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50. The kids went around the back of the building 57. They heard___.

a. a door close
a. get inside
b. footsteps
b. see the cranes
c. somebody shout
c. see the workers
58. Outside, a construction worker___.
51. Jess believed that Angel was ___.
a. lifted some pipes
a. leading them to the building
b. shouted at them
b. inside the building
c. stopped a crane
c. with Eddie
59. A crane lifted pipes and the children___
52. The kids thought the corridor looked ___.
a. fell to the floor
a. dangerous
b. returned to the building
b. strange
c. ran away
c. familiar
60. Mr Hayes succeeded in ___.
53. Eddie probably didn’t shout for help because___.
a. calling the police
a. he was tired
b. deactivating Angel
b. he was asleep
c. finding Eddie
c. it was too noisy

54. The kids tried to open___.

a. a big metal door

b. a torch

c. a corridor

55. ___was in the room.

a. Eddie

b. Angel

c. A worker

56. Eddie was___

a. angry

b. pale and confused

c. terrifying
A Number the sentences in the correct order according to the story.
a. Jess realised that the cameras were watching them.

b. Mr Hayes said “Go!… You must help Eddie!”

c. Eddie was in a locked dark room in an unknown location.

d. Angel invited Jess to play the game.

e. The kids helped Eddie escape from the locked room.

f. The kids broke into the school to look at Mr Hayes’ computer.

g. Harry solved the second clue and led them to Cleopatra’s needle.

h. Angel took control of a crane and hurt the kids.

i. Angel started a fire in the school.

j. The headmistress entered Mr Hayes’ classroom to ask about Eddie.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

B Who said it? Tick () the correct person.

Jess Harry Mr Hayes Angel
1. “I’m putting your name on my list of
problem students.”
2. “Mr Hayes created that system to look for
3. “But he was your friend, and he could
need your help now.”
4. “Mr Hayes, I’m angry with you!”

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