20210206-PRESS RELEASE MR G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE - Genocidal Fake Vaccinations

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20210206-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

Genocidal fake vaccinations

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, that is quite some heading.

**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, I am not trained in medical issues or for that science issues but
common sense alone considering the numerous videos from medical professionals and other
scientist must underline that what we have I view is this kind of mental inducement of people to
willingly elect to risk their lives because they have been scared into the alternative of dying.
There are those videos where it shows people being in some sort of trance and then inflicting self
harm to even death is the end result. The same when people have something to drink that they
self sacrifice. And this is what it appears to me we now are having that this brainwashing by the
governments around the world is inducing people to rather take the risk with a experimental
genocidal fake vaccination then the doom and gloom projected to them.
This I view was the kind of precursor when a countries population is supporting some murderous
leader as they have been mentally and emotionally conditioned to accept that whatever this
leader promotes must be for their own best will.

* In your view are PM Scott Morrison and Premier Daniel Andrews in that kind of league
**#** In my view indeed they are and so many others.

The irony might be that Pauline Hanson may pursue more, even if unintended, to protect
the health and wellbeing of Aboriginals then those who denounce her.
This document can be downloaded from:

20200217-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –

Re Is it an Aboriginal Oriental Corona virus?
Whatever this so-called “Corona Virus” resulted from we must as a society be assisting to the best of our
ability. If indeed as appears to me that the Corona Virus mainly attacks oriental persons then it is essential
this is conveyed to our local oriental community so they might get a better understanding that their lives is
more at risk than that of others and so seek to minimize any opportunity for them to become a victim of their
Corona Virus.

While logistic it might be a major thing to quarantine many oriental students, nevertheless we should not and
must not deny them our show of appropriate care and concern.

If indeed as the videos were showing the death toll in chine is likely 10 fold that of which is reported then
(and considering hospitals used as mortuaries because the crematoriums cannot handle the numerous bodies
to be cremated that they also are considering mass graves for the victims who died from the Corona virus)
any Australian Government better prepare for a possible onslaught upon Australians, in time to come.

p1 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

RIGGED: China changes the definition of “infected” to ignore coronavirus patients who test positive but show no symptoms

Coronavirus: Senior Chinese officials 'removed' as death toll hits 1,000

Reality is that this might rather be a mere show as I understand on 7 January 2020 the then China’s leadership
were planning about the explosion of cases and so I view they were then already fiddling/cooking the books
to make out it was far less. Indeed, “some weeks ago” a nurse at a hospital claimed more than 90,000 cases
then already to exist but it was not acknowledged by the Chinese Government.

Pauline Hanson calls for Australia's borders to be closed to 'stop spread of coronavirus'

The irony is that many claim Pauline Hanson is a “racist” while in fact she pursues, even if not so intended, to
protect the health and wellbeing of Aboriginals more by closing the borders from falling victim of the Corona
.While on the one hand we must be cautious and for example accept that those of oriental origin who study in
Australia are entitled to be admitted into Australia even if they are placed under quarantine , and perhaps
from there can participate in their studies, on the other hand we must be more rigorously in cleaning our
incoming goods and planes. Ager all contaminated product from Asian countries could possibly devastate our
indigenous communities.
Planes should in a sense put through a car wash before allowing to be used for other passengers who didn’t
come from affected area’s. As such any area accessed by those suspected of coming from contaminated
area’s should never be using ordinary facilities as to avoid cross-infection but should be disembarking at
airports that are not used for ordinary travelers and the places are decontaminated very rigorously, in
particular the air pipes in the planes as to avoid the corona virus to remain in the duct system and then infect

It must be clear that way back on 7 February 2020 I then already indicated that the “oriental”
issue might be an issue. From the many reports they refer to “black” “brown” skinned persons
having a higher death rate. This may just underline my warning nearly a year ago about it. But
they ignored it. Also, I then already indicated “should never be using ordinary facilities” and
in subsequent writings repeatedly referred to “quarantine facilities” but it was time and time
ignored. But now suddenly it seems PM Scott Morrison suddenly has the bright idea to place
them in a Toowoomba quarantine facility.

Mass preparation for bedding, etc, for those infected with the Novel Coronavirus is needed
badly, but we seem to lack proper leadership all around. The ruby Princess deplorable
issue is a clear example of it.
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20200325-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –

Re Failing leadership in Novel Coronavirus issues, etc
In my view we have this gigantic failure of leadership and this needs to be addressed.

If anyone is required to self-isolate then the relevant government provided for all members of that family that
goes in self-isolation a at least 3 weeks survival pack. You may find this a lot cheaper then to grind the entire
economy to a health. Then anyone not self-isolating and able to go to work is permitted to do so. No use to have
able body persons sitting at home doing nothing when factories, etc, are needed to operate.

p2 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Constructing temporary coronavirus hospitals

We have in Melbourne a tennis centre that can close its roof and so why not convert this in a temporary hospital
facility? Also let the army build temporary field hospitals to accommodate those who are infected but are not
deemed at risk to die.
Those who are affected by the Novel Coronavirus can then be held in quarantine while the elderly and those
most vulnerable to risk death can be better placed in hospitals.

This 49 page document surely has taken me a lot of time in research and compilation. Then
again, if anyone were to take me to Court then I wouldn’t hesitate to use it against any
aggressor of my constitutional rights.
This document can be downloaded from:
Likewise with this nonsense of purported unilateral “house arrest” under whatever mantra this is pursued, it
simply is not going to prevent me to do what I elect to do. Our constitution provides for embedded legal
rights of freedoms which no Parliament can blatantly disregard.
We had in Victoria that the politicians had an almighty rise in pay and why so one has to wonder when the
Health System they claim will be overburdened could have done with that money to provide for the required
ICU facilities that is needed? It has been the States themselves who blatantly disregard responsible action
considering there were past pandemics and so a competent leader would have ensured the medical system to
be prepared for the next wave, not scream about the overburdening of a health system when they could have
avoided it.
When then you get Premiers unconstitutionally ordering cruise ships to depart and so with sick crew in my
view in clear violation of the Titanic Board of Inquiry recommendations to not send out ships where the lives
of those on board are placed at the perils of the sea, then where was your leadership to make clear (see below
extensive set out) that those ships fall within the powers of the Commonwealth and no Premier has the right
to order them to leave.
Why indeed when Premiers are complaining about being short in hospital beds was one or more cruise ships
not converted to hospital ships?
In The Netherlands, as set out below, Scientist have established that human faeces will show COVID-19
(Novel Coronavirus) infection days before an infected person shows any symptoms, if they show any at all.
We have home testing kits for people to test their swimming pool water and why not have a “home faeces
test kit” for people to test if they are infected? Consider mothers of infants being able to test their babies
before an all scale deadly infection becomes reality?
No use to lock in people in high rising units ( in residential towers) who then are missing out of Vitamin D,
etc, and have a weaker immune system and become cooked in their unit when there is a much better
alternative to just concentrate upon those who are infected and let others continue to get along their lives as
they desire.
As I attend to below, why are medical staff despite their gowns, mask, and whatever becoming ill? Is it that
they may not at all fall ill because of being in contact with patients but because they actually became ill away
from their place or work? Meaning, they are perhaps contaminating those attending to hospitals? Is it that the
mask and other protection gear they are using might in the end not at all be sufficient to protect them?
Where are the food parcels for the elderly, the invalids and the carers and those under their charge to prevent
stress and duress? No use to claim to care for the elderly, etc, when blatantly ignoring the stress and other
problems you inflict upon them.
Our constitution doesn’t provide whatsoever for a so called “National Cabinet” and it is time you show real
leadership instead of this kind of nonsense. If you hold there is a “National Cabinet” system within our
constitution then I challenge you to show where it is stated in the constitution.
We obviously also lack a competent leader of the Opposition as not to even bother raise any of the issues I
am about.

20200418-Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Independent Broad-Based Anti-Corruption

Commission ex C-VO 20-6752

p3 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
The mere fact that so many health workers despite using protective gear are allegedly falling ill in my view
means that lack of proper testing is the real issue.
If indeed hospitals, cruise ships, Wuhan, Italy, Spain, etc, all are so severely effected while they all use 5G then
surely common sense should make sure that this is appropriately attended to. What about the police officers who
may be affected by their mobiles, etc?
Are they perhaps spreading unintentionally any virus?

Bill Gates: Flu Vaccine Isn’t Effective in the Elderly, COVID-19 Vaccine Will Have to be Different

One of the real reasons, as I understand it from my limited research is that so many elderly become victims
because their immune system is undermined by not only the 5G communication transmissions but also because
of the immunizations they are being subjected to.
In prisons they have non-contact facilities where the prisoner and visitor are separated by a glass or plastic wall.
The same could be used for visitors to hospitals and nursing homes. To deny those staying/residing in
hospitals/nursing homes the right of human contact with family members and/or friends is cruelty in itself.
The police rather than enforcing unconstitutional lockdowns, and by this become part of government sponsored
terrorism upon citizens, should be reminded to their oath/affirmation becoming a police officer and not
participate in unconstitutional activities, such as set out above.

Asking people to choose between two so-called leaders is like asking to choose between
rotting apples without any real choice. This document exposes the considerable failures of
leadership being MISSING IN ACTION.
This document can be downloaded from:
As I made clear in past writings Edmund Barton made clear that “man-kind” quarantine falls under the
Commonwealth. Hence, the Commonwealth could have say garnished hotels at say Tullamarine Airport
which I understand is under Commonwealth control and then use the ADF for security, as such. In my view
when it comes to QUARANTINE matters regarding “man-like” issues then the States should have handed
over those infected to the Commonwealth where they are arriving by ship or airplane or even interstate. The
Ruby Princess debacle clearly underlines that the Federal Minister for Health was MISSING IN ACTION to
take control of all passengers and crew and had them transported to quarantine facilities to ensure
they couldn’t spread the infection to others. Such facilities could be held at Commonwealth territories
as while the
states are to hold those held in detention or to be imprisoned for the Commonwealth the quarantine issue is a
different issue.
Now we have reportedly that some incoming travellers refuse to take a test to see if they are cleared and so
are allowed to go regardless of being able to infect others. Yet, the Commonwealth should have been in
charge having those people held in Commonwealth quarantine compounds and refuse anyone to leave
who refuses to have relevant test conducted to see if they are clear of the virus. Then again as the test results
are so to say up the creek as often false results are shown then this further underlines to gross failure of the
Federal Minister for health to be on the job.

Under the pretext that the COVID-19 is very serious and can result in death somehow
when it comes to the bungling Vic Minister of Health then she remains at the helm despite
gross inadequacies by her and undue risk to human lives.
This document can be downloaded from:

20200702-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE –

ROYAL COMMISSION into COVID-19 issues is badly needed-Supplement 3
* Why would this involved the Federal Government?

p4 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
**#** “Man-kind” infections falls under Federal quarantine legislative powers. This I have written about

Then we have “MISSING IN ACTION” Minister for Health Greg Hunt claiming:

Local containment model 'most likely' to be effective: Health Minister

He doesn’t seem to grasp it was already going wrong and what is needed is quarantine facilities under federal

This submission is regarding the fiasco of the hotel quarantine and a supplement that
specifically relates to legislative powers will be published the next day. We need to ensure
that there is a proper understanding about matters as otherwise any inquiry will end in

This document can be downloaded from:

Hansard 7-2-1898 Constitution Convention Debates (Official Record of the Debates of the National
Australasian Convention)
QUOTE Mr. BARTON (New South Wales).-

I do not think the word quarantine, for instance, which is used in the sub-section of the 52nd clause, is
intended to give the Commonwealth power to legislate with regard to any quarantine. That simply applies to
quarantine as referring to diseases among man-kind.

The Framers of the Constitution rejected that the States could invoke police powers

In 2001 I was an INDEPENDENT candidate in the federal political election but refused to vote. I did so again in
2004 and in AEC v Schorel-Hlavka on 19 July 2006 comprehensively defeated the Commonwealth as to
compulsory voting. I at times do vote when I consider there is a worthy candidate to vote for, but my objection
was against compulsory voting and the Court upheld both appeals, which I conducted representing myself.

As such I proved in the past that to understand and comprehend what the constitution stands for is critical.

Those IN The hotel quarantine fiasco were as I understand it return travellers and as such should have been under
federal “QUARANTINE” control.

It is very obvious that the Federal Government (Commonwealth) having to deal with influx of immigrants,
travellers, etc, require to have “QUARANTINE” facilities under its control that specifically deals with having
any person suffering of a specific contagious man-like disease can be isolated.
It ought to be very obvious that hotels are not designed for this purpose! Neither so any ICU (Intensive Care

While the Victorian Government apparently did have the old Peter McCullem hospital in East Melbourne
prepared for ICU and so in Geelong also a building which I understand neither were used for the COVID-19
patients the real issue is that ICU cannot be considered to be proper “QUARANTINE” facilities.

I in October 2019 was about to drive of to lash the grass on my country property when I looked at my 96 year old
wife Olga in the driveway and well held something was wrong with her. While my wife insisted she be all right
when I would come back in a few days I didn’t think so. I decided to take her to the hospital instead. Soon after
arrival the doctor gave me the understanding that more than likely my wife would have died due to her heart
problems. My wife ended up in ICU and spend 10 days in hospital with Heart Failure and other underlying health
issues. I therefore gained some insight how ICU is.
And, to me that is not a “QUARANTINE” facility setting whatsoever.

p5 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
“QUARANTINE” facility setting just be that the person/persons is/are completely isolated of any direct physical
contact with other human being. Any food for consumption must be prepared to guarantee that the person is not
either caused additional problems and/or cannot spread it onto others. As such, food must be prepared to
standards suitable for specific “QUARANTINE” facility purposes. I vie a hotel is not catering for this. This is
why the Commonwealth must have “QUARANTINE” facilities, this so they are specifically designed to accept
those who are needed to be in “QUARANTINE” and are appropriately cared and catered for.
The facilities can be designed to enable a person held in “QUARANTINE” to have reasonable contact with
visitors, albeit no actual physical contact being permitted. Such as having a visitors room where a see through
panel divided the room and it is insulated to prevent any airborne particulars to be transferred either way.

I for all those months have been indicating that ICU beds are not for “QUARANTINE”
purposes but that “QUARANTINE” facilities should be with ICU (Intensive Care Unit)

But PM Scott Morrison was more interested in game play:

"And I think the same rule applies there — no jab, no play."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says NRL players who don't have flu vaccination should be
banned from play
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says players who refuse to get a flu shot should be banned from competing in
the NRL.
Mr Morrison was adamant players should abide by a "no jab, no play" policy after Gold Coast player Bryce
Cartwright polarised the rugby league community with his anti-vaccination stance.
Cartwright rejected a request to be vaccinated as part of strict measures to restart the NRL competition on
May 28 and must now explain his actions to NRL chief medical officer Paul Bloomfield.
"When I was social services minister I started the 'no jab, no play' rule into the childcare facilities," Mr
Morrison told 2GB radio.
"And I think the same rule applies there — no jab, no play."

And when we got this lair of a Dr Fauci (as he himself made clear he wasn’t telling the truth)
about HCQ as I understand he has a financial interest in Moderna vaccines we still didn’t have a Federal Minister
of Health to check out what really was relevant and applicable. Never mind people dying in the meantime who’s
lives might perhaps been saved, after all it would serve the narrative to have this New World Order
Lancet retracts fake science study claiming hydroxychloroquine causes heart disease
Monday, June 08, 2020 by: Ethan Huff
In its own statement, The Lancet said that it pulled the study because the authors “were unable to complete an
independent audit of the data underpinning their analysis.”

One has to ask how many Australian health officials have based their comments as to
“hydroxychloroquine” not proven to be beneficial when numerous medical facilities reported
they successfully used in regarding COVID-19?

p6 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
It must be clear that way back in June 2020 I highlighted to PM Scott Morrison that the Lancet
article was withdrawn. Why then was he still pushing for vaccinations that didn’t even exist
when clearly those health and other officials pushing the barrow that “hydroxychloroquine” was
not safe ignored the real facts.

And this is why we lack proper “leadership” where we got Ministers who simply listen to their
kind of “experts” who are wrong on FACTS but nevertheless that is ignored after all they are
pushing the New World Order narrative, as I previous wrote about the Minister of Health of
NSW announcing.

Doctor Dies After Getting COVID Vaccine __ Florida_Doctor's Death

Allegedly this doctor was healthy but suffered from petechial hemorrhages (Drug-Induced
Thrombocytopenia to the point of bleeding to death) (DITP)
Most common drugs that allegedly cause DITP:

PMC US National Library of Medicine

MMR vaccine and idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura

The attributable risk of developing ITP within 6 weeks after MMR vaccination was
estimated to be in 25.000 vaccinations (95% confidence interval 2 00, 89 400)

Idiopathic thrombocytopacnic purpura (ITP) is an autoimmune condition resulting in

increased platelet destruction. The incident of ITP among children in the UK is
reported to be around 4 per 100.000 per year and is usually self limiting, although
occastonal deaths have occurred[1] ITP in viral infections and with a variety of
vaccinations during childhood[2. 3] Case reports describe ITP in close time
association with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccinations in particular,
within 6 weeks of vaccinations [4-7]

Some people suspect polyethylene glycol may have triggered severe reactions in at least eight people
who received the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in the past 2 weeks.

mRNA vaccines, explained

Second COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects – Rougher Than Expected (19 Vaccine Side

This doctor describes what he went through with the first and second vaccination. Obviously
what he describes is questionable not as to what he claims he experienced but as to what kind of
vaccination he is referring to. After all, why would an mRNA that is about Gene changes have
such by affect? Is he trying to claim that the Gene therapy is working this quick? And this when
p7 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
others have reportedly no such kind of reaction. This is the problem when even medical doctors
are posting on line videos without disclosing what kind of vaccine/gene therapy they are actually
referring to.

Four Deaths in Elderly Reported From 3 Countries During First Days of Vaccine
Rollout, Authorities Urge Calm

Hundreds Sent to Emergency Room After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines
Over 1,000 people injected with a new COVID-19 vaccine have experienced an adverse event, with
hundreds being taken to emergency rooms.
One patient in Michigan on Dec. 16, 2020, became lightheaded and dizzy, and experienced chest tightness
and hand tingling. She repeatedly told doctors, “I think I am having a panic attack.” She was sent to the
emergency room for evaluation.
That’s one of 308 reports from patients sent to hospital emergency rooms documented on
the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). That represents 0.0064 percent of the total
vaccinations done, 4.8 million, as of Jan. 5.
In other cases, patients experienced nausea, tremors, stabbing pain, and wheezing.
In one report, a 33-year-old male in Georgia reported receiving Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine on Dec. 17,
“I initially had to sit down for about 15 min and felt my mouth dry, my tongue was kind of tingling, not
swollen. I was checked for anaphylactic shock. I felt like an adrenaline shock, and felt my heart racing, my
[blood pressure] was high—stayed in the ER for an hour for observation. I felt the same kind of sensation
when I had COVID in July. This morning, had chills early in the morning around 1 a.m. but it is all gone
now,” he wrote.
VAERS was established in 1990 to serve as an early warning system to detect possible safety problems in
U.S.-licensed vaccines. It’s managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Anyone can report an adverse event to the system.
“VAERS is not designed to determine if a vaccine caused a health problem, but is especially useful for
detecting unusual or unexpected patterns of adverse event reporting that might indicate a possible safety
problem with a vaccine. This way, VAERS can provide CDC and FDA with valuable information that
additional work and evaluation is necessary to further assess a possible safety concern,” the system’s website
Issues with the newly approved COVID-19 vaccines began almost immediately after they started being
administered. A healthcare worker at Bartlett Regional Hospital in Alaska suffered a suspected severe allergic
reaction, or anaphylaxis, after receiving Pfizer’s vaccine. She was taken to the emergency room and spent
several nights there before being discharged.
Thousands of people self-reported being unable to work or perform daily activities, or required care from a
health care professional, after getting one of the doses from the first tranche.
The FDA’s Adverse Event Reporting System hasn’t been updated to include data for the last quarter of 2020

Dr Sherri Tenpenny refers to the website clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/ regarding the details, as

such they are government issued details.
Dr Sherri Tenpenny on Twitter
The Estimated Study Completion Date is 31 January, 2023 for Pfizer

The Estimated Study Completion Date is October 27, 2022 for Moderna

p8 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Considering that the so called “vaccinations” are “emergency” vaccinations that need final
approval once the test are concluded I view that the Government is recklessly playing with the
lives of the many, in particular the elderly. It just doesn’t make sense to have the elderly
injected with stuff that likely will kill them unless this is a deliberate genocide.

China Fake Corona Vaccine
This video warns about FAKE vaccines

Fake Covid-19 Vaccines: What to Know About Counterfeit Shots Sold Online WSJ
This video is a warning that there are websites selling FAKE vaccines, which can in fact be
deadly pending what is in it.

Australia secures 10 million more Pfizer doses SBS News
Allegedly the Australian government has purchased some 100 million vaccines.

Coronavirus Vaccine: “In Case Of Adverse Events…” What Covaxin Consent Form Says
With this vaccination one must first sign a consent form as to that one cannot sue if there are
Covid Stats Show a Trend From Vaccinations: Johns Hopkins
This appears to indicate that the overall estimated losses to the US economy is nearly the entire
national income. One may ask why is the Covid-19 death toll so much hyphened up when the
total yearly death toll after all appears to be about the same as the previous year?

Will the vaccine work against coronavirus mutations?
If the gene therapy is to a certain virus then any mutation may not work. Is that meaning that a
person will have numerous gene therapies and ends up with numerous changes to the DNA?

Alarmist coronavirus claims have been ‘consistently wrong’
We had all kinds of alarmist such as Neil Ferguson making absurd claims, as he did with the so
called Global Warming when in the end it never resulted. There have been numerous claims
about hospitals having been overwhelmed when people went down to those hospitals and finding
that the hospitals are nearly empty. As such there is an elaborate con job going on.

What the COVID Vaccine Does To Your Body
Whenever a person has some vaccination and/or gene therapy then this likely will permanently
affect the body, and well some permanent changes are of short duration when the person dies as
result of the vaccination.

Can COVID-19 Vaccine Cause Infertillity ObGyn doctor Answers
This video to me is questionable in that this Doctor supposed to be an expert actually seems to be
unaware that I various courts already held that vaccinations caused sterilization, such as in one

p9 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
court case about million women. Hardly just a few women. Claiming that there is “no scientific
evidence” may underline how absurd this claim was.

COMPACT-TV: Gericht in Peru: Gates, Soros & Co. für Corona verantwortlich › Jouwatch

COMPACT-TV: Court in Peru: Gates,

Soros & Co. responsible for Corona
COVID 19 Vaccine Deep Dive: Safety, Immunity, RNA Production, w Shane Crotty, PhD
This is in my view a terrible video to follow. Shane Crotty is asked a question about how long a
particular item (antibody) is stable. Well his answer is from a minute to several days. It seems he
was just unaware what really was/is applicable.

19 Vaccine Passports Works
So now everyone must have a certain mobile which then scan the face and to go anywhere this
mobile must be scanned. Great. You need some creep having access to the information knowing
precisely when a child is alone traveling some route and next you know the child is attacked or
disappear altogether. Privacy no longer then exist.
As the video explains that for many years they wanted some digital passport and well “COVID-
19” is the perfect vehicle to achieve this. Just that Frank was checked and didn’t show he had any
infection. Now he gets his vaccination and the follow up and well his mobile will show he is
clear. Just that Frank actually now came down with a illness, this even so he was supposed to be
clear and well he is permitted to travel everywhere and is spreading it like wildfire. After all he is
supposed to be clear of any illness. No use to claim that this doesn’t happen as one is repeatedly
able to read in articles that a person having been given both vaccinations then died from
“COVID-19”. In fact allegedly an entire nursing home residency was wiped out 24 hours after
they had the vaccinations.
I for one use mobiles that do not use internet and neither do they enable any kind of Aps. As such
this mobile passport system would not work with me. My right to travel about without having the
communist regime checking where I travel, etc, is too important to avoid being tracked by

Seniors Dying After COVID Vaccine Labeled as Natural Causes (mercola.com)

 Around the world, reports are pouring in of people dying shortly after receiving the
COVID-19 vaccine. In many cases, they die suddenly within hours of getting the shot.
In others, death occurs within the span of a couple of weeks

 Ironically, when seniors die before vaccination, it’s due to COVID-19 and something
must be done to prevent it, but when they die after vaccination, they die of natural
causes and no preventive action is necessary

 Several areas have reported that deaths are rapidly increasing after vaccination programs
are implemented, including in Gibraltar, which prior to a vaccine had recorded a total of

p10 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
10 deaths due to COVID-19. Eight days into the vaccination program, the death toll had
risen to 45

 Norway has recorded 29 senior citizen deaths in the wake of their vaccination push. Most
were over the age of 75

 Aside from sudden death, examples of side effects include persistent malaise and extreme
exhaustion, severe allergic, including anaphylactic reactions, multisystem inflammatory
syndrome, psychological disturbances, seizures, convulsions and paralysis, including
Bell’s Palsy
Around the world, reports are pouring in of people dying shortly after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. In
many cases, they die suddenly within hours of getting the shot. In others, death occurs within the span of a
couple of weeks.

One notable case is baseball legend Hank Aaron, 86, who died January 22, 2021, 17 days after publicly
getting vaccinated for COVID-19.1,2 He said at the time that he hoped other Blacks would follow his lead and
get their vaccines too.

According to news reports, he died “peacefully in his sleep” and no cause of death had been announced.
Aaron was famous for being the home-run king of baseball, and broke Babe Ruth’s record when he hit
homerun No. 715; he had hit 755 by the time he retired from the sport.

29 Dead in Norway

In related news, Norway has recorded 29 senior citizen deaths in the wake of their vaccination push. 3 Most
were over the age of 75. A total of 42,000 Norwegians had by that time received the vaccine.

While health officials initially downplayed any connection to the vaccine, a report in Bloomberg suggests the
Norwegian Medicines Agency are now reconsidering. At the time of the deaths, the Pfizer vaccine was the
only COVID-19 vaccine available in Norway, so “all deaths are thus linked to this vaccine,” the agency told

“’There are 13 deaths that have been assessed, and we are aware of another 16 deaths that are currently
being assessed,’ the agency said. All the reported deaths related to ‘elderly people with serious basic
disorders,’ it said.

‘Most people have experienced the expected side effects of the vaccine, such as nausea and vomiting, fever,
local reactions at the injection site, and worsening of their underlying condition’ …

The findings have prompted Norway to suggest that COVID-19 vaccines may be too risky for the very old and
terminally ill, the most cautious statement yet from a European health authority.

The Norwegian Institute of Public Health judges that ‘for those with the most severe frailty, even relatively
mild vaccine side effects can have serious consequences. For those who have a very short remaining life span
anyway, the benefit of the vaccine may be marginal or irrelevant.’”

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, commented that the
deaths have to be “put into context with the population they occurred in.” 5

In other words, they were old and old people die. It’s hypocrisy at its finest. When seniors die before
vaccination, it’s due to COVID-19 and something must be done to prevent it, but when they die after
vaccination, they die of natural causes and no preventive action is necessary.


p11 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
53 Dead in Gibraltar in 10 Days After Experimental Pfizer mRNA COVID Injections Started

Nach Covid-19-Impfung: Jede Menge Tote in Altersheimen | Michael Mannheimer Blog (michael-
Media and politics deny any link between vaccination and death
of vaccinated
The following message * I received today on Telegram:

" We have just been told from a confidential source that the Covid vaccination was carried
out in a Berlin old people's home. According to our source, helped of all vaccinated
seniors died the following night. Caregivers were also vaccinated. Half of the vaccinated
carers are now seriously ill. If someone only noticed this in one facility and so many are
already dying, what happens in the other old people's homes?
It is to be assumed that there is a duty of confidentiality and that this information must not
be allowed to go
It can be assumed that there is a duty of confidentiality and that this information may not
get outside. But, it is important that we know what is going on there. Unfortunately, we are
not allowed to name the source and it is up to everyone to do research on this topic. We
didn't want to tell anything about it. Anyone who still has parents or grandparents there is
sure to be concerned.How does the management of a nursing home actually feel about

How does the management of a care facility actually feel about it? We heard Corona was
good business. One can only appeal to the staff to speak up. Because the more do it, the
less will the. Please be vigilant, inform yourself, research and share such information
while you still can. "

on LBRY:

Free Media Channel t.me/FreieMedienTV

I am aware that reports that do not contain any sources should be handled with extreme
caution. But it is just as clear to me from my own experience that in today's Germany,
which the GDR has already largely overtaken by the sniffing of attitudes and of opinion,
sources can no longer be named by name - without bringing the source into need and
danger .

Months ago, for example, I got in touch with the fire brigade chief in a major German city, who reported to me
that the number of suicides in this city was changing in the course of the Corona compulsory measures (lockdown,
closure of companies, quarantine, curfew, contract prohibition) and write 600 percent has increased. He is not
allowed to provide any official information about this without running the risk of losing his job. I still know the
boss from my student days

But the fact that there is an immediate causal link between vaccinations and the outbreak of
corona in the vaccinated, or even their death immediately after vaccination (1-22 days after
vaccination), cannot be dismissed out of hand and can no longer be concealed even by the

p12 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
unified media. However, the coverage is entirely in the spirit of Bill Gates and Merkel: a
causal link between vaccination and illness/death shortly afterwards is disputed, and third-
class immunization doctors are always allowed to say the same thing in the media reports:

Top up-to-date!
Hike out while you're still at work - Finca Bayano in Panama!
According to the home leaders and vaccination doctors, the post-vaccinal corona
infections or deaths had to do with the fact that the vaccine had not yet had its full effect in
the short time available.

A downright absurd argument: Who in the world would voluntarily be vaccinated with a
vaccine that would result in infection or even death? In other words: how stupid do these
mass murderers actually consider their victims?

One thing is clear: the vaccinations cause exactly what they should avoid: a corona
infection and / or death immediately after the vaccination. And thus confirm exactly what
some governments and courts are now saying:

 A Portuguese court of appeal considers PCR test as proof of corona infection to be

completely unreliable (judgment in Portuguese here
(https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t1b01H0Jd4hsMU7V1vy70yr8s3jlBedr/view) and is
lifting quarantine ( source ) (https://tkp.at/2020/11/17/portugiesisches-berufungsgericht-
 Professor Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer (special fields are human biology, virology, immunology,
cell biology) says that the PCR test is not suitable for determining a corona infection; it is
like "reading coffee grounds". source (https://www.freiewelt.net/nachricht/pcr-test-ist-
 "With the PCR test you can find almost anything in anyone." (Prof. Dr. Kary Mullis, the
PCR test inventor and Nobel Prize winner Quelle
 The PCR test provides governments with the result they want ( source ) (https://michael-
ist-eine-grosse-luege-er-dient-allein-der-legitimation-einer-verbrecherischen-politik/ )
 Court in Peru: Gates, Soros & Co. responsible for Corona ( source )
 "Corona vaccination is murder vaccination" : List of deaths and most serious vaccination
side effects ( source ) (https://michael-mannheimer.net/2021/01/13/corona-impfung-ist-
 1400 Belgian doctors and healthcare professionals sound the alarm: “There is no such
thing as a killer virus!” ( Source ) (https://docs4opendebate.be/open-
 Vaccination recommendation changed: Norway reacts to 23 (!) Deaths immediately after
vaccination ( source ) (https://unser-mitteleuropa.com/impfempfehlung-geaendert-
 After corona vaccination: over 1000 people in the emergency room ( source )
 Norway: 13 deaths after vaccination - side effects of the mRNA vaccines "could have led
to death" ( source ) (https://www.epochtimes.de/politik/ausland/norwegen-13-
p13 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
At the end of the article I have made some statements by leading global epidemiologists
who expose the false reports in the standard media about the alleged incausality of the
vaccinations with the subsequent corona infections and the death of the vaccinated as
brazen reads and prove that the vaccine is in truth a biological weapon that irreversibly
reprograms the genome of the vaccinated person , leading to fatal immune suppression and
even death.

Before that, recent reports from the same mass media about mass outbreaks of corona
diseases in old people's homes, which could no longer be concealed.

25 reports of corona outbreaks and deaths after corona

vaccinations in old people's homes

WAZ - Oberhausen
MqoXd0XSNNh6qG5p7EZKRxE1OvaJoI "Corona breakout in
Oberhausen retirement home Vaccination campaign campaign
" 15.1.2021


MSN - Leverkusen https://www.msn.com/de-de/nachrichten/panorama/corona-in-

rjEP22yMCZ10xGtw9MYAQJEP22yMCZ10xGTWETnY "Corona in Leverkusen:
Outbreak after vaccination in Rheindorfer Heim. Despite the first vaccination, 26
residents and ten carers in the old people's home of the Workers' Welfare in Rheindorf
were infected with the corona virus. January 15, 2021


WDR - Rödinghausen https://www1.wdr.de/nachrichten/westfalen-lippe/corona-

ausbruch-altenheim-roedinghausen-nach-imichtung-100.html " Rödinghausen:
Corona outbreak in a retirement home after vaccinations ." 01/08/2021


T-Online - Dortmund https://www.t-

fxdSzlGdgXRSrGsEBml6oGD3SZm_m1nYKjL4 "Corona Falls after vaccinations in
a nursing home in Dortmund." 01/08/2021

Mallorca Newspaper - Mallorca

p14 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

vaccination after the first outbreak in Mallorca." 04/01/2021


Nordkurier – Malchin

"Several Corona Cases After Vaccination Action." 06.01.2021


Reitschuster - Miesbach
altersheim/?fbclid=IwAR3zd5fTQQyBdgdqUC75dvE23OcJ7_bPw4G7WDInqu5JCTMFU91To3bOI -w

"Bavaria: Seven dead after corona vaccination in nursing home."

January 20, 2021

Südkurier - Uhldingen-Mühlhofen
todesfaelle-und-sieben-akute-infektiven-im-pflegeheim-in-uhldingen -muehlhofen; art410936,10717656?

fbclid = IwAR3zO1OBj4OUVXgTJZsfE0-fxdSzlGdgXRSrGsEBml6oGD3SZm_m1nYKjL4

deaths and seven acute infections in the nursing home in Mühl

Uhldingen”. January 2021


SWR – Koblenz


RTL – Hamburg

"Corona outbreak in nursing home: 88 out of 118 residents sick. In

addition, ten infected seniors have since died." January 2021

Swabian Post – Swabian Gmünd

https://www.schwaebische-post.de/p/1956814/?fbclid=IwAR283kw00jz7T0OzM ZNPm1jOzKdUkirsMBWqkaTPsjz7nVTCzfiS7T6DuFg

" " " 22.01.2021

p15 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

New Westphalian - Bear fights

https://www.nw.de/lokal/kreis_minden_luebbecke/minde n/22938878_Corona-Ausbruch-in-Altenheim-trotz-

"Corona outbreak in nursing home despite vaccination". Jan 19, 2021


Badische Zeitung – Haslach

https://www.badische-zeitung.de/multiple-dead-afte r-corona-outbreak-in-nursing-in-freiburg-haslach-

"Multiple deaths after Corona outbreak in nursing home in Freiburg-

Haslach" January 2021

MDR – Gröditz

"Despite vaccination: Corona outbreak in Gröditzer nursing home."

21 January 2021

NTV - Schleiz

“Corona -Ausbruch-Pflegeheim .lnn1” after the first vaccination.

" January 2021


Neue Westfälische -
“Several corona

cases after vaccinations in old people's homes Holte-Stukenbrock.

" 01/13/2021

p16 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

Jan 15, 2021


January 2021

WDR – Bedburg

"Bedburg nursing home: seniors and staff fall ill with Corona after vaccination." 14.01.2021


Jan 14, 2021

22 .


23 .




06 January 2021



How the above-mentioned Merkel media try to disguise the

connection between vaccination and corona infection or death
Well, not a single one of the above-mentioned unit media failed to point out that there was
of course no causal link between the injections and the almost immediately following
outbreaks (usually a day later) of corona in the vaccinated or even the deaths immediately
afterwards. Vaccination doctors were always quoted, who are known to collect a whopping
150 euros per hour for their vaccinations. And none of the vaccination doctors cited was a
virologist or epidemiologist. Their quotes are therefore as useless as if a plumber had been
asked why the computer no longer started.

p17 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
These doctors, therefore, are either naive, bona fide, or criminal. So either they know
nothing about the connection between the vaccination and the subsequent infection or the
subsequent death of the vaccinated person, or if they do, they keep it quiet.

There have been such doctors in every totalitarian state. And there were such doctors in all
so-called "democratic" states. Doctors who prescribe operations or expensive therapies
knowing that they will not have any effect - except that they will become even richer. Such
doctors are now booming and have a secure job at Merkel. The knowledgeable and critical
doctors, on the other hand, are persecuted, their practices are searched by rolling squads
and treated as if they were terrorists. In the worst case, they are threatened with revocation
of their license to practice medicine.

Corona vaccinations are state-organized mass murders

"The mRNA vaccination is like Russian roulette"

The Irish immunologist and molecular biologist Prof. Dolores Cahill explained in an
almost 5-hour interview why people vaccinated with COVID-19 will the months after the
mRNA vaccination (source, among others, here ):

“If the vaccinated come into contact with wild coronavirus a few months after vaccination,
their immune system will in many cases react with a deadly cytokine storm. This is because
the vaccine mRNA genetically modifies the body's cells so that they produce the
coronavirus spike protein. If a new coronavirus later activates the immune system, it
recognizes the self-produced spike proteins as a danger and starts a major attack against
its own body cells. As a result, the vaccinated suffer septic shock with multiple organ
failure, which usually ends in death "

Norway's above-mentioned measure, in view of the 13 citizens who died immediately after
vaccination, led to very different conclusions in Norway than in Germany. The deaths were
due to side effects apparently associated with Pfizer's mRNA vaccine and BioNTech.
The has made this link to the vaccine. The country has so far had a total of 23 deaths from
25,000 vaccinations. After examining the deaths, the Institute admitted that:

"The side effects of the mRNA vaccines ... could have resulted in death ".

Those who died were old and frail, ages 80 and over. ( Source )


* Oh boy that is some set out.

**#** I can assure you that it takes mountains of work and a lot of time to get through a lot of
articles and videos and I still have a lot more of it all. Reality is that when you consider the ratio
of deaths of the elderly then it just makes no sense to vaccinate them.
Much is claimed that the residents of nursing homes who died a day after the vaccination
somehow all died either of natural causes or of COVID-19”. In my view this may underline that
if indeed residents already had COVID-19” then why vaccinate and make it worse? And to claim
that all residents happen to all die of natural causes on the same day is absurd.
What we have is the systematic culling of the elderly so as to implement the New World Order,
and to me this must be deemed a conspiracy of mass murder.

p18 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Let us not ignore that the so called “vaccines” are “emergency use only” and as such to vaccinate
whomever is absurd. As I understand it from various published articles that the so called
“vaccination” is useless to be used on the elderly, that is unless you intend to kill of as many as
you can.

This whole COVID-19” is overblown and misused for all kinds of purposes and that is very clear
from the many articles and videos I have read and watched.

I in the early part of 2020 already made clear that what was needed was “quarantine facilities”
that were fitted out with ICU facilities also. So now the Prime Minister allegedly had a bright
idea, when I wrote this to him more than half a year ago.

From onset I also warned about certain races likely be more at risk, but that too was ignored.
Now the statistics appear to show that indeed this is so.

We had this nonsense that autism allegedly was not associated with vaccinations but now reports
are coming through that the pharmaceutical companies all along were aware of it from their own
research but kept it hidden. That is why we should never allow pharmaceutical companies to
have an unconstitutional exclusive status that they cannot be sued. This, as now in my view they
couldn’t give a darn about the deaths they are causing.

Also, the conduct of the Big Tech like Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc, to disallow certain
contents because it doesn’t suit their mantra also must be deemed unlawful. If you allow them to
do so then why do we need to pay for politicians to make laws when the Big Tech can make up
their own?
While Big Tech and Members of Parliament may claim that it is disinformation reality is they are
pursuing “disinformation”/”misinformation” themselves. Wait until they themselves are going to
be “cancelled” then they might scream blue murder that this cannot be tolerated. Well, then
address it now.
If we didn’t need to have opposite views then we don’t need Members of parliament as after all
one person could be the dictator and apply whatever. The very reason we have “representatives”
is that each constituency may have different views. Therefore having opposing views in itself
never should and never can be offensive.

I noticed that the Minister for Immigration was going on about racism, etc.
Well I cam to Australia and had absolutely nothing to do with the history and yet often get
Aboriginals openly making known that I being Caucasian should be run out of the country for
having murdered some Aboriginals. If I were to say the same in reverse I would undoubtly be
facing charges but when Aboriginals are doing it then that is all right. Well it is not. This is also
why in the USA they have this gigantic problem. “Racism” is a trade that people can make a lot
of money with if they just push and push it. There is this Member of Congress Maxine Waters
and well she made a statement that someone decided to copy but instead of targeting Republicans
he used this against Governor Cuomo as to see the reaction. Well, now it was all that he was
seeking to cause violence, etc. Yet, when people are told it was actually Maxine Waters who
stated it then it is all right. “DOUBLE STANDARDS”

Joe Biden claims that gender is no longer applicable, but then refers to Kamala Harris as the first
“woman” Vice President. “DOUBLE STANDARDS”

Twitter continues to allow Democrats and its supporters to promote violence but when I merely
quote something then it suspended me for already more than a week, and without any
explanation why.
p19 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
Biden Cheerleader Says Sometimes It's 'OK to Wake Up and Choose
American rapper Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar, known to her fans as Cardi B, is not just any celebrity. She is
one whom then-presidential candidate Joe Biden tried hard to win over last August in a much-hyped
interview for Elle magazine.
By the end of their conversation, Cardi B had become one of “Joey B’s” greatest cheerleaders.
She has nearly 82 million followers on Instagram and more than 16.8 million on Twitter, so Cardi B’s
opinions matter.
The influential rap star also checks two important political boxes: She is a black Latina.
On Sunday, Cardi B told her many fans on Twitter: “Sometimes is ok to wake up and choose violence. At
least once a month.”
Sometimes is ok to wake up and choose violence. At least once a month.
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) January 31, 2021
This is not the first time the rapper has expressed support for violence on social media.
Reacting to the riots that took place in the immediate aftermath of George Floyd’s May 25 death in
Minneapolis police custody, she posted a video in which she said, “Seeing people looting and going
extremely outraged, you know, it makes me feel like, ‘Yes! Finally! Finally motherf—ers is gonna hear us
now. Yeah!’
“And as much as people is so against it, at this point I feel like I’m not against it.”
WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.
Spread pic.twitter.com/6V0HsGoTME
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) May 29, 2020
There are a couple of issues with these tweets.
RELATED: Masks Forever: Jen Psaki Says Masks Still Essential Even After Americans Are Vaccinated
First, call me crazy, but they appear to violate Twitter’s rules, which state: “You may not threaten violence
against an individual or a group of people. We also prohibit the glorification of violence. … We define
glorification to include praising, celebrating, or condoning statements, such as ‘I’m glad this happened’, ‘This
person is my hero’, ‘I wish more people did things like this’, or ‘I hope this inspires others to act.’”
Oh, that’s right, these rules don’t apply to those on the left, especially when they’re celebrities.
Advertisement - story continues below
The second issue concerns Cardi B’s strong support of the man who now occupies the White House.


Biden Cheerleader Says Sometimes It's 'OK to Wake Up and Choose
The 2018 clip of California Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters calling on Democrats to get in the faces of
Trump associates has been played so many times, we can probably all recite it.
The congresswoman told supporters, “You go out and you create a crowd …”
An anonymous Twitter user “decided to conduct a social science experiment,” Carlson
said. So he used the words from Waters’ famous rant, changing “Trump Cabinet officials”
to “Democrat officials in Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration” and sent it out on Twitter.

“If you see anybody from the Cuomo Administration in a restaurant, in a department store, at a
gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd. And you push back on them. And you tell them
they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” -Maxine CuomoWatch@melissadderosa

— Cuomo Watch (@CuomoWatch) January 28, 2021

Several New York Democrats responded.

p20 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati
State Assemblyman Carl Heastie: “This is appalling and dangerous. Encouraging violence must never be
tolerated. Shame on whoever is behind this kind of garbage.”

Fellow Assemblyman Ken Zebrowski: “This is dangerous, reprehensible and has no place in any public
discussion…Oh, and spare me the ‘someone else did it too’ excuse. Someone else saying a variation of this
doesn’t change the fact that this is seeking to incite violence against a public official and their staff.”

State Sen. Diane Savino: “This is beyond outrageous. Two weeks ago we saw what happened when arsonists
throw gas around. Twitter should ban this dude now!”

Others replied, “So, just encouraging violence now, huh?” and “This is outrageous and this dangerous
incitement needs to stop.”

I rest my case.



Because we got next to no proper leadership this is then what enables the racism to flourish
unabated. You cannot pursue some while allowing others to be unchecked.

*. You view we lack proper leadership?

**#** I made this clear throughout 2020 that we lack “leadership”.
It is totally absurd to imprison the healthy for what? For the utter and sheer nonsense about
“COVID-19” when there are alternative ways that could have been far better to have been
implemented without destroying the life works of the many and leaving a killing field as
evidence of gross incompetence.
I read an article where the writer was indicating that he had wondered why so many Germans
went along with Hitler, but now because of the “COVID-19” mantra by politicians, etc, he
understand that this is massive indoctrination of the general public. When we have politicians
openly encouraging people to dob in someone for not wearing a mask then to me this too is
inciting violence, etc. Worse is that a person like myself who has an exemption than is harassed
about not wearing a mask. And this needs to stop. For sure there are serious issue when it comes
to an illness like “COVID-19” but killing people as a matter of collateral damage to achieve
what? That is not how a society should operate. When politicians desire to invoke their
constitutional powers then it must be for “peace, order and good government” and that is
precisely missing from their actions. They are obsessed with their own mantra with a total
disregard to consider alternatives that may in fact have a far better and more humane end result.

We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p21 6-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: admin@inspector-rikati.com. For further details see also my blog at Http://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

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