CSO-332: Ubiquitous Computing: Mid Sem Examination (Odd Semester 2020-2021)

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CSO-332: Ubiquitous Computing

Mid sem examination (Odd Semester 2020-2021)

Time: 4 days Maximum Marks: 45

• All questions are compulsory.
• Marks of each question are mentioned along with the question.

1) Read the second paper. Don’t copy from paper. Answers the following questions within
the given word limits [20 marks]
a) Write the motivation. It is good if you draw a table with compare with existing work
as given in introduction [250 words]
b) What problem addressed in the paper or simply write problem statement. [100 words]
c) Write the contributions. [250 words]
d) Proposed approach or technique. You can draw your figures. Don’t use paper figures.
[500 words]
e) Outcomes and conclusion [250 words]
f) Limitation in the paper. [100 words]

2) Write the complete Ubiquitous End-to-End solutions (using the layers of OSI model, figures
or block diagram, HMM, and Game theory) for [15 Marks]
a) Smart health diagnosis system (last digit of roll no 0,1,2,3,4)
b) Precision Agriculture (All students)
c) Road heath monitoring system (last digit of roll no 0,1,2,3,4)
d) Consumer electronics diagnosis system (last digit of roll no 5,6,7,8,9)
e) Old Age activity recognition system (last digit of roll no 5,6,7,8,9)
f) Drinking water management system (All students)

3) a) What is the difference between:

i) Pervasive computing and mobile computing, [1 Marks]
ii) Distributed systems and Ubiquitous computing, [1 Marks]
b) What are the challenges in Ubiquitous computing. [2 Marks]
4) Consider the following game of ”divide the dollar”. There is a dollar to be split between
two players. Player 1 makes an offer (an offer by Player 1 specifies how much he would
like Player 2 to have). Without observing Player 1?s offer, Player 2 specifies what would
be an acceptable offer. Players? choices have to be in increments of 25 cents, i.e., 0 cents, 25
cents, 50 cents, 75 cents, and $1. If Player 1?s offer is at least as large as what is acceptable
to Player 2, then there is an agreement. Otherwise we say that there is no agreement. If
there is an agreement Player 2 gets the amount offered by Player 1, while Player 1 gets the
rest of the dollar. If there is no agreement neither player gets anything. Write down the
strategic form of this game. [6 Marks]

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