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In this Proposal >>>

 Who We Are; What We Do 

 Company Mission Statement/Core values 

 Benefits 

 Scope of Services 

 Lis ng Agent Responsibili es 

 Necessary Documents for Workflow

Agent Proposal

Our Mission Statement >>>  IntroducƟon to Short Sale Experts, Inc.

Short  Sale  Experts,  Inc.  is  commi ed 
to  providing  superior  short  sale       Making a good first impression counts! 
nego a ng  services  to  our  clients  in 
an  efficient,  cost‐effec ve  manner.  We are excited about the opportunity to work with you on your upcoming short sale
We  strive  to  provide  an  environment  lis ngs. Our services will allow you to enhance your ability to take on new short sale
that  encourages  opportuni es  for     lis ngs without making any major changes to your current business model and daily
professional  growth  wherein  high    ac vi es.
levels  of  performance  are  expected  Our organiza on, Short Sale Experts, Inc., specializes in Short Sale Nego a ons. We
and rewarded. In accordance with our  work directly with homeowners, mortgage lenders, REALTORS® and investors na on-
Core  Values,  we  intend  to  remain  on  wide. We submit and nego ate the short sale requests with the mortgage lender(s) to
the  forefront  to  con nuously  improve  nego ate a value which will get the home sold in the fastest, most efficient way
the  product  we  deliver  to  our  clients. possible. While we are the primary contact during the nego a ons, we are working on
your behalf.
For more informa on go to Nego a ng a Short Sale effec vely requires knowledge and skill, not to men on is
incredibly me consuming. As a real estate agent or investor, our service allows you to spend your me more effec vely focusing only on posi ve revenue producing du es
rather than spending unnecessary hours on the phone with
E: mortgage companies. By working together, our company will
888‐SHORT‐20 provide you with end to end short sale processing and Take the headache
nego a ng solu ons.
out of negoƟaƟng
We also provide the latest in technology via Realty
Infusion™; our online management so ware allowing you to short sale and do
check status and updates on your files 24/7! Much in the way what you do best…
the right Real Estate Agent can lead a homeowner to a
successful real estate transac on, the right representa on in Sell Real Estate!
short sales will make a difference! Short Sale Experts, Inc.
employs the most dedicated and best in the business.
Set the stage for Success >>>

The Benefits 
Here is a list of benefits of working with Short Sale Experts, Inc.  
 Complete Short Sale Processing and Nego a ng Services provided
 Real Time on demand notes with Realty Infusion™
 Online Pipeline Management ‐ Our easy‐to‐use web based system gives you
instant updates; as well as saves you me by automa ng your customer ser‐
 Massive Efficiency in the short sale process We are a proven leader in our marketplace; take a look 
at our current sta s cs. 
 Ability to focus on only dollar producing ac vi es
Total Short Sale Closings: (as of 12‐01‐10) 
 Increase in conversion ra o
Current  transac ons: 202 
 Ability to maximize commissions
Short Sales approved: 416 
 Work out package and lender correspondence provided Short Sale approved in the last 6 months: 121 
 Complete Short Sale Solu on Lost to Foreclosure: 12 (extenua ng circumstances) 
Success Rate: 96.5% 

property advice >>>

Structuring your Short Sale for Success! 
For success in today’s market, you need a team that has experience closing hundreds of 
transac ons  and  understands  exactly  what  the  lenders  are  looking  for!    Short  Sale     
Experts, Inc.'s exper se and experience uniquely posi ons us to assist Real Estate Agents 
and  homeowners  streamline  the  short  sale  process,  reduce  workload  and  work  with 
mortgage  lenders  is  the  most  effec ve  way  possible.  Our  comprehensive  short  sale    
solu on helps Agents and homeowners meet servicer and investor requirements there-
fore  drama cally  reducing  the  number  of  homes  going  into  foreclosure.  Short  sale   
transac ons can be complex and ensuring the transac on is structured properly and the 
W      SHORT      
meliness are of the highest importance.  
  The Treasury Department has provided a uniform program known as Home Affordable 
Avoid the  me and frustra on of  Foreclosure Alterna ves (HAFA) to expedite the short sale process. However, short sale 
tough nego a ons with lenders.  processors  must  have  extensive  knowledge  and  experience  enable  to  o  avoid  the        
Our exper se allows us to do the  common pi alls and delays that can occur with this program.  
hard work so you don't have to!!  
  Each short sale that is processed by our firm is customized to meet client-specific needs 
as well as mortgage/servicer guidelines (both HAFA and non-HAFA).  
For more informa on go to 
We have the complete solu on!  
Scope of Services 
Short Sale Experts, Inc. nego a ng provides the following all Inclusive Services 

 Provide agent and homeowners with list of required  lender specific                
documenta on  

 Prequalify and assist in structuring the short sale 

 Professionally package en re short sale package and financials  

 Contact lenders decision maker to ini ate short sale process 

 Submit complete short sale package and lender specific documenta on 
 Assist in opening and / or order escrow 
 Work with you and your staff during imple‐
 Assist in ordering Preliminary Title Report and HUD  menta on to help you gain a general under‐
standing of the short sale system. 
 Review of Preliminary Title Report  and itemize all recorded liens on property 
 Provide Status Reports Per Your Require‐
 Follow up as needed with assigned contact  ments 

 Ensure addi onal fees are calculated on HUD (Back taxes, HOA Dues, etc.)   Manage the en re BPO process 

 Coordina ng all HUD revisions throughout the short sale process   Obtain lender short sale approval le er at 

the most equitable price in the least amount 
 Submit all offers promptly, when needed  of  me. 
 Assist in assembling setup and login infor‐
 Correspond with Trustees regarding Trustee Sale Dates and postponements 
ma on for Realty Infusion™ 
 Correspond with Closing agents 
 Training and support for Realty Infusion™ 
 Report regularly on progress and status updates to clients 
(online tracking system).  
 Communicate with agent on any missing documenta on   

 Communicate with homeowners associa on on delinquent dues  Short Sale Experts, Inc. will not: 

 Maintain consistent and regular communica on with the servicer/investor/  Set or establish offer price 

 Guarantee lenders acceptance 
 Request and advise on approval le er and terms on seller’s and Agents behalf 
 Guarantee lenders turn  me 
 the
ask experts >>>
Order Payoffs 
 Give financial and legal advise 
 Recommend steps required to successfully implement a new short sale system 
 Nego ate contracts on agents, sellers, or 
buyer’s behalf 

Q: Are your negoƟators licensed by the DRE?  

Absolutely! Everyone we employ holds at least a salesperson's

A: license.
LisƟng Agent ResponsibiliƟes
The short sale process requires significant involvement from our staff and
ul mate success is highly dependent on all par es’ efforts. To help achieve a
smooth and successful transac on, it will be your responsibility to perform
the following:
 Provide us with a compara ve market analysis

 Install a Lockbox a er BPO has been performed

 Prepare a fully executed lis ng agreement

 Comprehensive Website Exposure

 Forward lis ng agreement and all purchase offers to Short Sale Experts,

 Open Houses and Caravans Core Values

 Pre‐Qualify all Prospec ve Buyers Uncompromising honesty and integrity.

 Ensure buyer reten on Con nuous commitment to heroic quality and

 Coordinate closings
Interdependent balance between responsibility
to clientele, employees, society, strategic
Necessary DocumentaƟon for Workflow partners, and shareholders.

Firm faithfulness to our statements and values.

Below is a list of required documenta on that will be required from the
Lis ng Agent in order for Short Sale Experts, Inc. to ini ate the short sale
Crea ng an environment that allows innova‐
on, fulfillment, and enjoyment which re‐
1. Fully Executed Lis ng Agreement with all suppor ng Disclosures and/or sults in being part of something special.
Structured financial decision making and solid
2. MLS Lis ng management.

3. All purchase offers for property

Corporate Headquarters:  
4. Short Sale Package and all accompanying financials
110 West A. St. Suite 615 
5. Service and Fee Agreement San Diego, CA 92101 

6. Short Sale Advisory

7. Compara ve Market Analysis

8. Addi onal documents may be required depending on the demands of

the specific servicer /lender we are working with.  888‐SHORT‐20  

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