policies or
The new American over in the face of Rus- cy would differ from that forge different priorities,
president was also seek- sia’s aggressive actions of his predecessor, Biden including scrapping the
— interfering with our called for a return to the former president’s plan to
ing to make clear to the
world that he’s making a election, cyber attacks, “grounding wire of our withdraw about 9,500 of
Visit us
dramatic turn away from poisoning its citizens— global power.” He sought the roughly 34,500 U.S. on the web at
Putin following the presi- are over,” said Biden, who to buck up the diplomatic troops stationed in Germa-
dency of Republican Don- last week spoke to Putin corps, many of whom were ny.

Does wearing two masks provide more protection?

Doctor: One mask should be illness if infected or will be in situations
where they expect to be around others for
enough for most situations, extended periods, such as on a plane.
One option in scenarios when you want
as long as it fits well extra protection is to wear a cloth mask
as well as a regular surgical mask, said
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Dr. Monica Gandhi, an infectious disease
expert at the University of California, San
Does wearing two masks provide more Francisco.
protection? Gandhi said that combination — with
It depends, but it’s possible that dou- either mask on top — could help achieve
bling up could help in some situations. a similar effect as the N95 mask. She
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control recommended the added protection for
and Prevention recommends wearing a people who will be indoors in areas where
cloth mask made with two or more lay- transmission rates are high — which
ers, and ensuring it covers your nose and could reflect the circulation of more con-
mouth. The agency says it should fit snug- tagious variants.
ly so there aren’t any gaps at the sides of Another option Gandhi and a colleague
your face. recommend for situations where you want
Wearing just one mask should be “maximum” protection: A two-layer cloth
enough for most situations, as long as it mask that has a filter material in between.
fits well and isn’t loose, said Dr. David With single cloth masks for everyday
Hamer, an infectious disease expert at use, Gandhi noted it’s important that
Boston University. they’re made of tightly woven material
“Starting out with a good mask to be- and have at least two layers, which creates
gin with is going to be key,” Hamer said. “an obstacle course” that makes it hard-
Still, some people might want extra er for virus-carrying particles to break
protection if they’re at risk for severe through.


Reflecting on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers head coach’s early days at MSU
BY BEN PORTNOY instilled fear and toughness rather than empathy and under-
STARKVILLE — Landing Granted, Arians — fast-
in Blacksburg, Virginia, in the talking and gruff in words from
winter between 1977 and 1978, time to time — wasn’t com-
Mississippi State assistant pletely above the coaching fray.
coach Rockey Felker sat puz- Future NFL receiver Mardye
zled. McDole quipped that Arians
Arriving just a few miles said “son of a b—” in his gener-
from Virginia Tech’s campus, al direction so much, he started
snow had begun to fall in the responding to it as if it was his
mountainous part of the South’s name.
northernmost state. Head “I would look around ’cause I
coach Bob Tyler and Felker ini- thought he was talking to me,”
tially headed to Blacksburg in McDole said, his laugh increas-
hopes of landing former Hokies ing with every word.
head coach Jimmy Sharpe for
Arians was a meticulous stu-
MSU’s 1978 staff.
dent of the game in his early
But there was more reason
days. McDole, who became the
for the trip than Sharpe. It was
first player in school history to
in Blacksburg and through con-
record more than 1,000 receiv-
versations in coaching circles
ing yards in a season, is quick
that Tyler had become smitten
to note Arians taught him to
with a hotshot former Virginia
watch film. Every Monday, the
Tech quarterback who’d spent
pair met to comb through op-
the bulk of the previous three
ponent game tape. Arians had
years on the Hokies’ staff as a
already spent hours breaking
graduate assistant.
down every possible twitch or
“(I thought), ‘Who is this
misstep an opposing corner
Bruce Arians guy?’” Felker
might take before relaying it to
said. “I guess, in my mind, I
didn’t know a lot about him.”
Once on the practice field,
Before Arians spent 28 years
in the NFL with eight different Arians simplified the coach-
franchises, before he teamed ing process. He taught route
with Tom Brady to lead the running in progressions. On
Tampa Bay Buccaneers to a a slant — McDole’s route of
Super Bowl appearance in their choice — he broke the timing
home stadium Sunday, he was a for a pass into a three-window
strapping 25-year-old, sporting system: First, when the out-
a youthful grin and a handlebar side linebacker stepped down
mustache, who landed his first toward the line of scrimmage;
major coaching job in northeast second, if the middle linebacker
Mississippi. over-pursued into the box; and
Arians got his coaching start third, when the receiver had
at Virginia Tech, but it was in cleared all three linebackers
Starkville that the offensive and neared the opposite side-
mastermind made his most pro- line.
lific early marks. “He corrected your mis-
“He was an exceptional takes,” McDole explained, “and
coach, and I would’ve bet every- it was in a way that nobody else
thing he was going to rise up in Photo courtesy of Mississippi State Athletics
had done it before.”
the coaching profession,” Tyler, After a three-year spell at Virginia Tech, Bruce Arians helped revolutionize the Mississippi State
now in his late 80s, said. “And of offense during the 1978 season — his first of three in Starkville. Arians would later return to MSU nnn
course he has done that, and, of between 1993 and 1995 as the offensive coordinator under Jackie Sherrill.
all things, here he is in the Su- fensive responsibilities, Arians through in his accent. His play- caught from his players over his Years before K.J. Costello’s
per Bowl.” wasn’t exactly a down-home ers latched onto his unique unique voice offered a look at magical 623-yard passing per-
Southerner like the bulk of the wordsmithing, ensuring by the the deeper difference between formance in Baton Rouge this
nnn staff. end of his three-year tenure in him and the military-esque past fall, it was Arians and a
Despite spending sev- Starkville he’d adopted “y’all” coaches of decades past. He walk-on kicker-turned-quarter-
Hired to coach receivers at en-plus years in Blacksburg, and “fixin’ to” into his verbiage. was a players’ coach in an era back who set the Southeastern
MSU among other varying of- Arians’ New Jersey roots shone But the playful flak Arians where those leading programs See ARIANS, 3B


Volunteers advance, Patriots fall in Goodell: Many lessons

MAIS 2-4A tourney semifinals league learned in 2020

Hallberg with getting
up the court quickly and
looking for a quick buck-
will carry forward
et. Hallberg took the ball
season long, it’s been coast to coast and laid it
“next man up” for the in with tenths of a second our relationship has never
Starkville Academy boys TAMPA, Fla. — The been stronger. I interpret
remaining, a big basket to
basketball team. many lessons learned from that as a trust that has
put Starkville Academy
Turns out that applies 2020 will be needed as the been built here that will
up 11-4 at the end of the
to coaches, too. NFL moves forward, Com- take us forward and will
With head coach Bill missioner Roger Goodell be the long-lasting legacy
“That really helped
Ball out with COVID-19, us go into the second noted Thursday in his of this season.”
assistant Braxton Eu- quarter with intensity,” annual state of the league That legacy, on the pos-
banks stepped in to guide junior Jarius Jordan said. news conference ahead of itive side, includes some-
the Volunteers to a 59-46 “We started off slow, but the Super Bowl. thing the other major
win over Lamar School in we came into the second Held before both sports leagues and organi-
Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
Thursday’s MAIS Class quarter and picked it up a in-person and virtual audi- zations couldn't manage:
Surrounded by three Leake Academy defenders,
4A, District 2 tournament Starkville Academy senior Jawon Yarbrough (21) still little bit.” ences and staged outside playing a full season, unin-
semifinal in Louisville, made this fourth-quarter layup in Thursday's MAIS Jordan had nine of of the arena that is home terrupted, with the cham-
sending Starkville Acad- Class 4A, District 2 semifinal at Winston Academy. his team-high 16 points to the NHL's Tampa Bay pionship game on time
emy on to Saturday’s Yarbrough had 14 points as the Vols won, 59-46. in the period as the Vols Lightning, Goodell said despite COVID-19 issues.
championship game outscored the Raiders developments ranging “This was an extraor-
tion if he was going to balanced showing in
against Leake Academy. 18-12 in the second, tak- from dealing with the dinary collective effort,”
be back for this game,” which Starkville Acad-
“You never know when ing a 13-point lead into coronavirus pandemic to Goodell said. “There’s so
Eubanks said. “I was pre- emy scored 29 points in
you’re going to be called halftime. The junior said minority coaching hires many people that had to
pared and ready.” the first half and 30 in the to scheduling to the NFL's
on,” Eubanks said. Starkville Academy just work together to get this
Ultimately, Ball didn’t second. working relationship with done. There were doubt-
For Eubanks, that mo- kept attacking, pushing
ment came last Thurs- make the trip to host site “We played fantasti- the players' union all will ers, people that didn’t
the pace past what Lamar
day when Ball tested Winston Academy. That cally on offense — got carry forward as major believe we could do it, we
could handle.
positive for the virus. left Eubanks — currently out and ran a lot in transi- “They really couldn’t topics. had a lot of unknowns our-
The Vols didn’t play their a student at Mississippi tion,” Eubanks said. keep up with us on the “I don’t know when nor- selves. We believed that
scheduled game Friday, State — to coach his first On one key play at run, so that’s what we mal will occur again or if staying on schedule and
making sure the disease non-junior high contest at the end of the first quar- kept doing,” Jordan said. normal will occur again,” working to try to get 256
hadn’t spread through- Starkville Academy in a ter, the Vols showed a But after halftime, he said. “I know we have games done as we try to
out the team. It hadn’t, big spot. perfect example of that it was the Raiders’ turn learned to work in a very say, ’avoid the asterisk,' I
and Thursday’s game re- And the Volunteers philosophy. Inbound- to get on a roll. With a difficult environment, and think we were able to do
mained on — but Ball’s delivered for him with ing with 5.1 seconds to 21-point third quarter, we will do it again. That that.”
status was uncertain. a big offensive night go, Starkville Academy Lamar outdid its scoring is one of the things we But the negative part
“It was always a ques- against the Raiders, a tasked sophomore Cy See PREPS, 3B learned ... hearing clubs See NFL, 3B
2B FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 The Dispatch •


Balanced Ohio State rallies past Iowa in top-10 matchup

Fredrick out
Iowa guard CJ Fredrick,
who has started 16 games
No. 7 Ohio State spent part
this season, missed the
of its time before its game
game with a lower leg in-
at No. 8 Iowa stuck in the
jury. Fredrick sat out the
Jan. 29 game at Illinois,
A blizzard that shut
but started and played 11
down several highways in minutes in Tuesday’s 84-78
the state hit as the Buck- win over Michigan State.
eyes were heading to the Fredrick, who averages
arena for a late-morning 8.7 points per game, is
shootaround, and when shooting 50% (26 of 52) on
the team left to head back 3-pointers this season.
to its hotel, the bus couldn’t
get up the hill outside of
the arena.
Long time ago
This game was the sec-
“We had to call the plow
ond time in the series that
people to come in and plow
both teams were ranked in
for us,” Ohio State guard
the top 10. The first was on
Duane Washington Jr.
Feb. 18, 1961, when No. 1
said. “It was just kind of
Ohio State defeated No. 9
a wrench in the road that
Iowa 62-61.
was going to make us go
even harder.”
The Buckeyes found Game of runs
themselves stuck offen- Iowa had a 10-0 scoring
sively for a stretch in the run in the first half. It was
second half against the the 20th time this season
Hawkeyes. But they found Joseph Cress/Iowa City Press-Citizen via USA TODAY Sports the Hawkeyes have scored
another gear, rallying from Ohio State guard CJ Walker, middle, passes as Iowa forward Patrick McCaffery, left, and Iowa guard Joe 10 or more consecutive
Toussaint (1) defend Thursday’s game at Carver-Hawkeye Arena in Iowa City, Iowa. points in a game.
an 11-point deficit to beat
Iowa 89-85 on Thursday we built up that animosity you know they’re going Ohio State held Iowa to points. Garza had five sec-
night. for the game.” to make runs, you know one field goal over the final ond-half points, making 2 Big picture
Washington, E.J. Lid- “They had a good time they’re going to score and 4:16. The Buckeyes were of 8 shots. The Buckeyes add-
dell, and Kyle Young each with it,” Ohio State coach get stops,” Young said. the ones with the big shots. “They put him in such ed to their resume with
had 16 points as the Buck- Chris Holtmann said. “For us, it was just sticking Justin Ahrens had three great spots, and move him their fifth win in six tries
eyes (15-4, 9-4 Big Ten) “Duane leads the charge with it, not getting discour- 3-pointers in a span of two around,” Holtmann said. against teams in the AP
moved into a tie for second there in the back of the bus aged. We always say, ‘Don’t minutes late in the game “We mixed up our coverag- Top 25, and it was their
place in the Big Ten with with those kinds of discus- flinch.’” after going scoreless to es. He had to have a body fourth consecutive road
Illinois, one game behind sions. “We knew they were that point, his last one com- on him, because he’s the win over a top-15 team.
Michigan. “I think, maybe, this going to make some runs,” ing at the 2:39 mark to put most difficult matchup in The Hawkeyes, who are
The Buckeyes scored group has a really special Holtmann said. “We had to Ohio State up 88-81. the country.” in the middle of a stretch
38 points in the final 14:29, way about them. Perhaps be able to weather some “I think at that point, we Jack Nunge and Jordan of four games in eight
but it was that 45-minute in some ways that galva- runs, and find a way to weren’t as active in our de- Bohannon each scored days, dropped two games
wait in the snow that Wash- nized us.” score ourselves. I think fensive slides,” Iowa coach 18 points for Iowa (13-5, behind Big Ten-leading
ington said might have The Buckeyes need- if you can’t score against Fran McCaffery said. 7-4). Joe Wieskamp had 17 Michigan.
made the difference. ed something when Iowa them, you’re not going “Give them credit, they points and 10 rebounds.
“We talked about who went up 61-50, and they re- to beat them. Our guys made their shots.” Justice Sueing had 12 Up next
the top 10 shooting guards sponded with a 17-5 run to played with great poise, The Buckeyes held points and 11 rebounds for Ohio State: At Mary-
were in the NBA,” Wash- take the lead. particularly when we were Iowa’s Luka Garza, the the Buckeyes. land on Monday.
ington said. “And it was a “With good teams, as down, and for that I’m the nation’s leading scorer at The game featured 18 Iowa: At Indiana on
great conversation. I think good of a team as Iowa is, most proud.” 26.5 points per game, to 16 lead changes and five ties. Sunday.

Minus fanfare, small college football getting underway

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS lege football being played ginning play Saturday as As with the big pro- to practice and compete,” it kind of got to the point
during the 2020-21 school well. Teams in 11 other grams that played in the Pacific Lutheran inter- where it is what it is. You
PARKLAND, Wash. year. Division III leagues and fall, testing, distancing im athletic director Jen got to stay quarantined.
— At some point each The next wave arrives three NAIA leagues in- and protective equipment Thomas said. “And I think You got to get through it.
week since athletes re- Saturday when a handful tend to play in the spring. have topped the priori- it’s good for the athletes You got to just take care of
turned to campus, Pacific of NCAA Division III and Division II has four ty list for trying to pull to see their coaches and yourself. But it was tough
Lutheran football coach NAIA programs begin conferences set to play off a season. In the case other coaches coming for a little while.”
Brant McAdams has some form of delayed sea- with another handful of Pacific Lutheran and together to be able to do School athletics offi-
donned the full uniform of son. McAdams’ team will of schools scheduling Puget Sound, athletic this.” cials are fully aware one
personal protective equip- be one of those in action, games. FCS programs departments are partner- A few miles away, infection could mean
ment — gown, gloves, making the 20-minute will begin as early as next ing with the university to Puget Sound is using the four-game Division
mask and face shield. drive to face rival Puget week with the division’s fund the testing. self-administered saliva III schedule could be re-
There was never a Sound in one of nine championship schedule All athletes are being tests along with twice dai- duced. Because of the
chapter in any of the books games scheduled at the set to conclude in mid- tested three days per ly attestation screenings. uncertainty, Hackett said
on becoming a small col- Division III level. May. week at Pacific Lutheran Despite their efforts, Puget Sound will honor
lege football coach that “We felt like we were Getting to this point using nasal antigen tests the programs haven’t
its seniors during Satur-
addressed administering installing for no oppo- for the smaller schools, but, because of staffing been able to keep the
day’s game rather than
COVID-19 tests in the nent for nine months,” for whom exposure and limitations, all coaches coronavirus away com-
midst of a pandemic. Now wait for its final scheduled
Puget Sound coach Jeff TV revenues aren’t a fac- and athletic staff were pletely. A pair of Puget
it’s something he’s doing game on March 6 against
Thomas said. “So now tor, has been an exercise trained and are required Sound players tested posi-
weekly to give his players to be able to be in a posi- in flexibility and persever- to administer the tests. tive in early January after Whitworth.
the chance at a season. tion where we’re getting ance. Imagine Nick Saban returning from Christ- Players and coaches
“We’ve all joked around ready to play a different “I’m dizzy a lot of or Dabo Sweeney taking mas break, but both were will have tremendous
at some point, like, if they opponent, or purposeful times, trying to remem- time away from game discovered during a re- appreciation for getting
tell me to wear a funny hat practice, where we’re not ber all these pieces and planning to throw on PPE quired quarantine before at least one more game
and dress weird and hop just talking about social how they intersect and and process tests and the practices began. when the teams line up
on one leg, and that’s what distancing, but now lead- connect,” Puget Sound gulf between the power At Pacific Lutheran, se- this weekend.
we got to do to be able to ing to football-specific athletic director Amy programs and what the nior tight end Ryan Flood “Especially for me as a
give these kids this expe- techniques, it’s been nice Hackett said. “We work small schools are trying was one who had a late senior, I wasn’t planning
rience, that’s what we’ll to finally have some sem- through all these differ- to accomplish becomes start to January practices on coming back for a fifth
do,” McAdams said. blance of normal.” ent agencies to pull it to- obvious. after contracting COVID year,” Puget Sound line-
For all the attention Two conferences at the gether and I think we’ve “I think it’s important over the holidays. backer Zachary Meyer
lavished on the Power 5 NAIA level — the Mid- done a fairly good job. for our coaches to un- “Pretty much my said. “So just having that
conferences as they tried South and Mid-States We knew we were going derstand some of what it whole family got it. My opportunity to get a last
to take the field last fall, Football Association — to have hiccups along the takes to be able to have grandparents got it. It’s little bit of football is like
it won’t be the only col- will have some teams be- way.” their athletes being able scary,” Flood said. “But a dream.”

Check downs? More like checkmate as Chiefs take what’s given

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS for high-percentage ones. my entire career, take it to him so special,” Chiefs “If you watch the sea- City to complete them.
He’ll pass on dou- the very limit but never go quarterbacks coach Mike son, Travis is the No. 1 That’s a big reason
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — ble-coverage on Tyreek past it.” Kafka said. “Sometimes guy in the league catch- Mahomes was among
The casual football fan is Hill streaking downfield Mahomes had the low- those guys on defense ing the ball and splitting the least-blitzed quarter-
likely to describe the Kan- for an open running back est check-down rate in the do a good job, too. I think guys and running 30 or 40 backs in the league this
sas City Chiefs offense ambling into the flat. Or NFL in 2018, his first year Pat’s gotten better at un- yards, because we don’t season. Defensive coordi-
this way: a go-for-broke, the tight window to tight as a starter, which led to derstanding where his an- have those deep shots. nators would rather drop
throw-it-deep highlight end Travis Kelce in the some record-setting pass- swers are.” We’ve been doing a great an extra player (or two)
reel built around a quar- middle of the field for the ing numbers but also a Kelce shattered just job of catching the ball, into coverage, allow their
terback with record-set- wide-open wide receiver career-high 12 intercep- about every NFL record running upfield and mak- cornerbacks and safeties
ting arm strength and on the edge. tions. But as his check- for a tight end this sea- ing those plays. That’s the some extra cushion on
wide receivers boasting Some might call all down rate increased ev- son, including yardage next step this team has those speedy wide receiv-
Olympic-caliber speed. those dink-and-dunk er-so-slightly the past two with 1,229, but his aver- taken.” ers, and give up a short
They wouldn’t be en- throws “check downs.” seasons, those other num- age target depth was just Not that the Chiefs completion and play the
tirely wrong. Given the Chiefs are bers also balanced out. 9.0 yards — barely within ever gave up on taking next down than give up
They wouldn’t be en- playing for a second Mahomes still threw the top 100. Hill had 1,276 deep shots, and the Buc- six points all at once.
tirely right, either. straight Super Bowl tile for 4,740 yards with 38 yards receiving in the reg- caneers are painfully “They play fast, but
One of the biggest Sunday? They probably touchdowns in just 15 reg- ular season but had a tar- aware of what can happen they understand football.
differences in the Chiefs prefer “checkmate.” ular-season games this get depth of 12.9, which when you let your guard They’re not just a track
from the past two years, “It’s a fine line,” ex- season, but his percent- ranked 34th overall. down. Hill dominated team out there,” Bucca-
when Patrick Mahomes plained Mahomes, who age of what the Chiefs In fact, no Chiefs were them for 203 yards receiv- neers defensive coordi-
was asserting himself as led all quarterbacks this consider “poor throws” among the NFL’s top 25 ing in the first quarter nator Todd Bowles said.
the best quarterback of season in producing yards dropped from 18.3 to 17.6. pass-catchers in average alone in Week 12, and he “They can beat you ver-
his generation, and this after his receivers caught The average intended depth of target. finished with 13 catches tically and horizontally.
season, when he has a the ball. “You want to be- air yardage for Mahomes “That starts with Pat for 269 yards and touch- They keep you off bal-
chance in the Super Bowl lieve you can make every fell from 9.1 as a rookie to getting the ball out of down receptions of 75, 44 ance. They understand
to beat the Buccaneers’ single play, but you don’t 8.8 last season to 8.4 this his hand and allowing us and 20 yards in a 27-24 what they need to do to
Tom Brady — the best of want a play that turns bad season, when his passer to get upfield and make victory. win. I don’t worry about
any generation — is the because you’re trying rating increased by more those moves,” Chiefs It’s just that most de- the opposition. They do
way Mahomes has es- to do too much. That’s than five points. wide receiver Sammy fenses have steadfastly what they do and do it bet-
chewed high-risk throws something I’ve tried to do “That’s what makes Watkins said. refused to allow Kansas ter than anybody else.”
The Dispatch • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 3B

Continued from Page 1B
College Basketball
EMCC men, women beat Coahoma in the entirety of the first half, Academy 60
The East Mississippi Community College men’s getting to the rim too easily for The Columbus Christian
and women’s basketball teams both beat Coahoma Starkville Academy’s liking. Academy girls came up just
Community College on Thursday night. Still, the Raiders never got short in Thursday’s District
The Lions men picked up a 75-72 decision in
Clarksdale, while the women won 65-45 in Scooba. within seven points as a com- 2-2A championship game
Jakorie Smith had a double-double with 16 points bination of missed shots and against host Newton County
and 10 rebounds as the EMCC men improved to 3-1. continued offense from the Academy.
Blake Butler had 16 points, Nick Walker had nine points Vols kept the game from get- Faith Yeates had 18 points
and eight rebounds, and Makeem Roberts had eight
ting too close. to lead the Rams. Cayden
For the women’s team, which returned to action Eubanks promised to shore Harding had 14, and CC De-
Thursday after missing its past two games because of up Starkville Academy’s de- Vos had eight.
COVID-19, West Point product Ja’Mia Hollings posted fending by Saturday’s title Columbus Christian awaits
a double-double with 12 points and 14 rebounds. its assignment for the north
Shakira Wilson made four 3-pointers and finished with
game against Leake. But even
12 points, and Sierra Jackson had nine points. if the Vols play a game like state tournament, which the
The EMCC women (2-0) will play at Holmes Com- they did Thursday, it won’t be Rams will host next week.
munity College at 6 p.m. Monday. The Lions men will easy for the Rebels to surpass
host Southwest Mississippi Community College at 2 them. Kemper Academy boys 51,
p.m. Saturday at Keyes T. Currie Coliseum in Scooba.
“We want to play on defense Columbus Christian Academy
first, but when they’re playing 39
College Volleyball good on offense, we’re hard to Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff The Columbus Christian
MSU drops spring opener to South Carolina beat,” Eubanks said. Heritage Academy sophomore Mack Howard (12) drives to the boys finished in fourth place
The Mississippi State volleyball team was defeat- basket against Leake Academy seniors Clay Kemp (23) and Gar- in the district tournament with
ed in straight sets in Thursday’s spring-season opener
While Thursday’s win isn’t
the one Starkville Academy rett Dunn (35) during the first quarter of Thursday's MAIS Class a 51-39 loss to Kemper Acad-
at South Carolina. 4A, District 2 semifinal at Winston Academy in Louisville.
Set scores were 25-18, 25-17 and 25-19. wanted — the Vols have their emy.
Right-side hitter Gabby Waden had 11 kills to lead sights set on the state cham- cold from the field. Shot after quite close until Leake’s Hen- The Rams took the lead into
Mississippi State (2-7, 2-7 Southeastern Conference) pionship, Jordan said — the shot clanked off the rim as ry Dabbs banked in a crucial the fourth quarter but couldn’t
in her hometown of Columbia, South Carolina. Logan hold it.
Brown and Lauren Myrick had eight apiece. team will be plenty prepared Heritage Academy managed third-quarter 3-pointer.
Mississippi State will face the Gamecocks again to face Leake at 7:30 p.m. Sat- just five points in the third “You can’t do anything Joe Michael Edwards
at 6 p.m. Friday. urday. quarter, which ended with about the bank,” Whiteside scored 14 points for Columbus
Take it from their new Leake staked to a 41-30 lead. said. “The fact that he got the Christian, and Tyler Looney
Prep Basketball coach. “The thing about it is, we’ve open look there was us out of had eight.
Columbus girls handle Grenada “They’re ready to roll,” Eu- got some kids that can score,” position.”
The Columbus High School girls basketball team banks said. Whiteside said. “Tonight, we It was just one instance of Newton County Academy
returned to action with a 62-33 home win over Grenada didn’t have anybody who could poor play that cost the Pats on boys def. Hebron Christian, dis-
in Thursday’s rescheduled game. trict tournament championship
DJ Jackson led the Falcons with 17 points, while Leake Academy boys 60, score. Nobody shot it well to- Thursday night. In another,
night. Hopefully, that’s the Leake’s Whitt Welch missed
Charity Yeates and China Stewart had 10 apiece.
Columbus will play Friday at New Hope.
Heritage Academy 42 only problem. If it is, we can a corner 3-pointer, sprinted Class 3A, District 2 — at
The timeout was supposed Oak Hill Academy
fix it and hopefully get ready after the rebound and put the
to help. Oak Hill Academy girls 31,
Other scores to make a run.” ball back up and in before
After Heritage Academy se- Winona Christian 26
Noxubee County girls 52, West Point 49 The Patriots, who are al- any Heritage Academy player
WEST POINT — The Noxubee County girls nior Jonathan Peal got a short The Oak Hill Academy
ready assured a spot in the could touch it.
picked up a 52-49 road win Thursday at West Point. runner to drop in the third girls beat Winona Christian
Na’Kaiyla “Tootie” Lockett had 17 points to lead Class 4A north state tourna- “When they shoot it, they
quarter of Thursday’s dis- School 31-26 on Thursday to
the Tigers and added nine rebounds, two assists, three ment, will play Lamar in the go get it,” Whiteside said. “I
trict semifinal against Leake make Saturday’s District 2-3A
steals and a block. Jakeia Walker was solid all around third-place contest at 4:30 p.m. don’t know how well they shot
with nine points, eight rebounds and four steals. Academy, Patriots coach Russ tournament final.
Saturday. Meanwhile, Leake it tonight, but they killed us on
Aaliyah Brandy had six points, five rebounds, two Whiteside promptly signaled The Raiders trailed 15-11
advanced to face Starkville the offensive boards.”
steals and an assist for Noxubee County, and Makevia for time. With Heritage Acad- at halftime but outscored the
Walker had six points, seven rebounds and a pair of Academy in the championship Ultimately, though, the
emy trailing 36-29, Whiteside Stars 20-11 in the second half.
steals. game later that night. game came down to the Pats’
Shadiamin Wilkerson had six points, Zachariah hoped the Pats could build Carley Wooten and Sara
Rebels coach Phil Shepard inability to score in the sec-
Averett had four points and two rebounds, and Kirsten on Peal’s make when play re- Nash led Oak Hill with nine
said it’s been several years ond half. By the time Heritage
Barnett had two points, eight rebounds and four blocks. sumed. points apiece, and Mary Beth
The Tigers will play Friday at Choctaw County. since his team has made it this Academy takes the court Sat-
Instead, Leake senior point Briggs had seven. Allie Comer
Noxubee County boys 64, West Point 56 far. urday, Whiteside knows that
guard Clay Kemp drove to the had four, and McKenzie Mid-
Neshoba Central boys 48, Noxubee County 47,
“We’re excited to get to go will have to change.
Tuesday basket for a layup. On the en- dleton had two.
and know we’ll play a quality “It’s been a problem all
suing possession, Heritage The Raiders face Central
SOURCE: From Special Reports team on Saturday,” Shepard year: We’ve just not scored
Academy turned the ball right Holmes Christian at 3:30 p.m.
said. “We’re just looking for- well in all four quarters,” he
back over to the Rebels. Saturday for the district cham-
said. “There’s only been a cou-
CALENDAR The sequence summed ward to it.”
Thursday, he praised his ple of games that we have.” pionship.
up the Patriots’ 60-42 loss to
Today Leake on Thursday night — a team’s improvement over the Oak Hill Academy boys 61,
Prep Girls Basketball game in which Heritage Acad- course of the season. On Jan. Other MAIS district Winona Christian 53
Columbus at New Hope, 6 p.m. emy (16-5) simply couldn’t get 7, Heritage Academy beat tournament scores The Oak Hill boys also beat
West Lowndes at Noxapater, 6 p.m. going. Leake by 29 points in Colum- Class 4A, District 2 — at Winona Christian on Thurs-
Prep Boys Basketball “It’s just one of those games bus, and the Patriots grabbed Winston Academy day in West Point to punch
Columbus at New Hope, 7:30 p.m. that’s really frustrating,” Wh- a two-point win Jan. 19 in Mad- Leake Academy girls 58, their ticket to the tournament
West Lowndes at Noxapater, 7:30 p.m. iteside said. “You don’t feel den. Starkville Academy 21, district final.
Prep Boys Soccer like you did anything good at Shepard said the second tournament semifinal The Raiders will play Car-
Starkville Academy at Lamar School, all.” game — not the more comfort- roll Academy at 5 p.m. Satur-
5:30 p.m. The Patriots jogged into able wins each team posted Class 2A, District 2 — at day.
their locker room at halftime — is a sign that the two teams Newton County Academy Oak Hill will play at Kirk
Saturday trailing by just one point, 26- are evenly matched. Really, Newton County Academy Academy in the north state
Men’s College Basketball 25, but they proceeded to go he said, Thursday’s game was girls 63, Columbus Christian tournament next week.

Mississippi State at South Carolina,
2:30 p.m.
Prep Girls Basketball
Columbus at West Point, 11 a.m. Continued from Page 1B
Starkville Academy vs. East Rankin
Academy, district tournament third- Conference ablaze with his was kicking the s--- out of lines,” Felker joked. “... We as a veer option quarterback at
place game, Winston Academy, 3 p.m. pass-heavy approach to the us,” Arians told The Dispatch weren't prepared to run shot- Virginia Tech.
Central Holmes Christian at Oak Hill 1978 season. in October. “And he takes gun the whole game like we Arians would spend anoth-
Academy, district tournament final, Under center for the aerial us right down the field and ended up doing.” er two seasons in Starkville
3:30 p.m. renaissance that season was scored a touchdown and it's Though the Bulldogs fell before Bryant hired him as Al-
transfer Dave Marler. Marler, like, ‘He's our guy.’” short against the Crimson abama’s running backs coach
Prep Boys Basketball who played quarterback and Facing a Bear Bryant-led Tide, losing 31-14 after pull- after the 1980 season. (He
Carroll Academy at Oak Hill Academy, kicked at Mississippi College Alabama team that hadn’t lost ing within a score early in would return to MSU as Jackie
district tournament final, 5 p.m. for two years before walking more than three games in a the third quarter, they cap- Sherrill’s offensive coordina-
Heritage Academy vs. Lamar School, on at MSU as a kicker, spent season in almost a decade that tured lightning in a bottle. tor between 1993 and 1995.)
district tournament third-place game, his first season in Starkville as fall, Arians added a wrinkle in McDole, who finished the af- Always one to put players first,
Winston Academy, 4:30 p.m. a full-time special teamer. But MSU’s offense the week of the ternoon with nine receptions Arians called receiver Danny
Starkville Academy vs. Leake Acade- Breck Tyler, Bob’s son, who game. Rather than line up un- for 168 yards, concluded the Knight, who he’d recruited
my, district tournament final, Winston held kicks for Marler and also der center and succumb to the campaign with 1,035 yards, a the previous year, over to his
Academy, 7:30 p.m. played receiver, nagged his fa- Crimson Tide’s advantages in number that remains atop the house to inform him personal-
ther that the team’s best arm the trenches, he instituted a school’s single-season receiv- ly of the change.
ing charts.
ON THE AIR resided on the special teams
shotgun formation in which
Marler lined up seven or eight Marler would finish the
Forty years later, after
Knight retired from a long-
Continuing to push his yards off the line of scrim- 1978 campaign fourth in the time career as a probation of-
Saturday father on moving Marler to mage. nation in passing (2,422 yards), ficer last spring, Arians called
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) quarterback during a spring Running through pregame fifth in yards per attempt (8.4) to congratulate him.
11 a.m. — Seton Hall at UConn, FOX scrimmage, Arians overheard kicking warmups, Marler tore and 10th in completions (163). “I'm just glad I know the
11 a.m. — Alabama at Missouri, ESPN Breck’s insistence. He agreed. his thigh muscle. After a tape His 2,422 yards that year also man,” Knight said. “I'm just
11 a.m. — Iowa State at Oklahoma, Turning to Marler, Arians of- job and an injection helped still sit as the fifth-best mark happy for him and proud of
ESPN2 fered him the nod. him start the game, he was in program history. him.”
1 p.m. — Kansas at West Virginia, CBS “OK, kid, let’s see what you sacked and forced back to the “I had talent,” Marler Sunday, Arians, Brady and
1 p.m. — Florida at LSU, ESPN got,” Arians said. “Go in and locker room on the first series said. “(Arians) taught me the the Buccaneers take on the
2 p.m. — Texas at Oklahoma State, play quarterback.” of the day. More tape and an- skills.” Kansas City Chiefs with a shot
ABC Marler led the No. 2 offense other shot followed. Riddled nnn at delivering the franchise its
2:30 p.m. — Mississippi State at South on an 80-yard scoring drive with pain, Marler soldiered first Super Bowl victory since
Carolina, SECN against the Bulldogs’ No. 1 through, completing 28 of 46 Following the 1978 season, 2002. Nearly 43 years on from
3 p.m. — Washington at Oregon, CBS defense. A 75-yard touchdown passes for 429 yards — the Tyler resigned from his post his flight from Blacksburg to
3 p.m. — Pittsburgh at Virginia, ESPN procession followed the next most passing yardage ever and was replaced with former Starkville, Arians isn’t the ba-
3 p.m. — Ole Miss at Auburn, ESPN2 possession. Arians looked at surrendered by an Alabama Texas A&M coach Emory by-faced, mustachioed coordi-
5 p.m. — North Carolina at Duke, ESPN Tyler with glee. team at the time. Bellard. Bellard, an architect nator he once was. But today,
5 p.m. — UCF at Tulsa, ESPN2 “They put Marler at quar- “(It was) kind of just like of the wing-T formation, kept everyone knows that Bruce
5 p.m. — Vanderbilt at Georgia, SECN terback because the defense drawing plays up on the side- Arians on staff given his time Arians guy.

7 p.m. — Tennessee at Kentucky, ESPN
7 p.m. — Arizona at Colorado, FS1
7:30 p.m. — Golden State at Dallas, Continued from Page 1B
NFL FOOTBALL of the legacy, one that has plagued a expect going forward.” national games next season. There’s
8 p.m. — NFL Honors: From Tampa, league made up of 70% minority play- Goodell noted three A frican-Amer- no timeline for when the league has to
Fla., CBS ers, has been the head coach hiring cy- ican general managers were hired in decide whether to go ahead with inter-
cle. Goodell said the league is not satis- 2020 and early 2021, with more diversi- national games in 2021, however.
Sunday fied with only two minorities hired for ty also seen among coordinators, some- “We hope to get to be there,” he said.
COLLEGE BASKETBALL (MEN’S) seven head coach openings: The New thing the NFL can build on. Asked if a “We’re planning for it. We’ll make that
11 a.m. — Iowa at Indiana, FOX York Jets hired Robert Saleh, the first hiring freeze on head coaches until af-
decision whenever we have enough in-
9 p.m. — California at Stanford, FS1 NFL coach who is known to be Muslim ter the Super Bowl would be discussed,
formation to do so.”
NFL FOOTBALL and the son of Lebanese immigrants, Goodell said everything that could en-
and Houston hired David Culley, mak- hance diversity would be explored. NFL Players Association President
5:30 p.m. — Super Bowl LV: Kansas JC Tretter of the Cleveland Browns
City vs. Tampa Bay, Tampa, Fla., CBS ing him only the league’s third Black The offseason structure for the
current head coach. league is so uncertain that Goodell pre- has suggested there is no need for re-
“We had two minority coaches hired ferred not to be specific about training quired minicamps and other workouts
11 a.m. — Philadelphia at Washington,
and it was not what we expected,” the camps and preseason games, though at team facilities, given how the NFL
commissioner said, “and not what we he did say the NFL plans to hold inter- got through 2020 without them.
4B FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 The Dispatch •


LeBron’s triple-double powers Lakers past Nuggets

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS James moved into third place league, and we want to continue with a 19-0 run spanning the Denver took a 12-point lead
on the NBA’s career field goals that.” final two quarters propelled into halftime with a 29-16 re-
LOS ANGELES — LeBron list while recording his 96th ca- Talen Horton-Tucker scored by James and Horton-Tucker, bounding edge, but the Lakers
James is not happy about the reer triple-double and his sec- 12 of his 17 points during that who drove impressively into closed the third quarter with a
NBA’s decision to hold an All- ond of the season, helping the inspired second-half effort by the paint to make four straight 15-0 run.
Star game amid a compressed Lakers open a five-game home- the defending NBA champions, shots along with two steals and
regular season and a global
stand with their 11th win in 14 who returned from a strong sev- a block. Tip-ins
games. Los Angeles finished on en-game road trip and improved Jamal Murray scored 20 Nuggets: Gary Harris sat
The Los Angeles Lakers su-
a 46-18 run, thoroughly clamp- their surprisingly unimpressive points and Monte Morris add- out after straining his left ad-
perstar also knows there’s no
ing down on defense and crank- home record to 5-4. Several ed 16 for the Nuggets, who ductor muscle last weekend. ...
chance his presence won’t be
ing up its transition offense to Lakers said their superb sec- struggled down the stretch of Denver hadn’t played since last
required in Atlanta next month
— particularly not after his lat- win this rematch of the Western ond half was inspired by an just their second loss in eight weekend because its scheduled
est spectacular performance in Conference finals in the bubble. aggressive halftime talking-to games. game with Detroit on Monday
a career that just keeps hitting Although James stacked from coach Frank Vogel. Nikola Jokic managed just was scrapped.
new heights. big numbers on another score- “When we put our minds to it, 13 points and 10 rebounds after Lakers: Their 21-point mar-
James had 27 points, 10 re- sheet, he was more impressed this team can do great things,” getting 47 points and 12 boards gin of victory was the biggest in
bounds and 10 assists, Dennis by his team’s effort on the other Vogel said. “We were able to ba- Sunday in the Nuggets’ most re- franchise history after trailing
Schröder added 21 points and end against high-powered Den- sically double their scoring in cent outing against Utah. by double digits at halftime,
the Lakers roared away in the ver. the second half, 68-35. We did it “Offensively, we just didn’t surpassing a 20-point win at
second half for a 114-93 victo- “We hang our hats on our against a great opponent. It was move the ball enough,” Murray Phoenix on Christmas in 1968.
ry over the Denver Nuggets on defense,” James said. “We’re a heck of a second half for us.” said. “They just ran us in that ... Anthony Davis had 13 points
Thursday night. the No. 1 defensive team in the The Lakers took control second half — layups, dunks.” and nine rebounds.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: a few sessions why she’s doing these things?
My sister with a licensed Could she be fearful that the
“Darby” and psychotherapist, packages she’s ordering could
I are in our 20s since his prob- be stolen from her porch?
and confused lem will continue Does her daughter need
about the rela- the longer he more help academically than
tionship she is is in the dating she is able to provide? The
in. She’s 23 and world. answers to those questions
has been dating DEAR ABBY: could be enlightening. After
a 22-year-old I moved in with you get those answers, there
man. They fight my boyfriend will be time to make a rational
a lot because six years ago. (rather than emotional) deci-
ZITS he can’t stop A year ago, his sion about the status of the
talking about her adult daughter relationship you have with her
ex-boyfriend. He decided she father.
says he visual- would have all DEAR ABBY: I am a
izes her having Dear Abby her internet 52-year-old single, straight
sex with him, purchases sent male. For some reason, only
and is frustrated to his home. men seem to be attracted
with himself for not being able Abby, these packages arrive to me. If I sit at a table in a
to get the images out of his every day, all week long. I’m restaurant or bar, a man will
head. Is there a name for this tired of it. I think she’s a come over and sit next to me.
particular problem, and how spend-aholic. If I go to the park, a man will
can Darby work with it? — I told him at the beginning sit next to me on the bench.
SUPPORTIVE SIS IN THE WEST of our relationship that I would Walking down the street, ran-
DEAR SIS: Yes, actually, never come between him dom men approach me. It’s
GARFIELD there are two names for and his daughter. But it has terrible. I’m straight! Please
this “condition.” They are become a bit much. She calls help! — UNIQUE PROBLEM IN
obsession and jealousy, and him for every little thing. Now CALIFORNIA
both are signs of potential she has started asking him to DEAR UNIQUE PROBLEM:
control issues. Stay close to help with his granddaughter’s Because you’re not meeting
your sister and be there for homework. I have two adult women, try to put yourself
her, because this young man’s children of my own and grand- in situations where you will
behavior is a red flag. children. Am I overreacting? meet them. Because you are
Darby and her boyfriend I’m ready to move out and on. consistently approached by
are both adults. I assume — OVER IT AND OUT men and you’re not interest-
neither came to the relation- DEAR OVER IT: Before ed, consider asking them if
ship wrapped in cellophane. moving out and on, discuss they have a female relative
His fixation should not be hers this with your boyfriend of six who’s single. And when you
(or yours) to fix. Because he years. His daughter seems to encounter a woman you think
can’t get the images out of be unusually dependent for you can click with, speak up
CANDORVILLE his head, he should schedule an adult. Is there a reason and introduce yourself.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. more scenery than you other- on losing it over a wonderful
5). Your genius is in realizing wise would have. development, but whatever “it”
what’s worth working on. Subtle TAURUS (April 20-May is, say goodbye! Don’t worry, all
tweaks of thought, tone and be- 20). One of the biggest things reason will be restored in time.
havior will add up to blessings you miss about being in large LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Soc-
of magnitude. You will master groups is the unpredictable rates delivered words pertinent
a skill and be impressed how sights and encounters that to your day when he said: “True
much this actually changes happen when a cross-section knowledge exists in knowing
your circumstances. Good news of people gather. You’ll get a that you know nothing. And in
in the family realm kicks off a version of that today. knowing that you know nothing,
series of celebrations and pur- GEMINI (May 21-June 21). that makes you the smartest
BABY BLUES chases. Scorpio and Sagittarius You are more important to the of all.”
adore you. Your lucky numbers action than you think. Your VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
are: 5, 28, 1, 19 and 40. contribution may not seem The first step in accepting re-
ARIES (March 21-April 19). quantifiable, but it’s definitely sponsibility is to recognize there
If you accidentally turn right real. There will be a different is one. You’re usually the first
when you meant to turn left, outcome because you were to do it. Today, you’ll pick up the
then do it twice more. Suddenly, there. ball that you didn’t even drop.
you’ll be headed in the intended CANCER (June 22-July 22). Don’t hold it. Pitch it right back
direction. Bonus: You know It’s not like you were planning into the game.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
Do not assume that people
are acting out because of what
they know or feel to be true.
Behaviors unfold for various rea-
sons — including and especially
BEETLE BAILEY group identity.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21).
You aspire to understand how
a thing works, but you’ll always
have a special appreciation for
the fun that comes out of these
early moments of learning in
which you have no idea what
you’re doing.
21). It’s not so hard for you to
think of today’s interesting bit of
trouble in a variety of ways. It’s
like you’re scrubbing a toolbar
of photo filters to find the one
MALLARD FILLMORE that gives the most appealing
look to the thing.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). What do child stars and
baby brothers and prodigies
from all walks of life have in
common with you today? You all
know how embarrassing it can
be to grow up in front of people.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). This is a game, and you’re
a player. Today, it will require
you to accept and abide by
rules that are very different
from those existing outside the
FAMILY CIRCUS confines of the game.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). There’s an implied statute
of limitations on a lot of the bad
things that happen to people.
Compassionate supporters like
you are willing to listen right up
to the point in which it’s health-
ier to offer a tougher version
of love.

A bird in the hand

The Dispatch • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 5B

Sitting on billions, Catholic dioceses amassed taxpayer aid

Overall, nation’s nearly 200 dioceses their financial statements,
along with the churches
ceived at least $3 billion.
That makes the Roman
news organizations. The
agency for months had
Program last month with
a new infusion of nearly
and other Catholic institutions and schools they oversee,
collected at least $1.5 bil-
Catholic Church perhaps
the biggest beneficiary
shared only partial infor-
mation, making a more
$300 billion. In making
the announcement, the
received at least $3 billion through lion in taxpayer-backed
aid. A majority of these
of the paycheck program,
according to AP’s analy-
precise analysis impossi-
agency’s administrator at
the time, Jovita Carranza,
the Paycheck Protection Program dioceses reported enough sis of data the U.S. Small Already one of the hailed the program for
money on hand to cover at Business Administration largest federal aid efforts serving “as an economic
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS port the overall good least six months of operat- released following a pub- ever, the SBA reopened lifeline to millions of small
financial health of the di- ing expenses, even with- lic-records lawsuit by the Paycheck Protection businesses.”
When the coronavirus ocese despite the many out any new income.
forced churches to close difficulties presented by The financial resourc-
their doors and give up the Covid-19 pandemic,” es of several dioceses ri-
Sunday collections, the Bishop Peter Jugis wrote valed or exceeded those
Roman Catholic Diocese in the diocese’s audited available to publicly trad-
of Charlotte turned to financial report released ed companies like Shake
the federal government’s last fall. Shack and Ruth’s Chris
signature small business As the pandemic began Steak House, whose ear-
relief program for more to unfold, scores of Cath- ly participation in the
than $8 million. olic dioceses across the program triggered out-
The diocese’s head- U.S. received aid through rage. Federal officials re-
quarters, churches and the Paycheck Protection sponded by emphasizing
schools landed the help Program while sitting on the money was intended
even though they had well over $10 billion in for those who lacked the
roughly $100 million of cash, short-term invest- cushion that cash and
their own cash and short- ments or other available other liquidity provide.
term investments avail- funds, an Associated Shake Shack and Ruth’s
able last spring, financial Press investigation has Chris joined many corpo-
records show. When the found. And despite the rations in returning the
cash catastrophe church broad economic down- funds.
leaders feared didn’t ma- turn, these assets have Overall, the nation’s
terialize, those assets grown in many dioceses. nearly 200 dioceses,
topped $110 million by the Yet even with that fi- where bishops and car-
summer. nancial safety net, the dinals govern, and other
“I am gratified to re- 112 dioceses that shared Catholic institutions re-

recovery program, meets
Mississippi State Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. at Prayer Service
School Ministry Church of the Eternal Word,

Meadowview Church, 300
Mississippi State School Linden Circle in Starkville. 106 22nd St. S., Columbus,
of Ministry will be taking ap- Millions have found help, holds prayer service Thurs-
plications for enrollment into healing, and support for day nights 5-6 p.m. Contact
their online degree granting hurts, habits, and hang-ups Marie Nabors, 662-549-4322.
Church service times: Sunday

program. Earn your Certifica- using our popular Biblical 12
tion, Associates, Bachelor, step program. school 10 a.m.; Sunday wor-
Master and Doctoral Degree ship 11:15 a.m.; Tuesday Bible
study 7 p.m. For information,
in Religious Studies. We are
an accreditation School of
Recovery Room call Pastor District Elder Lou

when we
New Life Assembly, 4474 Nabors, 662-329-1234.
Ministry authorized through New Hope Road (near Dollar
State of Mississippi and Fed- General) hosts Recovery
eral Government. Our degrees Room, at 6:30 p.m. each Sun- Fitness
are for ecclesiastical purpos- Transformations

need it most. 
day. Find help, healing, and
es only. We accept transcripts support for any hurt, habit, or The Transformational
and your life experience also hang-up using our Christ-cen- Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
can also be used for degree tered 12 steps. Road, hosts boxing lessons
granting purposes. For further Mondays and Wednesday from
information feel free to call
Prayer for Youth 5-7 p.m., weight-loss boot
camp Tuesdays and Thursdays
Every second and third

Protect freedom of the press.

Saturday, Pleasant Ridge 5-7 p.m. and both on Satur-
Fellowship Dinner, Faith Center hosts a prayer days 9-11 a.m.
Youth Service for the youth from 2-3 p.m.
Pleasant Ridge Faith Cen- Youth Fellowship
ter, 923 Ridge Road, hosts a Prayer, Free Coffee The Transformational
Church, 2301 Jess Lyons
fellowship dinner and youth Mount Zion Missionary
service every third Sunday. Baptist Church, 2221 14th Road, hosts Youth Fellowship
Ave. N., hosts free coffee and from 7-8:30 p.m. every Tues-
Gospel Book Club a prayer community outreach day. Games, prayer, service,
food, and more. Transportation
Friendship M.B. Church, service from 8-9 a.m. every
fifth Saturday. For informa- available. For information, call
1102 12th Ave. S., invites the
tion, contact Jesse Slater, Iris Roberson, 662-295-7456.
public to join its Community
Gospel Book Club from 6-7 662-328-4979.
p.m., on the fourth Friday of
each month, to study and Radio Program
share views of the Holy Bible. Apostles Patrick Perkins
Open to all ages and ethnic- invites the public to tune in
ities. For more information, to WTWG, radio 1050 AM for
call Barbara Mattison or Perfecting the Saints Broad-
Lillian Murray, 662-570-5595. cast, Wednesdays 8:30 a.m.

Grief Support Group Women Prayer, Wor-

The Oil of Joy for Grief ship Service
and Mourning offers a grief Church of the Eternal
support group at 6 p.m. Word, 106 22nd St. S., holds
every second Thursday of the a prayer and worship service
month at United Christian every Thursday from 5-6 p.m.
Baptist Church, 232 Yorkville Call Marie Nabors, 662-549-
Road East. “Making your 4322 or 662-329-1234, for
grieving journey easier.” For prayer requests.
more information, call 662-
327-0604 or e-mail united-
Prayer Ministry
New Beginning Everlasting
Outreach Ministry invites the
Celebrate Recovery public to call in with their
Celebrate Recovery, the prayer requests at 662-327-
nation’s largest Christian 9843.
6B FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2021 The Dispatch •
made in the payment of rent James Mason Woodard, de-

LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- HOUSES pursuant to said Parties In Interest


Leases is authorized to sell the
personal property to satisfy the
past due and any other
You have been made a Defend-
You have been made a defend- ant in the suit filed in this
ant in the Petition for Adjudica- Court by GEORGE A. WILLIAMS,

charges owed to it by the fol-
lowing tenants.
tion of Heirs-at-Law[Doc. No.
12] filed by the Administratrix,
III, seeking to open the Estate
of Julia M. Williams, Deceased.
Kayleigh B. Woodard, on Janu- There are no Defendants other
NOW THEREFORE, notice is ary 6, 2021, seeking to de- than you in this action.
GARREN ADULTE RESPONDENT hereby given that FRIENDLY To place ads starting at only $12,
termine the heirs-at-law of
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- James Mason Woodard, de- You are summoned to appear
CAUSE NO.: 20-494-RPF
tion to the highest bidder for
call 662-328-2424 or visit
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- ceased. Other than you, the and defend against the Com-
only other interested parties in plaint or Petition filed against
SUMMONS cash all personal property in this action are Kayleigh B. you in this action at 9:00 a.m.
storage units leased by the fol- Woodard; J.M.W. Jr., a minor O'CLOCK on the 4th day of
child with the date of n
birth FRIDAY,
March, 2021, in 5,the
2021 n 7B
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 4504 xx/xx/2019; C.V.W., a minor of the Oktibbeha County Chan-
TO: GARREN ADULTE Highway 69 South, Columbus, child with a date of birth of cery Courthouse at 101 E.
Wherever he may be found MS. Auctions will begin at 8:30 xx/xx/2009; and M.T.W., a Main Street, Starkville, Missis-
A.M. on the 5th day March, minor child with a date of birth sippi, and in case of your fail-
Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices
A.D. Notices
2021 at 308 Shoney Legal
of Notices
xx/xx/2006. LegaltoNotices
ure appear and defend, a

Drive, Columbus, MS and will judgment will be entered
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI IN THE SPECIAL COURT OF EM- THE PETITION WHICH IS AT- continue to all FRIENDLY CITY You are summoned to appear against you for the money or
COUNTY OF LOWNDES INENT DOMAIN TACHED TO THIS SUMMONS IS MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in and represent your interests other things demanded in the
LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- IMPORTANT AND YOU MUST the following sequence: 903 against said Petition before the Complaint or Petition.
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum-
Columbus, Honorable Rodney
Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
P. Faver,
You are not required to file an
WHEREAS, the following ten- COLUMBUS REDEVELOPMENT bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 cery District at 9:00 a.m. on answer other pleading, but you
Legal Notices ants entered into leases with AUTHORITY PLAINTIFF You are required to mail or South, Columbus, MS. All auc- the 18th day of March 2021, may do so if you desire.
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- hand-deliver a copy of a writ- tions are with reserve and at the Lowndes County Court-
The following vehicle has been HOUSES for storage space in VS. ten response to the Complaint therefore all units can be with- house in Columbus, Missis- Issued under my hand and the
abandoned at which to store personal prop- to C. MARTY HAUG, the attor- drawn from the sale at any sippi, and in case of your fail- seal of said Court, this 19th
erty and WILLIE JAMES WEBBER, ET AL. ney for the Plaintiff, whose time by the auctioneer/man- ure to appear your interest in day of January, 2021.
Auto Mart LLC DEFENDANTS mailing address is 212 N. Jack- ager. this matter will not be con-
1009 Gardner Blvd WHEREAS, default has been son Street, Starkville, MS sidered. Cindy Goode, Chancery Clerk
Columbus, MS 39702 made in the payment of rent NO. 2021-0001-ED2 39759. Your response must be Title to the personal property to Lowndes County, Mississippi
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- mailed or delivered within thirty be sold is believed to be good, You are not required to file an Post Office Box 684
2010 Audi A4 HOUSES pursuant to said SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION (30) days from the date of de- but at such sale, FRIENDLY answer or other pleading, but Columbus, Mississippi 39703
VIN# WAUAFAFL1AN023895 Leases is authorized to sell the livery of this summons and CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will you may do so if you desire.
personal property to satisfy the TO: UNKNOWN HEIRS-AT-LAW complaint or a judgment by de- convey only such title as is ves- BY: Shantrell W. Granderson,
This vehicle will be put up for past due and any other AND DEVISEES OF JAMES fault will be entered against ted in it pursuant to its lease Issued under my hand and the D.C.
sale on the 11th day of Febru- charges owed to it by the fol- WEBBER, DECEASED, AND you for the money or other with the following and its al- seal of said Court, this the
ary at 10am at Auto Mart LLC, lowing tenants. MARY ALICE WEBBER, DE- things demanded in the lowed under Mississippi Code 19th day of January 2021. Issue at the request of:
1009 Gardner Blvd, Columbus, CEASED, AND ALL OTHER PER- Plaintiff. Annotated Section 85-7-121 et Warren L. Conway
MS 39702. NOW THEREFORE, notice is SONS OR ENTITIES HAVING A seq (Supp 1988). CINDY E. GOODE, CHANCERY 1600 24th Avenue, Suite B
hereby given that FRIENDLY LEGAL OR EQUITABLE IN- You must also file the original CLERK Gulfport, Mississippi 39501
Publish: 2/5 & 2/10/2021 CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- TEREST IN REAL PROPERTY of your response with the Clerk Brett Johnson - H46 LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- (228) 863-3183 – Telephone
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- LOCATED AT 517 NORTH 4TH of this Court within a reason- SIPPI (228) 863-3379 – Facsimile
tion to the highest bidder for STREET IN COLUMBUS, MS, able time afterward. Tristen Johnson - H8 MSB No.: 6480
STATE OF MISSISSIPPI cash all personal property in BEING LOT 4, BLOCK 23 OF (SEAL)
COUNTY OF LOWNDES storage units leased by the fol- FISHERMENS ADDITION, Issued under my hand and the Angela Johnstone - H7 BY: /s/ Shantrell W. Grander- PUBLISH: 1/22, 1/29 &
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY NORTH OF MAIN seal of said Court, this the son, D.C. 2/5/2021
Beatty Road, Columbus, MS. You have been made Defend- this the 4th day of February, PUBLISH: 1/22, 1/29 & STATE OF MISSISSIPPI
WHEREAS, the following ten- Auctions will begin at 8:30 ants in a lawsuit filed in this /s/ CINDY E. GOODE A.D. 2020. 2/5/2021 COUNTY OF LOWNDES
ants entered into leases with A.M. on the 5th day of March, Court by the Columbus Re- CHANCERY CLERK
FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney development Authority to con- of Lowndes County, MS FRIENDLY CITY IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF NOTICE OF SALE
HOUSES for storage space in Drive, Columbus, MS and will demn by eminent domain cer- MINI-WAREHOUSES LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
which to store personal prop- continue to all FRIENDLY CITY tain real property located at By: /s/SHANTRELL W. By: C.H.L. SIPPI WHEREAS, the following ten-
erty and MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in 517 North 4th Street, Colum- GRANDERSON ants entered into leases with
the following sequence: 903 bus, Mississippi, and being Lot DEPUTY CLERK Publish: 2/5, 2/12 & IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE-
WHEREAS, default has been Alabama Street, Columbus, 4 of Block 23, Fishermens Ad- 2/19/2021 TATE OF JULIA M. WILLIAMS, HOUSES for storage space in
made in the payment of rent MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- dition, North of Main. The prop- PUBLISH: 1/29, 2/5 & DECEASED which to store personal prop-
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 erty is necessary to renew and 2/12/2021
HOUSES pursuant to said South, Columbus, MS. All auc- redevelopment blighted condi- GEORGE A. WILLIAMS, III PETI-
Leases is authorized to sell the tions are with reserve and tions in accordance with the LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS-
personal property to satisfy the therefore all units can be with- Urban Renewal Plan (Burns
COUNTY OF LOWNDES made in the payment of rent
past due and any other drawn from the sale at any Bottom) of the City of Colum- CAUSE NO. 2020-0251
charges owed to it by the fol- time by the auctioneer/man- bus, Mississippi.
lowing tenants. ager. RULE 81 SUMMONS
ARD, DECEASED Leases is authorized to sell the
You are summoned to appear (Summons by Publication) personal property to satisfy the
NOW THEREFORE, notice is Title to the personal property to and defend against the WHEREAS, the following ten-
CAUSE NO.: 2020-0225-RPF past due and any other
hereby given that FRIENDLY be sold is believed to be good, Amended Complaint or petition ants entered into leases with THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI charges owed to it by the fol-
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- but at such sale, FRIENDLY filed against you in this action FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE-
HOUSES for storage space in SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION COUNTY OF HARRISON lowing tenants.
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will at 9:30 o’clock a. m. on the
tion to the highest bidder for convey only such title as is ves- 4th day of May, 2021, in the which to store personal prop-
cash all personal property in ted in it pursuant to its lease second floor County Court KNOWN HEIRS AT LAW OF JU- hereby given that FRIENDLY
storage units leased by the fol- with the following and its al- courtroom of the Lowndes
lowing tenants at FRIENDLY lowed under Mississippi Code County Courthouse in Colum- WHEREAS, default has been TO: All Unknown Heirs-at-Law of LIA M. WILLIAMS, DECEASED CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of-
made in the payment of rent James Mason Woodard, de- fer for sale, and will sell at auc-
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 903 Annotated Section 85-7-121 et bus, Mississippi, and in case NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS
and FRIENDLY CITY MINI-WARE- ceased, and Any Unknown tion to the highest bidder for
Alabama St. Columbus, MS. seq (Supp 1988). of your failure to appear and
HOUSES pursuant to said Parties In Interest cash all personal property in
Auctions will begin at 8:30 defend, a judgment will be You have been made a Defend- storage units leased by the fol-
A.M. on the 5th day of March, Terry Brown - B40, B48 entered against you for the Leases is authorized to sell the
personal property to satisfy the You have been made a defend- ant in the suit filed in this lowing tenants at FRIENDLY
A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney money or other things deman-
Drive, Columbus, MS and will Chris Herring - B27 ded in the Amended Complaint past due and any other ant in the Petition for Adjudica- Court by GEORGE A. WILLIAMS, CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 308
charges owed to it by the fol- tion of Heirs-at-Law[Doc. No. III, seeking to open the Estate Shoney Drive Columbus, MS,
continue to all FRIENDLY CITY or petition. of Julia M. Williams, Deceased. at 8:30 am on the 5th day of
MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on lowing tenants. 12] filed by the Administratrix,
the following sequence: 903 this the 4th day of February, You are hereby further given Kayleigh B. Woodard, on Janu- There are no Defendants other March, A.D. 2021 and will con-
NOW THEREFORE, notice is ary 6, 2021, seeking to de- than you in this action. tinue to all FRIENDLY CITY
Alabama Street, Columbus, A.D. 2021. notice that not less than ten
hereby given that FRIENDLY termine the heirs-at-law of MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in
MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- (10) days prior to the date of You are summoned to appear
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will of- James Mason Woodard, de- the following sequence: 903
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 FRIENDLY CITY the trial on May 4, 2021, you and defend against the Com-
fer for sale, and will sell at auc- ceased. Other than you, the Alabama Street, Columbus,
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- MINI-WAREHOUSES are required to file the State- plaint or Petition filed against
tion to the highest bidder for only other interested parties in MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum-
tions are with reserve and By: C.H.L. ment of Values pursuant to you in this action at 9:00 a.m.
cash all personal property in this action are Kayleigh B. bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69
therefore all units can be with- Miss. Code Ann. §11-27-7, O'CLOCK on the 4th day of
storage units leased by the fol- Woodard; J.M.W. Jr., a minor South, Columbus, MS. All auc-
drawn from the sale at any Publish: 2/5, 2/12 & which shall be treated as March, 2021, in the courtroom tions are with reserve and
time by the auctioneer/man- 2/19/2021 pleadings in this action. The lowing tenants at FRIENDLY child with the date of birth of
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES 4504 xx/xx/2019; C.V.W., a minor of the Oktibbeha County Chan- therefore all units can be with-
ager. date of the filing of the cery Courthouse at 101 E.
Highway 69 South, Columbus, child with a date of birth of drawn from the sale at any
Amended Complaint herein is Main Street, Starkville, Missis- time by the auctioneer/man-
Title to the personal property to IN THE CHANCERY COURT OF the 25th day of January, 2021, MS. Auctions will begin at 8:30 xx/xx/2009; and M.T.W., a
be sold is believed to be good, LOWNDES COUNTY, MISSIS- and the name and address of A.M. on the 5th day March, minor child with a date of birth sippi, and in case of your fail- ager.
A.D. 2021 at 308 Shoney of xx/xx/2006. ure to appear and defend, a
but at such sale, FRIENDLY SIPPI the attorney for the Plaintiff is judgment will be entered Title to the personal property to
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will Martha Bost Stegall, P. O. Box Drive, Columbus, MS and will against you for the money or be sold is believed to be good,
convey only such title as is ves- continue to all FRIENDLY CITY You are summoned to appear

IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- 7120, Tupelo, Mississippi other things demanded in the but at such sale, FRIENDLY
ted in it pursuant to its lease TATE OF DOROTHY HODGES, 38802. Other than the State- MINI-WAREHOUSE locations in and represent your interests
with the following and its al- DECEASED ment of Values you are not re- the following sequence: 903 against said Petition before the Complaint or Petition. CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES will
Honorable Rodney P. Faver, convey only such title as is ves-
lowed under Mississippi Code quired to file an Answer or oth- Alabama Street, Columbus, You are not required to file an ted in it pursuant to its lease
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et CAUSE NO.2020-0244F er pleading but you may do so MS; 44 Beatty Road, Colum- Chancellor of the 14th Chan-
bus, MS; 4504 Highway 69 cery District at 9:00 a.m. on answer other pleading, but you with the following and its al-
seq (Supp 1988). if you desire. may do so if you desire.
South, Columbus, MS. All auc- the 18th day of March 2021, lowed under Mississippi Code
at the Lowndes County Court- Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
LaShana C. Scott - E372 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Issued under my hand and the tions are with reserve and Issued under my hand and the seq (Supp 1988).
seal of said Court, this 2nd day therefore all units can be with- house in Columbus, Missis-
Patricia Wilson - E360 Letters of Testamentary having of February, 2021. PROMOTE YOUR SMALL BUSINESS STARTING AT ONLY $25
drawn from the sale at any sippi, and in case of your fail- seal of said
day of January, 2021.
Court, this 19th
Sharon Little - N276
been granted and issued to the time by the auctioneer/man- ure to appear your interest in
Britany Stegall - E72 undersigned upon the Estate of ager. this matter will not be con-
TERESA BARKSDALE, CLERK General Services General
sidered. Services General Services
Cindy Goode, Chancery Clerk Painting &Bailey
Tammy Papering- N227
Dorothy Hodges, deceased, by SPECIAL COURT OF EMINENT Lowndes County, Mississippi
Jonathan Durrah - E353 the Chancery Court of Lowndes DOMAIN, Title to the personal property to
be A sold
& Tis TREE
believed to be good, You
SERVICES are not required
NEWELL’S PLUMBING to file an Post Office
& WORK WANTED: Licensed Box 684 Dantez Fisher
County, Mississippi on the LOWNDES COUNTY, MS Columbus,
Britney Sand - E203 22nd day of January, 2021. but Bucket
at such sale,
& stump answer or other pleading,
HANDYMAN SERVICE but & Bonded.Mississippi Carpentry,39703 minor SERVICE
CITY MINI-WAREHOUSES you may do so if you desire. Susan Mackay - N11, N62
This is to give notice to all per- BY: Ann Marie Langford, D.C. removal. Free est.will Licensed with over 20 yrs electrical, minor plumbing, Special Prices.
Shelby Barnhill - E19 sons having claims against convey only such
Serving title as is ves- experience. Lowest rates in BY:
Shantrell W. Granderson,
insulation, painting, demo− Anna Interior & Exterior Painting.
Issued D.C. Cantrell - N110
said estate to probate and re- Publish: 2/5/21, 2/12/21 and ted in it pursuant
since 1987.toSenior
its lease the under
area, my hand and the lition, gutters cleaned,
Guaranteed. 662−435−6528
Robert Wright - E82 gister same with the Chancery 2/19/21 with the following and its al- seal of said Court, this the
citizen disc. Call
lowed under Mississippi Code Alvin @ 662−242−5005.
19th day of January 2021.
Issue at thewashing,
request land−
of: Kitty Davis - N64, N65
Clerk of Lowndes County, Mis- 242−0324/241−4447 Warren L. Conway
scaping, cleanup work.
WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on sissippi within 90 days from Annotated Section 85-7-121 et Sitting With The Sick / Elderly
seq (Supp go1988).
out on a limb for CINDY E. GOODE, CHANCERY 1600 24th Avenue, Suite B
662−242−3608. Hiyoshida McGee - N141
this the 4th day of February, the date of the first publication Gulfport, Mississippi 39501
of this notice. A failure to pro-
bate and register this claim will
SIPPI Brett Johnson - H46 BANKRUPTCY
Lawn Care
(228) / Landscaping
(228) 863-3379 – Facsimile
– Telephone ILashea
am a Atiana
Caregiver Stagat
elderly seeking a daytime
for- N161
forever bar the same. DOMINIQUE BROOKS COM- Tristen Johnson - H8
position. Very- N132
loving &
By: C.H.L. This the 27th day of January,
PUBLISH: 1/22, 1/29 &
2021. Angela Johnstone - H7
Electrical, woodwork,
BY: /s/$545 Shantrell
plus FilingW. Grander-
Fee Fall Cleanup, Tree Cutting, offered. Call or N34
Onterrio Lowery - leave msg,
Publish: 2/5, 2/12 & VERSUS son, D.C. 662−570−8175.
Landscaping, Sodding &
plumbing, decks,
drywall, painting,
roofing, CHAPTER 13
concrete, PUBLISH: 1/22, 1/29 & Bush Hogging
Jakala Brown - N246
A.D. work, hauling, moving. 2/5/2021
yard2020. 662−356−6525 WITNESS MY SIGNATURE on
CAUSE NO.: 20-494-RPF All Attorney Fees Through The Plan this the 4th day of February,
PUBLISH: 1/29, 2/5 & All credit cards accepted. Painting & Papering
2/12/2021 SUMMONS
plans. Will trade Jim Arnold, Attorney A.D. 2021.
All notices must be for almost anything.
emailed to Publish: 2/5, 2/12 &
104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Ext/Int Painting
By: C.H.L.
classifieds@ Sell idle items TO: GARREN ADULTE 2/19/2021 Please visit our website: Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Wherever he may be found Repair. Pressure Washing. Publish: Got 2/5, leaky 2/12pipes?
& with a quick action Are you a painter? Saturday morning appointments
Free Estimates. Ask for 2/19/2021
Find a plumber in the
classified ad. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT Advertise here! available for Starkville Office.
specials! Larry

Just a click away!


You are required to mail or

hand-deliver a copy of a writ-
ten response to the Complaint
to C. MARTY HAUG, the attor-
ney for the Plaintiff, whose
mailing address is 212 N. Jack-
son Street, Starkville, MS
39759. Your response must be
mailed or delivered within thirty
(30) days from the date of de-
livery of this summons and

The best place for personalized

complaint or a judgment by de-
fault will be entered against
you for the money or other
things demanded in the

advertising in your community.


You must also file the original

of your response with the Clerk
of this Court within a reason-
able time afterward.

Issued under my hand and the
seal of said Court, this the
25th day of January, 2021.


of Lowndes County, MS


PUBLISH: 1/29, 2/5 &

Featured ads $5 Sponsored ads $3
Premium placement Preferred placement in search
on classifieds home page. results and highlighted online.

Highlight $3 Graphic $10.50

Highlight your ad Enhance your ad with
with a dash of color. an attention getter.

therefore all units can be with-
drawn from theFEBRUARY
sale at any 5, 2021 The Dispatch •
time by the auctioneer/man-
Legal Notices Medical / Dental
Title to the personal property to
be sold is believed to be good, Too much
but at such sale, FRIENDLY
convey only such title as is ves-
ted in it pursuant to its lease Visit
for a printable copy of
with the following and its al-
lowed under Mississippi Code
Annotated Section 85-7-121 et
seq (Supp 1988). these puzzles.
Sharon Little - N276

Tammy Bailey - N227

Dantez Fisher - N215

Susan Mackay - N11, N62

Anna Cantrell - N110

Kitty Davis - N64, N65

Hiyoshida McGee - N141

Lashea Atiana Stagat - N161

Hank Johnson - N132 Start your

Onterrio Lowery - N34 de-cluttering by
Jakala Brown - N246 placing a garage
this the 4th day of February, sale ad today!
A.D. 2021.

MINI-WAREHOUSES Apts For Rent: Other Ads starting at...
By: C.H.L.

Publish: 2/5, 2/12 &


3 day $18



Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Yesterday’s answer

6 day $34
Apts For Rent: North
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 1 7 4 8 5 2 9 3 6
2 BEDROOMS ber-placing
given numbers.puzzleThe object 5 9 6 1 7 3 8 4 2

2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

IN THE MATTER OF THE ES- Apt B, newly renovated with 3 BEDROOMS based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 3 8 2 9 4 6 1 5 7
TATE OF TAMMY W. LIEBLING, bonus room. HUD Price includes 4 lines of text; grid
1 to 9with
in theseveral
LEASE, empty spaces 6 1 3 7 9 5 4 2 8
© The Dispatch

accepted. 662−425−6954.
$1/line after base cost. given
each row, each The 8 2 7 6 1 4 3 9 5
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
AND numbers 9 4 5 2 3 8 6 7 1
contains the1same to 9 number
CREDIT CHECK the empty spaces so 7 5 9 3 8 1 2 6 4
TITIONERS 1 & 2 BR near hospital.
only once. The difficulty 4 6 8 5 2 9 7 1 3
CAUSE NO: 2018-0111-F
$595−$645 monthly. that each row, each
Military discount, pet area,
662-329-2323 level increases from
column and each
2 3 1 4 6 7 5 8 9
AND ANY AND ALL UNKNOWN pet friendly, and furnished
HEIRS-AT-LAW OF TAMMY W. corporate apts. ADS STARTING AT $12 3x3 Difficulty Level 2/04

LIEBLING, DECEASED DEFEND- 24−HOUR PROFESSIONAL 2411 HWY 45 N the same number only once. The difficulty level
ANTS GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. COLUMBUS, MS Sporting Goods increases from Monday to Sunday.
24−HOUR CAMERA Open for season!
Ashleigh, 662−386−4446. COLONIAL TOWNHOUSES. Tue−Fri: 9−5 & Sat: 9−12
TO: ANY AND ALL UNKNOWS 2 & 3 bedroom w/ 2−3 Over 50 years experience!
HEIRS AT LAW OF TAMMY W. bath townhouses. $650 to Repairs, cleaning, refin−
LIEBLING, DECEASED ishing, scopes mounted &
Apts For Rent: West $750. 662−549−9555.
Ask for Glenn or text. zeroed, handmade knives.

Located: Hwy 45 Alt, North
You have been made a Defend-
Mobile Homes for Rent of West Point, turn right on
Yokahama Blvd, 8mi & turn

ant in the Complaint filed in
this Court by Allison P. Wool- 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. left on Darracott Rd, will
bright as Administrator and $650 dep + $650/mo. see sign, 2.5mi ahead
Kenneth G. Woolbright seeking No pets, quiet area. Leave shop on left.
to determine the heirs-at-law of Apartments & Houses voicemail with full name & 662−494−6218.
Tammy W. Liebling, Deceased.
1 Bedrooms
message, 205−712−6697.
Your are summoned to appear
2 Bedroooms
and defend against said Com- RENT A CAMPER!
plaint at 9:00 o’clock A.M. on
3 Bedrooms
the 15th day of March, A.D. Utilities & cable included,
2021 in the Courtroom of the from $145/wk − $535/mo
Lowndes County Courthouse at Furnished & Unfurnished Columbus & County School ADS STARTING AT $12
Columbus, Mississippi, and in locations. 662−242−3803
case of your failure to appear
and defend, a judgment will be
1, 2, & 3 Baths or 601−940−1397. Pets
entered granting the relief Lease, Deposit Mobile Home Spaces
sought in the Complaint for
money or other things. & Credit Check Boxer/Lab Puppies
For Rent: 2 males and 2 females
You are not required to file an $400. 662−361−4081
Offices 4−Private +
answer or other pleading, but Reception Area with
you may do so if you desire. 5,700sqft warehouse,
paved parking. Please text
Issued under my hand and seal
of said Court this the 1st day Apts For Rent: Other Your Name & Email for
more details. $1,800/mo
It’s a classified
of February A.D. 2021.


to rent. 720−635−5696.
We tell readers

BY: /s/ Tina Fisher

REAL ESTATE what they need
PUBLISH: 2/5, 2/12 &
to know to buy
Farms & Timberland
what they need.

CALL US: 662-328-2424

Exc deer, turkey hunting
Five Questions:
Good Investment
General Help Wanted

THE COMMERCIAL Houses For Sale: New Hope 1 “Chopped” ACROSS

DISPATCH seeks a motiv- 1 Ocean regions
ated, contracted carrier for Storage House converted
6 Ship poles
the Caledonia area. Excel- into a small house.
lent opportunity to earn
money for college. Must
Plumbing and Electrical
already installed. 2 Australia 11 Dominant
12 Partners of
have good transportation, Small kitchenette and
valid driver's license & in- bathroom. $6,000. radii
surance. Delivers on 678−368−0631 13 European
Sunday morning and Mon-
Fri afternoons. Apply at The
Lots & Acreage 3 Lorde fashion center
14 Craze
Commercial Dispatch, 516
Main Street in Columbus.
1.75 ACRE LOTS: Good/ 15 Purposes
Bad Credit Options. Good
No phone calls please. 17 Beer, slangily
4 Fields
credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land, 18 Smoke
You’ll find the best deals
when you advertise 20 Opposed
Read local. and shop here!
+/− 1 acre. Open land with 22 French friend water & electricity nearby. 23 Like pigtails
5 “Carol”
$17,900. Call or text, 26 Plotting group
28 Enterprise 3 Words on a 21 Newborn’s
doc dollar’s back need
29 Try to equal 4 Aspect 23 Scheme
31 Low die roll 5 Reasonable 24 Really long
32 Trig function 6 Bottom-line times
33 Army dinner figure 25 Colors
34 Check mate? 7 Credit card, 27 Cave raider of
36 Sink problem informally story
38 Sound-re- 8 Words on a 30 Poet Hughes
lated dollar’s back 33 Heat setting
40 Bother 9 Foray 34 Sax great
43 Antilles resort 10 Neptune’s Getz
44 Buggy riders domain 35 Matador’s foe
45 Wanderer 16 Mineo of 37 Paper pack
46 Rapper Elliott movies 39 Young fellow
DOWN 18 Watch part 41 Braying beast
1 Block up 19 Mosque 42 Belonging to
2 Yale supporter figure thee

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