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The Henley College 62441

Izzy Topham 980054

Project proposal 02 / 02 / 2021

I have developed my skills throughout this course as when I started, I had no prior
experience with this subject. For unit 12 I chose editing as my specialism because I hope
that focusing on this aspect is the best way to improve the quality of my productions as it
could possibly make up for my weaker areas or timing mistakes such as not enough footage
or shaky camera movements. Now knowing skills such as how to minimise shaky film makes
me feel like I’ve definitely improved as I only knew the very basics of editing at the
beginning of the course. I also think that my filming skills have improved too. I am now more
familiar with my camera so I can adjust the settings more accordingly if I must, and I’ve
started filming more on a tripod - whereas lass year I filmed everything by just holding the
camera. Using a tripod as much as I can has definitely helped with the shaky footage
situation and it makes my productions look less amateurish.

Project Concept
I want this project to be something with a sort of simplistic yet interesting narrative, where I
can then mostly focus on the production as I want it to be as close to professional quality as
possible. Though I have not come up with a solid idea yet, I know this production will be
either two music videos with two sides of the same narrative, or a short film. I’m fully
prepared to develop two ideas – one that I think would be up to the standards of this FMP
and a backup idea I could complete if we’re still in lockdown when the time comes to film.
For the main idea I would hire a second camera and temporarily rent a relevant location to
make the production look professional. For my backup idea I would most likely film at my
house, using my family as actors because my resources would be limited in lockdown. I
don’t intend to use the studios and hire only what I really need to reduce the risk of any
exposure to COVID. I will try to work as much form home as possible and use my own

I will be writing weekly blogs every Friday so I can stay organised and keep on track, making
sure I’m not missing any work as well as give me a chance to work on any feedback. I also
intend to record my decision making in a notebook and upload that to my website too. I
think weekly meetings with my group over Microsoft teams will impact positively on my
work as we would be able to help each other out, bouncing ideas off one another and
sharing advice. I’m also going to try to stick to my normal collage schedule at home to
minimise disruption; I think keeping a constant routine will help keep me motivated.

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