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ANN KENT O MY@OZ TOY KOATITKOY OPrAZMOY (@IKI-@IKI TIA METASQTEE KOPAEAAEZ) BIBAIOPPA@IKH ENIAOTH BEAUVOIR, Simone de: Td Aetepo $5Ado. Beverly Jones and Judith Brown: Towards a Fi ‘ent, New England Free Press. CAESAR, Beatrice: Autoritdt und Familie, Rowollt 1972. CHESLER, Phyllis: Frauen - das verrickte Geschlecht? Rowohlt 1974 DALLA COSTA, Mariarosa - JAMES, Selma: Die Macht der Frauen und der Unsturz der Gesellschaft, Nerve Verlag 197 Dunbar, Roxanne: Female Liberation as the Basis for So tion, New England Free Press. Eyxers dprivtoux: ‘H Kotaywyt ths Olwoyéverac, tic * ontnotas xat tod Kpdtouc. Firestone, Sulanith: Frauenbefreiung und sexuelle Revolution,Fise~ her 1975. Friedan, Betty: Der Weiblichkeitswahn. Rowohlt 1970. FRAUENHANDBUCH, Verlag Brot 9 Rosen, Berlin 1974 ++ Gmelin, Otto - Saussuse, Helene: Bankrott der Mdnnerherrschaft,eva 1971. ——— Greer, Germain Bndvxds Ebvodxos. Holzinger-Mende: Wider die Sklavenproduktion, W. Raith 1973. Kodnep, NrénBivt: O Bdvatos ths Otxoyéveras. Kunstmann, Antje: Frauenemanzipation und Erziehung, W-Raith Frauenbefreiung - Privileg einer Klasse,W.Raith Aacvyx, P.Nt.: ‘0 Buxaouévos “Eautds. O “Eauté< nav ol “AAAow. THioAutuxt the Otnoyeveras. Kowmor Laing, R. D.: Facts of Life. Laing and Cooper: Reason and Violence. Phillips, Lee and Laing: The Interpersonal Perception. Cooper, David: The Grammar of Living. Aatvyx nat "Eotepoov: TpéAha, YUxLHA “Toopponta nav Otnoyévera. Aacvyx xa 245: 480 Soxtuva yed thy Guxvatpexy Kararceon. Kodrep, Nrénevt: Fuxvatpuxy noe “AVTUpyxLaTpUAT. Limpus, Laurel: Liberation of Women, Sexual Repression and the Fa~ nily, Agitprop. Mead, Margaret: Male and Female. Millet, Kate: Sexual Politics Millet, Kate: Prostitution Papers. Millet, Kate: My Autobiography. tangy Xaou-miereos Mprraner-ucroeA, TcoUNLer-TAE Mépevrud-Piivt “EBeduv-Pouvt Mipva: Té Tuvarxeto Ktvnya. Werger, ToovAvet: “H @€on ths Tuvacnas. Ripsaw: I am Furious (Female), Radical Education Project ,Detroit. Rowbotham, She Women's Liberation and the New Politics. PoovundSau Ita: "H Luvecénon thc Tuvatxac ody “Avépuxd Kéouo. Pdtx, BoAyeAu: 'H EebouaAuxn “Exavaotaon. EtoBoan this Eefoualunfis "Houxtis H_bohogovta tod Xprotoed. H Inwacca xac mn SUon tod "Opyacuo' abcnt tuvetincn wat Teectahn Necsupeehh H Magix YuxoAoyca Tov Pacvopod 0 Te€ovuadunds “Aywvac tav Néwv OU Pites ths Tefovuoduwics Katanteons Duadtextuxds “Yicouds nav Vuxavdluon Sheu meee ‘Axo "AvBoa le Liberation Moven: Tuvéxera BAEKE 20 éowovdAd ne oulytdcat & yovarzstos Spyaauds ~ylverat Evas LavOaaevas Beayingranths 2 wait TB wderropibinod Spyasicd. T duypdeyse. Exet npoobenp! sohe GyBpes aky ij amowyln wy yovaxiny ve Grasowy ob wadmenh Bp79- oy. dsb nod oupbatver Zuins aviv xpaywarcdeyca elves Eu 6 wbamos Bey Exe ond weyddn, eauatysin vt aie lyme xaracnevaaityes “(ik vk prayer ot bpynaié. "Aveiiern, uévepe sebovadints edarclyatac vie yuvaluas elvat i wherrepiin, Bydabh sh yovauatto aytlscatye 700 neon Advts LEyyet xohh& mpdryiare. Upire and Bho. wh yeyovis Bet 4 Gales she anouadomevys Voy p StH TAs TY YoY ate ay elya garvonenns by Me. ectbnals va Bevisowy the 2) Brywoupyody thy “puyaneln duype- ay, stabs By AnvOacevarg ovdhoyeasds ad Exouy udver Endevn ovhy yovarnete Gvacoyiin, Tposbézouy Année Evay, BypaBy mposeaptiony chy duyedeyss oky Eye oven rab 12 ak tnayanainyeat stéhvovtas the Rapanavonqleves ek buypsenta -yuvaty axpove obtng ave ve avauadbbarve ws Bifley ompb- Edryse woe, "Ore Bypabs, dnéwwya Ve mposaplisaNedy ath ptha vans kev syovaines ag dyacaing nok The seoomaueTe Ayrandupt- yoy monhdc nepioyds sebouanents Bieyepsns, pbpwang, f uaetroplo. "Ohot ab Spyaaot y *Eig’ Baoy Landy, % wherr 5 Fils RepaLT kg ardasts, Bets of “yvat eapabociaes tie Bpyaannd, Sndpyer Exlons Béyepoq yéow Beavers: Tlagabetacac xopty, pepred Adve avy spyamss és sebouahexey gayrasbsemy 7 axdiin yoysmonoubyeas ‘getty. Tap’ thx aivt, Evi 4 Beyenoy exdyarverae awpractxd, "Brat by fh atria. nok & pyaaiec vyiverat oth cezoun- pin 208 Apyassd Basan D tpyavo mod slya propel vk Biapépe: 3B Gath ans, BARES D0p: es wopés elvan nth Bedyuros, “ARAG Bhar elvan xAsrroprBenol spyacyal. "Oka adrs 136 BByyody ob pepinds Boia! ‘Yip dnd th Rapaboscand af nat why pbro nob naltome 3 os Bprynsyd uopline Be vis tpLbAe KE thy udhena nah Bys yb chy meptoyh Tie 7 a, elvan BEwrcepexh wal By Rpuspéperas “(ch tpiSh Bao Rovawigerae % elooryeryl, x03 néovs away xn. OL yy yakues Eyovy raOep.aet sebouadink shypave yb thy dvBouei seovsduel edyaat- Senay. Ke ach “piacl 9) yovmnela Buodayla Bey Byer dyadMet casrk. “Aveilers. 202 piyaace 12 thy 000 cig dmekenDepenndyys yovatuas nat shy ile cod xahmieei bp spams. Bvbe Bpyoaned mod othy mpaynarendenss sapyer. Ade nod mpénet vit dayoone cha v4 Epicoune 2x yéou thy sezoueaunbenra igs. Mpére ve droplbomte Revamaréer weds Bvyotes “71 ve 06 zal vk Bryovpyigome xewvoipytes 1p % It wie Ropetasned ve tmodoyitony chy auctéala sebauadunh edyaptaryay. “Hut Fi ible. we dynbalas ixavonolyaye Emexpovetia: EhebDepa, ack sedovadink Eyyeiol- Bun Bey Fonpateran yeypr téhovs. Wofner ve dpylommte yb chy dnatenan v2 Gew- 1

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