DASA DevOps Fundamentals™ 2.0 Course Synopsis

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Fundamentals –
Virtual Blended

Course Synopsis for Participants


The DASA DevOps Fundamentals course is a 2 days or 16 hours

course based on the DASA DevOps Fundamentals exam specification
from DASA.
The DASA DevOps Fundamentals certification provides the core
education necessary to build your DevOps vocabulary and understand
its principles and practices. It’s the ideal starting point for DevOps
journeys, whether you’re already familiar with working with Agile and/
or DevOps teams or not.

Course Agenda

The two sets of course agenda provided here are for guidance about
the approximate duration of each module and division of 16-hour of
classroom interaction into different number of sessions. An instructor
can, however, choose to divide the 16-hour duration of classroom
interaction according to their discretion.

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DASA DevOps Fundamentals

Proposed Agenda I

16 hours (2 sessions of 8 hours each)

Recommended Pre-Reading and Self Learning

„„ Pre-Course Reading
„„ Course Book – Modules 1 to 5
„„ Case Study – Easy Journey Airways
Module Subject Total Time Total Time
(In minutes) (In hours)
1 Introducing DASA DevOps Fundamentals 60 01:00
Break 5 00:05
2 Building the DevOps Context 60 01:00
Break 10 00:10
2 Building the DevOps Context (Contd.) 30 00:30
Break 5 00:05
3 Knowing DevOps for Individuals 45 00:45
Virtual Session 1 (8 Hours)

Break 5 00:05
4 Getting Acquainted with DevOps Culture and 30 00:30
Break 30 00:30
4 Getting Acquainted with DevOps Culture and 60 01:00
Behavior (Contd.)
Break 10 00:10
5 Understanding the Value of DevOps for Teams and 60 01:00
Break 10 00:10
5 Understanding the Value of DevOps for Teams and 45 00:45
Organizations (Contd.)
End of Day Debrief 15 00:15
Total (Including Breaks) 480 08:00
Total 405 06:45

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DASA DevOps Fundamentals – Virtual Blended Course

Recommended Pre-Reading and Self Learning

„„ Course Book – Modules 6 to 9
„„ Mock Exam
Module Subject Total Time Total Time
(In minutes) (In hours)
Review of Session 1 10 00:10
6 Getting Familiar with DevOps Management Practices 40 00:40
Break 10 00:10
6 Getting Familiar with DevOps Management Practices 45 00:45
Break 10 00:10
7 Getting Familiar with DevOps Technical Practices 40 00:40
Break 10 00:10
Virtual Session 2 (8 Hours)

7 Getting Familiar with DevOps Technical Practices 60 01:00

Break 30 00:30
8 Enabling DevOps Team Performance Through 45 00:45
Continuous Delivery and Automation
Break 5 00:05
8 Enabling DevOps Team Performance Through 60 01:00
Continuous Delivery and Automation (Contd.)
Break 10 00:10
9 The Next Steps 20 00:20
Mock Exam 30 00:30
Break 10 00:10
Mock Exam (Contd.) 30 00:30
End of Day Debrief 15 00:15
Total (Including Breaks) 480 08:00
Total 405 06:45

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DASA DevOps Fundamentals

Proposed Agenda 2
16 hours (4 sessions of 4 hours each)

Recommended Pre-Reading and Self Learning

„„ Pre-Course Reading
„„ Course Book – Modules 1 to 3
„„ Case Study – Easy Journey Airways
Module Subject Total Time Total Time
(In minutes) (In hours)
1 Introducing DASA DevOps Fundamentals 60 01:00
Virtual Session 1 (4 Hours)

Break 10 00:10
2 Building the DevOps Context 60 01:00
Break 10 00:10
2 Building the DevOps Context (Contd.) 30 00:30
Break 10 00:10
3 Knowing DevOps for Individuals 45 00:45
End of Session Brief 15 00:15
Total (Including Breaks) 240 04:00
Total 210 03:30

Recommended Pre-Reading and Self Learning

„„ Course Book – Modules 4 and 5
Module Subject Total Time Total Time
(In minutes) (In hours)
Recap of Session 1 5 00:05
4 Getting Acquainted with DevOps Culture and Behavior 30 00:30
Break 10 00:10
Virtual Session 2 (4 Hours)

4 Getting Acquainted with DevOps Culture and 60 01:00

Behavior (Contd.)
Break 10 00:10
5 Understanding the Value of DevOps for Teams and 60 01:00
Break 10 00:10
5 Understanding the Value of DevOps for Teams and 45 00:45
Organizations (Contd.)
End of Session Brief 10 00:10
Total (Including Breaks) 240 04:00
Total 210 03:30

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DASA DevOps Fundamentals – Virtual Blended Course

Recommended Pre-Reading and Self Learning

„„ Course Book – Modules 6 and 7
Module Subject Total Time Total Time
(In minutes) (In hours)
Recap of Session 2 10 00:10
6 Getting Familiar with DevOps Management Practices 40 00:40
Virtual Session 3 (4 Hours)

Break 10 00:10
6 Getting Familiar with DevOps Management Practices 45 00:45
Break 10 00:10
7 Getting Familiar with DevOps Technical Practices 60 01:00
Break 10 00:10
7 Getting Familiar with DevOps Technical Practices 40 00:40
End of Session Brief 15 00:15
Total (Including Breaks) 240 04:00
Total 210 03:30

Recommended Pre-Reading and Self Learning

„„ Course Book – Modules 8 and 9
„„ Mock Exam
Module Subject Total Time Total Time
(In minutes) (In hours)
Recap of Session 3 10 00:10
8 Enabling DevOps Team Performance Through 45 00:45
Continuous Delivery and Automation
Virtual Session 4 (4 Hours)

Break 10 00:10
8 Enabling DevOps Team Performance Through 60 01:00
Continuous Delivery and Automation (Contd.)
Break 10 00:10
9 The Next Steps 20 00:20
Break 10 00:10
Mock Exam 60 01:00
End of Session Debrief 15 00:15
Total (Including Breaks) 240 04:00
Total 210 03:30

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Course Components
—— Course Book
—— Pre-Course Reading
—— Post-Course Reading
—— Practice Questions
—— Quick Reference Cards
—— Presentations as PDF
—— Course Synopsis for Participants

The core reading material for participants is the Course Book, which
provides an opportunity for participants to stimulate their learning
experience through self-reading. The Pre-Course Reading Guide
introduces the core concepts on which the learning of the DASA
DevOps Fundamentals course is based. Participants are expected to go
through the Pre-Course Reading Guide and Course Book both, before
the class and after the class. To extend the rich learning experience,
participants are also provided with a set of Quick Reference Cards.
Quick Reference Cards are useful for a quick review of the core
concepts to prepare for the exam. The Practice Questions material
includes questions to help the participants test their learning.
In addition, the participants are provided with a Post-Course Reading
Guide, which provides an additional learning to understand the
application of concepts covered in the course.

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