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5 DAB 1




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Question 1

Briefly describe about International Civil Aviation Malaysia (ICAO) (10M)

A)The details of ICAO

B)Organization structure of ICAO
C)ICAO Vision and Mission
D)Role of ICAO

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) is a UN specialized agency,

established by States in 1944 to manage the administration and governance of the Convention
on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention).Formed on 4th April 1947.ICAO
works with the Convention’s 191 Member States and industry groups to reach consensus on
international civil aviation Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) and policies in
support of a safe, efficient, secure, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible
civil aviation sector. Formed in 4th April 1947.Headquarters in Montreal, Canada.Number of
member states : 191 (2011 and they meet every 3 years.
Vision of ICAO is to achieve the sustainable growth of the global civil aviation system. The
mission of ICAO is to serve as the global forum of States for international civil aviation.
ICAO develops policies and Standards, undertakes compliance audits, performs studies and
analyses, provides assistance and builds aviation capacity through many other activities and
the cooperation of its Member States and stakeholders
Role of ICAO is to promote multilateral agreements between nation, international
civil aviation may be developed in a safe and orderly manner, international air transport
service can be established on the basis of equality of opportunity and an international air
transport service operated soundly and economically.

Question 2

Briefly describe the Malaysian Civil Aviation Regulation (MCAR) (3M)

A)When the current MCAR being enacted

B)Who issuing MCAR
C)To who the MCAR being implemented

Malaysia civil airworthiness regulation (MCAR) currently enacted on 1 April 1996. Then,
Malaysia civil airworthiness (MCAR) is issuing by Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia
(DCAM). Next, MCAR is being implemented by British air Navigation Order(ANO) and was
adopted as the source of MCAR-UK 2000.
Question 3

Briefly describe the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia (DCAM) (12M)

A)What is DCAM
B)Purpose of DCAM
C)Division under DCAM

Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia (DCAM) is established as an organisation under the

Ministry of Transport Malaysia to provide efficient and safe air transportation. DCAM is
Headed by Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA). Regulatory enforcement via
legislative to ensure aviation industry complies with the regulations as specified in the
The DCAM responsible to administer and regulate the civil aviation industry in Malaysia.
The division under DCAM is Flight Operations, Air Traffic Services (ATS),Air
Transport, Aviation Security, Civil Aviation College, Airworthiness, Airport Standards,
Management and Finance Flight Calibration and ATS Inspection. Airworthiness sector
carries the regulatory function in respect of airworthiness through the establishment of
standards, recommended practices and guidelines and their enforcement as required by Civil
Aviation Act 1969. The primary role of the Air Transport Division is to promote a
sustainable, economic and efficient air transport industry. The BIT is the regulatory body that
oversees the provision of ANS by the ANS providers to ensure compliance with the national
legislations, namely the Civil Aviation Act 1969 and the Civil Aviation Regulations 2016,
together with its related ICAO Annexes to the Chicago Convention and ICAO Docs. The
Aviation Security Division is responsible for safeguarding domestic and international civil
aviation against acts of unlawful interference, as guided by the ICAO Annexes 9, 17 and 18,
as well as DOC 8973 and DOC 9284. The Air Traffic Management Sector is responsible for
the provision of air traffic service for the safe and efficient conduct of flight within Malaysian
airspace pursuant to the Chicago Convention 1947. Air Traffic Service is a generic term
which encompasses air traffic control, advisory, flight information and alerting service. The
function of this Sector is to regulate flight operations activities inclusive of aircrew licensing
and air/ground operator certification. The Flight Calibration Division of this sector provides
navigational aids calibration services locally and regionally. The primary role of Airport
Standards Division is to regulate aerodrome activities in ensuring safe and efficient
operations for public safety in the vicinity of aerodromes.
In conclusion, DCAM to continuously enhance safety , security and effiency for a
sustainable aviation industry.

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