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I know this really has to do with the nomenclature of molecules covered in Chapter 4, but I think
you will find this interesting. The official IUPAC (systematic) name for water should be
dihydrogen monoxide. There has been an “urban legend” spread about dihydrogen monoxide via
numerous emails and web pages. Google “dihydrogen monoxide” and review at least three of
these web pages (make sure you reference them). Summarize your findings and provide an
evaluation or an opinion. You can start with:
Dihydrogen monoxide as know as water is a living necessary thing. After I reviewed couple website, I
found out that is a parody in April fool’s day back to 2013. It’s about a pair of Florida disc jockeys used a
water station and tells everyone in Lee county about water is not safe. This joke influenced world for a
long time period until now (source 1). Even earlier in April fool’s day in 1983, a newspaper called the
Durand Express reported that Dihydrogen Oxide in city’s pipe and contain harmful element (source 2).
Same story happened in same day; people still believe in this fallacy. On another website I found about
Dihydrogen monoxide cause most death by accidently drink it (source 3). I think this fallacy is about how
much knowledge you have about chemistry. If you had learned about this subject, you should know that
water is called H2O with 2 hydrogen and one Oxygen atom. Is a normal thing in our life. People need
water because it can digest your food and get rid of waste (source 4). I believe we are living in fallacy.
Some people try to be misleading us to achieve their goal; maybe it just a joke. However, fallacy will
make people begin to worry about certain thing, and they will lead to panic. Later, it will cause many
social issues. My idea about “Dihydrogen Monoxide parody” is we need to build ourselves in knowledge.
Knowledge is a tool will help us to make action or decision, with enough knowledge we could make
justify about everything that we heard about. Also, your mind will keep awaking make less mistake in the
Source 1:
Source 2:
Source 3:
Source 4:

2. Discuss the nature and importance of the “mole”. Which best represents the amount of a mole of
a typical substance like sugar or salt? 100 – 150 words. (10 pts)
Mole allowed chemists to work subatomic world and marc world together with mathematic way
(source1). In other words, mole is a tool help us to identify every chemic stuff with amount and
unite. Most time atom and other unite is too small to make calculation in mathematics, but mole
makes those unite large enough to use for chemists. Also, mole is easier than 6.02x1023
For chemist to write on during chemic rection. Mole is found same as 12-grams carbon-12, which
mole is a nature unit for chemistry (source 2). I think Salt is better represent than sugar. First salt
is Nacl with 58.44 g/mol, sugar is C12H22O11 with 382.3 g/mol. Therefore, salt is less than
sugar, and close to one mole weight.

Source 1:
Source 2:

3. Balance the following chemical equations (5 pts)

__4___ Fe + __3___ O2 ----> ___2__ Fe2O3

_____ CaCO3 + _2____ HCl ----> _____ CaCl2 + _____ CO2 + _____ H2O
__2____ C6H14 + ___19___ O2 ----> _12_____ CO2 + ____14__ H2O

4. Calculate the Formula Mass and Molar Mass for each of the following compounds. (5 pts)

MnO2 formula mass = molar mass =

C5H12 formula mass = molar mass =

XeF6 formula mass = molar mass =

5. Calculate the number of moles in each of the following. (5 pts)

98.0 grams of MnO2

 12.0 grams of C5H12

             100.0 grams of XeF6
Answer for question 4 and 5

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